Islam must be confronted, not coddled


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
These beasts are coddled by the the left...

Experts: Islam must be confronted, not coddled

Friday, January 9, 2015
Chad Groening

A former Justice Department attorney says despite the declaration by the perpetrators of this week's terrorist attack in Paris, President Obama and others on the left continue to deny the Islamic connection to the massacre.

In the wake of Wednesday's horrific murder of 12 people at a Paris newspaper office, liberals – including President Obama – have once again refused to acknowledge that the attack was "Islamic terrorism." Obama just referred to the attack as "terrorism" – which J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department attorney, finds perplexing.
"The perpetrators say they're doing it in the name of Islam," Adams points out. "So you have to confront the Islamic component one way or another because the murderers themselves are saying that it is Islam and they're muttering Islamic prayers as they're doing the murders.

"So let's figure out why Islam seems to be the trademark for so many murderers around the world."

Adams, who now serves as legal editor for PJ Media, also finds it ridiculous that former Democratic National Committee chair Howard Dean said the Paris terrorist killers were not Muslim, but members of some kind of cult.

"Folks like Howard Dean and the president have a seriously difficult time identifying evil. I think they're actually uncomfortable with the entire notion," he suggests. "It's [the terrorists themselves] who are saying I'm doing this in the name of Islam – it's not conservatives accusing them of that. They're confessing as they do these things, so obviously there's a problem. How it gets resolved remains to be seen."
Adams says the barbarians who believe they are acting consistent with Islamic teaching are a threat to civilization now and in the foreseeable future.

European backlash against 'Islamisation'

In the days before the attack in France, rallies were taking place in neighboring Germany by thousands of citizens frustrated with the way the Islamic influence has been allowed to grow in the country. While Chancellor Angela Merkel denounced the protests in her own country as "racist," she described the Paris attack as "an attack against the values we all hold dear, values by which we stand, values of freedom of the press, freedom in general, and the dignity of man."

National defense analyst Robert Maginnis believes the terrorist attack in Paris is just the latest example of why there is a growing backlash against the Islamisation of Europe. The senior fellow for national security at the Family Research Council points to a major undercurrent throughout Western Europe against the failure of the Muslim populations to integrate into the culture.

"So as a result you get these Islamic ghettos that are all over Western Europe that don't allow the policemen [to come in], don't use the language, don't allow the culture – and there is a backlash," he tells OneNewsNow. "It's been brewing for the last two decades, and I think it's intensifying even now."


Experts: Islam must be confronted, not coddled
You have to understand that this is coming from the top. The very top. It was planned out years ago. Kissinger eluded to it in a Bilderberg meeting where he said by 2017 Americans would be begging the UN to come in and take over - that we would exchange our freedoms for protection - it's being engineered, American Jihad. Here's an article that kind of spells it out - what Sutherland implemented in Europe - Obama and Hillary are trying to implement here. Their problem is that they cannot disarm us. How can you disarm over 300 million people when you can't find their guns - and the guns aren't registered? You can't. How are you going to arrest 300 million people? There are not enough jails. America is different from Europe because we are armed while they have been disarmed.

EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief - BBC News

The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said.
Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.
He also suggested the UK government's immigration policy had no basis in international law.
He was being quizzed by the Lords EU home affairs sub-committee which is investigating global migration.
Mr Sutherland, who is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP, heads the Global Forum on Migration and Development , which brings together representatives of 160 nations to share policy ideas.

He told the House of Lords committee migration was a "crucial dynamic for economic growth" in some EU nations "however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states".

Peter Sutherland is a Luciferean like the Clintons, Kissinger and others who are behind the global depopulation agenda / Agenda 21/ etc. In their world, the end justifies the means. Even if it means billions of people dying. These are elitist Lucifereans. They have no conscience. People are wasting their time trying to appeal to their conscience. They don't have one. note - this article is from 2012. You'll notice the meetings are no longer in the news - they are rolling their plan out now.

