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Israel cannot be allowed to define the New Administration

Make no mistake about it. All american politicians of high office are controlled by the Z.O.G. government of the United States.

To them Israel comes first, and America is only useful in furthering Zionist ambitions for Israel.

What's funny, though, is that the Democrats somehow think they are immune to the zionists. :clap2:
I personally believe that the AntiChrist who will follow the "False Prophet" will be a Turkish leader.
Read your Bible a little closer.

The Anti-Christ will be of Jewish decent. Most likely from the Tribe of Dan.

Also, it says the he won't keep the company of women. Alluding to him being a homosexual.
That is the frightening aspect. In the Bible the countries that are going to attack Israel are Cush and Put, the nations around Israel, Gog and Magog and the Kings of the East.

Cush and Put (Putt) are the northern and eastern coasts of Africa, The Kings of the East refer to the lands of the Medo-Persian Empire (Iraq, Iran as far as western India). Gog and Magog are the people who were north and east of the Black Sea approximately 3000 years ago (Generally believed by modern schlars to be the Turkic Tribes that subsequently spread across all the land that was the southern Soviet Union and into modern Turkey.)

What do all these people and their attacking army have in common? That is right, they are followers of Muhammed (p.b.u.h.)! This attack is supposed to come during the life of the generation that sees Israel reborn. Now, unless all of these countries convert in faith, it sure looks to Christians that Islam is going to be on the wrong side of Jesus when he comes back to set up his thousand year reign on Earth.
Where in the Bible does it predict Cush and Put attacking Israel?

Gog and Magog according to most Bible scholars and historians is in southern Russia.

No where does it talk about Islan or Muslims being a part of the invasion.
Where in the Bible does it predict Cush and Put attacking Israel?

Gog and Magog according to most Bible scholars and historians is in southern Russia.

No where does it talk about Islan or Muslims being a part of the invasion.
In reverse order to your questions. As you will note, I have only pointed out the Biblical prediction that the end times will come about within one generation of the reestablishment of Israel. The countries that will attack Israel are identified in the Bible as I stated. It is just ironic that they are all Islamic.

Gog and Magog were approximately in the area where the Sythians lived in what is the Ukraine to Georgia. Nobody knows who the Sythians exactly were, but many believe them to have been the relatives of the Turkic tribes that live in the lands to the south to this day.

The Bible also mentions the people of Gomer playing a role in the End Times. In Ezekiel 38:6 "the house of Togarmah and all its hordes." The research of the famous Dr. Bauman traces evidence of some of the sons of Togarmah to the Turkoman tribes of central Asia. Thus we have a continuity of Turkic people who are all distantly related. All are Islamic.

As regards Cush and Putt, go to Daniel 11: 42 - 43. The Hebrew words Cush and Putt are translated Ethiopia and Libya. Both north and eastern Africa are Islamic. Now, granted, they could change their faith in quick order, but the likelyhood of that happening is quite remote, short of the Great Third Caliphate happening and then converting to a new religion.

To your other comment, I am not aware that the AntiChrist has to come from the Tribe of Dan. As I have said, I am open to education. Please show me the reference in the Bible.
Anti-Christ from the Tribe of Dan

The Lost Tribe of Dan

Anti-Christ a homosexual

The Antichrist

Without specific references, I can see no correlation to the propositions that you mention. What I see is speculation that is unfounded on fact or passage.

Where in Daniel is the passage that would indicate that the AntiChrist is a jew or a homosexual? The AntiChrist will be a dynamic leader from the north. Turkey is to the utter north of Israel. (Utter as in ancient times 2500 years ago when Asia Minor was a long, long, long, long way north of Israel.)

The story of Sampson and the bees and the dead carcass is not in any way related to the AntiChrist. That is like saying that a crack in the sidewalk in LA is related to the San Andreus Fault. The only correlation would be that both are in California, but quite unrelated.
Ethiopia is a Christian nation.

It has never been an Islamic nation.

It has been Christian since around the 4th century A.D.

Ethiopian Christianity: A History of the Christian Church in Ethiopia

In fact, it is considered to be either the first or second Christian nation in the world.

As I have previously stated, the references to Cush and Putt were to regions as they were called in Hebrew. General locations would be Ethiopia and Libya today as an example of northern and eastern Africa. Eastern Africa gives us the length of the east coast of Africa, and it is mostly Islamic in the present era. Ethiopia is inland west of Eritrea and north of Somalia.

Northern Africa would be the expanse from Egypt west. I suppose it could extend all the way to Morocco. The Bible does not say "all the way to Morocco" so I would guess Libya and perhaps Algeria would be apt.
What message is being sent to the Middle East countries and the world when the chief of staff of the new Administration is an Israeli, and the son of a known terrorist? Moving in the direction of impartiality in terms of Israel would have certainly been a wiser and much needed symbol of change.

