Israel agrees to delay invasion of Gaza

Do you know what those children are being taught? They are being taught to hate and kill Jews. The longer Nety waits the worse it gets for the rest of the world.
And dumbass, you don’t think Hamas is armed and combatant? This is a war. Just win for a change. Because Biden is too compromised to win a war. He’s on the take with Iran and others.
I believe those kids are being taught such hatred. And of course that’s also malignant and tragic. It doesn’t change the fact that they are still just kids.

You don’t seem to be following along. I have maintained that Israel has to fight back against Hamas. And since Hamas cruelly tries to hide in populated civilian areas, this forces the Israelis to fight them there.

I have asked before and I’ll ask it again. What alternative does Israel have?

I know the anti Semites and the anti Zionists are outraged that Israel simply refuses to just die. Tough shit. Israel is no different than any other government entity. It has no duty to honor such insanity. It has an absolute right to defend itself

Does any of this change the fact that appalling misery is being inflicted on the poor kids (and some other innocent people) in Gaza City? Nope.
I believe those kids are being taught such hatred. And of course that’s also malignant and tragic. It doesn’t change the fact that they are still just kids.

You don’t seem to be following along. I have maintained that Israel has to fight back against Hamas. And since Hamas cruelly tries to hide in populated civilian areas, this forces the Israelis to fight them there.

I have asked before and I’ll ask it again. What alternative does Israel have?

I know the anti Semites and the anti Zionists are outraged that Israel simply refuses to just die. Tough shit. Israel is no different than any other government entity. It has no duty to honor such insanity. It has an absolute right to defend itself

Does any of this change the fact that appalling misery is being inflicted on the poor kids (and some other innocent people) in Gaza City? Nope.
Patton simply went in and killed the enemy. If he had to shoot and throw a donkey over a bridge so be it. The alternative is worse with Hitler winning. Same with the Palestinians. Except the Palestinians invited Hamas in the first place after they followed Yassar Ararat. To have a shot for the children in the future all evil has to be rooted out of the Palestinians. Suffering if children will unfortunately happen. But those after evil is rooted out can be saved. Teach them to love their neighbors as themselves. Israel wants to do just that.
Patton simply went in and killed the enemy. If he had to shoot and throw a donkey over a bridge so be it. The alternative is worse with Hitler winning. Same with the Palestinians. Except the Palestinians invited Hamas in the first place after they followed Yassar Ararat. To have a shot for the children in the future all evil has to be rooted out of the Palestinians. Suffering if children will unfortunately happen. But those after evil is rooted out can be saved. Teach them to love their neighbors as themselves. Israel wants to do just that.
We bombed cities in WWII. before the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in fact, we set large swaths of civilian cities ablaze via intentional fire bombings. We engaged in fire bombing Dresden. And there is zero doubt that other nations have engaged in targeting civilian populations in war.

Not just the Germans bombing London, either. But in all of history we see cities being razed and the plowing of their lands with salt so nothing could grow.

War has always been an abomination. And yet it is also true that we can try to wage war in a form that seeks to avoid such collateral civilian damage. Either way, the civilian population in Gaza aren’t just facing the horrors of the bombings, but the deprivation of food, medicine and even sufficient power to run their medical facilities. To the extent they can get emergency surgery, they now are sometimes getting it without anesthesia.

I am not advocating for Israel to simply stop their military response. I am lamenting the horrifying cost of war for the civilians. And that includes the terror victims in Israel. I couldn’t condemn Hamas more.
We bombed cities in WWII. before the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in fact, we set large swaths of civilian cities ablaze via intentional fire bombings. We engaged in fire bombing Dresden. And there is zero doubt that other nations have engaged in targeting civilian populations in war.

Not just the Germans bombing London, either. But in all of history we see cities being razed and the plowing of their lands with salt so nothing could grow.

War has always been an abomination. And yet it is also true that we can try to wage war in a form that seeks to avoid such collateral civilian damage. Either way, the civilian population in Gaza aren’t just facing the horrors of the bombings, but the deprivation of food, medicine and even sufficient power to run their medical facilities. To the extent they can get emergency surgery, they now are sometimes getting it without anesthesia.

I am not advocating for Israel to simply stop their military response. I am lamenting the horrifying cost of war for the civilians. And that includes the terror victims in Israel. I couldn’t condemn Hamas more.
Old Chinese Proverb, “When the armies have passed by, thorn bushes spring up. The slower and war drags on, the slower the torture and destruction will set in the hearts thorns of hate that will spring back up. Better to get it over quickly. Even Japanese and Americans don’t have this kind of hate that the Jews and Muslims have. Crush the enemy quickly and sharply. Then go in with increases love and help and we will see more peace.
Old Chinese Proverb, “When the armies have passed by, thorn bushes spring up. The slower and war drags on, the slower the torture and destruction will set in the hearts thorns of hate that will spring back up. Better to get it over quickly. Even Japanese and Americans don’t have this kind of hate that the Jews and Muslims have. Crush the enemy quickly and sharply. Then go in with increases love and help and we will see more peace.
I’m all for crushing the enemy.

And, again, I don’t see a workable alternative yet for how Israel can do so.

Nevertheless, it is dangerously myopic to consider the innocent civilian populations to be “the“ enemy.

Let’s put the discussion to an obvious mental test. If we lived in some borough of NYC outside of a highly Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn. And living within our population there was an organized and funded terrorist grouping seeking to kill the Jews in Brooklyn. Now suppose that that Brooklyn waged war against those terrorists by bombing our neighborhood.

We can’t get out. We’re trapped. Our children (and other innocent non combatant civilians) are getting killed or maimed. We’re running out of food. Our few remaining hospitals Have run out of fuel to light the operating rooms and the supply of anesthesia for operations had been consumed.

