Israel attacks civilians

It is IDF protocol to shoot back at people throwing things in a raid because sometimes they throw grenades. The man was shot in the leg -- which is also standard to avoid the head or chest -- and was resisting arrest.

If he had not resisted, he would've been detained. If he was actually a terrorist, he'd be put to trial. If not, he'd be released within a few hours and home in time for supper.

Clearly he was taken in an ambulance.

If the IDF conducted a raid, then it was likely in cooperation with the PA, so clearly there was something illegal going on there.

So, if kids throw rocks at foreign troop they are allowed to get shot.

When was the last Israeli child killed and how many Palestinian children been killed since then?
"I am writing this exactly twelve hours after I was attacked by an Israeli warship, off the Gaza coast..."

"Our boat, along with the fishing vessels, was around two miles out to sea, well within the three-mile fishing limit imposed by Israel...

"Although the attack was challenging for those of us who experienced it, it is essential to remember that this an everyday occurrence for Gazan fishermen. Earlier that very day, the boat of one fisherman was shot at repeatedly. There were too many bullet holes in the bow of his boat for me to count.

"His netting cables were shot through and he lost his catch.

"I’m sure he must have been fishing for grenades or something, right? Whereas I returned to shore simply with a stinging face and drenched clothes, when fishermen are attacked, they are unable to make their living. For the one attack on CPS Gaza, there have been tens if not hundreds of attacks on fishing boats."

Israeli ship attacks international solidarity boat crew off Gaza coast
Indeed, though it has to be said that here it was both sides of the argument which believed the story

Jews for Justice for Palestinians

Huh, you should have seen the BBC in Cast Lead. Unrecognisable. One Palestine supporter, one Israeli and the questions, your view, your view - no proper probing questioning. As I understand it this was from hard rules from Israel that every questioning, every fault found with Israel must be followed by an equal fault with the Palestinians. It is absurd reporting particularly as none of our reporters were inside Gaza.

Jeremy Paxman of course was unable to stop himself from being himself and asked some questioning questions of the Israeli spokesman on Newsnight. This was met by a look of incredulity by the Israeli and ended quickly.

However, unable to have reporters on the ground we did have people inside who sent us pictures and told us what was going on and that spoke volumes.

Good reporting does attempt to get at the truth from both sides but that is not the same as what we saw from the BBC during cast lead - as I understand at the orders of Israel. That was a pantomime which I doubt anyone took seriously.

I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you just said in this rambling.

Introductory insult

Israel does not control its media (unlike the PA). It also does not require that 'equal fault must be found' everytime there is a criticism or they make an error. Israel supporters only question why you don't care that the PA blows up kids and teaches hatred of Jews in their schools...apparently that is OK with you.

Oh I don't deny that the actual ridiculous way it was organised would not have sprung from Israel. It is was the most sterile reporting I have ever seen The BBC itself has a responsibility for impartiality. This is itself leaves it very open. She was being accused of having an anti Israeli bias

In 2005 Thompson flew to Jerusalem and met the then Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon and the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. He assured them the BBC's coverage would be totally impartial. On his return to London, the corporation instituted the Middle East reporting regime that exists today and which, many believe, influenced the decision to refuse to show the charity aid appeal for Gaza.

According to sources inside the corporation tensions over Israeli-Palestinian coverage have induced a state of near psychosis among BBC executives and policy-makers. One insider told the Standard: "They are in a complete white funk. To describe them as like headless chickens running all over the place would be to convey an impression of too much order and cohesion. They are cowering in corners. The fear is palpable."

How did it come to this? A view held by a number of BBC veterans suggests pressure applied by Israel and its supporters has created nervousness and led executives and editorial managers to over-compensate in the face of allegations of pro-Palestinian bias. A former senior editor said: "Whatever we did was contentious. There was a formidable lobby backing Israel and the letters would stream in. The pressure was immense."

"I have investigated this and I am convinced the policy is dictated from the top because of the enormous sensitivity," he said. "The BBC treats the Israel-Palestinian conflict like no other story. The message is: don't antagonise the Israelis." He seeks to prove his point with revelations about the BBC's internal teaching module for journalists covering the Middle East. Reporters are instructed to abide by a series of rules based on what Barkho called a "glossary", a collection of words and phrases reporters should use - or avoid.

"Only 24 of these terms have been made public," he said. "The rest are confidential." He says he has seen the glossary in its entirety and claims it supports his view that BBC policy is aimed at not provoking Israel.

The secret report at heart of BBC’s Gaza paranoia | News
Anyway it is extremely late that will need to do for now.

I've never seem that report before but there has been a good bit written on this and the they certainly changed.

