Isn't their a better way to protect the will of the minority.


VIP Member
Oct 3, 2009
Isn't there a better way to protect the minority from the majority in this country than what we have now? I know we talk constitutional government but when one side really wants something they tend to ignore the restraints of the constitution and force others to live by laws they don't want to live by. I wonder if federalism would work better in this country where the majority, acting through their own state governments, of states would enact laws that they like and the minority can vote for laws that they like for themselves. No matter what the issue is the minority, in their own state, can protect themselves from the wishes of people in other states.
There really is no need to protect the will of the minority.. There is a reason they are in the minority..

What we really need to do is get rid of both parties and demand that all politicians vote their conscience or the will of their constituance..

The Majority should rule.. Our government should be simplified.. As the will of the people change, so will who is in the majority.. Hence why republicans were ousted over the last few election cycles..

Obama's approval rating is in the tank because he is catering to the minority.. He shouldn't.. We the people elected him to get it done.. Republicans should have no power to stop and prevent the will of the people.. There should be no such thing as a filibuster.. Same is true when the dems are in the minority.. But I still feel the best option is to get rid of both parties.. Let each politician answer to those that elected him..

Oh.. Ban lobbyiests.. Special interest groups should have no more access to our law makers than the common person.. Their votes should not be able to be bought and paid for.. They work for us.. Not the lobbyests..
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There really is no need to protect the will of the minority.. There is a reason they are in the minority..

What we really need to do is get rid of both parties and demand that all politicians vote their conscience or the will of their constituance..

The Majority should rule.. Our government should be simplified.. As the will of the people change, so will who is in the majority.. Hence why republicans were ousted over the last few election cycles..

Obama's approval rating is in the tank because he is catering to the minority.. He shouldn't.. We the people elected him to get it done.. Republicans should have no power to stop and prevent the will of the people.. There should be no such thing as a filibuster.. Same is true when the dems are in the minority.. But I still feel the best option is to get rid of both parties.. Let each politician answer to those that elected him..

Oh.. Ban lobbyiests.. Special interest groups should have no more access to our law makers than the common person.. Their votes should not be able to be bought and paid for.. They work for us.. Not the lobbyests..

Pure Democracy always fails. Democracy is "two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for lunch. Liberty... is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

It always fails because when you subjugate a minority... eventually, they're gonna fight back. Democracy, without the framework of agreed-upon law, is tyranny. It doesn't matter if arbitrary law is dictated by a King or by a 51% majority. It's still arbitrary if it's outside the agreed-upon contract we have with government. Nullify the Constitution, and you have no authority but 'right of might' and that's a sword that can, and does, swing both ways.

On your point about lobbyists... it's so interesting that we see so many supporters of Obama and his healthcare grab with no criticism whatsoever of his pet lobbyists. Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of GE, sits on Obama's Economic Recovery Board. And PHARMA is planning ad-buys for Obamacare.

(Newser) – Drug companies have authorized their lobbyists to spend up to $150 million on TV ads supporting Barack Obama's health care reform plan—a surprisingly large sum that suggests the industry still has a deal with the White House on capping pharma's costs, reports the New York Times. A few spots that have already aired echo Democratic talking points about consumer protection and universal coverage. The connections run deep—one of the agencies involved is David Axelrod's old firm.

Pharma to Push Obama Plan in $150M Ad Blitz - Drug companies get behind health care reform, to Congress' concern

What's also fun is that they never seem to remember that not all corporations are for-profit businesses. Andy Stern of SEIU has been Obama's most frequent visitor.
You are a minority for a reason. You were given six years of unchecked rule to implement your policies. The result was a terrorist attack, two wars and an economic collapse. We the people had a vote and decided we did not want that minority to run our country any more.
What you can do is moderate your positions and stop obstructing government because you no longer get your way. That is the American system of government
One of the popular rightwing 'smackdown' lines in the early 2000's was

'...come back when you win an election...'

Well, two wins later and the right's new tack is boohoo!!! why can't we have a system where the minority wins?

It's great comedy.
Isn't there a better way to protect the minority from the majority in this country than what we have now? I know we talk constitutional government but when one side really wants something they tend to ignore the restraints of the constitution and force others to live by laws they don't want to live by. I wonder if federalism would work better in this country where the majority, acting through their own state governments, of states would enact laws that they like and the minority can vote for laws that they like for themselves. No matter what the issue is the minority, in their own state, can protect themselves from the wishes of people in other states.

What would be the point of protecting the will of the minority? There's a reason these people are in the minority. DO you NOT understand how our government works? Perhaps you should educate yourself BEFORE posting whiny, stupid threads on a political message board?
You are a minority for a reason. You were given six years of unchecked rule to implement your policies. The result was a terrorist attack, two wars and an economic collapse. We the people had a vote and decided we did not want that minority to run our country any more.
What you can do is moderate your positions and stop obstructing government because you no longer get your way. That is the American system of government

No, see, the right now wants a new system where there are no winners and losers,

kind of like sports at those LEEEEEE-beral elementary schools.
State's rights as a 'solution' just gives a smaller majority the right to oppress an even smaller minority.

