Israel attacks civilians

TULKAREM, (PIC)-- IOF troops handed on Thursday, eight residents of the village of Izbet Shufeh, to the south of the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem, demolition notices within a week because it lies in area (C).

Hasan Shaar, a resident of the village told PIC correspondent that the demolition notices were issued despite the facts that the owners of newly built homes have planning permissions and ownership deeds for the land and that the homes are already built, but waiting for the doors and windows to be installed.

Occupation forces hand demolition notices to residents of Ezbet Shufa

Another fake Pallywood fairy tale. :clap2:

[ame=]Resurrection in Palestine - YouTube[/ame]
U.S. general: Israel-Palestinian conflict foments anti-U.S. sentiment - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
U.S. general: Israel-Palestinian conflict foments anti-U.S. sentiment
General Petraeus: Conflict presents distinct challenges to our ability to advance U.S. interests.
and Bibi's building in East Jerusalem < 3 days after his speech for peace at the U.N.

Jerusalem is sovereign Israeli land and the capital of Israel, dummy.

Are you retarded or just stupid?
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- An international report said that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) had demolished 409 Palestinian homes in 2011 so far that led to the displacement of 804 Palestinian citizens.

The UN office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory (OCHA) pointed to an obvious escalation in the demolition streak of Palestinian homes at the hands of the IOA.

It explained that the IOA razed 290 Palestinian homes in 2010 that displaced 375 Palestinian citizens.

The report published on Saturday also noted that 139 Palestinians were injured in 326 Jewish settlers’ assaults since the start of 2011 compared to 202 Palestinians wounded in the same period last year in 202 attacks.

It said that 85 Palestinians were killed in the first nine months of 2011 while 53 were killed in the same period last year at the hands of the Israeli occupation forces (IOF).

OCHA noted that the IOF wounded 417 Palestinians so far this year while in 2010 the figure was 194.

OCHA: IOA demolished 400 homes in 2011, displaced 800 Palestinians
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- An international report said that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) had demolished 409 Palestinian homes in 2011 so far that led to the displacement of 804 Palestinian citizens.

Israel occupies...Israel where Jews have lived since 3000 years ago. How about that!

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Writer Charles Krauthammer...
Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store.

Tel Dan Stele Verifying [King] Davidic Dynasty 3000 years ago
The Tel Dan Stela and the Kings of Aram and Israel

Judaea Capta Coins Minted By Romans against Jews 2000 years ago
Judaea Capta coinage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jewish Dead Sea Scrolls 2000 Yrs Old.
Dead Sea Scrolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
fcuk me you are so THICK...Jewstone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- An international report said that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) had demolished 409 Palestinian homes in 2011 so far that led to the displacement of 804 Palestinian citizens.

Israel occupies...Israel where Jews have lived since 3000 years ago. How about that!

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Writer Charles Krauthammer...
UFCK ME..your THICK,stoneage Jew Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Israel i s the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store.

Tel Dan Stele Verifying [King] Davidic Dynasty 3000 years ago
The Tel Dan Stela and the Kings of Aram and Israel

Judaea Capta Coins Minted By Romans against Jews 2000 years ago
Judaea Capta coinage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jewish Dead Sea Scrolls 2000 Yrs Old.
Dead Sea Scrolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel attacks civilians

Especially when those 'civilians' are tossing bombs into Israel.
GAZA, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces shot and injured a 16-year-old boy in the Jahar al-Deik area south of Gaza city.

The boy, M.S., was hit in the left thigh by live ammunition fired by Israeli occupation forces east of Jahar al-Deik, located south of Gaza, said Adhan Abu Salmiyya, spokesman for the Higher Committee of Emergency Medical Services in Gaza.

The injured was transported to al-Shifa hopital in Gaza where his wounds were said to be moderate, Abu Salmiyya added.

IOF troops fire almost daily at Palestinian people and homes along the eastern border of the Gaza Strip.

