Israel arrests Jewish youths suspected of arson attack on Palestinian home that killed 3

It is illogical and unfair to equate violent attacks by Israelis and Palestinians. The Israelis are citizens of a sovereign state which is using its armed might (paid for by the USA, btw) to illegally occupy and illegally annex foreign territory, suppressing the local population in the process.

The Palestinians are stateless people without any military or police force to protect them whose land has been invaded and occupied by a colonizing Western power claiming the land belongs to the world's Jews because God handed it out three thousand years ago. Not a peep out of God to support the claim since the Romans chased the Jews out almost two thousand years ago.

It wasn't the Palestinians who attacked the Jews in 1967. The Palestinians have never had an army. The whole world has condemned Israel for its violations of human rights and international law. Only by hiding behind Uncle Sam has Israel avoided the sanctions which will eventually bring the pariah state to its knees.

It's not illogical or fair to compare the two. The Ramallah lynch, the murder of Shalhevet pass, the Itamar Massacre, the Netanya Hotel Massacre, The slaying of Helena Rapp, the attack on road 12.... (just you name it)

In each and every one of those acts the Palestinians have showed to have no morals, sympathy, or humanity, whatsoever. Occupation my ass. Look those things up, tell me then that those who do such things deserve to have a state of their own where they can LEGALLY butcher Jews.
Statehood is not a prize for good behavior. At issue is the disposition of the territory turned over to the UN at the expiration of the British Mandate in Palestine. The UN voted the establishment of two states with shared authority over the international city of Jerusalem. Israel is one of twins.

Arab resistance to UN creation of Israel had some legal legitimacy as the action was taken without the consent of the local inhabitants as required by the UN Charter. In the ensuing vacuum, the USA declared itself the "honest broker" who would arrange the details of the Palestinian state in concurrence with Israel. The idea that Palestine would come into existence as a result of US-Israel negotiations rather than UN vote was finally rejected in UN 242. Like Israel, Palestine will be a creation of the UN. With US enthusiasm for Likud fading, the day is fast approaching. You'll see.

Denying the rights of the Palestinians because of the acts of a few is no more logical than revoking the state of Israel because of its war crimes in Gaza. The fantasy that the Jews will give the Palestinians a little country of their own if they are good and play nice is just Jewish propaganda. Nobody else takes it seriously.
Maybe that is not entirely fair - they did arrest the teens who burned the 16 yr old Palestinian boy alive - and that was done fairly quickly.

After the mass murder of the Fogel family and beheading of their infant the Palestinians celebrated ! Tell us when the PLO arrested them. You have the Chutzpah to condemn the Israelis ?

Oh yes - let's not condemn the Israeli's for they can do no wrong.

It is not about them doing no wrong, but everything that happens in the world should not be the sole blame of Israel.

Go back to what triggered the original attack
go back to the three teens that were kidnapped and killed, or to the increased attack on other Israelis that year.

Considering how busy the Israeli police are, its commendable that it took only four months to bring charges in the arson.
If everything took four months you'd have a point. Somehow when the perpetrators are Palestinian and the victims israeli it takes much less time

knife and car attacks during the day vs arson at night with only allegations that is was jewish settlers that were somehow responsible.

If it was these boys on the outskirts then the accusations were not quite right and obviously took longer to determine who was the culprit. Settlers does not say who actually threw the petrol. Bit like south blaming north, does not say anything about the individual, age, size, features, clothing, direction, name, etc.

Police finally found the arsonist, be glad.
Maybe that is not entirely fair - they did arrest the teens who burned the 16 yr old Palestinian boy alive - and that was done fairly quickly.

After the mass murder of the Fogel family and beheading of their infant the Palestinians celebrated ! Tell us when the PLO arrested them. You have the Chutzpah to condemn the Israelis ?

Oh yes - let's not condemn the Israeli's for they can do no wrong.

It is not about them doing no wrong, but everything that happens in the world should not be the sole blame of Israel.

Go back to what triggered the original attack
go back to the three teens that were kidnapped and killed, or to the increased attack on other Israelis that year.

Considering how busy the Israeli police are, its commendable that it took only four months to bring charges in the arson.
If everything took four months you'd have a point. Somehow when the perpetrators are Palestinian and the victims israeli it takes much less time

knife and car attacks during the day vs arson at night with only allegations that is was jewish settlers that were somehow responsible.