How do you suppose we would feel?
methinks most folks have no issue pursuing the perps BA

but that's not what's going down, is it?

It is obviously part of what’s going down.

Sadly, doing so necessarily involves a lot of pain and suffering and horror and tragedy for non combatants.
Ergo, one massacre justifies the next

Grand metric BA

False conclusion. False claim of any “metric.”

The Hamas terrorist massacre of Israelis requires a response. The response is complicated because the attackers from Hamas hide (like the scumbag pussies they are) in the residential population of innocent people.

So, once again, Israel has a choice:

Respond at the risk (and reality) of causing such harm to civilians of Gaza

OR to do basically nothing.

Doing nothing is obviously not a reasonable option. And it isn’t something we could justifiably demand of the Nation of Israel.

Take your rancid hyperbole somewhere else, spanky. It’s not working here.
I’m all for crushing the enemy.

And, again, I don’t see a workable alternative yet for how Israel can do so.

Nevertheless, it is dangerously myopic to consider the innocent civilian populations to be “the“ enemy.

Let’s put the discussion to an obvious mental test. If we lived in some borough of NYC outside of a highly Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn. And living within our population there was an organized and funded terrorist grouping seeking to kill the Jews in Brooklyn. Now suppose that that Brooklyn waged war against those terrorists by bombing our neighborhood.

We can’t get out. We’re trapped. Our children (and other innocent non combatant civilians) are getting killed or maimed. We’re running out of food. Our few remaining hospitals Have run out of fuel to light the operating rooms and the supply of anesthesia for operations had been consumed.

How do you suppose we would feel?
Let's use a more closely related fascist example. Should have the U.S. not leveled the towns in Germany on their way to Berlin because there may be some innocent victims? The only way to root out and squash Hamas is to go in and if needs be, level the area killing all of Hamas. Going into the tunnels and throwing in gas that knocks people out for 6 hours but doesn't kill or permanently hurt people. Drag out the Hamas terrorists and kill them. No need to put them in prisons or Guantanamo Bay for the Democrats to release them years later.
Let's use a more closely related fascist example. Should have the U.S. not leveled the towns in Germany on their way to Berlin because there may be some innocent victims? The only way to root out and squash Hamas is to go in and if needs be, level the area killing all of Hamas. Going into the tunnels and throwing in gas that knocks people out for 6 hours but doesn't kill or permanently hurt people. Drag out the Hamas terrorists and kill them. No need to put them in prisons or Guantanamo Bay for the Democrats to release them years later.
Again, you’re arguing past what I’ve said as if I hadn’t “spoken.”

Maybe we should have refrained from bombing mere population centers in Germany and Japan in WWII. Bombing their industrial centers and military sites was, obviously, something that was needed.

Nowadays, there are more sophisticated guidance systems which can help minimize “collateral damage.” But that only helps when the “enemy” are not cowardly scumbags who intentionally try to hide in civilian neighborhoods.

Which brings me back to my question. I’d love to know what the world expects Israel to do as opposed to what it’s doing? If Israel authorizes emergency supplies for the benefit of the Palestinian civilians, it is guaranteed that they suppliers for Hamas will smuggle in more weapons, more missiles, more launchers more paragliding equipment and so forth.

But if, to avoid that, Israel prevents “aid” convoys into Gaza, more innocent people will suffer the unbelievable miseries of this war.

There are no easy answers — especially given the scumbag nature of the evil enemy and the necessity of the Israeli government’s need to defend Iranian people.
Not so. What keeps us trapped are Democrat politicians who believe in proportion responses instead of wiping out the enemy and not stopping until it’s over, over there.
Isn't that what Dubya did in Afghanistan and we were there his whole presidency.
Again, you’re arguing past what I’ve said as if I hadn’t “spoken.”

Maybe we should have refrained from bombing mere population centers in Germany and Japan in WWII. Bombing their industrial centers and military sites was, obviously, something that was needed.

Nowadays, there are more sophisticated guidance systems which can help minimize “collateral damage.” But that only helps when the “enemy” are not cowardly scumbags who intentionally try to hide in civilian neighborhoods.

Which brings me back to my question. I’d love to know what the world expects Israel to do as opposed to what it’s doing? If Israel authorizes emergency supplies for the benefit of the Palestinian civilians, it is guaranteed that they suppliers for Hamas will smuggle in more weapons, more missiles, more launchers more paragliding equipment and so forth.

But if, to avoid that, Israel prevents “aid” convoys into Gaza, more innocent people will suffer the unbelievable miseries of this war.

There are no easy answers — especially given the scumbag nature of the evil enemy and the necessity of the Israeli government’s need to defend Iranian people.
You say you want Israel to protect itself. Then you talk about restraints. Eventually, Israel has to go in. Miles of tunnels and most Palestinians support Hamas. So, these proportionally responses give terrorists hope.
And no, we did it right up until we negotiated with Russia. That was a mistake and shows that enemies can’t be trusted long term. Again, the Nukes on Japan ended the war and we have become allies and friends. It’s said that if we didn’t end it with the nukes that a million more people would have died.
You say you want Israel to protect itself. Then you talk about restraints. Eventually, Israel has to go in. Miles of tunnels and most Palestinians support Hamas. So, these proportionally responses give terrorists hope.
And no, we did it right up until we negotiated with Russia. That was a mistake and shows that enemies can’t be trusted long term. Again, the Nukes on Japan ended the war and we have become allies and friends. It’s said that if we didn’t end it with the nukes that a million more people would have died.
Sorry. This chat with you is quite unproductive.

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