Remember segregation? That existed BECAUSE of state's rights. You had the majority within the state (which was a minority nationally) imposing their will on a minority within the state, and because of 'state's rights' it was not supposed to be the business of the federal government to remedy the situation.
Isn't there a better way to protect the minority from the majority in this country than what we have now? I know we talk constitutional government but when one side really wants something they tend to ignore the restraints of the constitution and force others to live by laws they don't want to live by. I wonder if federalism would work better in this country where the majority, acting through their own state governments, of states would enact laws that they like and the minority can vote for laws that they like for themselves. No matter what the issue is the minority, in their own state, can protect themselves from the wishes of people in other states.

there is no protection for the minority in the constitution outside of each state getting 2 votes, in the senate, no matter the size of the the Senate IS ALREADY WEIGHTED to protect the minority by giving each state an equal 2 senator vote, verses the house of representatives, where the people are represented equally by their reps.

That's it.

The filibuster in the senate, gives the individual State governments TOO MUCH POWER....(the Senators represent the individual state government and NOT the "people") Power that they were NEVER MEANT TO HAVE, according to our constitution and founding fathers....

The fillibuster was not in our constitution....the only time the Senate was required to have a super majority vote was LIMITED by the constitution and they listed the specific instances where 2/3's vote was required....signing treaties, declaration of war etc....

that's my constitutional take on it....

oh, the electoral college protects the minority to a degree as well....but that's all.
There is a way to protect the will of the minority!!

Give the minority all the power and they can protect it for themselves.

Of course, that creates the problem of "how to protect the will of the majority"!!
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson
Previously, the Constitution guaranteed that the minority could never have less freedom than that guaranteed under it; however Pelosi and the Dems and now seeking to impose their Statist Theocracy on the minority in an unconstitutional manner and IT WILL NOT STAND!
Previously, the Constitution guaranteed that the minority could never have less freedom than that guaranteed under it; however Pelosi and the Dems and now seeking to impose their Statist Theocracy on the minority in an unconstitutional manner and IT WILL NOT STAND!

"Statist Theocracy"? Please define.
Previously, the Constitution guaranteed that the minority could never have less freedom than that guaranteed under it; however Pelosi and the Dems and now seeking to impose their Statist Theocracy on the minority in an unconstitutional manner and IT WILL NOT STAND!

"Statist Theocracy"? Please define.

ObamaCare is a Statist Theocracy, because "We are God's partners in matters of life and death," according to Barack Hussein Obama
You are a minority for a reason. You were given six years of unchecked rule to implement your policies. The result was a terrorist attack, two wars and an economic collapse. We the people had a vote and decided we did not want that minority to run our country any more.
What you can do is moderate your positions and stop obstructing government because you no longer get your way. That is the American system of government

This is an outright fabrication.

The GOP only controlled both houses for 2 years and never had a super-majority.

I'm tired of you lefy's repeating this lie.
There is a way to protect the will of the minority!!

Give the minority all the power and they can protect it for themselves.

Of course, that creates the problem of "how to protect the will of the majority"!!

When it comes to health care the Democrats that keep trying to push this bill are in the minority.
State's rights as a 'solution' just gives a smaller majority the right to oppress an even smaller minority.

Remember segregation? That existed BECAUSE of state's rights. You had the majority within the state (which was a minority nationally) imposing their will on a minority within the state, and because of 'state's rights' it was not supposed to be the business of the federal government to remedy the situation.

That was the Democrat controlled southern states, amiright?
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the outcome."

-- Ben Franklin
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Previously, the Constitution guaranteed that the minority could never have less freedom than that guaranteed under it; however Pelosi and the Dems and now seeking to impose their Statist Theocracy on the minority in an unconstitutional manner and IT WILL NOT STAND!

"Statist Theocracy"? Please define.

ObamaCare is a Statist Theocracy, because "We are God's partners in matters of life and death," according to Barack Hussein Obama

If that is the case, the rabid religious right should be all over healthcare reform....:eusa_whistle:
You are a minority for a reason. You were given six years of unchecked rule to implement your policies. The result was a terrorist attack, two wars and an economic collapse. We the people had a vote and decided we did not want that minority to run our country any more.
What you can do is moderate your positions and stop obstructing government because you no longer get your way. That is the American system of government

This is an outright fabrication.

The GOP only controlled both houses for 2 years and never had a super-majority.

I'm tired of you lefy's repeating this lie.

the gop controlled congress, both sides for 6 years dear....there was a small blip, where the senate went to the dems with jeffords, then it went right back to the repubs because of something else, can't remember why right now....but that is how it went down.

yes, they did not have a super majority in the senate as you state...

before this, both parts of congress were republican for the previous 6 years as about 12 years of total republican majority in congress's houses.

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