Isn't Hillary Clinton everything we say we hate in politicians?

Really, both her and Bill are rich beyond what any middle class person could dream. How did they do it not working a "real" job in 30 years? They did it all by selling influence. Why else would companies or countries pay big bucks to listen to Hillary? Everything that is needed to be known is already known about her. Pure and simple, the speeches are a way of funneling money to the Clintons. Put that along side the Clinton Global Initiative and you have a money laundering scheme that would make Capone jealous.

Leaving the WH dead broke but now 8 years later they own two mansions and have not worked a day since except in government. Really? Isn't becoming rich as a politician exactly what we all bemoan about our system? Hillary and Bill personify that very act.

Then the fact that we can't trust our politicians. Hillary herself said that she had to have two things to say, one for private and one for the public. That isn't made up by the RW it is what SHE said. How more two faced can a person be then to actually TELL YOU they are two faced?

Treatment of women? Calling them Bimbos and trying to destroy them when the person they accuse isn't to Hillary's liking?

She speaks of peace yet has threatened nuclear oblivion on a sovereign nation. She has spent her entire life telling us the great things she has done. Telling us how she has fought for the little person. Yet can any of you think of one thing she has actually done to help anyone other than herself? She speaks of knowing and even loving our enemies yet laughs and tells us how , we came, we saw and he died. Her actions directly lead to the murder of a head of state, and the destabilization of another country, which in time lead to the greatest humanitarian disaster since WW2 (her words). She fully supported the Iraq war and the continuation of that war.

She has supported NAFTA and now TPP and if there is any of you out there that thinks either will be good for the poor and middle class of America then vote for Hillary cause you are too far gone to understand.

Notice I do not defend Trump. I can't. But I will vote for him over the greater evil. I defend America and in so doing and will do what I can to ensure that America doesn't repeat it mistake of electing another Clinton. BTW, I felt the same way about Jeb Bush.
Great post.

Clearly Americans are feed up with Washington and it's many corrupt politicians. The Clinton's lead the pack of corrupt pols, yet the D party nominated her. (Mac LOVES to bemoan the Rs nominating Trump, what of the Ds nominating Cankles?)

I suspect her nomination has a lot to do with the influence of the elite media and the 1% establishment. While it has been shown that many Americans KNOW the media is terribly biased, I believe there are still too many easily duped by the media. Evidence of this is clearly exemplified in Hillary. Why would any sane political party nominate such a completely corrupt, lying, elitist/opportunist?

I can't and won't speak for all American's, only fools like gipper believe they know what many Americans believe. What I do know is that gipper is a fool who simply echoes the echoes of those who echo right wing propaganda. There are no facts to support the allegation that HRC is a "completely corrupt, lying, elitist/opportunist" in his post, or in any speech made by Trump who makes the same unsupported allegations.
NewsFlash.......Hillary is CORRUPT....

apparently some Americans don't know this.....:ahole-1:

Prove the allegation, "Hillary is CORRUPT"

I will stipulate that you perceive me as an asshole, many of the deplorable people I helped put in a cage felt the same way.
No, Donald Trump is everything I hate about politicians, especially encompassing everything I hate about third world dictators.

And really I don't care about Republicans and Democrats, if Trump was running for the Democrats and Hillary for the Republicans, I would hold the same opinion.
Really, both her and Bill are rich beyond what any middle class person could dream. How did they do it not working a "real" job in 30 years? They did it all by selling influence. Why else would companies or countries pay big bucks to listen to Hillary? Everything that is needed to be known is already known about her. Pure and simple, the speeches are a way of funneling money to the Clintons. Put that along side the Clinton Global Initiative and you have a money laundering scheme that would make Capone jealous.

Leaving the WH dead broke but now 8 years later they own two mansions and have not worked a day since except in government. Really? Isn't becoming rich as a politician exactly what we all bemoan about our system? Hillary and Bill personify that very act.

Then the fact that we can't trust our politicians. Hillary herself said that she had to have two things to say, one for private and one for the public. That isn't made up by the RW it is what SHE said. How more two faced can a person be then to actually TELL YOU they are two faced?

