Israel attacks civilians

Palestine Press Agency: Hamas beat and arrested children in Gaza for raising a Fatah banner last night.

So that makes it OK for Israeli goontards to beat up women?

Palestine Press Agency: Hamas arrested and beat a group of women holding a protest at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in central Gaza City on Saturday.

The women were celebrating the 46th anniversary of Fatah's first terror attack.

"Witnesses said that members of Hamas attacked the women with batons, tore up their flags and took the women to a detention center, shouting curses and insults."

I couldn't find that article on your link.
The European Union on Thursday expressed "regret" over Israel's decision to demolish a West Bank mosque for the third time, calling on the Jewish state to reexamine its policy on the area.

"The EU missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah regret the recent demolition of a mosque in the village of Khirbet Yarza," the statement said, noting it was the third time the mosque has been demolished within a year.

"Since the year 2000 more than 4,800 Palestinian houses and structures have been demolished for lacking a building permit in Area C. The EU calls on Israel to review its policy and planning system in order to allow for the socio-economic development of the Palestinian communities," the statement said.

Figures from the Israeli NGO Bimkom show that around 95 percent of Palestinian applications for a building permit are rejected, with the Civil Administration granting only around 12 permits a year.

EU 'regrets' Israel mosque demolition - Yahoo! News
The European Union on Thursday expressed "regret" over Israel's decision to demolish a West Bank mosque for the third time, calling on the Jewish state to reexamine its policy on the area.

"The EU missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah regret the recent demolition of a mosque in the village of Khirbet Yarza," the statement said, noting it was the third time the mosque has been demolished within a year.

"Since the year 2000 more than 4,800 Palestinian houses and structures have been demolished for lacking a building permit in Area C. The EU calls on Israel to review its policy and planning system in order to allow for the socio-economic development of the Palestinian communities," the statement said.

Figures from the Israeli NGO Bimkom show that around 95 percent of Palestinian applications for a building permit are rejected, with the Civil Administration granting only around 12 permits a year.

EU 'regrets' Israel mosque demolition - Yahoo! News

So, Hamas can demolish buildings but Israel can't demolish illegal buildings?
The European Union on Thursday expressed "regret" over Israel's decision to demolish a West Bank mosque for the third time, calling on the Jewish state to reexamine its policy on the area.

"The EU missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah regret the recent demolition of a mosque in the village of Khirbet Yarza," the statement said, noting it was the third time the mosque has been demolished within a year.

"Since the year 2000 more than 4,800 Palestinian houses and structures have been demolished for lacking a building permit in Area C. The EU calls on Israel to review its policy and planning system in order to allow for the socio-economic development of the Palestinian communities," the statement said.

Figures from the Israeli NGO Bimkom show that around 95 percent of Palestinian applications for a building permit are rejected, with the Civil Administration granting only around 12 permits a year.

EU 'regrets' Israel mosque demolition - Yahoo! News

So, Hamas can demolish buildings but Israel can't demolish illegal buildings?

Hamas faces rising anger after bulldozing Gaza homes

Why do the Palestinians have to get permits from foreign assholes to build on their own land?
The European Union on Thursday expressed "regret" over Israel's decision to demolish a West Bank mosque for the third time, calling on the Jewish state to reexamine its policy on the area.

"The EU missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah regret the recent demolition of a mosque in the village of Khirbet Yarza," the statement said, noting it was the third time the mosque has been demolished within a year.

"Since the year 2000 more than 4,800 Palestinian houses and structures have been demolished for lacking a building permit in Area C. The EU calls on Israel to review its policy and planning system in order to allow for the socio-economic development of the Palestinian communities," the statement said.

Figures from the Israeli NGO Bimkom show that around 95 percent of Palestinian applications for a building permit are rejected, with the Civil Administration granting only around 12 permits a year.

EU 'regrets' Israel mosque demolition - Yahoo! News

So, Hamas can demolish buildings but Israel can't demolish illegal buildings?

Hamas faces rising anger after bulldozing Gaza homes

Why do the Palestinians have to get permits from foreign assholes to build on their own land?

Their own land would be in Saudi Arabia since Pallies are Arabs.

Last time I checked, Israel was a Hebrew word.
So, Hamas can demolish buildings but Israel can't demolish illegal buildings?

Hamas faces rising anger after bulldozing Gaza homes

Why do the Palestinians have to get permits from foreign assholes to build on their own land?

Their own land would be in Saudi Arabia since Pallies are Arabs.

Last time I checked, Israel was a Hebrew word.

I don't think any of those people have ever been to any of those places.
JENIN, (PIC)-- IOF troops on Saturday afternoon fired at a funeral in the northern West Bank city of Jenin wounding four Palestinians.

Eyewitnesses said that locals were taking part in the funeral of Fathi Al-Khatib from Dhahr al-Maleh neighbourhood behind the apartheid wall and when they tried to get out of the gate to reach Toura neighbourhood south west of Jenin were the deceased was to be buried the IOF troops fired at them.

The PIC reporter said that the occupation soldiers hampered the movement of the participants in the funeral and forced them to go through the gate one by one. The locals rejected these restriction as they considered it to be disrespectful of the deceased and carried on walking behind the coffin. The occupation soldiers fired in the air then at the funeral. Four people were wounded, three of them were children of the deceased; Abdulla, Fathi, and Mustafa al-Khaltib, the fourth was Ahmad Kabaha.

IOF wound 4 Palestinians participating in a funeral
JENIN, (PIC)-- IOF troops on Saturday afternoon fired at a funeral in the northern West Bank city of Jenin wounding four Palestinians.

Is it racist to criticize the Palestinians as the world's most tiresome crybabies with a bogus cause and a plight that's entirely self-inflicted? The Palestinian cause is a lie. They could have had peace ten times over if they wanted it, but, they don't want peace, they want victory and they won't be happy until Israel is wiped from the map....driven by crude, irrational, religious hatred.

This is not about territory and it's certainly isn't about justice or human rights because Arab societies don't know the meaning of those words.It's about Jew-hatred as mandated by the Koran and as preached in the mosques and taught to the children in Arab countries day in and day out generation after poisoned generation.

We need to do the Arabs a huge favor and tell them the truth they so badly need to hear, that their hatred is the cause of their misery. They've become prisoners of it. It has come to define their very identity. And, until they can find a way to remove this ugly stain from their hearts they will always be chained to it and they and their children will never be free, Arab spring or no Arab spring.
[ame=]The great Palestinian lie - YouTube[/ame]
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