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Israel attacks civilians

JORDAN VALLEY, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) bulldozed Palestinian homes in the Jordan Valley on Thursday for the third time running.

Aref Daraghma, the head of the Wadi Al-Malih municipal council, told Quds Press that IOF soldiers escorted bulldozers into Mayta and Hamamat areas and destroyed homes for Palestinian shepherds for the third time.

He said that the Israeli occupation constantly targets those areas, noting that the Palestinian inhabitants rebuilt their homes twice before.

Daraghma said that the inhabitants are adamant on maintaining presence on their land and not to leave it for the occupation authorities to annex it to their settlements or army camps.

IOF soldiers demolish Palestinian houses in Jordan Valley for 3rd time
Now that you have given us your news, I know you wouldn't mind me giving my news.

Accounts of lethal West Bank encounter differ | ICEJ International
JORDAN VALLEY, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) bulldozed Palestinian homes in the Jordan Valley on Thursday for the third time running.

Aref Daraghma, the head of the Wadi Al-Malih municipal council, told Quds Press that IOF soldiers escorted bulldozers into Mayta and Hamamat areas and destroyed homes for Palestinian shepherds for the third time.

He said that the Israeli occupation constantly targets those areas, noting that the Palestinian inhabitants rebuilt their homes twice before.

Daraghma said that the inhabitants are adamant on maintaining presence on their land and not to leave it for the occupation authorities to annex it to their settlements or army camps.

IOF soldiers demolish Palestinian houses in Jordan Valley for 3rd time
Now that you have given us your news, I know you wouldn't mind me giving my news.

Accounts of lethal West Bank encounter differ | ICEJ International

Israelis Hoss,are almost beyond Redemption.....
JORDAN VALLEY, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) bulldozed Palestinian homes in the Jordan Valley on Thursday for the third time running.

Aref Daraghma, the head of the Wadi Al-Malih municipal council, told Quds Press that IOF soldiers escorted bulldozers into Mayta and Hamamat areas and destroyed homes for Palestinian shepherds for the third time.

He said that the Israeli occupation constantly targets those areas, noting that the Palestinian inhabitants rebuilt their homes twice before.

Daraghma said that the inhabitants are adamant on maintaining presence on their land and not to leave it for the occupation authorities to annex it to their settlements or army camps.

IOF soldiers demolish Palestinian houses in Jordan Valley for 3rd time
Now that you have given us your news, I know you wouldn't mind me giving my news.

Accounts of lethal West Bank encounter differ | ICEJ International

Israelis Hoss,are almost beyond Redemption.....
Looks like Little Stevie stopped pacing the floors at your know where for a moment to put it one of his ridiculous comments. Isn't it wonderful how Little Stevie never has anything to say derogatory about what the Muslims are doing? Maybe he is waiting for them to take over his country so that he can roll ver for them. Probably Little Stevie doesn't even know what is happening in his own country, let alone what is happening in Muslim countries. I think Little Stevie belongs just where he is -- pacing up and down the halls thinking that he knows it all. Meanwhile, of course, Little Stevie probably thinks that Arab Muslim journalists are lying when they say the Arabs have it much better in Israel than in Arab countries. You can go back to your pacing now, Stevie. You dumb statement has been duly noted.
Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian
Now that you have given us your news, I know you wouldn't mind me giving my news.

Accounts of lethal West Bank encounter differ | ICEJ International

Israelis Hoss,are almost beyond Redemption.....
Looks like Little Stevie stopped pacing the floors at your know where for a moment to put it one of his ridiculous comments. Isn't it wonderful how Little Stevie never has anything to say derogatory about what the Muslims are doing? Maybe he is waiting for them to take over his country so that he can roll ver for them. Probably Little Stevie doesn't even know what is happening in his own country, let alone what is happening in Muslim countries. I think Little Stevie belongs just where he is -- pacing up and down the halls thinking that he knows it all. Meanwhile, of course, Little Stevie probably thinks that Arab Muslim journalists are lying when they say the Arabs have it much better in Israel than in Arab countries. You can go back to your pacing now, Stevie. You dumb statement has been duly noted.
Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Yet another silly comment Hoss......this is a thread on Israel and Palestine,I would gladly dialogue on the rise of Islam in the Western World.steve but not on here
Hoss---the anwer lies in the first chapter of psychology 101.----simple stuff---behavior
is mediated response----either adverse or positive. Anyone who believes that two
Israeli soldiers ---on ecountering a few arab teens walking home from school
decided to OPEN FIRE-----is, simpl stupid. To put it bluntly----the question any
reasonably intelligent person should ask is "WHY"?

To understand consider this theoretical. Two armed palestinians --aged 22---encountered
a few Israeli teens walking on a road..... and opened fire. ---the question "WHY"?

