Islamist parties made dramatic advances in Egypt's parliamentary elections !~


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009
Cairo (CNN) -- Islamist parties made dramatic advances in Egypt's parliamentary elections during the first round of voting for lawmakers this week, a result reflecting a growing embrace of religious-oriented sentiment across turbulent North Africa.

"We accept the results of the elections in any case because it's the will of the people, and our rivals should embrace it too because this is the true democracy we fought for and we wish our liberal brothers better results in the next two rounds," Mahmoud Ghozlan, spokesman of the relatively moderate Muslim Brotherhood, whose Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) won 40% of the vote.

Islamists fare well in first round of Egypt's elections -

And yes, it can happen here. When there are enough of them. Anyone who thought 'Arab Spring' was about them wanting to be more like the US is crazy. Once all those countries vote in the muslim brotherhood and the unite, our interests in the middle east will be history.
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Then so be it. They can and will govern themselves. We cannot nor should we try and do it for them. Empire building is never a good thing.
Then so be it. They can and will govern themselves. We cannot nor should we try and do it for them. Empire building is never a good thing.

They will eventually govern you. Denial is more than just a river in Egypt. I've seen them both.
Uncle Ferd says it's so's dey can take over gov'ts. an' legalize marryin' white womens...
Political Islam poised to dominate the new world bequeathed by Arab spring
Saturday 3 December 2011 - The Muslim Brotherhood's success in the first round of Egypt's elections has added to western fears of an Islamist future for the Middle East. But this does not necessarily mean that democracy and liberal policies face extinction
Among the potent symbols of the Arab spring is one that has been less photographed and remarked on than the vast gatherings in Tahrir Square. It has been the relocation of the offices of the Muslim Brotherhood, the once banned party, now set to take the largest share of seats in Egypt's new parliament. Before May this year they were to be found in shabby rooms in an unremarkable apartment block on Cairo's Gezira Island, situated behind an unmarked door. These days the Brotherhood is to be found in gleaming new accommodation in the Muqatam neighbourhood, in a dedicated building prominently bearing the movement's logo in Arabic and English.

Welcome to the age of "political Islam", which may prove to be one of the most lasting legacies of the Arab spring. It is not only in Egypt that an unprecedented Islamist political moment is playing out. In the recent Tunisian elections the moderate Islamist Ennahda party was the biggest winner, while Morocco has elected its first Islamist prime minister, Abdelilah Benkirane. In Yemen and Libya, too, it seems likely that political Islam will define the shape of the new landscape. None of which should be at all surprising. Indeed, if elections in Egypt and Tunisia had been held at any other time in the past two decades, the same result would almost certainly have ensued, reflecting both the levels of organisation of Ennahda and the Brotherhood and the countries' cultural, economic and social dynamics.

"It was a change that was supposed to happen a long time ago," says Omar Ashour, who lectures on the subject of political Islam at Exeter University and is currently in Cairo. So what, precisely, does the rise of electoral Islamist politics mean for the Middle East and North Africa?

More Political Islam poised to dominate the new world bequeathed by Arab spring | World news | The Observer
Then so be it. They can and will govern themselves. We cannot nor should we try and do it for them. Empire building is never a good thing.

They will eventually govern you. Denial is more than just a river in Egypt. I've seen them both.

And just where does this unfounded fear that they will govern us come from? How is the government in Egypt determining the government here? What am I in denial about?

I would venture a guess that you have no real coherent answer to any of these questions.
There should be laws that deny religious leaders positions in the government.

Too many people are ignorant about Islam and other religions. People who say it's Islamiphobia are usually the ones who don't understand Islam.
It is the will of the people. We want a world of democracy where the people decide and that is what's happening. The danger to America is not the election of Islamist's but the potential of radical Islamist's taking over the leadership and uniting these countries and calling for a Jihad against Christians and Jews and starting a religious war. This is the underlying threat to world peace that potentially could turn the southern part of Europe and Asia into a maelstrom of fire and brimstone.

The stage is becoming set. The World's superpower has reached its its peak and its decline is evident and the rise of Islam is apparent. The European bloc is in disarray and may fracture or coalesce under an Deutschland umbrella (the Fourth Reich) and the Russians are right now undergoing elections to determine their future. Things are moving fast and in this day and age Governments fall quickly (Soviet Empire) and the marginalization of the US may be but a few years down the road. Rumblings are being heard deep in China too and with the economic slowdown there change may be on the horizon.

This decade appears to be a decade of change. What will the world look like in 2010?
It is the will of the people. We want a world of democracy where the people decide and that is what's happening. The danger to America is not the election of Islamist's but the potential of radical Islamist's taking over the leadership and uniting these countries and calling for a Jihad against Christians and Jews and starting a religious war. This is the underlying threat to world peace that potentially could turn the southern part of Europe and Asia into a maelstrom of fire and brimstone.

