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Israeli Settler Runs Over Palestinian Child Deliberately

-KHALIL, (PIC)-- "An Israeli settler deliberately ran over a Palestinian child on Sunday with her car near the Ibrahimi mosque in al-Khalil, in the southern West Bank. Eyewitnesses confirmed that an Israeli settler ran over the Palestinian child Youssef Bassem al-Mohtassab, 5, before fleeing the scene quickly. The settler Anat Cohen, known for her hostility against the Palestinians in the region, had yesterday attacked two Palestinian children and brought Israeli soldiers to pick them up, the sources added." Israeli settler runs over Palestinian child deliberately
No proof that she "deliberately" ran over the child. Other than this photo from the propaganda garbage site which shows the same young adults attacking and throwing stones at the car. A liar posting lies from a site that provides lies...what else is new?

NO, the incident is that of an illegal settler running over a 5 year old child. She deliberately ran down a 5 year old. YOU have to be a low down scumbag to sink that low!

Look at the picture in your article and then look at the video. IT's the same kid... He ran directly in front of the car, you stupid Nazi .. You've got to be kidding me right????

NO, and I do not think that is a photo of the incident, either. THE driver does not appear to be a woman and the child does not appear 5. I have found many instances where general photos are used to depict events like this.
Bwahahahahaha! Detective you're not.
this settler has a reputation for violence. Settlers attack internationals accompanying school children on shuhada street

posted on: March 28, 2012*|by paige28 march 2012 | international solidarity movement, west banktoday at around 1 pm* extremist settler anat cohen attacked a canadian woman accompanying school children, and a few minutes later sent two teenage settlers to throw rocks at the canadian woman and a finnish man.* the attack occurred at the bottom of the stairs connecting the qordaba girls school with the section of shuhada street where palestinians are allowed to walk.cohen passed the internationals in her car and stopped to talk to soldiers at the nearby checkpoint.* she then reversed her car, parked next to the internationals and proceeded to shove, kick and scream at the canadian women while soldiers looked on.* eventually a soldier came to force the internationals up the stairs, but did nothing to stop cohen from harassing them. settlers attack internationals accompanying school children on shuhada street
you still haven't told us, frau sherri, what an armed terrorist was doing hiding in the offices of the international solidarity movement. No doubt you must have been horrified when he blew himself up at mike's place, killing several people and wounding many others. Here the people inside mike's place (owned jointly by a jew and a christian) were just enjoying a day out, and one of frau sherri's friends felt he had to detonate himself in there. If he wanted his 72 virgins, frau sherri, couldn't he have blown himself up where there were no people around?

don't forget keith trowbridge, the american who was severely injured in the mike's place attack while working on a film

no idea why you keep bringing up off topic stories!
-KHALIL, (PIC)-- "An Israeli settler deliberately ran over a Palestinian child on Sunday with her car near the Ibrahimi mosque in al-Khalil, in the southern West Bank. Eyewitnesses confirmed that an Israeli settler ran over the Palestinian child Youssef Bassem al-Mohtassab, 5, before fleeing the scene quickly. The settler Anat Cohen, known for her hostility against the Palestinians in the region, had yesterday attacked two Palestinian children and brought Israeli soldiers to pick them up, the sources added." Israeli settler runs over Palestinian child deliberately
No proof that she "deliberately" ran over the child. Other than this photo from the propaganda garbage site which shows the same young adults attacking and throwing stones at the car. A liar posting lies from a site that provides lies...what else is new?


The video CLEARLY showed the boy ran directly into the car while trying to throw a rock.
Look at the picture in your article and then look at the video. IT's the same kid... He ran directly in front of the car, you stupid Nazi .. You've got to be kidding me right????

Dense one, I and noone else have posted a photo of the 5 year old child that Cohen witch ran over.

Yes or no, is the video from the same article that you posted?? The picture is the same as in the video. Why are you incapable of answering such a simple question? Are you mentally retarded????

I ALREADY said no. WHEN will you learn to read? MY article has no video.
NO, the incident is that of an illegal settler running over a 5 year old child. She deliberately ran down a 5 year old. YOU have to be a low down scumbag to sink that low!

Look at the picture in your article and then look at the video. IT's the same kid... He ran directly in front of the car, you stupid Nazi .. You've got to be kidding me right????

NO, and I do not think that is a photo of the incident, either. THE driver does not appear to be a woman and the child does not appear 5. I have found many instances where general photos are used to depict events like this.

