Israel agrees to delay invasion of Gaza


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021

I don’t see this news on the threads here yet. If it is not already reported, feel free to move this OP.

In what seems to be an exchange of sorts, the US has gotten Israel to delay the invasion of Gaza so that the US can provide Israel with Iron Dome systems.

[President Obama has also asked Israel to avoid further damage to the Gaza health services capacity. That’s a humanitarian request I approve of . . . even from this President. ]
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I don’t see this news on the threads here yet. If it is not already reported, feel free to move this OP.

In what seems to be an exchange of sorts, the US has gotten Israel to delay the invasion of Gaza so that the US can provide Israel with Iron Dome systems.

[President Obama has also asked Israel to avoid further damage to the Gaza health services capacity. That’s a humanitarian request I approve of . . . even from this President. ]
This is war duffass! Too much weak nonsense during a war. Israel needs to just go in and end Hamas. Then, go into Lebanon and end Hezbollah.
This is war duffass! Too much weak nonsense during a war. Israel needs to just go in and end Hamas. Then, go into Lebanon and end Hezbollah.
War is generally waged between armed combatants. You dumbass. But the cowardly pussy Hamas shitstains instead attack Israeli civilians. Utter cowards. Then they hide in the midst of the civilians in Gaza.

As I’ve asked before, how else is Israel supposed to defend itself except by going after the scumbag cowards where they hide? Of course there are going to be Palestinian civilian casualties.

That said, it would indeed be better if Israel could avoid (as much as humanly possible) the slaughter of Palestinian women, children and non combatant men.

What part of that is so hard for you to comprehend? I happily support the demise of every piece of shit in Hamas. But as a human being, see the horror being inflicted on Gaza city and my heart breaks for those poor terrified kids there.
War is generally waged between armed combatants.

Which side in this conflict isn't armed?

As I’ve asked before, how else is Israel supposed to defend itself except by going after the scumbag cowards where they hide? Of course there are going to be Palestinian civilian casualties.
Labeling every palestinian a terrorist doesn't validate 'defense' ~S~
War is generally waged between armed combatants. You dumbass. But the cowardly pussy Hamas shitstains instead attack Israeli civilians. Utter cowards. Then they hide in the midst of the civilians in Gaza.

As I’ve asked before, how else is Israel supposed to defend itself except by going after the scumbag cowards where they hide? Of course there are going to be Palestinian civilian casualties.

That said, it would indeed be better if Israel could avoid (as much as humanly possible) the slaughter of Palestinian women, children and non combatant men.

What part of that is so hard for you to comprehend? I happily support the demise of every piece of shit in Hamas. But as a human being, see the horror being inflicted on Gaza city and my heart breaks for those poor terrified kids there.
Do you know what those children are being taught? They are being taught to hate and kill Jews. The longer Nety waits the worse it gets for the rest of the world.
And dumbass, you don’t think Hamas is armed and combatant? This is a war. Just win for a change. Because Biden is too compromised to win a war. He’s on the take with Iran and others.
Israel's fighting force is half of the official figure --- the female factor .

There is not enough ammunition to go around short term , let alone support a minimum of two fronts when you include Ukraine . And three or more fronts when you factor in Hezbollah and Iran .

Israel has better information of the Hamas response should Israel go in to Gaza mob handed . Big casualties change public opinion very quickly .

Nazi boy Nutty Yahoo will have to find ways of modifying his total stance whatever he and his pals would like .
I say that a full invasion NOW might not be the best tactic. It may well be better for Israel to send in their specialist teams while keeping Hamisis pinned down and CONSTANTLY harassed.......then when the time is right totally destroy the terrorists by whatever means will work best. It breaks my heart whenever innocent civilians are used as human shields, but if the target is Hamisis and there is no other way; may God have pity on the souls of the innocent!!!

Israel was very generous sending Iron Dome to Ukraine; now it may well need beefing up at home. That is where Uncle Sam comes in BIGLY!!!

But the end result is Hamisis utterly destroyed!!!....SOON!!

I say that a full invasion NOW might not be the best tactic. It may well be better for Israel to send in their specialist teams while keeping Hamisis pinned down and CONSTANTLY harassed.......then when the time is right totally destroy the terrorists by whatever means will work best. It breaks my heart whenever innocent civilians are used as human shields, but if the target is Hamisis and there is no other way; may God have pity on the souls of the innocent!!!

Israel was very generous sending Iron Dome to Ukraine; now it may well need beefing up at home. That is where Uncle Sam comes in BIGLY!!!

But the end result is Hamisis utterly destroyed!!!....SOON!!

As long as Biden is President I don’t see it happening. He supports Iran. Just follow the money.
If has taught us anything, it's easier to get into a war than to get out of one.
Not so. What keeps us trapped are Democrat politicians who believe in proportion responses instead of wiping out the enemy and not stopping until it’s over, over there.
If you let your kid roll around on the floor of a Target, he's gonna get stepped on.
No doubt. But that doesn’t mean our hearts don’t go out to the trampled kids.
Labeling every palestinian a terrorist doesn't validate 'defense' ~S~
Good thing I’ve never labeled or tried to label or even implied that every Palestinian is a terrorist.

You know what does validate defense? Getting attacked.

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