16-year-old boy shot by IOF soldiers in Gaza
GAZA, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces shot and injured a 16-year-old boy in the Jahar al-Deik area south of Gaza city.

Israel occupies...Israel, where Jews have lived and ruled for 3000 years to today. How about that!

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Writer Charles Krauthammer...
Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store.

Tel Dan Stele Verifying King David Dynasty 3000 years ago
The Tel Dan Stela and the Kings of Aram and Israel

Judaea Capta Coins Minted By Romans against Jews 2000 years ago
Judaea Capta coinage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jewish Dead Sea Scrolls 2000 years old.
Dead Sea Scrolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yale University Press: The Archaeology of Ancient Israel
In this lavishly illustrated book some of Israel's foremost archaeologists present a thorough, up-to-date, and readily accessible survey of early life in the land of the Bible, from the Neolithic era (eighth millennium B.C.E.) to the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the First Temple in 586 B.C.E. It will be a delightful and informative resource for anyone who has ever wanted to know more about the religious, scientific, or historical background of the region.
The Archaeology of Ancient Israel - Ben-Tor, Amnon; Greenberg, R. - Yale University Press
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Thousands of Bedouins demonstrated in the southern city of Beersheva on Thursday to protest against a government project they say will displace tens of thousands of people from their land.

The demonstrators rallied in the city centre shouting: "This land is ours, we are staying here!" and holding up signs reading: "No to the Praver plan" and "Social justice for all!" an AFP correspondent said.

Last month, the Israeli government approved the so-called Praver plan in a bid to address the problem of unrecognised Bedouin villages in the Negev desert of southern Israel.

Although the government says it will help the Bedouin better integrate into Israeli society, the proposal was formulated without any consultation with the community, with rights groups slamming it as a major blow to Bedouin rights and warning it would forcefully uproot tens of thousands from their land.

Thousands protest at Israel plan to uproot Negev Bedouins - Yahoo! News
Thousands of Bedouins demonstrated in the southern city of Beersheva on Thursday to protest against a government project they say will displace tens of thousands of people from their land.
Which those nomads conveniently forgot to produce land deeds to.
The demonstrators rallied in the city centre shouting: "This land is ours, we are staying here!"
Of course, which is where the social security office to abuse is located! One prolific non-working bedouin fornication maniac, five "wives", a batallion of children, long live the tax-paying jews!
Thousands of Bedouins demonstrated in the southern city of Beersheva on Thursday to protest against a government project they say will displace tens of thousands of people from their land.

The demonstrators rallied in the city centre shouting: "This land is ours, we are staying here!" and holding up signs reading: "No to the Praver plan" and "Social justice for all!" an AFP correspondent said.

Last month, the Israeli government approved the so-called Praver plan in a bid to address the problem of unrecognised Bedouin villages in the Negev desert of southern Israel.

Although the government says it will help the Bedouin better integrate into Israeli society, the proposal was formulated without any consultation with the community, with rights groups slamming it as a major blow to Bedouin rights and warning it would forcefully uproot tens of thousands from their land.

Thousands protest at Israel plan to uproot Negev Bedouins - Yahoo! News

Yahoo news. :lol:
Thousands of Bedouins demonstrated in the southern city of Beersheva on Thursday to protest against a government project they say will displace tens of thousands of people from their land.

The demonstrators rallied in the city centre shouting: "This land is ours, we are staying here!" and holding up signs reading: "No to the Praver plan" and "Social justice for all!" an AFP correspondent said.

Last month, the Israeli government approved the so-called Praver plan in a bid to address the problem of unrecognised Bedouin villages in the Negev desert of southern Israel.

Although the government says it will help the Bedouin better integrate into Israeli society, the proposal was formulated without any consultation with the community, with rights groups slamming it as a major blow to Bedouin rights and warning it would forcefully uproot tens of thousands from their land.