Surely, you must be kidding ? Are you blind ?????
-KHALIL, (PIC)-- "An Israeli settler deliberately ran over a Palestinian child on Sunday with her car near the Ibrahimi mosque in al-Khalil, in the southern West Bank. Eyewitnesses confirmed that an Israeli settler ran over the Palestinian child Youssef Bassem al-Mohtassab, 5, before fleeing the scene quickly. The settler Anat Cohen, known for her hostility against the Palestinians in the region, had yesterday attacked two Palestinian children and brought Israeli soldiers to pick them up, the sources added." Israeli settler runs over Palestinian child deliberately
No proof that she "deliberately" ran over the child. Other than this photo from the propaganda garbage site which shows the same young adults attacking and throwing stones at the car. A liar posting lies from a site that provides lies...what else is new?


The video CLEARLY showed the boy ran directly into the car while trying to throw a rock.

YOUR video is from 2010, the Jewish witch ran over a 5 year old child a few days ago!
Look at the picture in your article and then look at the video. IT's the same kid... He ran directly in front of the car, you stupid Nazi .. You've got to be kidding me right????

NO, and I do not think that is a photo of the incident, either. THE driver does not appear to be a woman and the child does not appear 5. I have found many instances where general photos are used to depict events like this.

Surely, you must be kidding ? Are you blind ?????

DO all of us a favor and learn to read. The photo is obviously not of the incident addressed in the article. The article addresses a child who is run over and a general photo is used. This happens all the time.
No proof that she "deliberately" ran over the child. Other than this photo from the propaganda garbage site which shows the same young adults attacking and throwing stones at the car. A liar posting lies from a site that provides lies...what else is new?


The video CLEARLY showed the boy ran directly into the car while trying to throw a rock.

YOUR video is from 2010, the Jewish witch ran over a 5 year old child a few days ago!

Then why the fuck are they using the picture in the article from the 2010 incident ??? Where's the picture of the 5 year old??

Pay close attention now Sherri. Notice in the picture from your article, they try to make it seem like this boy was just randomly run over. Then you watch the video and you see he ran DIRECTLY at the car while throwing rocks ! The Palestinians of course reported the story in a way that made it seem like the boy was minding his own business when the Jewish settler ran over him for no reason. Do you not see the Arab propaganda ???!! Are you that feeble minded, or are you just in denial ???
Obviously, the photo does not go with the article. AND this is not the first article I have seen like this. If it is clear to me a general photo is being used in an article I usually do not post the photo. They did not have a photo of the particular incident and used a general photo. YOU are making something out of it that it is not.
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Obviously, the photo does not go with the article. AND this is not the first article I have seen like this. They did not have a photo of the particular incident and used a general photo.

They don't have a photo because the incident never happened. Just like 99.9% of the reported incidents from your garbage website that you call a legitimate source !!
NO, they simply did not have a photo of the particular incident and used a general photo.
MORE ABOUT THE NOTORIOUS ANAT COHEN. Cohen pulled up a few minutes later, in a station wagon, its windshield cracked from stone-throwing attacks. She is one of the leaders of the Hebron Jews. A short woman in her early forties, she had a taut, windburned face and muscular arms, and her fingernails were chewed and dirty. As we walked through her front door, into a stone-walled living room, I asked her how she could let her son play amid the barbed wire and soldiers and barricades, and with snipers in the hills above.“Hebron is ours,” she said. “Why shouldn’t he play?”“Because he could get killed,” I said.“There’s a bullet out there for each one of us,” she said. “But you can always die. At least his death here would sanctify God’s name.”Cohen and other settlers say that they are obliged to fulfill God’s command that Jews settle the land of Israel. But there are safer places to live than King David Street in Hebron. I asked Cohen how she reconciled her decision to settle here with an even greater imperative of Judaism, the saving of lives—in this case, those of her children.She glared at me. “Hellenizers”—secular Jews—“will never understand,” she said with contempt.Anat Cohen is known, even among Hebron’s Jews, who are some of the least placatory of all the settlers, for her ferocity. According to Army commanders, she has cursed and insulted soldiers, and assaulted Arabs. The first time we met, she told me that she was a soldier of God.Cohen has about ten children—like certain religious Jews, she refused to specify the number, in order to confuse the evil eye. The Cohen house is cramped and dark, and there are few toys. On one wall hangs a framed photograph of Meir Kahane, the zealot rabbi from Brooklyn, who advocated the expulsion of all Arabs from Israel. Behind a stone pillar hangs a photograph of Baruch Goldstein, with the inscription “The Saint Dr. Goldstein.” A candle burned in a makeshift shrine, in memory of Cohen’s brother, Gilad Zar. He was the security chief of the settlements in Samaria, the territory of the northern West Bank. He was killed three years ago by terrorists. A Reporter at Large: Among the Settlers : The New Yorker

