Israel accused of war crimes (UK Parliament)

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George Orwell, arguably Britain's greatest 20th century polemicist, had so much to say about the pansy left during WWII, and about it's continuous attempts to disarm the populous: "That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or labourer's cottage is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there." He had a .303 hanging on the wall above his typewriter, and he advocated it's use against tyrannical government in no uncertain terms.

Utter drivel. Orwell was a Socialist throughout most of his life and that often misquoted piece about the "rifle on the wall" was from an article he wrote on 8th January 1941for the Evening Standard, entitled "Don't let Colonel Blimp ruin the Home Guard" In context the quotation should read, "Even as it stands, the Home Guard could only exist in a country where men feel themselves free. The totalitarian states can do great things, but there is one thing they cannot do: they cannot give the factory-worker a rifle and tell him to take it home and keep it in his bedroom. That rifle hanging on the wall of the working class flat or labourer's cottage, is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see it stays there."---The Complete Works of George Orwell, volume 12 It was a diatribe against the influence on the Home Guard of old Conservative officers brought out of retirement to lead the volunteers and had nothing at all to do with a "pansy left" as you put it.
One can only hope. I wonder how many among the civilized people in Britain wish the government hadn't taken all their guns away after WWII. If there are any people in the world the US needs to help rearm, I'd put the British people at the top of the heap.

More drivel. Private gun ownership was legal in the UK (despite the Troubles in Northern Ireland) until the Dunblane and Hungerford massacres in the 1980's and 90's. I used to own several firearms up until then but ultimately I think we're better off without them.
Another intellectually challenged American, England is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Don't be a pedantic ass. Scotland's leaving soon as did Ireland long ago. What "United Kingdom"? What "Great Britain"? Pretentious tags with zero meaning. England will soon consist of nothing more than half an island and a little piece of Northern Ireland, and it's probably just a matter of time before they lose the latter. England is an irrelevancy in the world any longer, and has been since the end of WWI. They hate Americans because we are what they aren't: top dog on the planet. They also hate us because they're beholden to us for pulling their ass out of the fire...twice. Fuck England. They're not worth saving a third time.

Northern Ireland don't WANT to leave the Union...

That is a mixed bag.

However, the time will come when the Catholic majority in Southern Ireland, and the large Catholic minority in Northern Ireland, will force your hand.

Evacuate the Unionists - who are descendants of the Protestants that your ancestors planted there in an attempt to wipe-out the Catholics by land-acquisition and breeding - then resettle them in England, and leave Ireland to her unified destiny.

This is one of the last vestigial scraps of your old forcibly-imposed Empire that you still control.

Best to walk away from it before they take it from you.

Get out... leave... you're blocking the way to a unified Ireland... time to go.

Ah yes, follow the Zionist way you mean...

Force people to leave their land, their homes...

After they started a war to destroy you.

I bet their more than happy theyn started the stupid thing back in 48

Same old 1948 myth. Zionists were exterminating and expelling Palestinians before anyone intervened to try and stop them. War was something the Zionists wanted in the first place as no war meant having to live with Muslim citizens of Israel who would have been a majority. War gave them the excuse they wanted to ethnically cleanse Palestine to create lebensraum for "Greater Israel".

And the arab muslims had nothing to do with the Hebron massacre did they, shows that you are clueless when it comes to Islamic atrocities

What were the Europeans doing in Hebron? Do you think they may have had hankering to evict the non-Jews
Nearly two-thirds (63%) believe the vast majority of Muslims are good British citizens, up by 1% from last November.

Then 63% of British citizens are gutless self-deluding cowards. Pray tell, name one spot on earth where Muslims are "good citizens". Iraq? Iran? Syria? Palestine? Saudi Arabia? Pakistan? Afghanistan? China? etc., etc., ad nauseam.

Islam is the most depressing, intolerant, debilitating, dangerous, sexist, racist, violent human aberration ever to exist, with the possible exception of communism. So in your next post, nitwit, justify the female sexual mutilation rampant in Britain's "good Muslim citizen" communities. I'm waiting. I'm all ears. Or are you another of the reprobates around here who doesn't give a damn about child welfare? In other words, are you a Muslim?