Back to the first story----two IDF (age 20 ((?)) ) encounter a few arab youth---walking
home.... and open fire ------ WHY???

the question is ----WHAT POSITIVE FEEDBACK do the arabs get for shooting and
what positive feed back do the israelis get for shooting (the behavior/reward model of

answer----the arabs who shoot are considered great heroes by their communities,
their social and economic status gets ELEVATED and ---best of all ---they get to

the jews who shoot? they have to worry about being prosecuted for
crime and can look forward to NO REWARD AT ALL

conclusion---one has to be really stupid to believe the BS tinnie et al and
the muslim "media" use to "be-shit" the world

discussion----societal approval and religious faith in "reward" are very
strong mediators of behavior-----and explain why muslims murder
in the hundreds of millions
Then what's all this aliyahoo akbaring all about?

Nobody except housefly cares when muslims kill muslims. Does anyone care that 10,000 Americans kill each other with guns EVERY YEAR? Hey housefly, care about that, why don't you. Fuck are you a dumb diaper shitter. Good thing you're too old to matter, if you ever did.
So sad that Frau Ima can never actually pull it off that he/she wants to us believe that he/she is now a refined woman instead of a man with a mouthful of vulgarities. Frau Ima. have you found someone to clean out your porta-potty. You seem obsessed with diapers so I imagine you never leave the house without one on. So tell us, neutered one, how many people die in car accidents? I guess we all can see that Frau Ima could care less about innocent people being killed in the Muslim world. As long as he/she is safe in his/her little town that is all that matters to him/her as long as the hunters in his/her town don't mistake him/her for a deer.
HAHAHA! housefly wants us to believe that he cares about muslims killing muslims. Hey housefly, you don't care about arabs who get killed by Israelis, so why all the fuss over arabs who kill arabs? Are you faking it? :dunno:

HAHAHA! housefly wants us to believe that he cares about muslims killing muslims. Hey housefly, you don't care about arabs who get killed by Israelis, so why all the fuss over arabs who kill arabs? Are you faking it? :dunno:

It is reasonable in a discussion which some whore INSISTS can refer only
to arab-"palestinian" children dying in the present conflict between
arab-"palestinians" and Israelis as a UNIQUE TRAGEDY OF UNEQUALED
ENORMITY--- (as is the agenda of the whore lawyer) to point out that
compared to the extensive and ONGOING genocides of children---both
muslim and non muslims occassioned by conflict created by muslims and
atrocities comitted by muslims------the issues for arab "palestinian" children
are a tragic albeit relatively tiny drop in a MASSIVE BUCKET OF

****** ISLAMIC CULTURE ******

both historically and contemporaneously
GAZA, (PIC)-- Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) fired on Thursday evening artillery shells toward the Zeitoun neighborhood south east of Gaza City.

Eyewitnesses said the Israeli artillery fired at a late hour on Thursday evening a shell toward Malaka area east of the Zeitoun neighborhood. There were no reports of injuries, although the shell has exploded.

The sources added that after firing the shell, Israeli occupation forces opened fire towards Palestinian homes in the neighborhood, no injuries were reported.

He pointed out to the presence of Israeli troops east of the Zeitoun neighborhood near Malaka Gate.

This incident came in light of the continued Israeli violations to the truce signed between the Palestinian resistance and the occupation under the Egyptian mediation, where four Palestinians were martyred and many were wounded by Israeli fire, in addition to the arrest of 30 fishermen and the confiscation of a number of fishing boats in the Gaza sea since the truce.

IOF fires artillery shells east of Gaza City
GAZA, (PIC)-- Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) fired on Thursday evening artillery shells toward the Zeitoun neighborhood south east of Gaza City.

Eyewitnesses said the Israeli artillery fired at a late hour on Thursday evening a shell toward Malaka area east of the Zeitoun neighborhood. There were no reports of injuries, although the shell has exploded.

The sources added that after firing the shell, Israeli occupation forces opened fire towards Palestinian homes in the neighborhood, no injuries were reported.

He pointed out to the presence of Israeli troops east of the Zeitoun neighborhood near Malaka Gate.

This incident came in light of the continued Israeli violations to the truce signed between the Palestinian resistance and the occupation under the Egyptian mediation, where four Palestinians were martyred and many were wounded by Israeli fire, in addition to the arrest of 30 fishermen and the confiscation of a number of fishing boats in the Gaza sea since the truce.

IOF fires artillery shells east of Gaza City

Islamo nazi pig propaganda news reports were comical in 1967---but idiot optimist
that I was ----I actually believed they would become "real" ---"soon" Notice that
the islamo nazis complain incessantly that Israeli technology is SO PRECISE---that
if a child is hit in the course of a general battle-----the incident is a "TARGETED"
murder even if the kid is inside a building under his bed.

