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Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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But then the Warmongers would start somewhere else

The pro war lot are strange.
Communists made a fantastic 'enemy' for years after WWII.
Then, with the fall of the USSR, Muslims made a great new enemy.
You'll have noticed the shift to anti Chinese stories at the moment.
In her thread title ---sherri exhibits an excellent example of islamo nazi filth and shit mouth lie

A Gazan child died in the bombing over gaza---is what happend. The thread title of the islamo nazi sow---suggests
that israels emulate the islamo nazi pigs of the past 1400
years and the nazi pigs of the past 1700 years and actually
engage in brutal on hands murder of children for the glory of
either allah or muhummad or isa or jesus. A reasonble title
from a decent person would be ---"child killed in bombing over gaza"

there were children killed in Israel---with bombs -----today
if I were an islamo nazi pig as is sherri----I could title a
PROPHET IN ISLAM" ---but I am not sherri
For the record-----sherri is right----I do hate islamo nazi pigs who either slit the throats of infants or advocate doing so. Someone cited a video in which an Egyptian lady lawyer----advocated the sexual abuse of jewish women world wide
Sherri, no doubt loves her ---she is her SISTER IN CHRIST----I do not like her------sexual abuse was very common against jewish women in the shariah shit hole of his birth ----as a means of CONTROL

1/4 million girls were raped in 1971 ----( I was a tender young thing when that news was big) in east pakistan LEGALLY according to islamic law. IT was a matter of control
---West Pakistan over East Pakistn -----and my husband's grandmother----when she was young with two babies in arms, was raped and killed-----the babies also died. A normative act in shariah shit holes------and a delight to sherri. In any case, I did not like that lawyer. Thus sherri believes I LIVE WITH HATE while she lives with love
Now, to the subject matter of the thread.
We now have one more father out to destroy Israel.

I have never supported the total destruction of Israel because so many innocents would die but I'm wondering if one massive battle, with the mass death and misery such would bring, would be better than what Israel does on a daily basis.

More drivel from another anti semitic monkey !

Why are you such a miserable person ?

Is it because your religion is vile ? Is it because your prophet was a rapist? IS it because your people your Arab brother have lost every war they fought? It it because Your brothers' countries in the Middle East are shitholes, while Israel is thriving and beautiful?

Maybe its all of the above ? :lol:
It is a serious sin.

The other stuff you posted I didn't get.

its a little complicated 'because' if you never heard of Dante or "the divine comedy" its ok it is a bit esoteric If sherri is really a christian----she has.
I just tried to explain to her the islamic sin-----I think it is "shirk" which is very serious ----why don't you try
It is a serious sin.

The other stuff you posted I didn't get.

its a little complicated 'because' if you never heard of Dante or "the divine comedy" its ok it is a bit esoteric If sherri is really a christian----she has.
I just tried to explain to her the islamic sin-----I think it is "shirk" which is very serious ----why don't you try

Yeah it is called shirk. Sort of like blasphemy. I think Sherri knows that we don't believe Jesus was God in flesh. But she knows we all will go back to the One God. As long as we share that belief, everyone will find their way, and for each single person it's their path and relationship with God. He won't bring others to interfere. It will be 1 on 1 time with God.
bikoz habibi

When i thanked you fior 2 "useful posts" that meant i feel for you and acknowledge your rage and hurt

not that i agree with you

sorry but Jabari was a criminal...wiki says he was involved in the bombing of an israeli school bus


you are in USA now not in Gaza tho i'm sure you feel like you are in gaza right now

but that schoolbus murderer got what he deserved


the israeli killers are also criminals

and insh'allah they will face justice too
Islam is the cancer IDF is the cure.

there are 1.5 billion muslims haver

do you want our people and the IDF to "cure" them all???

