Israel attacks civilians

AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Bulldozers of the Israeli occupation army flattened ten Palestinian homes in Al-Khalil district on Thursday morning, local sources said.

Locals reported that hundreds of Israeli occupation soldiers stormed the village of Um Nir, southeast of Yatta town in Al-Khalil district, and provided protection for huge bulldozers that razed houses and damaged roads and infrastructure.

IOF troops raze 10 Palestinian homes
Gee Jillian, three negative reps in three days.

What got your undies in a twist?
WEST BANK, (PIC)-- Many Palestinian citizens sustained injuries on Saturday when they were attacked by Israeli troops in occupied Jerusalem and some West Bank villages during rallies in protest at settlement and Judaization activities.

In Jerusalem, violent clashes broke out on Saturday between Palestinian young men from Issawiya district and Israeli troops.

The troops used stun and tear gas grenades and rubber bullets in their attack on the young men who responded with stones and empty bottles.

The clashes happened in Attala area and the eastern entrance to Issawiya district where many Palestinian homes have been seized by the Israeli occupation authority.

West of Nablus city in Iraq Burin village, many suffered from tear gas suffocation during their peaceful march that is organized weekly in protest at Israel's confiscation of more lands in the village to expand its segregation wall.

The troops savagely attacked Beit Ummar residents as they were protesting Israel's settlement activities in their area causing a lot of injuries among them.

Israeli troops attack Palestinians in O. Jerusalem, W. Bank
Nothing new here. Israel was created by attacking civilians and they continue today.

Israel was first created before most Arabs and Muslims were even in Palestine, having originated from Arabia. The reestablishment of the modern state of Israel coincided with the offer of a Pallie state, the first such opportunity in history. Pallies rejected the offer.

In fact, had Jews not pressed for a homeland after dissolution of the Ottoman Empire in WW I, Palestine would be part of the French Syrian Mandate and Pallies would be Syrian.

Thus, Pallies owe Jews big time for the only true chance for statehood. But, they are uncivilized savages incapable of statehood and never will get one.

You know absolutely NOTHING about history.
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- A Palestinian boy died Saturday morning after he was shot in the stomach during clashes with Israeli occupation soldiers in Jerusalem's Silwan district a day earlier.

He is considered the first person killed in the third intifada set to mark the 63rd Nakba on May 15.

The boy, Milad Samir Ayyash, 16, from Silwan south of the Aqsa Mosque died this morning in the Al-Maqasid charity hospital after he was shot by the Israeli occupation soldiers during the clashes that broke out in the Al-Tour neighborhood.

Nearly 40 Palestinians were injured after Israeli soldiers shot metal and rubber bullets at civilians as violent clashes broke out in several Jerusalem neighborhoods during the beginnings of the third intifada.


Boy killed as third intifada kicks off
RAFAH, (PIC)-- Israeli gunboats opened fire Tuesday morning at Palestinian fishermen and their boats off the coast of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, without any reported injuries.

In another incident, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at dozens of farmers east of Rafah city.

Israeli gunboats target fishermen off Rafah coast

Notice no one in government ever talks about cutting funds to Israeli terrorist.
RAFAH, (PIC)-- Israeli gunboats opened fire Tuesday morning at Palestinian fishermen and their boats off the coast of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, without any reported injuries.

In another incident, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at dozens of farmers east of Rafah city.

Israeli gunboats target fishermen off Rafah coast

Notice no one in government ever talks about cutting funds to Israeli terrorist.

And there are a few thing you will never hear in the fake peace talks: justice, international law, and UN resolutions.
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Medics have put the count of those injured during Nakba Day protests in Ramallah and Al-Bireh in Ramallah province at 150.

20 of them were injured critically, 30 were hit by gunfire, and dozens suffered severe breathing difficulties after inhaling tear gas, sources in the Ramallah central hospital have said.

Dozens have been arrested by Israeli special units.

Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets on Sunday in Ramallah to mark the 63rd Nakba Day carrying Palestinian flags and banners emphasizing the right of Palestinian refugees to return.

Ramallah medics put injured count at 150 during Nakba Day protests
If the palestinians put as much energy into building a civilized socity as the do into being a angry people, they would be alright
If the palestinians put as much energy into building a civilized socity as the do into being a angry people, they would be alright

[ame=]YouTube - Israel Destroys American International School in Gaza --CNN[/ame]
Israel was first created before most Arabs and Muslims were even in Palestine, having originated from Arabia. The reestablishment of the modern state of Israel coincided with the offer of a Pallie state, the first such opportunity in history. Pallies rejected the offer.
In fact, had Jews not pressed for a homeland after dissolution of the Ottoman Empire in WW I, Palestine would be part of the French Syrian Mandate and Pallies would be Syrian.
Thus, Pallies owe Jews big time for the only true chance for statehood. But, they are uncivilized savages incapable of statehood and never will get one.
You know absolutely NOTHING about history.
Indeed, arabs invent it all the time.
KHAN YOUNIS, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened machinegun fire at Palestinian farmers in southern Gaza on Tuesday while reaping their crops, local sources said.

They told the PIC reporter that the farmers were harvesting their wheat and barley crops in Abasan Al-Kabira east of Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip.

The sources noted that IOF soldiers opened fire from positions behind the security fence at the farmers but no casualties were reported.

IOF soldiers fire at Palestinian farmers
Spokesman for the medical services Adham Abu Salmiya told the PIC that ambulance teams retrieved the body of a 17-year-old youth from the area. Local sources identified the martyr as Ibrahim Farajallah from Nusseirat refugee camp.

Another Palestinian man was wounded on Friday after the IOF troops opened fire at worshipers offering prayers in the buffer zone east of Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip.

Local sources told the PIC that tens of citizens carried Palestinian flags and called for implementing the right of return for Palestinian refugees and for removing the buffer zone.

They said that the IOF soldiers fired at them and injured the man.

IOF shooting kills teen, wounds another
Spokesman for the medical services Adham Abu Salmiya told the PIC that ambulance teams retrieved the body of a 17-year-old youth from the area. Local sources identified the martyr as Ibrahim Farajallah from Nusseirat refugee camp.
Looks like a palistanian classic internal murder case.
Another Palestinian man was wounded on Friday after the IOF troops opened fire at worshipers offering prayers in the buffer zone east of Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip. Local sources told the PIC that tens of citizens carried Palestinian flags and called for implementing the right of return for Palestinian refugees and for removing the buffer zone.
Another palistanian classic, like, climbing a power pole, getting arse fried and suing utilities for it.
RAFAH, (PIC) Israeli occupation naval boats opened fire on Thursday evening at Palestinian fishing boats off the southern Gaza Strip Rafah coast.

Palestinian naval police in the Gaza Strip said that the Israeli boats opened machinegun fire at the fishing boats forcing the Palestinian fishermen to flee to the shores, no casualties among the fishermen were reported.

Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Strip face daily harassment from the Israeli occupation navy which does not allow them to go beyond 3 miles off the coast of Gaza and harasses them even within this Zone, often firing at or ramming their boats and sometimes arresting them.

Israeli occupation navy boats fire at Palestinian fishermen off the coast of Raf

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