If it was these boys on the outskirts then the accusations were not quite right and obviously took longer to determine who was the culprit. Settlers does not say who actually threw the petrol. Bit like south blaming north, does not say anything about the individual, age, size, features, clothing, direction, name, etc.

Police finally found the arsonist, be glad.
remember that time israel investigated the killing of those three teens? they used the military and arrested over 800 people without charge, killed nine people, and raided over a thousand buildings. then, when they found their suspects, they fired on the house first and began to bulldoze it with them inside.

doesn't seem like they showed the same 'enthusiasm' in this case.
remember that time israel investigated the killing of those three teens? they used the military and arrested over 800 people without charge, killed nine people, and raided over a thousand buildings. then, when they found their suspects, they fired on the house first and began to bulldoze it with them inside. doesn't seem like they showed the same 'enthusiasm' in this case.
Resisting arrest has its consequences, hasn't it?
So just like the Americans when it is a black person involved ? So why don't you put your own house in order before telling Israel to put theirs in order.
After the mass murder of the Fogel family and beheading of their infant the Palestinians celebrated ! Tell us when the PLO arrested them. You have the Chutzpah to condemn the Israelis ?

Oh yes - let's not condemn the Israeli's for they can do no wrong.

It is not about them doing no wrong, but everything that happens in the world should not be the sole blame of Israel.

Go back to what triggered the original attack
go back to the three teens that were kidnapped and killed, or to the increased attack on other Israelis that year.

Considering how busy the Israeli police are, its commendable that it took only four months to bring charges in the arson.
If everything took four months you'd have a point. Somehow when the perpetrators are Palestinian and the victims israeli it takes much less time

knife and car attacks during the day vs arson at night with only allegations that is was jewish settlers that were somehow responsible.

If it was these boys on the outskirts then the accusations were not quite right and obviously took longer to determine who was the culprit. Settlers does not say who actually threw the petrol. Bit like south blaming north, does not say anything about the individual, age, size, features, clothing, direction, name, etc.

Police finally found the arsonist, be glad.
remember that time israel investigated the killing of those three teens? they used the military and arrested over 800 people without charge, killed nine people, and raided over a thousand buildings. then, when they found their suspects, they fired on the house first and began to bulldoze it with them inside.

doesn't seem like they showed the same 'enthusiasm' in this case.

How about a link to your claims other than from an anti Jew source. For the record arrest is not the same as getting a conviction in court, it is just being taken in for questioning which is normal procedure in every civilised nation. It is only muslims that seem to have a problem with being arrested and held for questioning.
U.S. Citizen, Israel Keller, Member of Jewish Terror Ring
The Dawabsheh murder case gets curiouser and curiouser: Walla has just revealed that one of four Israeli settler youth accused of committing the arson fire which murdered three members of the Dawabsheh family and left a boy orphaned, is a U.S. citizen. The family, whose name isn’t mentioned, has turned for assistance to the U.S. embassy and senators. Israeli media acknowledge that the suspects have been tortured in order to extract information about the crime. I imagine that these appeals are meant to protect their child from such treatment.

The family is engendering sympathy in Israeli media by noting their son suffers from attention deficit disorder and “allergies.” I feel for him. But these medical conditions didn’t prevent him from burning three Palestinians to death, did they?

Now it becomes much clearer why Israel was so reluctant to pursue this case; and why it took two petitions to the Supreme Court by Palestinian MKs to get the police and Shabak off their asses. This is one of the most lurid Jewish terror attacks years. To have a U.S. citizen as one of the conspirators is desperately embarrassing for the Israeli government.

Bibi wants to be able to needle Obama endlessly. He doesn’t want to be in a position where he has to admit that U.S. citizens are murdering Palestinians. That puts him on the defensive.

UPDATE: An Israeli who follows my social media accounts reports he’s identified Israel K. as Israel B’er Keller. She is definitely right.

