Israel dismisses 2 officers over deadly drone strikes on aid workers in Gaza

I reject the terminology "colonial", as you can't colonize your own homeland. BUT he definitely seems to be an example of an asshole.

But, as I said, Sheikh Jarrah is complicated. Who holds individual ownership title to a home in Sheikh Jarrah? The legal owners who are ethnically cleansed? The squatters who move in? The descendants of one or the other? And how does this relate to the larger questions of self-determination, sovereignty, taking land by force, territorial integrity?
Reject what you like, that is not his homeland the USA is.
Reject what you like, that is not his homeland the USA is.
I'm not sure what larger point you are trying to argue here. Is it that "homeland" means the place where you are born?

Edited to add: and if you move anywhere that is not the same place where you are born, you are a "colonizer"?
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I'm not sure what larger point you are trying to argue here. Is it that "homeland" means the place where you are born?

Edited to add: and if you move anywhere that is not the same place where you are born, you are a "colonizer"?
They are Colonialists, he is from New York he thinks he is entitled to two Countries, maybe someone should take his house in New York, you can't defend this shit.
I reject the terminology "colonial", as you can't colonize your own homeland. BUT he definitely seems to be an example of an asshole.

Palestine isn't the homeland of the Ashkenazi Jews. That would be EUROPE.
Yes, because of the libersl media propoganda against Israel - with their “genocide” lie.
There is a lot of honest reporting in the “liberal” media as well.

And regardless, the majority still support Israel. Only 27% are on the Palestinians’ side. And as I said, factor out the young people being brainwashed at the Universities where the Arabs have infiltrated, with their anti-Israel rhetoric, and even more support Israel against the Palestinians.

Young people are seeing what is happening in Gaza and they don’t like it. And there are a lot of up and coming young peop,e who have grown up with a much more global outlook. “Infiltrated” huh? What about the anti-Pali rhetoric? Hasbara?
There is a lot of honest reporting in the “liberal” media as well.
Not if they’re advancing the blood libel.
Young people are seeing what is happening in Gaza and they don’t like it. And there are a lot of up and coming young peop,e who have grown up with a much more global outlook. “Infiltrated” huh? What about the anti-Pali rhetoric? Hasbara?
Huh? What do you mean “Hasbara”?
Palestine isn't the homeland of the Ashkenazi Jews. That would be EUROPE.
Wait, aren't you the one who defends Palestinian "right of return"? How does that make sense? If people are dispossessed from their homeland, they lose rights to their homeland? Just checking.
The part you put in bold? The absolutely unhinged position held by Palestinians that any territory under their sovereignty must be free of Jews.
Expel those who believe it? I disagree.

I agree it is a morally repugnant view, but you certainly aren’t going to change minds through forced expulsions. It will take several generations for either side to build any trust, depending on what happens after the conflict.
I’m still trying to figure out why Coyote called me Hasbara, if that’s what she did. Not sure what she meant by that.
They are Colonialists, he is from New York he thinks he is entitled to two Countries, maybe someone should take his house in New York, you can't defend this shit.
Does that apply to anyone who moves abroad?
Jews were in Israel long before they moved to Europe, and thousands of years before any Muslims ”graced” the Earth.
“Muslim” is a religion, not an ethnic group.
This was paramount. This was optically the worst incident, since Oct 7th itself of course. Conducted against the same charity group who were there for Israel after Oct 7th and their time in need.

It will also serve as a serious reminder to the IDF leadership, "get it right and control your men and decisions or you will face real consequences".

We need Israel to bring light to the darkness, not to walk into the darkness itself.

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — The Israeli military said Friday that it has dismissed two officers and reprimanded three others for their roles in drone strikes in Gaza that killed seven aid workers on a food-delivery mission, saying they had mishandled critical information and violated the army’s rules of engagement.
It will happen again. War is Chaos....friendly fire is not an insignificant factor.

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