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Islamic Terrorists Crossing Our Southern Border


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Texas Border Ranchers Fear for Their Lives and Families – Ask Veterans for Help

I don't give a damn that this is clearly a right-wing/conservative site! The story is something we should all be concerned about. It has little to do with the laxity of protecting this country and all about the threat is poses to each and every one of us – regardless of political beliefs or ideals.

YOU must think about your family – your kids – your future.

Read the story @ Oath Keepers Blog Archive Texas Border Ranchers Fear for Their Lives and Families 8211 Ask Veterans for Help
Granny thought she seen a terrorist once - but he turned out to be a cab driver...

Immigration Caseworkers Union: 'We Are Letting Terrorists into U.S. Right Through Front Door'
September 18, 2014 - The U.S. is letting terrorists in "right through our front door," Kenneth Palinkas, president of the 12,000-member union of government immigration caseworkers and adjudicators warned today.
In a statement concerning the planned administrative amnesty, ISIS, and the threat of terrorism, National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council (NCISC) Pres. Palinkas warns also warns that "ISIS will exploit our loose and lax visa policies to gain entry into United States": "The National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council represents 12,000 dedicated immigration caseworkers and adjudicators who are on the front lines in the fight to keep terrorists out of the United States. In addition to the extremely real and serious threat that ISIS has already or will soon slip across our porous southern border, it is also essential to warn the public about the threat that ISIS will exploit our loose and lax visa policies to gain entry to the United States. "Indeed, as we know from the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993, from the 9/11 terrorist attacks, from the Boston Bombing, from the recent plot to bomb a school and courthouse in Connecticut, and many other lesser-known terror incidents, we are letting terrorists into the United States right through our front door."

Palinkas also charges that the Obama Administration is actively blocking efforts by ICE officers to protect Americans: "In fact, this Administration has widened the loopholes that terrorists could use to gain entry to the United States through our asylum system. The Administration has also blocked our partners in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from enforcing visa overstays." "Applications for entry are rubber-stamped, the result of grading agents by speed rather than discretion. We've become the visa clearinghouse for the world," he says.

Palinkas concludes by calling the administration's new $2 billion immigration computer program intended to replace human judgment "an absolute failure": "Finally, I would note the failed 'transformation' computer system into which this government has poured $2 billion dollars. This system is an attempt to replace human judgment with a rote computer program, and has proven to be an absolute failure. The answer is more in-person interviews, more officers and adjudicators, not to undertake the 'transformation' of our immigration system by removing human judgment."

The full text of Palinkas' statement is presented below:

See also:

FBI Director Warns of ‘Terrorist Diaspora’
September 17, 2014 – FBI Director James Comey said on Wednesday that the foreign fighters who have joined the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or Levant (ISIL) in Syria would eventually return to their country of origin, including the United States, to launch attacks.
“I’m very concerned about the going,” Comey testified at a House Homeland Security Committee hearing. “I’m even more concerned about the coming. “There will be a terrorist diaspora out of those areas – especially Syria – that we all wake up every day thinking and worrying about,” Comey said.

In his prepared remarks, Comey said that those foreign fighters include individuals with U.S. passports. “The continuing violence in both Syria and Iraq and the influx of foreign fighters threatens to further destabilize an already volatile region while also heightening the threat to the West,” Comey said. “Due to the prolonged nature and the high visibility of the Syrian conflict, we are concerned that U.S. persons with an interest in committing violent extremist acts will continue to be drawn to the region. “Foreign fighters traveling to Syria or Iraq could, for example, gain battlefield experience and increased exposure to violent extremist elements that may lead to further radicalization to violence; they may use these skills and exposure to radical ideology to return to their countries of origin, including the United States, to conduct attacks on the Homeland,” Comey said.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, who also testified at the hearing, also acknowledged the threat of foreign fighters. In his prepared remarks, he said DHS, along with the FBI and the National Center for Counterterrorism, are “making enhanced and concerted efforts to track Syrian foreign fighters who come from or seek to enter this country.” “We are concerned that not only may these foreign fighters join ISIL or other violent extremist groups in Syria, they may also be recruited by these violent extremist groups to leave Syria and conduct external attacks,” Johnson said. “The FBI has arrested a number of individuals who have tried to travel from the U.S. to Syria to support terrorist activities there,” he added.

More than 15,000 foreign fighters have traveled to Syria over the past three years, including approximately 2,000 Westerners, Johnson said, adding that more than 100 Americans have traveled or attempted to travel to Syria “to join the fight there in one way or another.”