The Jews and Muslims justify male genital mutilation. That's something they agree on.
What were the Europeans doing in Hebron? Do you think they may have had hankering to evict the non-Jews

The Jews and Muslims justify male genital mutilation. That's something they agree on.

Right. Apples and oranges. I was "snipped" when I was a little boy. I promise it had no effect on enjoying a long and healthy sex life. Now when Muslim butchers hack a little girl's clitoris off, any chance of her enjoying a healthy and satisfying sex life die at butcher's chopping block. Or are you too fucking stupid to understand the distinction?
Another intellectually challenged American, England is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Don't be a pedantic ass. Scotland's leaving soon as did Ireland long ago. What "United Kingdom"? What "Great Britain"? Pretentious tags with zero meaning. England will soon consist of nothing more than half an island and a little piece of Northern Ireland, and it's probably just a matter of time before they lose the latter. England is an irrelevancy in the world any longer, and has been since the end of WWI. They hate Americans because we are what they aren't: top dog on the planet. They also hate us because they're beholden to us for pulling their ass out of the fire...twice. Fuck England. They're not worth saving a third time.

Northern Ireland don't WANT to leave the Union...

That is a mixed bag.

However, the time will come when the Catholic majority in Southern Ireland, and the large Catholic minority in Northern Ireland, will force your hand.

Evacuate the Unionists - who are descendants of the Protestants that your ancestors planted there in an attempt to wipe-out the Catholics by land-acquisition and breeding - then resettle them in England, and leave Ireland to her unified destiny.

This is one of the last vestigial scraps of your old forcibly-imposed Empire that you still control.

Best to walk away from it before they take it from you.

Get out... leave... you're blocking the way to a unified Ireland... time to go.

Ah yes, follow the Zionist way you mean...

Force people to leave their land, their homes...

After they started a war to destroy you.

I bet their more than happy theyn started the stupid thing back in 48

Same old 1948 myth. Zionists were exterminating and expelling Palestinians before anyone intervened to try and stop them. War was something the Zionists wanted in the first place as no war meant having to live with Muslim citizens of Israel who would have been a majority. War gave them the excuse they wanted to ethnically cleanse Palestine to create lebensraum for "Greater Israel".

And the arab muslims had nothing to do with the Hebron massacre did they, shows that you are clueless when it comes to Islamic atrocities

What were the Europeans doing in Hebron? Do you think they may have had hankering to evict the non-Jews
Nearly two-thirds (63%) believe the vast majority of Muslims are good British citizens, up by 1% from last November.

Then 63% of British citizens are gutless self-deluding cowards. Pray tell, name one spot on earth where Muslims are "good citizens". Iraq? Iran? Syria? Palestine? Saudi Arabia? Pakistan? Afghanistan? China? etc., etc., ad nauseam.

Islam is the most depressing, intolerant, debilitating, dangerous, sexist, racist, violent human aberration ever to exist, with the possible exception of communism. So in your next post, nitwit, justify the female sexual mutilation rampant in Britain's "good Muslim citizen" communities. I'm waiting. I'm all ears. Or are you another of the reprobates around here who doesn't give a damn about child welfare? In other words, are you a Muslim?

The Jews and Muslims justify male genital mutilation. That's something they agree on.

The difference being that the Jews justify the removal of a small flap of overlapping skin as a matter of cleanliness; one which does not impact upon sexual performance nor desire over a lifetime.

These female-mutilating Muslims, however, attempt (and fail) to justify the removal of a pleasure-organ as a matter of misogyny in order to dramatically and negatively impact upon sexual performance and desire over a lifetime.

Another failed moral equivalency by another failed Muslim apologist and fifth columnist.
One can only hope. I wonder how many among the civilized people in Britain wish the government hadn't taken all their guns away after WWII. If there are any people in the world the US needs to help rearm, I'd put the British people at the top of the heap.