The opportunity to establish a more cogent position in terms of diplomacy was missed. An “America first” policy is something that cannot in any way be overlooked, and allowing any country especially Israel to define American as a nation can be reasonably referred to as the opposite of Change.

If America allows the enemies of Israel to become our enemies we may as well reinstall Bush in the White House. Some expression of equity has to be made clear to restore the tattered image of America and make a fresh start more believable.

Rahn Emanuel was the lone holdout for Hillary Clinton amongst the Governmental official of Illinois how than does he become chief of staff so quickly? Congressman Emanuel being named to this key position and the announcement being made so soon one can only hope despite the appearance of continued undue influence of Israel an underlying foundation of change becomes a reality.

One can only hope the careful evaluation of a broad range of factors are carefully considered, and corrections made in the future.

Rahm Emanuel

impartiality in terms of Israel? Only if he wants to lose in 2012. Did you really expect the US's foreign policy to change that much?
impartiality in terms of Israel? Only if he wants to lose in 2012. Did you really expect the US's foreign policy to change that much?

It isn't going to change at all .. in fact, I fully expect it to get worse.

If you're saying that no US president has the ability or authority to define our relationship with Israel, then you validate the Israel controls American politicians .. which in fact is the case.
Proof postive that all religion is stupid as fuck and only designed for broken people.

And I suppose that explains why most successful people are also people of strong faith? There is something about being obedient to God that seems to free the soul to do productive things. Those without God so very often end up in the gutter.
And I suppose that explains why most successful people are also people of strong faith? There is something about being obedient to God that seems to free the soul to do productive things. Those without God so very often end up in the gutter.

If you believe one needs God to be successful then you'd be one of the broken people that needs religion.

Most succesful people have strong faith that they are going to be successful .. but faith alone don't mean squat without the actions of succesful people .. which does not include going to church.

Most people claim religion because they fear their own mortality.
If you believe one needs God to be successful then you'd be one of the broken people that needs religion.

Most succesful people have strong faith that they are going to be successful .. but faith alone don't mean squat without the actions of succesful people .. which does not include going to church.

Most people claim religion because they fear their own mortality.

You sound very bitter. I am a very successful man who retired at the age of 52. Prior to retirement, I raised 30 children. At age 60, I still have four of them living at home. Three are in college and one just wants to live here. I am a man of strong faith who was raised by an atheist/agnostic four times married alcoholic father. (It depended upon how drunk he was to determine if he was an agnostic [know nothing] or an atheist [no God].)

I set out on my own in life during my Freshman year in high school, but still graduated. I was an atheist/agnostic like my father. I ended up with a B- minus grade point average because most of my time after school was spend trying to make a living. Subsequently I never did homework. That B- was just good enough to be one person below the midpoint in my high school class. I proudly brag that I finished in the bottom half of my class. Yet, I had the highest SAT score in that class.

I spent the next six years traveling the world before I started asking questions about the nature of things and started college in my mid twenties. After asking enough questions I realized that there had to be a God. I have been a Christian ever since the 13th of February 1974, the day I asked God into my life to teach me and help me along life's complicated journey.

There is a God. I do not argue small points about God as that is a foolish waste of time, but I know that God exists and calls all men to a closer walk with him. God also calls all men to a standard of morality that most can not reach on their own. If you seek God, you will find that capacity.
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And I suppose that explains why most successful people are also people of strong faith? There is something about being obedient to God that seems to free the soul to do productive things. Those without God so very often end up in the gutter.

what the fuck are you talking about? Our successful people worship MONEY not jesus. Strong faith? You ever taken a trip through the ghetto and wondered why THEIR faith doesn't make them rich? Slaves were a faithful lot.. I guess they just forgot to get their jesus success email.
I concur with OP that historical U.S. Israeli policy has been destructive rather than beneficial, both domestically and abroad, specifically where U.S. - Middle East foreign policy is concerned. I also agree Israel ought to be "cut loose" to fend for herself. How many other foreign nations benefit from 100% U.S. military and financial aid? I suppose our leaders still worry about protecting Meggido and all that jazz-- if you buy into that stuff.
I concur with OP that historical U.S. Israeli policy has been destructive rather than beneficial, both domestically and abroad, specifically where U.S. - Middle East foreign policy is concerned. I also agree Israel ought to be "cut loose" to fend for herself. How many other foreign nations benefit from 100% U.S. military and financial aid? I suppose our leaders still worry about protecting Meggido and all that jazz-- if you buy into that stuff.

I think the Rothchilds (et al ) keep an eye out on our economy so we have to take good care of Israel. The religious stuff is just an added benny.
I think the Rothchilds (et al ) keep an eye out on our economy so we have to take good care of Israel. The religious stuff is just an added benny.
No American leader worries about protecting Tel Meggiddo, Har Meggiddo or Armegeddon. That is in the hands of Jesus, and the Bible promises that he personally is going to kill 200,000,000 soldiers who will be serving the False Prophet when they invade Israel.