Who is this suspect? We know almost for a certainty that the three suspects whose full names I’ve reported (Amiram Benoliel, Elisha Odess and Hanoch Ganiram) are Israeli citizens. But we can’t say that regarding the suspect only known as Israel K. In fact, my source speculates that the reason he was only offered the boy’s first name is that he is a U.S. citizen. In other words, the Shabak is extremely sensitive when it arrests U.S. citizens in security cases,
U.S. Citizen, Israel Keller, Suspect in Jewish Terror Ring Murder of Dawabshe Family Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם

U.S. Citizen, Israel Keller, Member of Jewish Terror Ring
The Dawabsheh murder case gets curiouser and curiouser: Walla has just revealed that one of four Israeli settler youth accused of committing the arson fire which murdered three members of the Dawabsheh family and left a boy orphaned, is a U.S. citizen. The family, whose name isn’t mentioned, has turned for assistance to the U.S. embassy and senators. Israeli media acknowledge that the suspects have been tortured in order to extract information about the crime. I imagine that these appeals are meant to protect their child from such treatment.

The family is engendering sympathy in Israeli media by noting their son suffers from attention deficit disorder and “allergies.” I feel for him. But these medical conditions didn’t prevent him from burning three Palestinians to death, did they?

Now it becomes much clearer why Israel was so reluctant to pursue this case; and why it took two petitions to the Supreme Court by Palestinian MKs to get the police and Shabak off their asses. This is one of the most lurid Jewish terror attacks years. To have a U.S. citizen as one of the conspirators is desperately embarrassing for the Israeli government.

Bibi wants to be able to needle Obama endlessly. He doesn’t want to be in a position where he has to admit that U.S. citizens are murdering Palestinians. That puts him on the defensive.

UPDATE: An Israeli who follows my social media accounts reports he’s identified Israel K. as Israel B’er Keller. She is definitely right.

Who is this suspect? We know almost for a certainty that the three suspects whose full names I’ve reported (Amiram Benoliel, Elisha Odess and Hanoch Ganiram) are Israeli citizens. But we can’t say that regarding the suspect only known as Israel K. In fact, my source speculates that the reason he was only offered the boy’s first name is that he is a U.S. citizen. In other words, the Shabak is extremely sensitive when it arrests U.S. citizens in security cases,
U.S. Citizen, Israel Keller, Suspect in Jewish Terror Ring Murder of Dawabshe Family Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם

Are they taking action against the criminals, or are they doing what the Palestinians do and elevating them to sainthood ?
It is illogical and unfair to equate violent attacks by Israelis and Palestinians. The Israelis are citizens of a sovereign state which is using its armed might (paid for by the USA, btw) to illegally occupy and illegally annex foreign territory, suppressing the local population in the process.

The Palestinians are stateless people without any military or police force to protect them whose land has been invaded and occupied by a colonizing Western power claiming the land belongs to the world's Jews because God handed it out three thousand years ago. Not a peep out of God to support the claim since the Romans chased the Jews out almost two thousand years ago.

It wasn't the Palestinians who attacked the Jews in 1967. The Palestinians have never had an army. The whole world has condemned Israel for its violations of human rights and international law. Only by hiding behind Uncle Sam has Israel avoided the sanctions which will eventually bring the pariah state to its knees.

It's not illogical or fair to compare the two. The Ramallah lynch, the murder of Shalhevet pass, the Itamar Massacre, the Netanya Hotel Massacre, The slaying of Helena Rapp, the attack on road 12.... (just you name it)

In each and every one of those acts the Palestinians have showed to have no morals, sympathy, or humanity, whatsoever. Occupation my ass. Look those things up, tell me then that those who do such things deserve to have a state of their own where they can LEGALLY butcher Jews.
Statehood is not a prize for good behavior. At issue is the disposition of the territory turned over to the UN at the expiration of the British Mandate in Palestine. The UN voted the establishment of two states with shared authority over the international city of Jerusalem. Israel is one of twins.

Arab resistance to UN creation of Israel had some legal legitimacy as the action was taken without the consent of the local inhabitants as required by the UN Charter. In the ensuing vacuum, the USA declared itself the "honest broker" who would arrange the details of the Palestinian state in concurrence with Israel. The idea that Palestine would come into existence as a result of US-Israel negotiations rather than UN vote was finally rejected in UN 242. Like Israel, Palestine will be a creation of the UN. With US enthusiasm for Likud fading, the day is fast approaching. You'll see.

Denying the rights of the Palestinians because of the acts of a few is no more logical than revoking the state of Israel because of its war crimes in Gaza. The fantasy that the Jews will give the Palestinians a little country of their own if they are good and play nice is just Jewish propaganda. Nobody else takes it seriously.