More drivel. Private gun ownership was legal in the UK (despite the Troubles in Northern Ireland) until the Dunblane and Hungerford massacres in the 1980's and 90's. I used to own several firearms up until then but ultimately I think we're better off without them.

A slight correction....

Private gun ownership is STILL legal in the UK!

High calibre handguns were made illegal in 1997...

It is still LEGAL to own guns in the UK... These are primarily rifles that, when looking at the details, are far more lethal than the handguns that were banned...

Although there are certain allowances made for certain groups for handguns.

Gun ownership in the UK is mostly limited to private individuals belonging to gun clubs...

I really do not see the necessity to legalise gun ownership in the UK for all...

Only have to look at America to see my reasoning behind that one!
What were the Europeans doing in Hebron? Do you think they may have had hankering to evict the non-Jews

The Jews and Muslims justify male genital mutilation. That's something they agree on.

Right. Apples and oranges. I was "snipped" when I was a little boy. I promise it had no effect on enjoying a long and healthy sex life. Now when Muslim butchers hack a little girl's clitoris off, any chance of her enjoying a healthy and satisfying sex life die at butcher's chopping block. Or are you too fucking stupid to understand the distinction?

I thinking "snipping" of a part of a baby's penis is a little whacky, frankly.
It is beginning to look like the pro Israel supporters cannot actually read...

Not for the first time!!!

"The Jews and Muslims justify male genital mutilation. That's something they agree on."

I have highlighted a fundamental word in the post... Can you see it?

The two commentators who 'missed' that very basic fact before responding with the usual point scoring rhetoric are either blind or simply ignorant morons looking to highjack a perfectly legitimate post...

Go on, see if you can actually read a valid, legitimate, factual comment for once in your lives!

As it's not the first time, I choose the latter!

There is no denying that female circumcision is, at best barbaric, but perhaps you would like to start a new thread on that rather than attack someones opinion based upon what you THOUGHT you saw rather than what has been written!!
Utter drivel. Orwell was a Socialist throughout most of his life and that often misquoted piece about the "rifle on the wall" was from an article he wrote on 8th January 1941for the Evening Standard, entitled "Don't let Colonel Blimp ruin the Home Guard" In context the quotation should read, "Even as it stands, the Home Guard could only exist in a country where men feel themselves free. The totalitarian states can do great things, but there is one thing they cannot do: they cannot give the factory-worker a rifle and tell him to take it home and keep it in his bedroom. That rifle hanging on the wall of the working class flat or labourer's cottage, is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see it stays there."---The Complete Works of George Orwell, volume 12 It was a diatribe against the influence on the Home Guard of old Conservative officers brought out of retirement to lead the volunteers and had nothing at all to do with a "pansy left" as you put it.

Oh shut the hell up nitwit. 'The Complete Works of George Orwell' was a cursory one-volume work for mental pedestrians like yourself. It was anything but "complete". "Volume 12"???? What an ass. Go crawl in the corner, put the dunce cap on, and suck your thumb.

So you just spent two minutes googling and that makes you a George Orwell biographer? Read Bernard Crick's biography of Orwell. It's expansive and the only one worth a damn. I had to read it in graduate school. Or is reading an entire, scholarly, comprehensively footnoted and referenced biography just way too much effort? Try annotating as you go along then write an 80-page critique.

Orwell was very cynical by 1944. He was a BBC propagandist for the Indian theater. He flirted with anarchy. He definitely advocated the use of his .303 for an armed overthrow of the British government by the Home Guard directly following the war. I don't necessarily agree with his leftist politics, but I certainly understand where he was coming from for his period in history. I consider him the greatest political writer of the 20th century. He influenced my personal life for the style of writing I try to emulate. Now piss off and quit being such a jerk.
America tends to kill for racist reasons

It's a good thing we don't kill for stupidity reasons or you'de right in the crosshairs, wouldn't you?


I'm too white. America seldom goes killing white folk. Your gunmen have a colour chart to tell them who is most shootable.

And, on your killing for reasons of stupidity: THAT has been your state policy for a long time. Only it is the stupidity of your state that is the cause.

What was that again?
"There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives." About sums up your foreign policy for the last 20 or 30 years.
"There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."