The stage is becoming set. The World's superpower has reached its its peak and its decline is evident and the rise of Islam is apparent. The European bloc is in disarray and may fracture or coalesce under an Deutschland umbrella (the Fourth Reich) and the Russians are right now undergoing elections to determine their future. Things are moving fast and in this day and age Governments fall quickly (Soviet Empire) and the marginalization of the US may be but a few years down the road. Rumblings are being heard deep in China too and with the economic slowdown there change may be on the horizon.

This decade appears to be a decade of change. What will the world look like in 2010?

IF they were able to form some multinational empire, and IF that empire abandoned pragmatic co-existance for belligerance, at that point the rest of the world would be 100% able to kick thier asses with zero guilt. At that point, the people of those countries would have voted the governments causing the problem into power, and thus would be unable to hide behind the "its our dictatorial government thats an asshole, not us" defense.
Cairo (CNN) -- Islamist parties made dramatic advances in Egypt's parliamentary elections during the first round of voting for lawmakers this week, a result reflecting a growing embrace of religious-oriented sentiment across turbulent North Africa.

"We accept the results of the elections in any case because it's the will of the people, and our rivals should embrace it too because this is the true democracy we fought for and we wish our liberal brothers better results in the next two rounds," Mahmoud Ghozlan, spokesman of the relatively moderate Muslim Brotherhood, whose Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) won 40% of the vote.

Islamists fare well in first round of Egypt's elections -

And yes, it can happen here. When there are enough of them. Anyone who thought 'Arab Spring' was about them wanting to be more like the US is crazy. Once all those countries vote in the muslim brotherhood and the unite, our interests in the middle east will be history.

Not happening her anytime soon. Maybe a Latino Spring or more like a succession movement in Southwest. But no Islamic takeover anytime soon.

Mother Russia is another story. Muslims make up 25% of Russia and make say that is conservative that it's closer to 30%. Right now the Russian population is decreasing and that's because the Native white population is rapidly decreasing and not having any babies. HOWEVER, the Russian Muslim population is rapidly increasing. At the current rate it will have a muslim majority by 2050! Scary to think the largest nuclear arsenal in the world will be in the hands of Muslims.

Predicting a Majority-Muslim Russia :: Daniel Pipes
Cairo (CNN) -- Islamist parties made dramatic advances in Egypt's parliamentary elections during the first round of voting for lawmakers this week, a result reflecting a growing embrace of religious-oriented sentiment across turbulent North Africa.

"We accept the results of the elections in any case because it's the will of the people, and our rivals should embrace it too because this is the true democracy we fought for and we wish our liberal brothers better results in the next two rounds," Mahmoud Ghozlan, spokesman of the relatively moderate Muslim Brotherhood, whose Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) won 40% of the vote.

Islamists fare well in first round of Egypt's elections -

And yes, it can happen here. When there are enough of them. Anyone who thought 'Arab Spring' was about them wanting to be more like the US is crazy. Once all those countries vote in the muslim brotherhood and the unite, our interests in the middle east will be history.

I fear for the Christians of Egypt. Since Murbarak fell, they have been under constant attack by the Islamist. Now with the Islamist about to take over Parliament and the PM, the Christian population will be in for an unpleasant surprise like the rest of the Muslim countries.
Cairo (CNN) -- Islamist parties made dramatic advances in Egypt's parliamentary elections during the first round of voting for lawmakers this week, a result reflecting a growing embrace of religious-oriented sentiment across turbulent North Africa.

"We accept the results of the elections in any case because it's the will of the people, and our rivals should embrace it too because this is the true democracy we fought for and we wish our liberal brothers better results in the next two rounds," Mahmoud Ghozlan, spokesman of the relatively moderate Muslim Brotherhood, whose Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) won 40% of the vote.

Islamists fare well in first round of Egypt's elections -

And yes, it can happen here. When there are enough of them. Anyone who thought 'Arab Spring' was about them wanting to be more like the US is crazy. Once all those countries vote in the muslim brotherhood and the unite, our interests in the middle east will be history.

I fear for the Christians of Egypt. Since Murbarak fell, they have been under constant attack by the Islamist. Now with the Islamist about to take over Parliament and the PM, the Christian population will be in for an unpleasant surprise like the rest of the Muslim countries.

Another reason why the crazy adventure in Iraq was such a mistake, christians in Iraq have essentially gone extinct since we invaded and helped put islam in their gov't.
Islamists fare well in first round of Egypt's elections -

And yes, it can happen here. When there are enough of them. Anyone who thought 'Arab Spring' was about them wanting to be more like the US is crazy. Once all those countries vote in the muslim brotherhood and the unite, our interests in the middle east will be history.