She sounds like an extremist.
It seems to me that you brought "fresh news" which have no backing up by real official source, since the video/picture is from Jerusalem, which took place more than a year and a half ago. Child threw stones, and in result was run over. The person inside the vihicle was police officer who felt mercy on the child and instead of shooting him, tried to simply pass on the other side of the road, but ran over the kid instead.
MORE ABOUT THE NOTORIOUS ANAT COHEN. . I asked Cohen how she reconciled her decision to settle here with an even greater imperative of Judaism, the saving of lives—in this case, those of her children.She glared at me. “Hellenizers”—secular Jews—“will never understand,” she said with contempt.Anat Cohen is known, even among Hebron’s Jews, who are some of the least placatory of all the settlers, for her ferocity. According to Army commanders, she has cursed and insulted soldiers, and assaulted Arabs. The first time we met, she told me that she was a soldier of God.Cohen has about ten children—like certain religious Jews, she refused to specify the number, in order to confuse the evil eye. The Cohen house is cramped and dark, and there are few toys. On one wall hangs a framed photograph of Meir Kahane, the zealot rabbi from Brooklyn, who advocated the expulsion of all Arabs from Israel. Behind a stone pillar hangs a photograph of Baruch Goldstein, with the inscription “The Saint Dr. Goldstein.” A candle burned in a makeshift shrine, in memory of Cohen’s brother, Gilad Zar. He was the security chief of the settlements in Samaria, the territory of the northern West Bank. He was killed three years ago by terrorists. A Reporter at Large: Among the Settlers : The New Yorker

She sounds like an extremist.

extremist what? She is living in a city that has been a holy city for jews for
more than 3000 years and in which jews lived for more than 3000 years---
and she seems to be somewhat religious. She is brave---she lives there despite
its history of being attacked by Jihadist murderers who have stolen it in the
past and slit the throats of infants for the glory of the that which they worship
and continue to dance on the hundreds of millions they have murdered,

The citation is by the same person who seems to consider an 82 year 'old
member of that throat slitting community a heroine for continuing her
unwelcomed presence in a city holy for jews for more than 3000 years.
If she is really 82 and lived in hebron all her life----she was born just
shortly after her disgusting co-ideologues ---slit throats and PILLAGED
AND STOLE THE JEWISH CITY OF HEBRON in 1929. She may have very
well grown up in a stolen house with stolen furniture ---and considering
her background -----BE VERY PROUD of relatives who engaged in the
pillaging and throat slitting of 1929 and who danced in the blood

of course you are entitled to your preferences.
What do you consider the 82 year old spawn of the
1929 throat slitters to be? "HOLY"???
-KHALIL, (PIC)-- "An Israeli settler deliberately ran over a Palestinian child on Sunday with her car near the Ibrahimi mosque in al-Khalil, in the southern West Bank. Eyewitnesses confirmed that an Israeli settler ran over the Palestinian child Youssef Bassem al-Mohtassab, 5, before fleeing the scene quickly. The settler Anat Cohen, known for her hostility against the Palestinians in the region, had yesterday attacked two Palestinian children and brought Israeli soldiers to pick them up, the sources added." Israeli settler runs over Palestinian child deliberately

Why is Abraham's Tomb, Mearat Hamachpelah in Hebrew, called a mosque only? There's a synagogue on the premises too.
Because the 'report' as given was so completely garbled - I think I'll wait for a more lucid account of the alleged incident before attempting to pass judgment.

SO far, I have cited three separate news articles discussing the illegal settler Anat Cohen.

And her extremism doesn't make the ISM outside agitators magically become anything other than instigators themselves. An insanely extreme person is to be found in every type of community - including among Christians in the southern US. Sometimes they act in murderous and heinous ways.

Exactly as it'd be wrong and unfair to generalize about any other group because of the violent extremists among them - it would be equally wrong to imply or suggest that any substantial number of settlers in Israel are like Anat Cohen.
-KHALIL, (PIC)-- "An Israeli settler deliberately ran over a Palestinian child on Sunday with her car near the Ibrahimi mosque in al-Khalil, in the southern West Bank. Eyewitnesses confirmed that an Israeli settler ran over the Palestinian child Youssef Bassem al-Mohtassab, 5, before fleeing the scene quickly. The settler Anat Cohen, known for her hostility against the Palestinians in the region, had yesterday attacked two Palestinian children and brought Israeli soldiers to pick them up, the sources added." Israeli settler runs over Palestinian child deliberately

Why is Abraham's Tomb, Mearat Hamachpelah in Hebrew, called a mosque only? There's a synagogue on the premises too.

Look at the answer (just like in Rachel's tomb)

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NO, the incident is that of an illegal settler running over a 5 year old child. She deliberately ran down a 5 year old. YOU have to be a low down scumbag to sink that low!

Look at the picture in your article and then look at the video. IT's the same kid... He ran directly in front of the car, you stupid Nazi .. You've got to be kidding me right????

NO, and I do not think that is a photo of the incident, either. THE driver does not appear to be a woman and the child does not appear 5. I have found many instances where general photos are used to depict events like this.

Not exactly responsible journalism, that. And strange, too - doesn't everyone have a pretty good idea of what a car hitting a person looks like by now?

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