Oh - one more thing - the excuse that bringing in millions of immigrants (the plan from the beginning was Muslim Immigrants) - UN uses the USA to kick off wars in ME to drive the Muslim people to Europe and North America - the excuse that it would bring prosperity was a full on lie - he is speaking of Luciferian prosperity - theirs - not Europe and NA (north America) their intention is to reduce all the West to 3rd world status in order to enslave us and move forward with their depopulation plan. They will wipe out the Muslims when they are finished using them for their engineered "crisis"....
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You have to understand that this is coming from the top. The very top. It was planned out years ago. Kissinger eluded to it in a Bilderberg meeting where he said by 2017 Americans would be begging the UN to come in and take over - that we would exchange our freedoms for protection - it's being engineered, American Jihad. Here's an article that kind of spells it out - what Sutherland implemented in Europe - Obama and Hillary are trying to implement here. Their problem is that they cannot disarm us. How can you disarm over 300 million people when you can't find their guns - and the guns aren't registered? You can't. How are you going to arrest 300 million people? There are not enough jails. America is different from Europe because we are armed while they have been disarmed.

EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief - BBC News

The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said.
Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.
He also suggested the UK government's immigration policy had no basis in international law.
He was being quizzed by the Lords EU home affairs sub-committee which is investigating global migration.
Mr Sutherland, who is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP, heads the Global Forum on Migration and Development , which brings together representatives of 160 nations to share policy ideas.

He told the House of Lords committee migration was a "crucial dynamic for economic growth" in some EU nations "however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states".

Peter Sutherland is a Luciferean like the Clintons, Kissinger and others who are behind the global depopulation agenda / Agenda 21/ etc. In their world, the end justifies the means. Even if it means billions of people dying. These are elitist Lucifereans. They have no conscience. People are wasting their time trying to appeal to their conscience. They don't have one. note - this article is from 2012. You'll notice the meetings are no longer in the news - they are rolling their plan out now.

Oh - one more thing - the excuse that bringing in millions of immigrants (the plan from the beginning was Muslim Immigrants) - UN uses the USA to kick off wars in ME to drive the Muslim people to Europe and North America - the excuse that it would bring prosperity was a full on lie - he is speaking of Luciferian prosperity - theirs - not Europe and NA (north America) their intention is to reduce all the West to 3rd world status in order to enslave us and move forward with their depopulation plan. They will wipe out the Muslims when they are finished using them for their engineered "crisis"....

This is him in the video - notice the difference in his appearance - some of them use multiple names, doubles, etc. Peter Sutherland would be one of the key people responsible for the invasion of Europe right now - but help came from Kissinger, Strauss Kahn (the guy who raped the NY made and is back as head of IMF) all the Solvay brothers Belgium - Lucifereans and one of the main culprits Etienne Davignon - head of Bildeberg who is actually a Solvay by birth but changed his name to hide his identity.

They do not like being put on film. But the guy that took the video got the goods..... it was his day! To be clear Peter Sutherland is pure evil. If you will take a good look at his face - his countenance and his eyes - you're looking at one of the most evil men in the world. He's inside the inner circle - orchestrating the mass Muslim immigration into Europe and NA & mass murder on a global scale with his Luciferean brethren. If there are any prayer warriors in the house this is one man who should be prayed against, his plans, his agenda - it's all evil.
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Islam is certainly a fucked religion. With the types of weapons we have in the 21st century, it's very possible the world can't afford to wait and let Islam come to its senses naturally the way Christianity and Judaism did. It may have to be forced on them.

The world leaders have their hands tied behind their backs because of these guys, OS. It's not so simple. Merkel answers to the people who answer to Sutherland, Solvay, Strauss Kahn , Beuckart, Davignon, & others who are calling the shots. Merkel may as well be reading from a script. She has to abide by their playbook (and she sold her soul to do it. She sold out - (many of the EU politicians have). The UN is not what it appears to be. International law is something these guys created in order to overcome and destroy the sovereignty and borders of nations. It sounds so out there that it's hard to talk about. Anyway, before I turn in - I'll give you one example - biggest recipient of a "bank loan" from our trillion dollar give away to foreign banks some years back? Was a Solvay owned bank. These guys give away palaces and have cities named after them all over the world - Look up Solvay NY for example - and we gave their bank the biggest loan of ALL the banks. It wasn't really a loan. Ben Bernanke knew they wouldn't ever pay it back. They just took it because they can.

Goodnight all.
Well we should not have bought into multi-culturalism to begin with. Any moron should have been able to realize that if you don't have a unified culture, then inherently there will be a clash of cultures. The Jews had the right idea in the early 1900s. When Jews came to the US, they would educate new Jews of how to be an American.

Indians today have the same thing. In New York city, new Indian immigrants are taught basic American customs.

