Israel attacks civilians

That is part of the plan. Israel destroys Palestinian industries and agriculture. That makes the Palestinians dependent on Israel for employment usually at very low wages.

They should be independent like they were before Israel invaded.

The Palestinian Arabs are more independent now than they ever were before. For the first time in their history, they are free to choose their own government, pass their own laws, represent their own interests around the world and to grow their own economy. That they have failed to provide for political freedoms and protections or to grow a private sector economy is entirely due to the fanatical and corrupt natures of both governments who would lose their access to power and wealth if the Palestinian Arab people were given the chance to develop a peaceful, prosperous democracy.

Not true. The government of march of 2007 is the legal government in Palestine. The US tried to overthrow that government in Gaza and failed. It did, however, set up a US dictatorship in the West Bank. Abbas left the government in June of 2007 and Fayyad has never been the PM in Palestine.

Israel has consistently destroyed any economic infrastructures in the West Bank and Gaza.

Hamas' term in office expired in 2009, and since then they have three times refused to allow the Gaza Arabs participate in new elections when Abbas proposed them. Since 2009, Hamas is just thugs with guns who have no other purpose than to hold on to their access to power and wealth to the great detriment of the Palestinian Arab people.

What you refer to as the economic infrastructure that Israel destroyed are bomb and rocket factories and agricultural fields that provided cover for terrorists trying to fire rockets into Israeli population centers. Hamas is the common enemy of Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, but the Palestinian Arabs have suffered much more from Hamas' policies than has Israel.
The Palestinian Arabs are more independent now than they ever were before. For the first time in their history, they are free to choose their own government, pass their own laws, represent their own interests around the world and to grow their own economy. That they have failed to provide for political freedoms and protections or to grow a private sector economy is entirely due to the fanatical and corrupt natures of both governments who would lose their access to power and wealth if the Palestinian Arab people were given the chance to develop a peaceful, prosperous democracy.

Not true. The government of march of 2007 is the legal government in Palestine. The US tried to overthrow that government in Gaza and failed. It did, however, set up a US dictatorship in the West Bank. Abbas left the government in June of 2007 and Fayyad has never been the PM in Palestine.

Israel has consistently destroyed any economic infrastructures in the West Bank and Gaza.

Hamas' term in office expired in 2009, and since then they have three times refused to allow the Gaza Arabs participate in new elections when Abbas proposed them. Since 2009, Hamas is just thugs with guns who have no other purpose than to hold on to their access to power and wealth to the great detriment of the Palestinian Arab people.

What you refer to as the economic infrastructure that Israel destroyed are bomb and rocket factories and agricultural fields that provided cover for terrorists trying to fire rockets into Israeli population centers. Hamas is the common enemy of Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, but the Palestinian Arabs have suffered much more from Hamas' policies than has Israel.

Ismail Heneyah is still the prime minister of Palestine. The term of the prime minister is until a new PM is approved by the PLC and sworn into office. It is the same for the cabinet. That has never happened. There is no time limit like there is for the president.

Hamas rejects an election because Abbas issued a decree changing the election law that he is not authorized to do. He added the stipulation that any party that does not surrender to Israel is allowed to participate.

IOW, there cannot be an election until Abbas leaves office.

SALFIT, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) bulldozed tens of Palestinian olive trees in Deir Estiya village west of Salfit city on Tuesday.

Nazmi Salman, the village’s mayor, said that the bulldozing took place west of the village and damaged trees that have been planted there for five years.

Noting that the land was in the proximity of Revava settlement, Salman said that the step is aimed at evicting the inhabitants then grab their land.

In another area, IOF soldiers started to bulldoze a land lot, which they seized from its owner, south of Al-Khalil city on Monday, local sources said, adding that the land was being prepared to serve as a landing pad for IOF military choppers.

In another incident, Local sources reported that IOF soldiers prevented land reclamation effort by Palestinian farmers in Aqraba village, near Nablus, and confiscated the tractor they were using in the process. The soldiers claimed that the land, south of the village, was state owned.