FBI Director Warns of Terrorist Diaspora CNS News
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Im waaaaay more concerned with millions of pos cheap labors coming over the border. It is far more dammaging to our country.
Texas Border Ranchers Fear for Their Lives and Families – Ask Veterans for Help

I don't give a damn that this is clearly a right-wing/conservative site! The story is something we should all be concerned about. It has little to do with the laxity of protecting this country and all about the threat is poses to each and every one of us – regardless of political beliefs or ideals.

YOU must think about your family – your kids – your future.

Read the story @ Oath Keepers Blog Archive Texas Border Ranchers Fear for Their Lives and Families 8211 Ask Veterans for Help

Oh God, we're all gonna die!!!!

Didn't we hear something like this 4 years ago?...

'Controlling the Border Is Going to Be a Real Issue' in 2016
November 12, 2015 | Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says it's "not practical" to deport millions of illegal immigrants, but he said "virtually everybody" on the Republican side agrees we should build a wall and control who enters the country. "I think controlling the border is going to be a real issue" in the next presidential election, Gingrich told Fox News's Greta Van Susteren Wednesday evening.
He noted that Democrat Martin O'Malley has criticized Hillary Clinton for saying she would have sent thousands of Central American children home. Van Susteren asked Gringrich why a Democrat would advocate open borders: "Because they are nuts," Gringrich responded. "I mean, I can't give you -- in the age of ISIS, in the age when the Europeans just captured an al Qaeda leader who would come in as a Syrian refugee, I mean, I can't explain why some Democrats are so out of touch with reality that they advocate things that are by any reasonable standards suicidal." Republican Donald Trump says he would build a wall and deport 11 million illegal aliens, but Gingrich indicated that such a vast deportation plan is nutty, too: "Well, I think building the wall is clearly possible," Gringrich said.

But as for Trump's deportation plan -- "I think that's not practical at all at a very human level. Imagine the number of churches that will become sanctuaries. Imagine the number of families in which half of them are American citizens born in the U.S. And now you are going to go ahead and you're going to become the party that destroys families?" Gingrich asked. "And I think you have to look him in the eye and say, let's go down and visit the school in your neighborhood, or the church in your neighborhood, or the store in your neighborhood, Donald, where you are going to walk in and I'm going to point out the people you are going to uproot. "Now, are you really going to do that? And the truth is you are not. And grandmother, as I said in 2012, ain't going to self-deport. So you are going to have immigration police who go out and rip apart families and leave the American born half here and send the other half?


A US Border Patrol agent looks toward Tijuana, Mexico along the old border wall.​

"And this is the party that believes in the family? I think once you get into that level of conversation, what people want to know is you're going to stop from coming in. You are going to control the border. You are going to find a way to make everybody legally accountable. "And over a very long period of time people might get citizenship, but they are not getting it next year. They're not going to get it in the near future. And to get it, they have to learn English and they have to learn American history at which point, frankly, they will be prepared to be Americans."

Gingrich said "the great genius of America" is that over time, "we are going to talk this through." "When you look at the impact of illegal immigration on Los Angeles today, where the number of people who are potentially available for Medicaid is extraordinary because we have tolerated this enormous wave of people who have come into the U.S. who don't have language skills, don't have very good job skills, want to work very hard but aren't prepared for the modern economy, and this is a, this is a real national problem."

Gingrich: 'Controlling the Border Is Going to Be a Real Issue' in 2016

See also:

Jeb Bush: 'It's Not Embracing American Values' to Deport Illegal Aliens
November 11, 2015 | "The way you win the presidency is to have practical plans," and that does not include deporting millions of illegal aliens, Republican Jeb Bush said at Tuesday night's debate hosted by Fox Business Network.
"Twelve million illegal immigrants, to send them back, 500,000 a month, is just not -- not possible. And it's not embracing American values. And it would tear communities apart. And it would send a signal that we're not the kind of country that I know America is," he said. Bush indicated that Republicans shouldn't even be having such a discussion:

"And even having this conversation sends a powerful signal -- they're doing high-fives in the Clinton campaign right now when they hear this. That's the problem with this. We have to win the presidency. And the way you win the presidency is to have practical plans. Lay them out there. "What we need to do is allow people to earn legal status where they pay a fine, where they work, where they don't commit crimes, where they learn English, and over an extended period of time, they earn legal status. That's the path -- a proper path...

Republican Donald Trump, who favors deportation, jumped in: "We have millions of people right now on line trying to come into this country. Very, very unfair to the people that want to come into our country legally. They've gone through the process. They're on line. They're waiting. Very, very unfair to them. That I can tell you," Trump said.

Jeb Bush: 'It's Not Embracing American Values' to Deport Illegal Aliens
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