Note, this was a prophecy made after Israel had been destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD (CE) and the Jews scattered to the four corners of the Earth.

The politicians only answer to the voters, and the voters who are strong Christian or Jewish tell them to support the one democracy in the Middle East. If you were a politician would you tell your constituency back home that you refused to honor their requests?

That is called political suicide.
The politicians only answer to the voters, and the voters who are strong Christian or Jewish tell them to support the one democracy in the Middle East.
That Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, is just another lie told to gulible people by supporters of Zionism.

Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, Pakistain, and others, are also democracys and have democratic elections.
You sound very bitter. I am a very successful man who retired at the age of 52. Prior to retirement, I raised 30 children. At age 60, I still have four of them living at home. Three are in college and one just wants to live here. I am a man of strong faith who was raised by an atheist/agnostic four times married alcoholic father. (It depended upon how drunk he was to determine if he was an agnostic [know nothing] or an atheist [no God].)

I set out on my own in life during my Freshman year in high school, but still graduated. I was an atheist/agnostic like my father. I ended up with a B- minus grade point average because most of my time after school was spend trying to make a living. Subsequently I never did homework. That B- was just good enough to be one person below the midpoint in my high school class. I proudly brag that I finished in the bottom half of my class. Yet, I had the highest SAT score in that class.

I spent the next six years traveling the world before I started asking questions about the nature of things and started college in my mid twenties. After asking enough questions I realized that there had to be a God. I have been a Christian ever since the 13th of February 1974, the day I asked God into my life to teach me and help me along life's complicated journey.

There is a God. I do not argue small points about God as that is a foolish waste of time, but I know that God exists and calls all men to a closer walk with him. God also calls all men to a standard of morality that most can not reach on their own. If you seek God, you will find that capacity.

I applaud your success .. you sound like a good man and I make no personal attack on what you believe nor what you have discovered about you during your life's journey.

However, I do challenge the notion that one needs God, any God to be successful. I honestly appreciate your perspective my brother, but "success", like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Hard to be considered more "successful" than someone like Howard Hughes. But would I have wanted his life? .. absolutely not. All kinds of demons running around in his head .. died terrified of things as big as a microbe. What an idiot.

Point being is that money, business, fame, and title are measures of success that break people. I'm not suggesting they aren't worthy of attaining, I'm suggesting they aren't the only measure of success .. and, no matter where you go .. there you are. Where you go, rich or poor, your demons go with you. The very same can be said of if you're religious or not .. evidenced by a history of religious leaders and followers who still couldn't control their demons. Evidenced by an entire history of innocent people who've died under the boot of religion.

Faith my brother, no matter what semantics you use to describe it, comes down to belief in something you do not know to be true. If it was true it wouldn't require faith, it would be fact. Respectfully, religion requires faith because it does not have fact.

I grew up in a christian home and not only attended church, but at 13, I was the boy wonder who could preach a sermon that would have people jumping up prasing God. I was so good at it that my church would put up cardboard advertisements on telephone poles and in the beauty and barber shops in the neighborhoods where they took me around to preach his holy word. I was good at it, but there was no special calling .. I did it because it pleased my mother. She was more proud of my Elmer Gentry character than she was about my grades in school. My problem with christianity came when I started to actually study its history, and by 15 I was done with it .. didn't care how much my mother liked it. I'm not christian, but I know more christian history that most christians because they never actually study it. Most people's religion is inherited. They are what their parents are/were. Religion is highly dependent on environment. If you were born in Iran you would probably be muslim .. if you were born in India you would probably be Hindu

At 15 I started reading J. Krishnamurti and "Think on These Things" opened my eyes to clarity. Success for me brother is the inner peace that comes with clarity. Success for me has been working and living in different places in the US and experiencing different perspectives. Success has been watching my children grow, getting my black belt and knowing my sensei, a small powerful man from Okinawa who I will never see again. It's getting a degree and the pursuit of education and knowledge. It's been working my way up the IT ladder and becoming a DBA .. having my own business free of the stress of the corporate world and being able to do it from home most days.

But just as importantly, success has been the recognition of my social responsibilities and giving my talents back to the community. It's been being able to accomplish just about everything I had the will to accomplish in spite of the challenges this society throws in my way .. and it's been learning the lessons of humility.

"Bitter" .. not me brother. I died last year .. March 19, 2007 to be exact. Stroke .. hemorragic seizure .. no heartbeat .. no pulse .. stopped breathing. Even when I was revived I stayed unconscious for four days. I'm not bitter in the least because you aren't talking to a ghost. What I am is a believer of seeking truth, no matter what truth reveals. What I am is someone who is unencumbered by things one is supposed to say and/or believe .. and I relish in that freedom .. sometimes I get drunk with it. Seriously, it is a powerful emotion.

What I am is spiritual, nor religious .. they are not the same thing. I don't care about labels, only the character of the person wearing it.

I don't think you're a good person because you're christian brother, I think you're a good person because of your character.
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