More than 2/3 of Palestinians support killings of Jews. So yeah, actions of a "few", let them dream of a country in never-gonna-happen-land.
Last week, Sara Yael Hirschhorn, writing in the NY Times, named three suspects under arrest: Meir Ettinger, Mordechai Meyer, and Ephraim Khantsis. In her interesting article, she notes that two of them were born and raised in the U.S. The third, Ettinger, is the grandson of Meir Kahane, the most ‘illustrious’ terrorist produced by American Jewry.

Haaretz reports that Bogie Yaalon, the defense minister told a meeting of Likud youth activists that the Shabak knows precisely who the murderers are. But conveniently, it’s not charged them yet with the crime because to do so would expose its own agents among the settlers. I say this is “convenient” because it allows the government to have it both ways: yes, we’ve solved the crime and know who the killers are; no, we won’t prosecute them because protecting our sources is more important than doing justice by the Palestinian victims. Yaalon’s comment is meant as an escape valve, letting off steam that has been building throughout the world regarding the impunity of settler terrorists inside the Israeli state.
Israeli Security Source: Settler Murderer of Dawabsheh Family Played Us Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם
More than 2/3 of Palestinians support killings of Jews. So yeah, actions of a "few", let them dream of a country in never-gonna-happen-land.

What percentage of Israeli's support the killing Of Palestinians?
Last week, Sara Yael Hirschhorn, writing in the NY Times, named three suspects under arrest: Meir Ettinger, Mordechai Meyer, and Ephraim Khantsis. In her interesting article, she notes that two of them were born and raised in the U.S. The third, Ettinger, is the grandson of Meir Kahane, the most ‘illustrious’ terrorist produced by American Jewry.

Haaretz reports that Bogie Yaalon, the defense minister told a meeting of Likud youth activists that the Shabak knows precisely who the murderers are. But conveniently, it’s not charged them yet with the crime because to do so would expose its own agents among the settlers. I say this is “convenient” because it allows the government to have it both ways: yes, we’ve solved the crime and know who the killers are; no, we won’t prosecute them because protecting our sources is more important than doing justice by the Palestinian victims. Yaalon’s comment is meant as an escape valve, letting off steam that has been building throughout the world regarding the impunity of settler terrorists inside the Israeli state.
Israeli Security Source: Settler Murderer of Dawabsheh Family Played Us Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם

Mister Fangi, When reading this I frowned because this article didn't make much sense, whatsoever. I then looked at the date, this article was published in September, and that's more than old news.

Those three teens were released since then, because of lack of evidence. The police has new arrests in this case. The boy is about 15 years old, he's held more than a week under arrest, and they're trying to build a case against him.

So before bringing information, at least check its relevant, please.
The story of the Israeli security apparatus’ handling of theDawabshe murder case is beyond pathetic. It’s outright malfeasance, if not criminal negligence. The Shabak has known who murdered them almost since the family died in an arson attack in the village of Duma near Nablus (killing the mother, father, and baby boy and leaving alive one orphaned son). But it refused to pursue the case. Why? The defense minister claimed that doing so would expose intelligence methods and compromise sources.

I learned from a confidential source that this meant that there was a Shabak undercover agent among the conspirators.
BREAKING: After MKs Appeal to Supreme Court, Shabak Arrests 2 New Suspects in Dawabshe Murders Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם
The story of the Israeli security apparatus’ handling of theDawabshe murder case is beyond pathetic. It’s outright malfeasance, if not criminal negligence. The Shabak has known who murdered them almost since the family died in an arson attack in the village of Duma near Nablus (killing the mother, father, and baby boy and leaving alive one orphaned son). But it refused to pursue the case. Why? The defense minister claimed that doing so would expose intelligence methods and compromise sources.

I learned from a confidential source that this meant that there was a Shabak undercover agent among the conspirators.
BREAKING: After MKs Appeal to Supreme Court, Shabak Arrests 2 New Suspects in Dawabshe Murders Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם

How and why are you so sure the Shabbak knows or knew it all along?
Maybe that is not entirely fair - they did arrest the teens who burned the 16 yr old Palestinian boy alive - and that was done fairly quickly.

After the mass murder of the Fogel family and beheading of their infant the Palestinians celebrated ! Tell us when the PLO arrested them. You have the Chutzpah to condemn the Israelis ?

Oh yes - let's not condemn the Israeli's for they can do no wrong.
Do you condemn the muslims?

