Israel attacks civilians

NABLUS, (PIC)-- Israeli authorities have notified the residents of the Palestinian Qaryut village south of Nablus that they would seize 189 dunums of local farmland, said West Bank Jewish settlement official Ghassan Daghlas.

Israel seizes 189 dunums of Palestinian farmland south of Nablus

"The Palestine Information Center" is not a credible source. Palestinians are known to be pathological liars.

And this happened how?

Armed robbery.

WEST BANK, (PIC)-- A report by the International Solidarity Foundation for Human Rights revealed that Israeli forces killed 26 Palestinians at home and abroad in June 2011 .

The report shows that Israeli occupation forces escalated attacks on Palestinians after Naksa Day events in early June, marking the anniversary of the occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Report: Israeli forces killed 26 Palestinians in June
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- A number of Palestinian young men from Issawiya district in occupied Jerusalem were badly wounded last night when an Israeli military force stormed their area all of a sudden and started to open fire at them.

Eyewitnesses said one of the young men called Ahmed Al-Masri sustained a serious injury in his neck as he was near his workplace in the area.

Members of an Israeli undercover unit rounded up three young men during the clashes that erupted immediately after the troops invaded Issawiya.

IOF storm Issawiya area, violently attack its young men
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- A number of Palestinian young men from Issawiya district in occupied Jerusalem were badly wounded last night when an Israeli military force stormed their area all of a sudden and started to open fire at them. Eyewitnesses said one of the young men called Ahmed Al-Masri sustained a serious injury in his neck as he was near his workplace in the area.
Hilarious indeed, an occupation of throwing rocks must have a workplace!
What do you call Hamas in Gaza?

Target practice.

What do you call a Hamas operative in the Red Sea?


ooops, sorry, wrong thread

No, seriously, I'm fine with criticizing Israel. I do it all the time. (I think the sentiment is, "Bibi may be an asshole, but he's our asshole.")

There are plenty of papers who get slammed for allegedly having pro-Palestinian bias. I get pissed at papers picking up OTHER PAPER'S reporting without checking that completely fabricated story about the rabbi who allegedly sentenced a dog to death, or saying that Gilo is part of "East Jerusalem" or that X number of Syrians were killed as a matter of fact when it's the downward spiraling Syrian government's state media you're quoting.

He's right when he makes fun of politicians who claim to be even-handed when they're not. *Shrug* And they don't have to be [even-handed]. But Stewart likes to pick on Fox News (and politicians, and war, and things like 'fighting for peace'), so it's really no surprise...unfortunately, he's now become a terrorist sympathizer's tool.
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Italian journalist walks off ‘biased’ show

This is amusing.

Santoro in turn shouted at Annunziata, calling her criticism "idiocy." She stood up, detached her microphone and walked off the set.

The incident touched off a political firestorm. Both Santoro and Annunziata are leftists. Rightwing leader Gianfranco Fini, the president of the chamber of deputies, expressed "solidarity and appreciation" to Annunziata and said the Annozero show "surpassed the level of decency."

British Muslims Feel Like the Jews of WWII, Says Minister

"If you ask Muslims today what do they feel like, they feel like the Jews of Europe," he told a documentary to be shown on Channel 4 television next week, marking the third anniversary of the attacks on July 7, 2005.

"I don't mean to equate that with the Holocaust but in the way that it was legitimate almost -- still is in some parts -- to target Jews. Many Muslims would say that we feel the exact same way."

Of course, no one cares when Hamas or someone from the PA calls for the extermination of Jews, but when a Jewish person does something wrong in Israel, it's all over the place and the UN makes a statement.
What do you call Hamas in Gaza?

Target practice.

What do you call a Hamas operative in the Red Sea?


ooops, sorry, wrong thread

No, seriously, I'm fine with criticizing Israel. I do it all the time. (I think the sentiment is, "Bibi may be an asshole, but he's our asshole.")

There are plenty of papers who get slammed for allegedly having pro-Palestinian bias. I get pissed at papers picking up OTHER PAPER'S reporting without checking that completely fabricated story about the rabbi who allegedly sentenced a dog to death,

Indeed, though it has to be said that here it was both sides of the argument which believed the story

Jews for Justice for Palestinians

?p=23730or saying that Gilo is part of "East Jerusalem" or that X number of Syrians were killed as a matter of fact when it's the downward spiraling Syrian government's state media you're quoting.

He's right when he makes fun of politicians who claim to be even-handed when they're not. *Shrug* And they don't have to be [even-handed]. But Stewart likes to pick on Fox News (and politicians, and war, and things like 'fighting for peace'), so it's really no surprise...unfortunately, he's now become a terrorist sympathizer's tool.

Huh, you should have seen the BBC in Cast Lead. Unrecognisable. One Palestine supporter, one Israeli and the questions, your view, your view - no proper probing questioning. As I understand it this was from hard rules from Israel that every questioning, every fault found with Israel must be followed by an equal fault with the Palestinians. It is absurd reporting particularly as none of our reporters were inside Gaza.