But this push to allow multi-culturalism, and tell everyone they don't have to adapt to the culture around them.... and then they don't. And now we have a huge problem. And it feeds this "us and them" mentality, that Islamic State is exploiting.

In addition, we have screwed up ourselves, because we have failed to teach basic morals, and additionally we don't have children anymore. If it wasn't for immigration, the population of the US would be declaiming. That means every day, every week, every month, every year, the number of people immigrating into the US, is greater than the number born here.

Well obviously that means our cultural will decline, and the Islamic culture will grow. Not because of converts, but simply due to birth rate verses immigration rate.

Ultimately this is going to result in a power struggle. And I'd wager a violent one. Unless the trend reverses, and people start having more kids.... but American culture is too selfish, and too stuck on money, for that to happen.
"Islam must be confronted, not coddled"

Bigoted nonsense.

What needs to be confronted is this sort of ignorance and hate directed at Muslims.

What do you suppose should be done about the bigotry, ignorance, hate - and violence - directed at everyone else by Muslims that is thinly veiled as an expression of religious devotion?
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These beasts are coddled by the the left...

Experts: Islam must be confronted, not coddled

Friday, January 9, 2015
Chad Groening

A former Justice Department attorney says despite the declaration by the perpetrators of this week's terrorist attack in Paris, President Obama and others on the left continue to deny the Islamic connection to the massacre.

In the wake of Wednesday's horrific murder of 12 people at a Paris newspaper office, liberals – including President Obama – have once again refused to acknowledge that the attack was "Islamic terrorism." Obama just referred to the attack as "terrorism" – which J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department attorney, finds perplexing.
"The perpetrators say they're doing it in the name of Islam," Adams points out. "So you have to confront the Islamic component one way or another because the murderers themselves are saying that it is Islam and they're muttering Islamic prayers as they're doing the murders.

"So let's figure out why Islam seems to be the trademark for so many murderers around the world."

Adams, who now serves as legal editor for PJ Media, also finds it ridiculous that former Democratic National Committee chair Howard Dean said the Paris terrorist killers were not Muslim, but members of some kind of cult.

"Folks like Howard Dean and the president have a seriously difficult time identifying evil. I think they're actually uncomfortable with the entire notion," he suggests. "It's [the terrorists themselves] who are saying I'm doing this in the name of Islam – it's not conservatives accusing them of that. They're confessing as they do these things, so obviously there's a problem. How it gets resolved remains to be seen."
Adams says the barbarians who believe they are acting consistent with Islamic teaching are a threat to civilization now and in the foreseeable future.

European backlash against 'Islamisation'

In the days before the attack in France, rallies were taking place in neighboring Germany by thousands of citizens frustrated with the way the Islamic influence has been allowed to grow in the country. While Chancellor Angela Merkel denounced the protests in her own country as "racist," she described the Paris attack as "an attack against the values we all hold dear, values by which we stand, values of freedom of the press, freedom in general, and the dignity of man."

National defense analyst Robert Maginnis believes the terrorist attack in Paris is just the latest example of why there is a growing backlash against the Islamisation of Europe. The senior fellow for national security at the Family Research Council points to a major undercurrent throughout Western Europe against the failure of the Muslim populations to integrate into the culture.

"So as a result you get these Islamic ghettos that are all over Western Europe that don't allow the policemen [to come in], don't use the language, don't allow the culture – and there is a backlash," he tells OneNewsNow. "It's been brewing for the last two decades, and I think it's intensifying even now."


Experts: Islam must be confronted, not coddled
So what are you doing? Besides hiding behind a computer. Anything at all? :dunno:
These beasts are coddled by the the left...

Experts: Islam must be confronted, not coddled

Friday, January 9, 2015
Chad Groening

A former Justice Department attorney says despite the declaration by the perpetrators of this week's terrorist attack in Paris, President Obama and others on the left continue to deny the Islamic connection to the massacre.

In the wake of Wednesday's horrific murder of 12 people at a Paris newspaper office, liberals – including President Obama – have once again refused to acknowledge that the attack was "Islamic terrorism." Obama just referred to the attack as "terrorism" – which J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department attorney, finds perplexing.
"The perpetrators say they're doing it in the name of Islam," Adams points out. "So you have to confront the Islamic component one way or another because the murderers themselves are saying that it is Islam and they're muttering Islamic prayers as they're doing the murders.

"So let's figure out why Islam seems to be the trademark for so many murderers around the world."