that is hitler's 6 million multiplied by 250

besides, there just aint that many donkeys to go round
even if you round up all the USA yang key donkey democrats and their voters
The playbook in dealing correctly with IslamoNazi animals is with the Israelis. Islamists don't understand human language because they aren't human beings. That's the truth. Kertahe. LOL
Islam is the cancer IDF is the cure.

there are 1.5 billion muslims haver

do you want our people and the IDF to "cure" them all???

that is hitler's 6 million multiplied by 250

besides, there just aint that many donkeys to go round
even if you round up all the USA yang key donkey democrats and their voters
The playbook in dealing correctly with IslamoNazi animals is with the Israelis. Islamists don't understand human language because they aren't human beings. That's the truth. Kertahe. LOL

this is exactly the same logic that nasty goys applied to us Jews......less than.....human
and what racists and warmongers always apply to demonise the enemy

as a Hinjew, i commend the Hiindu view that we are all one and that the collective consciousness of all existence including donkeys is what is known as god

then it is impossible to create "them" and "us" or call anyone a nazi or islamonazi because we and god too are all part of all that goes on

bit sanctimonious I know....maybe we should stick to donkey fucking
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it turns out that the mother pregnant with twins was in the act of tying a bomb to her stinking ass ------and the bomb went off and burned the infant and killed the slut pregnant with the twins she was unable to get an abortion in Gaza and the twins were out of wedlock


Why do you tell lies like that?

I really feel sorry for you, I see you as much in a prison as those in Gaza, as those imprisoned in concentration camps in Nazi Germany, as those imprisoned as Japanese in camps in the US during WWII.

You are imprisoned by a victim mentality that poisons you against nonJews, you cannot write a post that is not poisoned with hate and negativity for nonJews.

Are you so accustomed to living with your hate and poisoned mind you do not want to leave the place you are?

There is another way to live, but you have to want to be free of your bondage.


it's a cultural thing, you know.
iRosie that was horrible. But seriously, Hamas fires rockets from civilian locations so that these stories will pop up and bring sympathy to their cause. They are the aggressors. Religion should not be a reason to kill.

now ust what the hell do you want them to do? the whole gaza strip is a civilian area, and one of the most heavily populated areas in the world.

here is a plan that i bet HAMAS and FATAH would go for. how about if the IDF turns their weapons etc to some UN force for safe keeping and then announce to HAMAS abd FATAH and et al..."hey boyos. we are tired of kids dying so here is what we are going to do. these UN cats are going to dstribute small arms of choice to us and yous and x amount of ord and we'll meet you in the middle of the hegev at noon tomorrow."

they ain't hiding in civilian areas any more than the IDF soldier who goes home at night and sleeps next to his weapon or reservists in a pizza parlor or disco.
That's still nothing compared to what The US army did to children in Iraq and Afghanistan. Jus' sayin'.
I want Day of Judgement. That's it. God if you order the Day to be near, and the day the Palestinians will be victors over Israel, do it.

Life is for you, we are going back to you. Make it happen God, it's time we see justice.

You are the Great and the Most Powerful.
Your 72 virgin donkeys are waiting for you, Ahmed.

God will punish you, you are afraid of the Day of Judgement.

All the Zionists are gonna have trouble that day.

God knows true justice, he will make justice happen.

Your god is not the same as my God. My God tells us that Israel and the Jews will always be there. They ARE God's chosen people.....sorry chump, YOU LOSE!

there are 1.5 billion muslims haver

do you want our people and the IDF to "cure" them all???