Nope. Disgusting display of pro-terrorist sentiment.
The story of the Israeli security apparatus’ handling of theDawabshe murder case is beyond pathetic. It’s outright malfeasance, if not criminal negligence. The Shabak has known who murdered them almost since the family died in an arson attack in the village of Duma near Nablus (killing the mother, father, and baby boy and leaving alive one orphaned son). But it refused to pursue the case. Why? The defense minister claimed that doing so would expose intelligence methods and compromise sources.

I learned from a confidential source that this meant that there was a Shabak undercover agent among the conspirators.
BREAKING: After MKs Appeal to Supreme Court, Shabak Arrests 2 New Suspects in Dawabshe Murders Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם

How and why are you so sure the Shabbak knows or knew it all along?

Israeli minister 'knows who started fire that killed Palestinian toddler' but no arrests made
Moshe Ya'alon says security officials know the perpetrators behind blaze that killed three members of a Palestinian family but have delayed prosecuting for fear of betraying sources
Israeli minister 'knows who started fire that killed Palestinian toddler' but no arrests made
The story of the Israeli security apparatus’ handling of theDawabshe murder case is beyond pathetic. It’s outright malfeasance, if not criminal negligence. The Shabak has known who murdered them almost since the family died in an arson attack in the village of Duma near Nablus (killing the mother, father, and baby boy and leaving alive one orphaned son). But it refused to pursue the case. Why? The defense minister claimed that doing so would expose intelligence methods and compromise sources.

I learned from a confidential source that this meant that there was a Shabak undercover agent among the conspirators.
BREAKING: After MKs Appeal to Supreme Court, Shabak Arrests 2 New Suspects in Dawabshe Murders Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם

How and why are you so sure the Shabbak knows or knew it all along?

Israeli minister 'knows who started fire that killed Palestinian toddler' but no arrests made
Moshe Ya'alon says security officials know the perpetrators behind blaze that killed three members of a Palestinian family but have delayed prosecuting for fear of betraying sources
Israeli minister 'knows who started fire that killed Palestinian toddler' but no arrests made

Knowing is not the same as proving is it, and you would not want to see the case collapse because you are acting liking a complete moron
The story of the Israeli security apparatus’ handling of theDawabshe murder case is beyond pathetic. It’s outright malfeasance, if not criminal negligence. The Shabak has known who murdered them almost since the family died in an arson attack in the village of Duma near Nablus (killing the mother, father, and baby boy and leaving alive one orphaned son). But it refused to pursue the case. Why? The defense minister claimed that doing so would expose intelligence methods and compromise sources.

I learned from a confidential source that this meant that there was a Shabak undercover agent among the conspirators.
BREAKING: After MKs Appeal to Supreme Court, Shabak Arrests 2 New Suspects in Dawabshe Murders Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם

How and why are you so sure the Shabbak knows or knew it all along?

Israeli minister 'knows who started fire that killed Palestinian toddler' but no arrests made
Moshe Ya'alon says security officials know the perpetrators behind blaze that killed three members of a Palestinian family but have delayed prosecuting for fear of betraying sources
Israeli minister 'knows who started fire that killed Palestinian toddler' but no arrests made

Knowing is not the same as proving is it, and you would not want to see the case collapse because you are acting liking a complete moron
that doesn't stop the israeli's from arresting palestinians.
they could have rounded up israeli's by the dozens in search of the arsonists. it's what they do when the rolls are reversed. why not this time?
The story of the Israeli security apparatus’ handling of theDawabshe murder case is beyond pathetic. It’s outright malfeasance, if not criminal negligence. The Shabak has known who murdered them almost since the family died in an arson attack in the village of Duma near Nablus (killing the mother, father, and baby boy and leaving alive one orphaned son). But it refused to pursue the case. Why? The defense minister claimed that doing so would expose intelligence methods and compromise sources.

I learned from a confidential source that this meant that there was a Shabak undercover agent among the conspirators.
BREAKING: After MKs Appeal to Supreme Court, Shabak Arrests 2 New Suspects in Dawabshe Murders Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם

How and why are you so sure the Shabbak knows or knew it all along?

Israeli minister 'knows who started fire that killed Palestinian toddler' but no arrests made
Moshe Ya'alon says security officials know the perpetrators behind blaze that killed three members of a Palestinian family but have delayed prosecuting for fear of betraying sources
Israeli minister 'knows who started fire that killed Palestinian toddler' but no arrests made

I don't know, this entire affair is pretty weird. Hope that at some point we'll find out what really happened there.

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