Jeremy Paxman of course was unable to stop himself from being himself and asked some questioning questions of the Israeli spokesman on Newsnight. This was met by a look of incredulity by the Israeli and ended quickly.

However, unable to have reporters on the ground we did have people inside who sent us pictures and told us what was going on and that spoke volumes.

Good reporting does attempt to get at the truth from both sides but that is not the same as what we saw from the BBC during cast lead - as I understand at the orders of Israel. That was a pantomime which I doubt anyone took seriously.
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) escorted bulldozers in a demolition streak in Jib village to the northwest of occupied Jerusalem on Monday, local sources said.

They said that the bulldozers razed a house and carpentry workshop of one the citizens, a mini market, fences and other installations in Khalaila suburb before heading to another area.

They pointed out that the soldiers assaulted owners of the homes and shops and fired tear gas at the citizens who tried to intervene and stop the demolition and arrested a number of them.

Meanwhile, IOF soldiers sealed off the southern Nablus area of Wadi Qana after declaring it a closed military zone on Monday.

Local sources said that military bulldozers then destroyed tens of olive trees in the area.

IOF troops demolish homes and businesses, uproot trees
SALFIT, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Monday uprooted 450 olive trees west of Salfit province, local sources reported.

A Palestinian official in the district said that the IOF soldiers blocked farmers from heading to their land in the area after declaring it a closed military zone.

He added that the military bulldozer uprooted 450 olive trees and completely destroyed the land lot of Yousef Mustafa Mansour in the process.

IOF soldiers uproot 450 olive trees
JORDAN VALLEY, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) destroyed six water wells for Palestinian farmers in Nasariya village in the Jordan Valley on Tuesday morning at the pretext of being built in area C in the West Bank, which according to the Oslo accords is under the control of the Israeli occupation authority.

Local sources said that destroying the water wells meant an end to agriculture fields in the area, noting that the village was considered the “food basket” for the entire region.

Mohammed Obaid, a social activist in the village, told the PIC reporter that ever since Israel occupied the West Bank in 1967 it was targeting the eastern water reservoir and drained 133 water wells in the region.

He said that Nasariya village is established on a huger water reservoir, but the IOF was treating it as a border area and thus deliberately turned it into an area poor in basic services.

Obaid described the village’s homes and infrastructure as “primitive”, adding that the IOA turned it from a village lush in greenery and blossoming fields into a barren land with severe water shortage. He added many of its land was turned into closed military zones.

IOF troops destroy six water wells in Jordan Valley
NABLUS, (PIC)-- A 19-year-old Palestinian university student was killed at the hands of the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) which stormed Fara’a refugee camp north of Nablus in a pre dawn raid on Wednesday.

Eyewitnesses told the PIC reporter in Nablus that the IOF soldiers in 11 armored vehicles stormed the camp at 0300 am and one of them fired at Ibrahim Sarhan while on his way to offer dawn prayers.

The shot hit a main artery in his right thigh, the witnesses said, adding that Sarhan tried to reach a nearby house but the soldiers dragged him away and prevented anyone from extending help to him even the ambulance crews and left him bleed to death.

IOF soldiers shoot university student, leave him bleed to death
A 19-year-old Palestinian university student was killed at the hands of the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) which stormed Fara’a refugee camp north of Nablus in a pre dawn raid on Wednesday.
Looks like a successful death of the palistani jihading dog.
It is IDF protocol to shoot back at people throwing things in a raid because sometimes they throw grenades. The man was shot in the leg -- which is also standard to avoid the head or chest -- and was resisting arrest.

If he had not resisted, he would've been detained. If he was actually a terrorist, he'd be put to trial. If not, he'd be released within a few hours and home in time for supper.

Clearly he was taken in an ambulance.

If the IDF conducted a raid, then it was likely in cooperation with the PA, so clearly there was something illegal going on there.
What do you call Hamas in Gaza?

Target practice.

What do you call a Hamas operative in the Red Sea?


ooops, sorry, wrong thread

No, seriously, I'm fine with criticizing Israel. I do it all the time. (I think the sentiment is, "Bibi may be an asshole, but he's our asshole.")

There are plenty of papers who get slammed for allegedly having pro-Palestinian bias. I get pissed at papers picking up OTHER PAPER'S reporting without checking that completely fabricated story about the rabbi who allegedly sentenced a dog to death,

Indeed, though it has to be said that here it was both sides of the argument which believed the story

Jews for Justice for Palestinians

?p=23730or saying that Gilo is part of "East Jerusalem" or that X number of Syrians were killed as a matter of fact when it's the downward spiraling Syrian government's state media you're quoting.

He's right when he makes fun of politicians who claim to be even-handed when they're not. *Shrug* And they don't have to be [even-handed]. But Stewart likes to pick on Fox News (and politicians, and war, and things like 'fighting for peace'), so it's really no surprise...unfortunately, he's now become a terrorist sympathizer's tool.

Huh, you should have seen the BBC in Cast Lead. Unrecognisable. One Palestine supporter, one Israeli and the questions, your view, your view - no proper probing questioning. As I understand it this was from hard rules from Israel that every questioning, every fault found with Israel must be followed by an equal fault with the Palestinians. It is absurd reporting particularly as none of our reporters were inside Gaza.