[ame=]‪BBC Bias: The Gaza Freedom Flotilla‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you just said in this rambling.

Introductory insult

Oh I don't deny that the actual ridiculous way it was organised would not have sprung from Israel. It is was the most sterile reporting I have ever seen The BBC itself has a responsibility for impartiality. This is itself leaves it very open. She was being accused of having an anti Israeli bias

In 2005 Thompson flew to Jerusalem and met the then Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon and the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. He assured them the BBC's coverage would be totally impartial. On his return to London, the corporation instituted the Middle East reporting regime that exists today and which, many believe, influenced the decision to refuse to show the charity aid appeal for Gaza.

According to sources inside the corporation tensions over Israeli-Palestinian coverage have induced a state of near psychosis among BBC executives and policy-makers. One insider told the Standard: "They are in a complete white funk. To describe them as like headless chickens running all over the place would be to convey an impression of too much order and cohesion. They are cowering in corners. The fear is palpable."

How did it come to this? A view held by a number of BBC veterans suggests pressure applied by Israel and its supporters has created nervousness and led executives and editorial managers to over-compensate in the face of allegations of pro-Palestinian bias. A former senior editor said: "Whatever we did was contentious. There was a formidable lobby backing Israel and the letters would stream in. The pressure was immense."

"I have investigated this and I am convinced the policy is dictated from the top because of the enormous sensitivity," he said. "The BBC treats the Israel-Palestinian conflict like no other story. The message is: don't antagonise the Israelis." He seeks to prove his point with revelations about the BBC's internal teaching module for journalists covering the Middle East. Reporters are instructed to abide by a series of rules based on what Barkho called a "glossary", a collection of words and phrases reporters should use - or avoid.

"Only 24 of these terms have been made public," he said. "The rest are confidential." He says he has seen the glossary in its entirety and claims it supports his view that BBC policy is aimed at not provoking Israel.

The secret report at heart of BBC’s Gaza paranoia | News
Anyway it is extremely late that will need to do for now.

I've never seem that report before but there has been a good bit written on this and the they certainly changed.

[ame=]‪BBC Bias: The Gaza Freedom Flotilla‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Yes, they got off very lightly with that

The BBC Trust apologised for three breaches of accuracy and impartiality
The three breaches of editorial guidelines related to the failure to consider preliminary autopsies on the nine killed activists, coverage of how the Israelis treated the injured and descriptions of aid on board.

BBC clears Panorama on flotilla | The Jewish Chronicle

However that quote I gave above began talking about the appeal the BBC refused to do for Gaza claiming it might show them not to be impartial. All the other stations except Sky broadcast the appeal and there was uproar that the BBC did not.

However, step in Tony Benn

[ame=]‪Tony Benn to BBC "If you wont broadcast the Gaza appeal then I will myself"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Introductory insult

Oh I don't deny that the actual ridiculous way it was organised would not have sprung from Israel. It is was the most sterile reporting I have ever seen The BBC itself has a responsibility for impartiality. This is itself leaves it very open. She was being accused of having an anti Israeli bias

The secret report at heart of BBC’s Gaza paranoia | News
Anyway it is extremely late that will need to do for now.

I've never seem that report before but there has been a good bit written on this and the they certainly changed.

[ame=]‪BBC Bias: The Gaza Freedom Flotilla‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Yes, they got off very lightly with that

The BBC Trust apologised for three breaches of accuracy and impartiality
The three breaches of editorial guidelines related to the failure to consider preliminary autopsies on the nine killed activists, coverage of how the Israelis treated the injured and descriptions of aid on board.

BBC clears Panorama on flotilla | The Jewish Chronicle

However that quote I gave above began talking about the appeal the BBC refused to do for Gaza claiming it might show them not to be impartial. All the other stations except Sky broadcast the appeal and there was uproar that the BBC did not.

However, step in Tony Benn

[ame=]‪Tony Benn to BBC "If you wont broadcast the Gaza appeal then I will myself"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Only in today's phony war on terror bullshit is it bad to have charity.

Yes, they got off very lightly with that

The BBC Trust apologised for three breaches of accuracy and impartiality
The three breaches of editorial guidelines related to the failure to consider preliminary autopsies on the nine killed activists, coverage of how the Israelis treated the injured and descriptions of aid on board.

BBC clears Panorama on flotilla | The Jewish Chronicle

However that quote I gave above began talking about the appeal the BBC refused to do for Gaza claiming it might show them not to be impartial. All the other stations except Sky broadcast the appeal and there was uproar that the BBC did not.

However, step in Tony Benn

[ame=]‪Tony Benn to BBC "If you wont broadcast the Gaza appeal then I will myself"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Only in today's phony war on terror bullshit is it bad to have charity.