Treatment of women? Calling them Bimbos and trying to destroy them when the person they accuse isn't to Hillary's liking?

She speaks of peace yet has threatened nuclear oblivion on a sovereign nation. She has spent her entire life telling us the great things she has done. Telling us how she has fought for the little person. Yet can any of you think of one thing she has actually done to help anyone other than herself? She speaks of knowing and even loving our enemies yet laughs and tells us how , we came, we saw and he died. Her actions directly lead to the murder of a head of state, and the destabilization of another country, which in time lead to the greatest humanitarian disaster since WW2 (her words). She fully supported the Iraq war and the continuation of that war.

She has supported NAFTA and now TPP and if there is any of you out there that thinks either will be good for the poor and middle class of America then vote for Hillary cause you are too far gone to understand.

Notice I do not defend Trump. I can't. But I will vote for him over the greater evil. I defend America and in so doing and will do what I can to ensure that America doesn't repeat it mistake of electing another Clinton. BTW, I felt the same way about Jeb Bush.
Great post.

Clearly Americans are feed up with Washington and it's many corrupt politicians. The Clinton's lead the pack of corrupt pols, yet the D party nominated her. (Mac LOVES to bemoan the Rs nominating Trump, what of the Ds nominating Cankles?)

I suspect her nomination has a lot to do with the influence of the elite media and the 1% establishment. While it has been shown that many Americans KNOW the media is terribly biased, I believe there are still too many easily duped by the media. Evidence of this is clearly exemplified in Hillary. Why would any sane political party nominate such a completely corrupt, lying, elitist/opportunist?

I can't and won't speak for all American's, only fools like gipper believe they know what many Americans believe. What I do know is that gipper is a fool who simply echoes the echoes of those who echo right wing propaganda. There are no facts to support the allegation that HRC is a "completely corrupt, lying, elitist/opportunist" in his post, or in any speech made by Trump who makes the same unsupported allegations.
NewsFlash.......Hillary is CORRUPT....

apparently some Americans don't know this.....:ahole-1:

Prove the allegation, "Hillary is CORRUPT"

I will stipulate that you perceive me as an asshole, many of the deplorable people I helped put in a cage felt the same way.
If you are serious, you need to consider getting your sanity tested...immediately.

Yes, she is.

And the GOP takes advantage of that by running the most embarrassing presidential candidate in this nation's history.

The country loses, whichever one is elected. Great.
You haven't seen what the Dems put up for a candidate then.LOL
Well, yes I have. She's terrible.

And as terrible as she is, I think Trump would be even worse.

I wonder why such an obvious thing is so difficult for some to understand.
Maybe it's because people disagree with you? That must be a hard thing for you to endure but I'm positive Hillary will be a disaster. More of the same won't fix jack shit.
Yes, she is.

And the GOP takes advantage of that by running the most embarrassing presidential candidate in this nation's history.

The country loses, whichever one is elected. Great.
You haven't seen what the Dems put up for a candidate then.LOL
Well, yes I have. She's terrible.

And as terrible as she is, I think Trump would be even worse.

I wonder why such an obvious thing is so difficult for some to understand.
Maybe it's because people disagree with you? That must be a hard thing for you to endure but I'm positive Hillary will be a disaster. More of the same won't fix jack shit.
Mac is one of those middle of the roader types....admirable in some ways but he risks getting run over, setting in the middle of the road.
HRC is exceptional in not being qualified.

HRC is very qualified if experience in government makes someone qualified:
  • First lady as the wife of a governor and a president***
  • An exemplary academic record
  • tough, not a quitter
  • A US Senator respected by both sides of the aisle
  • A Sectretary of State
  • A mom
Are these points MQ's? Maybe not; see below for why I believe they are:

***I learned more coaching baseball than actually playing the game. Within my understanding of "Zen", one watches and internally sees things which work and what doesn't, and then incorporates these abstractions into the future. A Process which seemed to never end; an act, successful or not, is instructive.

We learn by our mistakes as well as our successes.
Yes, she is.