Adams, who now serves as legal editor for PJ Media, also finds it ridiculous that former Democratic National Committee chair Howard Dean said the Paris terrorist killers were not Muslim, but members of some kind of cult.

"Folks like Howard Dean and the president have a seriously difficult time identifying evil. I think they're actually uncomfortable with the entire notion," he suggests. "It's [the terrorists themselves] who are saying I'm doing this in the name of Islam – it's not conservatives accusing them of that. They're confessing as they do these things, so obviously there's a problem. How it gets resolved remains to be seen."
Adams says the barbarians who believe they are acting consistent with Islamic teaching are a threat to civilization now and in the foreseeable future.

European backlash against 'Islamisation'

In the days before the attack in France, rallies were taking place in neighboring Germany by thousands of citizens frustrated with the way the Islamic influence has been allowed to grow in the country. While Chancellor Angela Merkel denounced the protests in her own country as "racist," she described the Paris attack as "an attack against the values we all hold dear, values by which we stand, values of freedom of the press, freedom in general, and the dignity of man."

National defense analyst Robert Maginnis believes the terrorist attack in Paris is just the latest example of why there is a growing backlash against the Islamisation of Europe. The senior fellow for national security at the Family Research Council points to a major undercurrent throughout Western Europe against the failure of the Muslim populations to integrate into the culture.

"So as a result you get these Islamic ghettos that are all over Western Europe that don't allow the policemen [to come in], don't use the language, don't allow the culture – and there is a backlash," he tells OneNewsNow. "It's been brewing for the last two decades, and I think it's intensifying even now."


Experts: Islam must be confronted, not coddled
So what are you doing? Besides hiding behind a computer. Anything at all? :dunno:
Getting a reaction out of you.
Well we should not have bought into multi-culturalism to begin with. Any moron should have been able to realize that if you don't have a unified culture, then inherently there will be a clash of cultures. The Jews had the right idea in the early 1900s. When Jews came to the US, they would educate new Jews of how to be an American.

Indians today have the same thing. In New York city, new Indian immigrants are taught basic American customs.

But this push to allow multi-culturalism, and tell everyone they don't have to adapt to the culture around them.... and then they don't. And now we have a huge problem. And it feeds this "us and them" mentality, that Islamic State is exploiting.

In addition, we have screwed up ourselves, because we have failed to teach basic morals, and additionally we don't have children anymore. If it wasn't for immigration, the population of the US would be declaiming. That means every day, every week, every month, every year, the number of people immigrating into the US, is greater than the number born here.

Well obviously that means our cultural will decline, and the Islamic culture will grow. Not because of converts, but simply due to birth rate verses immigration rate.

Ultimately this is going to result in a power struggle. And I'd wager a violent one. Unless the trend reverses, and people start having more kids.... but American culture is too selfish, and too stuck on money, for that to happen.
If you will read the BBC report and Sutherland's words - he stated up front the people would not "understand"......... in other words, he knew they might actually think before agreeing to such a suicidal plan and he was stating - it has to go through anyway - similar to when Obama says, We don't have a choice - we must go forward for the sake of prosperity, blah, blah, blah.

It's an "international thing."
Get it now?
You have to understand that this is coming from the top. The very top. It was planned out years ago. Kissinger eluded to it in a Bilderberg meeting where he said by 2017 Americans would be begging the UN to come in and take over - that we would exchange our freedoms for protection - it's being engineered, American Jihad. Here's an article that kind of spells it out - what Sutherland implemented in Europe - Obama and Hillary are trying to implement here. Their problem is that they cannot disarm us. How can you disarm over 300 million people when you can't find their guns - and the guns aren't registered? You can't. How are you going to arrest 300 million people? There are not enough jails. America is different from Europe because we are armed while they have been disarmed.

EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief - BBC News

The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said.
Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.
He also suggested the UK government's immigration policy had no basis in international law.
He was being quizzed by the Lords EU home affairs sub-committee which is investigating global migration.
Mr Sutherland, who is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP, heads the Global Forum on Migration and Development , which brings together representatives of 160 nations to share policy ideas.

He told the House of Lords committee migration was a "crucial dynamic for economic growth" in some EU nations "however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states".

Peter Sutherland is a Luciferean like the Clintons, Kissinger and others who are behind the global depopulation agenda / Agenda 21/ etc. In their world, the end justifies the means. Even if it means billions of people dying. These are elitist Lucifereans. They have no conscience. People are wasting their time trying to appeal to their conscience. They don't have one. note - this article is from 2012. You'll notice the meetings are no longer in the news - they are rolling their plan out now.