that is hitler's 6 million multiplied by 250

besides, there just aint that many donkeys to go round
even if you round up all the USA yang key donkey democrats and their voters
The playbook in dealing correctly with IslamoNazi animals is with the Israelis. Islamists don't understand human language because they aren't human beings. That's the truth. Kertahe. LOL

this is exactly the same logic that nasty goys applied to us Jews......less than.....human
and what racists and warmongers always apply to demonise the enemy

as a Hinjew, i commend the Hiindu view that we are all one and that the collective consciousness of all existence including donkeys is what is known as god

then it is impossible to create "them" and "us" or call anyone a nazi or islamonazi because we and god too are all part of all that goes on

bit sanctimonious I know....maybe we should stick to donkey fucking

more on this Hinjew shit

it comes from the ancient hindu sacred vedas;
uttered long before jews were even a twinkle in god's eyes

if the true god of the vedas had chosen the jews

he would have made one strict condition on the covenant

and that is

"if you are one.....then i'm one too"

and vice versa

"if i'm one...then you're one, too"

jesus was a bit of a hinjew; thay say he had been to india in his youth; even that he died there too

he said....."however you judge others; you are judging yourself in the same way"

and this is god's instant judgement.....it happens in the instant you even have the impulse to judge anyone

it happened to me yesterday on this board

i got so angry with that dreadful "artful codger" i wished him dead, and said so

i was so guilty and miserable afterwards i felt almost dead myself until i edited my murderous drivel and apologised

so whatever you or anyone says about anyone else; even in times of cyber and real war

that instantly becomes the truth for that moment about the one that says it

of course you keep a good tongue in cheek heart space
between you and most of your words
and so do I and anyone intelligent

but do please spare the donkeys...........eeeeeyore........they really matter to god

in india they would tell you that you will be reborn as a donkey,
suffering exactly the fate you have assigned to them

that's why I said what I did to you in the bombay vernacular..........

unless you recant your crimes against donkeys ( and Muzzlims) ,
that is what will happen to you...........

or worse still, be reborn as a "subhuman muslim"

or so they say

but what the fuck do I know?..............very little, really

it looks so sad and awful in gaza right now i can't even joke properly
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Then why doesn't your leaders evacuate people to safe areas? Oh...they don't have any for them??
I feel bad for the innocents that die, but it seems to me their leaders couldn't care less.
But you just go ahead and keep the propaganda up....
guess they shouldn't have been lobbing bombs at Israel.....this wouldn't have happened.
That's still nothing compared to what The US army did to children in Iraq and Afghanistan. Jus' sayin'.

That's bullshit and you're an idiot!
Did you happen to see what the enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan do to our people when they're captured? Have you seen the films in Iraq of them dragging our dead soldiers through the streets? How about the beheading??

That's still nothing compared to what The US army did to children in Iraq and Afghanistan. Jus' sayin'.

That's bullshit and you're an idiot!
Did you happen to see what the enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan do to our people when they're captured? Have you seen the films in Iraq of them dragging our dead soldiers through the streets? How about the beheading??

Caroljo: the carolling chosen jew who is always so right, and polite
he thinks he has a right to accuse others of being idiots and morons ????

you only saw those awful pictures thanx to the arab TV staion al jazeera telling the truth

then you free and brave yankees rewarded the honest brave arab truth tellers
by bombing the shit out of them in both afghanistan and iraq

but knowing how these savages treat you superior yankee and british invaders

would it not have been a bit smart not to have gone to war there in the first place

what good has it done to anyone at all.......tell me, oh fellow chosen one?

6,000 yanks and hundreds of thousands of the natives dead, trillions of dollars wasted on war

for what...............can you, who thinks you are always right........please tell this idiot moronic jewish MAMZER??
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it turns out that the mother pregnant with twins was in the act of tying a bomb to her stinking ass ------and the bomb went off and burned the infant and killed the slut pregnant with the twins she was unable to get an abortion in Gaza and the twins were out of wedlock


Why do you tell lies like that?

I really feel sorry for you, I see you as much in a prison as those in Gaza, as those imprisoned in concentration camps in Nazi Germany, as those imprisoned as Japanese in camps in the US during WWII.

You are imprisoned by a victim mentality that poisons you against nonJews, you cannot write a post that is not poisoned with hate and negativity for nonJews.

Are you so accustomed to living with your hate and poisoned mind you do not want to leave the place you are?

There is another way to live, but you have to want to be free of your bondage.


because he's a bigoted anti- Semite.
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