And the GOP takes advantage of that by running the most embarrassing presidential candidate in this nation's history.

The country loses, whichever one is elected. Great.
You haven't seen what the Dems put up for a candidate then.LOL
Well, yes I have. She's terrible.

And as terrible as she is, I think Trump would be even worse.

I wonder why such an obvious thing is so difficult for some to understand.
Maybe it's because people disagree with you? That must be a hard thing for you to endure but I'm positive Hillary will be a disaster. More of the same won't fix jack shit.
Mac is one of those middle of the roader types....admirable in some ways, but he risks getting run over, setting in the middle of the road.
HRC is exceptional in not being qualified.

HRC is very qualified if experience in government makes someone qualified:
  • First lady as the wife of a governor and a president***
  • An exemplary academic record
  • tough, not a quitter
  • A US Senator respected by both sides of the aisle
  • A Sectretary of State
  • A mom
Are these points MQ's? Probably not; see below for why I beleive they are:

***I learned more coaching baseball than actually playing the game. Within my understanding of "Zen", one watches and internally sees things which work and what doesn't, and then incorporates these abstractions into a lesson plan. A Process which seemed to never end; an act, successful or not, is instructive.

We learn by our mistakes as well as our successes.
Really, both her and Bill are rich beyond what any middle class person could dream. How did they do it not working a "real" job in 30 years? They did it all by selling influence. Why else would companies or countries pay big bucks to listen to Hillary? Everything that is needed to be known is already known about her. Pure and simple, the speeches are a way of funneling money to the Clintons. Put that along side the Clinton Global Initiative and you have a money laundering scheme that would make Capone jealous.

Leaving the WH dead broke but now 8 years later they own two mansions and have not worked a day since except in government. Really? Isn't becoming rich as a politician exactly what we all bemoan about our system? Hillary and Bill personify that very act.

Then the fact that we can't trust our politicians. Hillary herself said that she had to have two things to say, one for private and one for the public. That isn't made up by the RW it is what SHE said. How more two faced can a person be then to actually TELL YOU they are two faced?

Treatment of women? Calling them Bimbos and trying to destroy them when the person they accuse isn't to Hillary's liking?

She speaks of peace yet has threatened nuclear oblivion on a sovereign nation. She has spent her entire life telling us the great things she has done. Telling us how she has fought for the little person. Yet can any of you think of one thing she has actually done to help anyone other than herself? She speaks of knowing and even loving our enemies yet laughs and tells us how , we came, we saw and he died. Her actions directly lead to the murder of a head of state, and the destabilization of another country, which in time lead to the greatest humanitarian disaster since WW2 (her words). She fully supported the Iraq war and the continuation of that war.

She has supported NAFTA and now TPP and if there is any of you out there that thinks either will be good for the poor and middle class of America then vote for Hillary cause you are too far gone to understand.

Notice I do not defend Trump. I can't. But I will vote for him over the greater evil. I defend America and in so doing and will do what I can to ensure that America doesn't repeat it mistake of electing another Clinton. BTW, I felt the same way about Jeb Bush.
They aren't rich beyond Donald Trump. And Trump, unlike the Clinton's, made his money the old fashioned way, he inherited it and then ripped off the unsuspecting.
HRC is exceptional in not being qualified.

HRC is very qualified if experience in government makes someone qualified:
  • First lady as the wife of a governor and a president***
  • An exemplary academic record
  • tough, not a quitter
  • A US Senator respected by both sides of the aisle
  • A Sectretary of State
  • A mom
Are these points MQ's? Probably not; see below for why I beleive they are:

***I learned more coaching baseball than actually playing the game. Within my understanding of "Zen", one watches and internally sees things which work and what doesn't, and then incorporates these abstractions into a lesson plan. A Process which seemed to never end; an act, successful or not, is instructive.

We learn by our mistakes as well as our successes.