Jeremy Paxman of course was unable to stop himself from being himself and asked some questioning questions of the Israeli spokesman on Newsnight. This was met by a look of incredulity by the Israeli and ended quickly.

However, unable to have reporters on the ground we did have people inside who sent us pictures and told us what was going on and that spoke volumes.

Good reporting does attempt to get at the truth from both sides but that is not the same as what we saw from the BBC during cast lead - as I understand at the orders of Israel. That was a pantomime which I doubt anyone took seriously.

I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you just said in this rambling.

Israel does not control its media (unlike the PA). It also does not require that 'equal fault must be found' everytime there is a criticism or they make an error. Israel supporters only question why you don't care that the PA blows up kids and teaches hatred of Jews in their schools...apparently that is OK with you.
What do you call Hamas in Gaza?

Target practice.

What do you call a Hamas operative in the Red Sea?


ooops, sorry, wrong thread

No, seriously, I'm fine with criticizing Israel. I do it all the time. (I think the sentiment is, "Bibi may be an asshole, but he's our asshole.")

There are plenty of papers who get slammed for allegedly having pro-Palestinian bias. I get pissed at papers picking up OTHER PAPER'S reporting without checking that completely fabricated story about the rabbi who allegedly sentenced a dog to death,

Indeed, though it has to be said that here it was both sides of the argument which believed the story

Jews for Justice for Palestinians

?p=23730or saying that Gilo is part of "East Jerusalem" or that X number of Syrians were killed as a matter of fact when it's the downward spiraling Syrian government's state media you're quoting.

He's right when he makes fun of politicians who claim to be even-handed when they're not. *Shrug* And they don't have to be [even-handed]. But Stewart likes to pick on Fox News (and politicians, and war, and things like 'fighting for peace'), so it's really no surprise...unfortunately, he's now become a terrorist sympathizer's tool.

Huh, you should have seen the BBC in Cast Lead. Unrecognisable. One Palestine supporter, one Israeli and the questions, your view, your view - no proper probing questioning. As I understand it this was from hard rules from Israel that every questioning, every fault found with Israel must be followed by an equal fault with the Palestinians. It is absurd reporting particularly as none of our reporters were inside Gaza.

Jeremy Paxman of course was unable to stop himself from being himself and asked some questioning questions of the Israeli spokesman on Newsnight. This was met by a look of incredulity by the Israeli and ended quickly.

However, unable to have reporters on the ground we did have people inside who sent us pictures and told us what was going on and that spoke volumes.

Good reporting does attempt to get at the truth from both sides but that is not the same as what we saw from the BBC during cast lead - as I understand at the orders of Israel. That was a pantomime which I doubt anyone took seriously.

I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you just said in this rambling.

Introductory insult

Israel does not control its media (unlike the PA). It also does not require that 'equal fault must be found' everytime there is a criticism or they make an error. Israel supporters only question why you don't care that the PA blows up kids and teaches hatred of Jews in their schools...apparently that is OK with you.

Oh I don't deny that the actual ridiculous way it was organised would not have sprung from Israel. It is was the most sterile reporting I have ever seen The BBC itself has a responsibility for impartiality. This is itself leaves it very open. She was being accused of having an anti Israeli bias

In 2005 Thompson flew to Jerusalem and met the then Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon and the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. He assured them the BBC's coverage would be totally impartial. On his return to London, the corporation instituted the Middle East reporting regime that exists today and which, many believe, influenced the decision to refuse to show the charity aid appeal for Gaza.

According to sources inside the corporation tensions over Israeli-Palestinian coverage have induced a state of near psychosis among BBC executives and policy-makers. One insider told the Standard: "They are in a complete white funk. To describe them as like headless chickens running all over the place would be to convey an impression of too much order and cohesion. They are cowering in corners. The fear is palpable."

How did it come to this? A view held by a number of BBC veterans suggests pressure applied by Israel and its supporters has created nervousness and led executives and editorial managers to over-compensate in the face of allegations of pro-Palestinian bias. A former senior editor said: "Whatever we did was contentious. There was a formidable lobby backing Israel and the letters would stream in. The pressure was immense."

"I have investigated this and I am convinced the policy is dictated from the top because of the enormous sensitivity," he said. "The BBC treats the Israel-Palestinian conflict like no other story. The message is: don't antagonise the Israelis." He seeks to prove his point with revelations about the BBC's internal teaching module for journalists covering the Middle East. Reporters are instructed to abide by a series of rules based on what Barkho called a "glossary", a collection of words and phrases reporters should use - or avoid.

"Only 24 of these terms have been made public," he said. "The rest are confidential." He says he has seen the glossary in its entirety and claims it supports his view that BBC policy is aimed at not provoking Israel.

The secret report at heart of BBC’s Gaza paranoia | News
Anyway it is extremely late that will need to do for now.

I've never seem that report before but there has been a good bit written on this and the they certainly changed.
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