Oh - one more thing - the excuse that bringing in millions of immigrants (the plan from the beginning was Muslim Immigrants) - UN uses the USA to kick off wars in ME to drive the Muslim people to Europe and North America - the excuse that it would bring prosperity was a full on lie - he is speaking of Luciferian prosperity - theirs - not Europe and NA (north America) their intention is to reduce all the West to 3rd world status in order to enslave us and move forward with their depopulation plan. They will wipe out the Muslims when they are finished using them for their engineered "crisis"....

This is him in the video - notice the difference in his appearance - some of them use multiple names, doubles, etc. Peter Sutherland would be one of the key people responsible for the invasion of Europe right now - but help came from Kissinger, Strauss Kahn (the guy who raped the NY made and is back as head of IMF) all the Solvay brothers Belgium - Lucifereans and one of the main culprits Etienne Davignon - head of Bildeberg who is actually a Solvay by birth but changed his name to hide his identity.

They do not like being put on film. But the guy that took the video got the goods..... it was his day! To be clear Peter Sutherland is pure evil. If you will take a good look at his face - his countenance and his eyes - you're looking at one of the most evil men in the world. He's inside the inner circle - orchestrating the mass Muslim immigration into Europe and NA & mass murder on a global scale with his Luciferean brethren. If there are any prayer warriors in the house this is one man who should be prayed against, his plans, his agenda - it's all evil.

That was supposed to read Strauss Kahn the IMF Chief who raped the NY maid - not made - does anyone remember her and how CAIR kept their mouth shut? Yeah, that should have been a red flag right there.

So if the readers will open the screen and pay attention to the questions you see that they quote Davignon as saying Bilderberg was behind the formation of EU and Euro - they quote NATO Sec. stated that policy must be set by "political spheres"..... they are talking about Bilderberg inner circle -the outer circle gives it a picture of respectability which was the purpose behind creating YPO - which google has very little about - but YPO (Young Presidents Organization) selects members from a specific group of qualified individuals - you must become a millionaire before age 50 and have a company worth 10 million dollars (and that was back in the 50's - Kissinger headed that one up) and from that pool they select the cream of the crop to become members of Bilderberg and once again - you think you are looking at a group of Corporation Owners / leaders/ in industry, etc. It worked well for them because today we see that Corporations are the scapegoat - claimed to be behind the NWO but it is really the inner circle of Bilderberg who are exclusively Lucifereans.

The reason these two guys are walking without bodyguards - the bodyguards would be a dead giveaway - they try to be remain incognito - where these young guys missed it - they should have had a car waiting to follow the car these guys eventually got into. The more information they can gather - the better. Again - if you look at Peter Sutherland's profile in BBC article - he is the man leading the way in mass immigration of Muslims to Europe. This is what these guys have been up to behind closed doors for years. Now you know! Amazing, isn't it?
Peter Sutherland and Ban Ki Moon - head of UN - Bilderberg Lucifereans kept him in for a second term which ends Dec. 2016

Another Luciferean - head of Bilderberg in rare video footage - he uses the name Etienne Davignon - that isn't his real name. His real name is Solvay. He is a son of Solvay and one of the richest elitists in the world. The Solvay's host child sex parties at their castle in Belgium which the King of Belgium is known to attend. One NATO official was horrified after witnessing what goes on at Solvay "Parties." These child sex parties are attended by EU leadership, Kings, Queens, world leaders, NATO and IMF big wigs.

Uploaded on Sep 12, 2009
Davignon is one of the most influential politicians in Europe. Still not many people knows who he is, and even fewer knows what he looks like. Here he is in an interview on the Heysel disaster where dozens of football supporters lost their lives before the cup final 29 May 1985.
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Here is Dr. John Coleman:

Uploaded on Sep 12, 2009
Davignon is one of the most influential politicians in Europe. Still not many people knows who he is, and even fewer knows what he looks like. Here he is in an interview on the Heysel disaster where dozens of football supporters lost their lives before the cup final 29 May 1985.

Supporters were fleeing from the terraces and some even came running into the VIP lounge, where Etienne Davignon was sitting together with his friend Henry Kissinger. Davignon owned the only mobile phone on Heysel stadium 1985.

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