*Islam Murdering Christians IN Egypt: Targeting You*


Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

1. To them Christians are a reminder to them of you Americans/Europeans, so they kill Christians, they want to do the same here/there, and if things keep going the way it is here in USA they will, already started in Europe.
2. America is sleeping, go ahead and take your rest, rest in peace, Europeans alarm clock is ringing, some are awake now.

Link: Egyptian Govt Calls On Morsi Supporters to End Violence, as Islamists Burn Down Scores of Christian Churches and Homes | TheTower.org

...............................^^^^^^.......... Have already pissed your pants in fear?? :cuckoo: :lol:
The more guys with big bushy beards that I see lying dead in the streets of Cairo, the better. The only good muslim is a dead muslim.
The brotherhood will attack the weak/vulnerable...tht is what terrorists do. The weak will blame the government or not protecting them. And so it goes. Obabble will watch in between putts and spades.
The brotherhood are so pissed right now that I'd hate to see what they do to their wives who must take a fucking beating when these frustrated retards go home at night. The military should probably carpet bomb them with soap, deodorant and toothpaste.

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