Yes, people couldn't believe it. Here is Nick Clegg the leader of the Liberal Party

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | BBC's Gaza ad decision 'an insult'
It is still hard to believe that Israel destroyed that orphanage for girls in the West Bank.
GAZA, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation aircraft carried out a number of airstrikes late Thursday night against targets in the Gaza Strip wounding four Palestinians, including two children.

Spokesman for the emergency services, Adham Abu Selmeyya, told PIC that that two children were wounded when occupation aircraft targeted an open area near Makousi residential towers in Gaza City and two other citizens were wounded as a result of another airstrike that targeted the central Gaza Strip.

Four Palestinians, including two children wounded in Israeli airstrike
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces bulldozed tens of dunums of fertile Palestinian land in Al-Baka’a area to the east of Al-Khalil city on Tuesday, local sources reported.

They said that the occupation troops destroyed 35 dunums cultivated with various vegetables and confiscated irrigation equipment under gun threat.

IOF troops bulldoze fertile Palestinian land
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) has declared intention to confiscate 136 dunums of Palestinian land in occupied Jerusalem.

The organization and construction committee in the IOA-controlled Jerusalem municipality said that 102 dunums would be expropriated in the Ras Al-Amud and Wadi Qaddoum areas.

It said that another 34 dunums would be confiscated south of Silwan town.

Municipality teams escorted by security forces glued orders to that effect on houses in those districts.

IOA to confiscate 136 dunums of OJ land
SALFIT, (PIC)-- Israeli bulldozers have begun to uproot olive groves in Beit Iksa village in Jerusalem province.

Local farmers said on Thursday the excavations, which took place on lands along the Israeli Ramot settlement, are aimed at paving the way for a wall to be erected along the southern and western sides of the village, completely isolating it from surrounding areas.

Tens of fruit trees belonging to Palestinian families have begun to be dug out, witnesses said.

Israel uproots dozens of olive trees in Jordan Valley
The heroic IDF in action:

"Updated | Friday | 2:44 p.m. A video uploaded to YouTube by an Israeli human rights group on Wednesday shows an Israel Defense Forces officer pointing a gun at a Palestinian who appears to be unarmed. The group, B’Tselem, says it was filmed on June 18 at a gasoline station in Beit Ummar, a town in the West Bank...

"On Friday, Capt. Barak Raz of the I.D.F. confirmed that the incident was under investigation.

“'This is not the type of behavior we expect, not of our soldiers and certainly not of our commanders, both professionally and ethically,' Captain Barak said."

Video Shows Confrontation on West Bank -
A video uploaded to YouTube by an Israeli human rights group on Wednesday shows an Israel Defense Forces officer pointing a gun at a Palestinian who appears to be unarmed.
We have plenty of videos of the SWAT, pointing automatic weapons at individuals "who appears to be unarmed".
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) uprooted 100 olive trees from Beit Egza village, northwest of occupied Jerusalem, and took them in trucks to an unknown destination.

Local sources charged the IOF soldiers with stealing the decades old trees after claiming there was a decision to confiscate them.

They pointed out that the soldiers leveled the ground after uprooting the trees, some of which are more than one hundred years old.
Nothing new here. Israel was created by attacking civilians and they continue today.

Kind of like America? You know... those Native Americans and all?

Oh and what about England? And France?

Fact is - 99% of the world's countries that exist today were created out of war.
Nothing new here. Israel was created by attacking civilians and they continue today.

Kind of like America? You know... those Native Americans and all?

Oh and what about England? And France?

Fact is - 99% of the world's countries that exist today were created out of war.

The difference being that now it is illegal. It was not back then.
Nothing new here. Israel was created by attacking civilians and they continue today.

Kind of like America? You know... those Native Americans and all?

Oh and what about England? And France?

Fact is - 99% of the world's countries that exist today were created out of war.

The difference being that now it is illegal. It was not back then.

You mean, illegal when Israel was created, i.e. when it attacked the Canaanites? Or when the United Nations declared the country of Israel and every single Arab Muslim country invaded it and tried to destroy it? Which was illegal again?
Kind of like America? You know... those Native Americans and all?

Oh and what about England? And France?

Fact is - 99% of the world's countries that exist today were created out of war.

The difference being that now it is illegal. It was not back then.

You mean, illegal when Israel was created, i.e. when it attacked the Canaanites? Or when the United Nations declared the country of Israel and every single Arab Muslim country invaded it and tried to destroy it? Which was illegal again?

Surely anyone who can document ancestry in the original Israel has the right to live there.

The United Nations had nothing to do with the new Israel.

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