I fear for the Christians of Egypt. Since Murbarak fell, they have been under constant attack by the Islamist. Now with the Islamist about to take over Parliament and the PM, the Christian population will be in for an unpleasant surprise like the rest of the Muslim countries.

Another reason why the crazy adventure in Iraq was such a mistake, christians in Iraq have essentially gone extinct since we invaded and helped put islam in their gov't.

No arguments here. Invading Iraq was a dumb move. If we wanted to make sure they had no WNDs, then bomb the shit out of the country hitting every place their could be WNDs! Of all the bad wars we entered: Kosovo, Iraq I and II, Libya and Vietnam were the worst!
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Then so be it. They can and will govern themselves. We cannot nor should we try and do it for them. Empire building is never a good thing.

They will eventually govern you. Denial is more than just a river in Egypt. I've seen them both.

It must really be sad to live in such constant fear.

My pity truly goes out to you.

It must be really sad to live in such denial and ignorance.

My pity truly goes out to you.
Cairo (CNN) -- Islamist parties made dramatic advances in Egypt's parliamentary elections during the first round of voting for lawmakers this week, a result reflecting a growing embrace of religious-oriented sentiment across turbulent North Africa.

"We accept the results of the elections in any case because it's the will of the people, and our rivals should embrace it too because this is the true democracy we fought for and we wish our liberal brothers better results in the next two rounds," Mahmoud Ghozlan, spokesman of the relatively moderate Muslim Brotherhood, whose Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) won 40% of the vote.

Islamists fare well in first round of Egypt's elections -

And yes, it can happen here. When there are enough of them. Anyone who thought 'Arab Spring' was about them wanting to be more like the US is crazy. Once all those countries vote in the muslim brotherhood and the unite, our interests in the middle east will be history.

I fear for the Christians of Egypt. Since Murbarak fell, they have been under constant attack by the Islamist. Now with the Islamist about to take over Parliament and the PM, the Christian population will be in for an unpleasant surprise like the rest of the Muslim countries.

"It must really be sad to live in such constant fear.

My pity truly goes out to you. "
They will eventually govern you. Denial is more than just a river in Egypt. I've seen them both.

It must really be sad to live in such constant fear.

My pity truly goes out to you.

It must be really sad to live in such denial and ignorance.

My pity truly goes out to you.

And here we go again so I will pose the same question again...

Care to share a fact or two?
They will eventually govern you. Denial is more than just a river in Egypt. I've seen them both.

It must really be sad to live in such constant fear.

My pity truly goes out to you.

It must be really sad to live in such denial and ignorance.

My pity truly goes out to you.

Trends in Muslim population growth

"Clearly the growth rates of both the world's population and the Muslim population are declining, but the Muslim population's growth is declining more quickly and the difference between the world's population growth and Islam's is getting smaller. "

"World Bank Figures Suggest Rapid Decline in Muslim Fertility

The rapidly declining fertility of Muslim nations reported by the World Bank suggests that Muslim population growth may slow to levels closer to that of the rest of the world's population. "

You were saying something about ignorance?
Islam does seek world dominance, but whether or not it will achieve this is a different matter. Even if it doesn’t take over the world (and I don’t believe it will) Islam has caused, and it will continue to cause, great suffering in its attempt to subdue the world. Islam’s aggression will eventually start a global war, and our appeasement is making Islam more aggressive. Our fear and failure to stand up to Islam is a bigger mistake than the Iraq war.

“Islamophobes” like Robert Spencer continue to be proven 100% accurate by the events in the Middle East, but the MSM keeps looking dumber and dumber. We don’t have to go to war; we just have to cut off the oil money and openly ridicule the farce called Islam. Islam is a glass house that is held together by intimidation. Violence and threats keep both followers and everybody else from looking too closely at Islam. If you actually read the Quran and other Islam texts, the most amazing thing about them is the absurdity of Mohammed’s claim to being a messenger of God.

If we openly talk about the stupidity of Islam, and stop calling people Islamophobes for trying to do this, we can win this struggle without fighting a war. Yes, the fundamentalist Muslims will get very upset and violent as we openly criticize Islam, but they are doing that already. Islam is awful, but the majority of Muslims are basically good people, and when we force them to confront how dreadful Islam is, they will...over time...leave the religion. This will cause even the fundamentalists to lose faith.

It must be understood that Christianity, Islam, and other religions are not interchangeable. Every religion has its strengths and weaknesses except for Islam which has only weaknesses.

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