Brilliant, thanks so much for bumping my post, and in effect proving your character flaws and lack of intellectual acuity.
You probable support the two Citizen's United rulings, claim to support liberty but chose to support Trump whose stump speech deprives others of essential freedoms, and really honestly believe that a free market could actually benefit the many and they would not be exploited by the few.
There's nothing unconstitutional about Citizens United. Why not support it? Unions taking dues and giving it the the Democrat party is what should no be legal. That deprives members the right to support who they choose, not union bosses. What freedoms is Trump wanting to suppress? You neglected to say.
Nonsense. HRC is exceptional in her qualifications. Trump is exceptional only in the disqualifying factors such as judgment, temperament, and simple intelligence

...said while having Huma as an avatar. That's a special kind of stupid.
Nonsense. HRC is exceptional in her qualifications. Trump is exceptional only in the disqualifying factors such as judgment, temperament, and simple intelligence

...said while having Huma as an avatar. That's a special kind of stupid.

Her last iconic person she had as an avatar turned out to be a drunk.

Hillary Clinton is everything I despise in a human being, let alone a politician
Nonsense. HRC is exceptional in her qualifications. Trump is exceptional only in the disqualifying factors such as judgment, temperament, and simple intelligence

...said while having Huma as an avatar. That's a special kind of stupid.

Her last iconic person she had as an avatar turned out to be a drunk.

Hillary Clinton is everything I despise in a human being, let alone a politician

You're deplorable, but I don't hate you. Actually I find you kinda funny, in an odd way. I can see you drinking from a small carton of milk, and when someone calls your name, you turn you head but don't stop pouring the milk, now pouring it into your ear; or carrying a broom you try to walk through a door holding it perpenticular to your body, and then horizontally before someone tell you to point the broom out the door and follow it. You're that special.
Nonsense. HRC is exceptional in her qualifications. Trump is exceptional only in the disqualifying factors such as judgment, temperament, and simple intelligence

...said while having Huma as an avatar. That's a special kind of stupid.

Her last iconic person she had as an avatar turned out to be a drunk.

Hillary Clinton is everything I despise in a human being, let alone a politician

You're deplorable, but I don't hate you. Actually I find you kinda funny, in an odd way. I can see you drinking from a small carton of milk, and when someone calls your name, you turn you head but don't stop pouring the milk, now pouring it into your ear; or carrying a broom you try to walk through a door holding it perpenticular to your body, and then horizontally before someone tell you to point the broom out the door and follow it. You're that special.
I see you on the side of that milk carton, wearing a safety helmet.
Nonsense. HRC is exceptional in her qualifications. Trump is exceptional only in the disqualifying factors such as judgment, temperament, and simple intelligence

...said while having Huma as an avatar. That's a special kind of stupid.

Her last iconic person she had as an avatar turned out to be a drunk.

Hillary Clinton is everything I despise in a human being, let alone a politician

You're deplorable, but I don't hate you. Actually I find you kinda funny, in an odd way. I can see you drinking from a small carton of milk, and when someone calls your name, you turn you head but don't stop pouring the milk, now pouring it into your ear; or carrying a broom you try to walk through a door holding it perpenticular to your body, and then horizontally before someone tell you to point the broom out the door and follow it. You're that special.

You're sort of stupid. You really don't think all that typing you just did bothered me did you?
Nonsense. HRC is exceptional in her qualifications. Trump is exceptional only in the disqualifying factors such as judgment, temperament, and simple intelligence

...said while having Huma as an avatar. That's a special kind of stupid.

Her last iconic person she had as an avatar turned out to be a drunk.

Hillary Clinton is everything I despise in a human being, let alone a politician

You're deplorable, but I don't hate you. Actually I find you kinda funny, in an odd way. I can see you drinking from a small carton of milk, and when someone calls your name, you turn you head but don't stop pouring the milk, now pouring it into your ear; or carrying a broom you try to walk through a door holding it perpenticular to your body, and then horizontally before someone tell you to point the broom out the door and follow it. You're that special.

You're sort of stupid. You really don't think all that typing you just did bothered me did you?

LOL, I didn't think it would bother you until you responded, I posted it because I have a wry sense of humor and fools like you tickle my funny bone.

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