IOF soldiers destroy tens of Palestinian olive trees
Nice they are using Caterpillar, the Israelis are helping Illinois!


SALFIT, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) bulldozed tens of Palestinian olive trees in Deir Estiya village west of Salfit city on Tuesday.

Nazmi Salman, the village’s mayor, said that the bulldozing took place west of the village and damaged trees that have been planted there for five years.

Noting that the land was in the proximity of Revava settlement, Salman said that the step is aimed at evicting the inhabitants then grab their land.

In another area, IOF soldiers started to bulldoze a land lot, which they seized from its owner, south of Al-Khalil city on Monday, local sources said, adding that the land was being prepared to serve as a landing pad for IOF military choppers.

In another incident, Local sources reported that IOF soldiers prevented land reclamation effort by Palestinian farmers in Aqraba village, near Nablus, and confiscated the tractor they were using in the process. The soldiers claimed that the land, south of the village, was state owned.

IOF soldiers destroy tens of Palestinian olive trees

SALFIT, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) bulldozed tens of Palestinian olive trees in Deir Estiya village west of Salfit city on Tuesday.

Nazmi Salman, the village’s mayor, said that the bulldozing took place west of the village and damaged trees that have been planted there for five years.

Noting that the land was in the proximity of Revava settlement, Salman said that the step is aimed at evicting the inhabitants then grab their land.

In another area, IOF soldiers started to bulldoze a land lot, which they seized from its owner, south of Al-Khalil city on Monday, local sources said, adding that the land was being prepared to serve as a landing pad for IOF military choppers.

In another incident, Local sources reported that IOF soldiers prevented land reclamation effort by Palestinian farmers in Aqraba village, near Nablus, and confiscated the tractor they were using in the process. The soldiers claimed that the land, south of the village, was state owned.

IOF soldiers destroy tens of Palestinian olive trees

Yeah, and....
RAFAH, (PIC)-- Israeli gunboats opened fire Tuesday morning at Palestinian fishermen and their boats off the coast of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, without any reported injuries.

In another incident, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at dozens of farmers east of Rafah city.

Israeli gunboats target fishermen off Rafah coast


I used to be amazed when I listened to Africaners having no shame when they spoke of their bigotry. Of course, they did not understand what they were doing. It was just so obvious to them that God created the white man to rule over the black man.

That shock is the same, that you see the lives of Palestinians so unworthy, that you have so dehumanised them in your mind, that you actually wonder whey some people could see it a problem that Palestinian fishermen and farmers should be shot at as they try to earn a living.

This too shall pass.
RAFAH, (PIC)-- Israeli gunboats opened fire Tuesday morning at Palestinian fishermen and their boats off the coast of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, without any reported injuries.

In another incident, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at dozens of farmers east of Rafah city.

Israeli gunboats target fishermen off Rafah coast


I used to be amazed when I listened to Africaners having no shame when they spoke of their bigotry. Of course, they did not understand what they were doing. It was just so obvious to them that God created the white man to rule over the black man.

That shock is the same, that you see the lives of Palestinians so unworthy, that you have so dehumanised them in your mind, that you actually wonder whey some people could see it a problem that Palestinian fishermen and farmers should be shot at as they try to earn a living.

This too shall pass.

What in the hell does race have to do with this issue, numbskull?

Sorry - somehow the vision of Palestinians dancing in the streets celebrating on 9/11 still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

You go on defending their innocence as long as you like. It's a free country.
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I used to be amazed when I listened to Africaners having no shame when they spoke of their bigotry. Of course, they did not understand what they were doing. It was just so obvious to them that God created the white man to rule over the black man.

That shock is the same, that you see the lives of Palestinians so unworthy, that you have so dehumanised them in your mind, that you actually wonder whey some people could see it a problem that Palestinian fishermen and farmers should be shot at as they try to earn a living.

This too shall pass.

What in the hell does race have to do with this issue, numbskull?

Sorry - somehow the vision of Palestinians dancing in the streets celebrating on 9/11 still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

You go on defending their innocence as long as you like. It's a free country.