Thousands protest at Israel plan to uproot Negev Bedouins - Yahoo! News

The UN ranks Israel among the 15 best countries to live in (out of 170 countries) in the world and with the highest qualities of life, emphasizing human development, political and cultural freedom and equality in education, healthcare, life expectancy and income, ahead of England, Spain, Greece, Italy, Finland, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg and Austria

Indices & Data | Human Development Reports (HDR) | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Human Development is a development paradigm that is about much more than the rise or fall of national incomes. It is about creating an environment in which people can develop their full potential and lead productive, creative lives in accord with their needs and interests. People are the real wealth of nations. Development is thus about expanding the choices people have to lead lives that they value. And it is thus about much more than economic growth, which is only a means —if a very important one —of enlarging people’s choices.

Fundamental to enlarging these choices is building human capabilities —the range of things that people can do or be in life. The most basic capabilities for human development are to lead long and healthy lives, to be knowledgeable, to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living and to be able to participate in the life of the community. Without these, many choices are simply not available, and many opportunities in life remain inaccessible.
thousands of bedouins demonstrated in the southern city of beersheva on thursday to protest against a government project they say will displace tens of thousands of people from their land.

The demonstrators rallied in the city centre shouting: "this land is ours, we are staying here!" and holding up signs reading: "no to the praver plan" and "social justice for all!" an afp correspondent said.

Last month, the israeli government approved the so-called praver plan in a bid to address the problem of unrecognised bedouin villages in the negev desert of southern israel.

Although the government says it will help the bedouin better integrate into israeli society, the proposal was formulated without any consultation with the community, with rights groups slamming it as a major blow to bedouin rights and warning it would forcefully uproot tens of thousands from their land.

thousands protest at israel plan to uproot negev bedouins - yahoo! News

yahoo news. :lol:

thousands of bedouins demonstrated in the southern city of beersheva on thursday to protest against a government project they say will displace tens of thousands of people from their land.

The demonstrators rallied in the city centre shouting: "this land is ours, we are staying here!" and holding up signs reading: "no to the praver plan" and "social justice for all!" an afp correspondent said.

Last month, the israeli government approved the so-called praver plan in a bid to address the problem of unrecognised bedouin villages in the negev desert of southern israel.

Although the government says it will help the bedouin better integrate into israeli society, the proposal was formulated without any consultation with the community, with rights groups slamming it as a major blow to bedouin rights and warning it would forcefully uproot tens of thousands from their land.

thousands protest at israel plan to uproot negev bedouins - yahoo! News

yahoo news. :lol:


The UN ranks Israel among the 15 best countries to live in (out of 170 countries) in the world and with the highest qualities of life, emphasizing human development, political and cultural freedom and equality in education, healthcare, life expectancy and income, ahead of England, Spain, Greece, Italy, Finland, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg and Austria

Indices & Data | Human Development Reports (HDR) | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Human Development is a development paradigm that is about much more than the rise or fall of national incomes. It is about creating an environment in which people can develop their full potential and lead productive, creative lives in accord with their needs and interests. People are the real wealth of nations. Development is thus about expanding the choices people have to lead lives that they value. And it is thus about much more than economic growth, which is only a means —if a very important one —of enlarging people’s choices.

Fundamental to enlarging these choices is building human capabilities —the range of things that people can do or be in life. The most basic capabilities for human development are to lead long and healthy lives, to be knowledgeable, to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living and to be able to participate in the life of the community. Without these, many choices are simply not available, and many opportunities in life remain inaccessible.
JORDAN VALLEY, (PIC)-- Bulldozers guarded by Israeli military jeeps leveled early Thursday morning six structures used for agriculture as well as homes in Maleh Valley in northern Jordan Valley.

Wide-ranging demolitions on the homes of shepherds in the Fariseya area in northern Maleh Valley left several families without refuge, said resident Ali Saraya.

The Israeli occupation authorities claimed the structures were built within the limits of a closed military zone, although locals have dwelled in the area for over 40 years.

Palestinians have said the Israeli occupation authorities aim at replacing the Palestinian population with Jewish settlers.

Israeli bulldozers raze structures, homes in Jordan Valley

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