You've got that right, junior. Let me see now, American war period drone production = 100 per week minimum x 150 terrorists killed with each barely subatomic explosion x 52 weeks = well, that equals a lot of dead terrorists is what that equals. Clean, highly targeted, and it can all be controlled through the laptop of some Air Force IT officer sitting in his lawn chair on Pismo Beach...with zero American casualties. I sure hope Islam keeps its head buried up its 7th century ass. It makes terrorists so easy to kill.
Hamas and Islam is even more guilty of war crimes.
England is a lost cause. They have Sharia courts for Muslims.
Women passing along Muslim neighborhoods are harrassed for their attire. 1400 children were molested by Pakistanis while the government turned their heads to it. It's only a matter of time before the crescent moon and star are displayed on british flags over government buildings.
The same will happen in other European nations. The same will happen here in several generations, unless the Constitution is suspended and they are driven out.
What were the Europeans doing in Hebron? Do you think they may have had hankering to evict the non-Jews

The Jews and Muslims justify male genital mutilation. That's something they agree on.

Right. Apples and oranges. I was "snipped" when I was a little boy. I promise it had no effect on enjoying a long and healthy sex life. Now when Muslim butchers hack a little girl's clitoris off, any chance of her enjoying a healthy and satisfying sex life die at butcher's chopping block. Or are you too fucking stupid to understand the distinction?

I thinking "snipping" of a part of a baby's penis is a little whacky, frankly.

You are missing the point Montelatici.

Sweetnam is trying to associate Islam with Female Genital Mutilation.

It is an AFRICAN custom, not a Muslim one.
Muslims are quite happy to have their women enjoy sex.
"There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."

You've got that right, junior. Let me see now, American war period drone production = 100 per week minimum x 150 terrorists killed with each barely subatomic explosion x 52 weeks = well, that equals a lot of dead terrorists is what that equals. Clean, highly targeted, and it can all be controlled through the laptop of some Air Force IT officer sitting in his lawn chair on Pismo Beach...with zero American casualties. I sure hope Islam keeps its head buried up its 7th century ass. It makes terrorists so easy to kill.

I see the Green Day song 'American Idiot' was inspired by yourself.

So far all the 'terrorist' killing you have done has destabilised the region, and caused harder, sneekier 'terrorists' to evolve. Each time you kill one, two more are created by the hatred you sow.

And this comes free? Nope. At what $300.000 per missile, and a million or so per drone and for training and support, you spend trillions to kill in a war that you can at best achieve a draw at. You are impoverishing your own nation, in the pursuit of killing people who you don't understand.

If you had any balls, you would admit you are the problem, not the solution.
Hamas and Islam is even more guilty of war crimes.
England is a lost cause. They have Sharia courts for Muslims.
Women passing along Muslim neighborhoods are harrassed for their attire. 1400 children were molested by Pakistanis while the government turned their heads to it. It's only a matter of time before the crescent moon and star are displayed on british flags over government buildings.
The same will happen in other European nations. The same will happen here in several generations, unless the Constitution is suspended and they are driven out.


I see the KKK have a resurgence over there.
Hamas and Islam is even more guilty of war crimes.
England is a lost cause. They have Sharia courts for Muslims.
Women passing along Muslim neighborhoods are harrassed for their attire. 1400 children were molested by Pakistanis while the government turned their heads to it. It's only a matter of time before the crescent moon and star are displayed on british flags over government buildings.
The same will happen in other European nations. The same will happen here in several generations, unless the Constitution is suspended and they are driven out.
"There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."

You've got that right, junior. Let me see now, American war period drone production = 100 per week minimum x 150 terrorists killed with each barely subatomic explosion x 52 weeks = well, that equals a lot of dead terrorists is what that equals. Clean, highly targeted, and it can all be controlled through the laptop of some Air Force IT officer sitting in his lawn chair on Pismo Beach...with zero American casualties. I sure hope Islam keeps its head buried up its 7th century ass. It makes terrorists so easy to kill.
43 million people on food stamps and a town called Ferguson:badgrin:
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