Israel dismisses 2 officers over deadly drone strikes on aid workers in Gaza

The part you put in bold? The absolutely unhinged position held by Palestinians that any territory under their sovereignty must be free of Jews.
Ah….thank you for clarifying that - and it raises a question.

Why are the Israel haters complaining about “ethnic cleansing” of Muslims, when 20% of Israeli citizens are Muslim, and yet it is GAZA that does not allow Jews in their region?
Ah….thank you for clarifying that - and it raises a question.

Why are the Israel haters complaining about “ethnic cleansing” of Muslims, when 20% of Israeli citizens are Muslim, and yet it is GAZA that does not allow Jews in their region?
Actually, even when Gaza was under Zionist occupation, very few Jews elected to live there.

They had more soldiers than settlers; it's why they were so willing to give it up.
My guess would be that Egypt should take them in.
No. I am absolutely against ethnic cleansing and I believe that each State having a portion of their population of the other ethnic group is beneficial for mutual understanding and empathy (de-radicalization).
No. I am absolutely against ethnic cleansing and I believe that each State having a portion of their population of the other ethnic group is beneficial for mutual understanding and empathy (de-radicalization).
Yes, thx….i just saw your explanation above.
The Zionist doesn’t think that way. They believe they are God’s chosen people. As such, they believe the land is given to them from above, and anyone who opposes them must die.
There are probably a small percentage of very religious Jews who believe this (except the 'must die' part). But Zionism, as understood by most Jews, is fundamentally the same desire and right to self-determination that Palestinians claim. To deny it for the one, but demand it for the other is hypocrisy.
Yes i have my eye on a nice little farm South of Oslo, my ancestors came from the area over a thousand years ago, if i tried to claim it i would be sent to a mental home.
Conflating individual citizenship and property ownership with sovereign self-determination. The fact that you and your family, as well as a whole bunch of other families left Norway does NOT mean that Norway no longer has rights to self-determination and sovereignty.

(And actually, you COULD, you know. Go buy a nice little farm south of Oslo and become a citizen of Norway. You'd have to become fluent in Norwegian or Sami.)
Ah….thank you for clarifying that - and it raises a question.

Why are the Israel haters complaining about “ethnic cleansing” of Muslims, when 20% of Israeli citizens are Muslim, and yet it is GAZA that does not allow Jews in their region?
And worse than that - insisting that all Jews be removed from Palestine as a necessary prerequisite to a peace agreement. Classic case of double standards, holding one set of requirements for one peoples and a different set of requirements for the other.
And worse than that - insisting that all Jews be removed from Palestine as a necessary prerequisite to a peace agreement. Classic case of double standards, holding one set of requirements for one peoples and a different set of requirements for the other.
Definitely! We had one especially ignorant complaining about the ”Jews only” roads in the West Bank (necessary for safe passage), but not a word about how the so-called Palestinians have “No Jews anywhere” policies in GAZA.
The problem is, any peace deal is contingent on them acquiesing to Zionist THEFT and GENOCIDE.

Not sure why anyone would go for that.

Here's the better question. Why are the Jews so keen on living next to people who want to kill them. Let's leave aside whether their reasoning for wanting to kill the Jews is reasonable or not. If my neighbors wanted to kill me, I wouldn't care if they had good reason, I'd just MOVE.

Maybe we could do that with California, too! Dig a deep trench around its borders and slide the country elsewhere.
Definitely! We had one especially ignorant complaining about the ”Jews only” roads in the West Bank (necessary for safe passage), but not a word about how the so-called Palestinians have “No Jews anywhere” policies in GAZA.
Of course. Border controls are "apartheid" (but only when the Jews do it), while below is the reasonable, even glorified, response to a Jew being in your space:

Conflating individual citizenship and property ownership with sovereign self-determination. The fact that you and your family, as well as a whole bunch of other families left Norway does NOT mean that Norway no longer has rights to self-determination and sovereignty.

(And actually, you COULD, you know. Go buy a nice little farm south of Oslo and become a citizen of Norway. You'd have to become fluent in Norwegian or Sami.)
Who was talking about buying? those Zionist nutcases from foreign lands take what they want like this crackpot from New York.
Who was talking about buying? those Zionist nutcases from foreign lands take what they want like this crackpot from New York.

Well, Sheikh Jarrah has specific issues and complications, primarily because of the conflation of private ownership vs sovereignty. And there are bad actors on both sides.
Well, Sheikh Jarrah has specific issues and complications, primarily because of the conflation of private ownership vs sovereignty. And there are bad actors on both sides.
No, he is a Colonial arsehole and there are many of them.
No, he is a Colonial arsehole and there are many of them.
I reject the terminology "colonial", as you can't colonize your own homeland. BUT he definitely seems to be an example of an asshole.

But, as I said, Sheikh Jarrah is complicated. Who holds individual ownership title to a home in Sheikh Jarrah? The legal owners who are ethnically cleansed? The squatters who move in? The descendants of one or the other? And how does this relate to the larger questions of self-determination, sovereignty, taking land by force, territorial integrity?

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