You believe that because some and how many I do not know Palestinians were happy to see 9/11 because without the US backing Israel they would not be suffering in the way they have been for decades...that because of the action of some who had nothing at all to do with 9/11, it is fine to shoot them when they are unarmed and trying to provide for their families.

I also saw Palestinians respond with shock like the rest of the world...but you know for the first time I can understand why they danced in the street.
You believe that because some and how many I do not know Palestinians were happy to see 9/11 because without the US backing Israel they would not be suffering in the way they have been for decades...that because of the action of some who had nothing at all to do with 9/11, it is fine to shoot them when they are unarmed and trying to provide for their families.
Funny drivel.
Sorry - somehow the vision of Palestinians dancing in the streets celebrating on 9/11 still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

You go on defending their innocence as long as you like. It's a free country.

Some Israeli's where also dancing on that day
The Five Dancing Israelis
Arrested On 9-11
9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11
While other Israeli's just said
Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel

I used to be amazed when I listened to Africaners having no shame when they spoke of their bigotry. Of course, they did not understand what they were doing. It was just so obvious to them that God created the white man to rule over the black man.

That shock is the same, that you see the lives of Palestinians so unworthy, that you have so dehumanised them in your mind, that you actually wonder whey some people could see it a problem that Palestinian fishermen and farmers should be shot at as they try to earn a living.

This too shall pass.

What in the hell does race have to do with this issue, numbskull?

Sorry - somehow the vision of Palestinians dancing in the streets celebrating on 9/11 still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

You go on defending their innocence as long as you like. It's a free country.

Just because it is US missiles shot from US aircraft into the windows of their homes killing their children does not mean they should not like us.
KHAN YOUNIS, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened machinegun fire at Palestinian homes and cultivated land lots east of Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip, on Wednesday morning.

Media sources said that IOF soldiers stationed at the Kissufim military position to the east of the city opened heavy fire at the Palestinian residential neighborhoods in Qarara and Khuza’a.

IOF troops fire at citizens homes south of Gaza
Some Israeli's where also dancing on that day
Jews also sunk the Titanic.
Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel
Really, where did he say that?

Let me google that for you

Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, ''It's very good.'' Then he edited himself: ''Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.''
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You believe that because some and how many I do not know Palestinians were happy to see 9/11 because without the US backing Israel they would not be suffering in the way they have been for decades

Israel is the largest employer of Pals and their largest trading partner.

The "suffering" of the Pals is due to their own poor decisions to reject statehood in 1947 and remain in a state of war with Israel since then.

Time for Pals to accept the consequences of their actions like adults.:clap2:
Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel
Really, where did he say that?
Let me google that for you
So, where did Netaniyahu say "9/11 terror attacks good for Israel"?

Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, ''It's very good.'' Then he edited himself: ''Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.''
''strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we've experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror.''
Bth., that same article has an interesting part too: "But in Nablus, big crowds of Palestinians marched in celebration, chanting ''Beloved bin Laden, strike Tel Aviv!'' Some waved the flag of the terrorist organization Hamas. ''Let the Americans know the meaning of death,'' one marcher said."
Interesting, indeed.
You believe that because some and how many I do not know Palestinians were happy to see 9/11 because without the US backing Israel they would not be suffering in the way they have been for decades

Israel is the largest employer of Pals and their largest trading partner.

The "suffering" of the Pals is due to their own poor decisions to reject statehood in 1947 and remain in a state of war with Israel since then.

Time for Pals to accept the consequences of their actions like adults.:clap2:

The Palestinians never rejected statehood.
Israel is the largest employer of Pals and their largest trading partner.

The "suffering" of the Pals is due to their own poor decisions to reject statehood in 1947 and remain in a state of war with Israel since then.

Time for Pals to accept the consequences of their actions like adults.:clap2:

The Palestinians never rejected statehood.

Hey! I never wrote the above. It was written by the new psycho JStone. That is his justification for the shooting of unarmed Palestinians.
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