NOW the islamo nazis are claiming that Israel attacked a village in a densely
populated area and did not manage to HIT ANYTHING

tinnie-----do you ever manage to put on your underwear straight ---or
does the front end up in the back? First locate the tag that goes on the
SIDE opposite your belly button
Nobody except housefly cares when muslims kill muslims. Does anyone care that 10,000 Americans kill each other with guns EVERY YEAR? Hey housefly, care about that, why don't you. Fuck are you a dumb diaper shitter. Good thing you're too old to matter, if you ever did.
So sad that Frau Ima can never actually pull it off that he/she wants to us believe that he/she is now a refined woman instead of a man with a mouthful of vulgarities. Frau Ima. have you found someone to clean out your porta-potty. You seem obsessed with diapers so I imagine you never leave the house without one on. So tell us, neutered one, how many people die in car accidents? I guess we all can see that Frau Ima could care less about innocent people being killed in the Muslim world. As long as he/she is safe in his/her little town that is all that matters to him/her as long as the hunters in his/her town don't mistake him/her for a deer.
HAHAHA! housefly wants us to believe that he cares about muslims killing muslims. Hey housefly, you don't care about arabs who get killed by Israelis, so why all the fuss over arabs who kill arabs? Are you faking it? :dunno:
Ha, ha yourself, Frau Ima Troll. I think the readers have figured out by now that Frau Ima is an equal opportunity hater himself/herself and only thinks his/her fellow Nazis are the Cat's Meow. Who wants to bet that Frau Ima has never sent in any money to UNICEF to help the unfortunate children of the world, which of course includes Muslim children. However, Frau Ima, has no problem paying for a new pair of jackboots to wear at the meetings of the Bund in his/her little town. It looks like the "spring chicken" still has found no one around his/her own age with whom to hang out.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuuC6XBkxX8]IOF arresting mother and her 18-month baby 19.1.2013 Umm Al Arayes, South Hebron hills - YouTube[/ame]
GAZA, (PIC)-- Seven Palestinians were wounded on Friday evening when Israeli occupation soldiers opened at Palestinians in two different areas in the northern Gaza Strip, according to Palestinian sources.

A local journalist said that the IOF opened machinegun fire at farmers in two different areas in the northern Gaza Strip. The first was to the east of Martyrs Cemetery east of Jabalya, resulting in the injury of five Palestinians. The other area in which Palestinian farmers came under IOF fire was east of Beit Hanoun, where two people were wounded.

7 Palestinians injured in Gaza by Israeli fire
I used to believe news reports from arab sources-----I was so
credulous that in 1967 ---june----I truly believed that the
arabs were winning the war. When I heard reports that they
had "invaded Haifa" -----there was no question in my mind that it was ---TRUE
I used to believe news reports from arab sources-----I was so
credulous that in 1967 ---june----I truly believed that the
arabs were winning the war. When I heard reports that they
had "invaded Haifa" -----there was no question in my mind that it was ---TRUE

Because of course the arabs are shooting themselves. DOH! :slap:
I used to believe news reports from arab sources-----I was so
credulous that in 1967 ---june----I truly believed that the
arabs were winning the war. When I heard reports that they
had "invaded Haifa" -----there was no question in my mind that it was ---TRUE

Because of course the arabs are shooting themselves. DOH! :slap:

it was very sad----perhaps you are too young to remember----the egyptian army fled on
foot across the sinai and died like flies of dehydration-----I do not remember either side
suggesting that they shot each other------except for an isolated report regarding
one who was accused of being a traitor for insisting that "THINGS WERE REALLY
BAD AT THE FRONT" -----of course Nasser did claim VICTORY----afterall---he and
his wife were both still alive------she had a few years to go before she became
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) chopped down olive trees in Shufat land threatened with confiscation north of occupied Jerusalem.

The targeted land lot is 8.5 dunums in area and is owned by Abu Nee Hamdan family that has documents to prove its grandparent’s legal ownership of the land.

IOA chops down olive trees in Shufat
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) chopped down olive trees in Shufat land threatened with confiscation north of occupied Jerusalem.

The targeted land lot is 8.5 dunums in area and is owned by Abu Nee Hamdan family that has documents to prove its grandparent’s legal ownership of the land.

IOA chops down olive trees in Shufat

"Occupied Jerusalem". LOL. Priceless.
"The IOA-controlled municipality of Jerusalem cut off those trees on Tuesday in preparation for constructing road 21.

The Israeli antiquities authority launched a campaign of digging in the area to make sure that no ancient relics were underground before starting the infrastructure building."

The rest of the story - which was the middle of the article cited. I believe this situation is called 'eminent domain' in the us.

And I now believe it's obvious that the poster deliberately sought to distort the situation and mislead readers. I see no reason to trust this individual to be honest or straightforward on ANY related topic.
"The IOA-controlled municipality of Jerusalem cut off those trees on Tuesday in preparation for constructing road 21.

The Israeli antiquities authority launched a campaign of digging in the area to make sure that no ancient relics were underground before starting the infrastructure building."

The rest of the story - which was the middle of the article cited. I believe this situation is called 'eminent domain' in the us.

And I now believe it's obvious that the poster deliberately sought to distort the situation and mislead readers. I see no reason to trust this individual to be honest or straightforward on ANY related topic.

'eminent domain'?

How can a foreign government get eminent domain?
JENIN, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) destroyed a water network supplying Meriha village, south of Jenin, with fresh water while bulldozing streets in its vicinity on Wednesday.

Samer Abu Bakir, the head of Yabad municipality, told the PIC that IOF bulldozers destroyed the main water pipeline supplying the 500 inhabitants of Meriha village with water. He noted that the pipeline is affiliated with his municipality.

He said that his village was under constant IOF attacks including occupying houses, closing roads, and destroying infrastructure.

IOF soldiers destroy water network south of Jenin

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