Israel Gaza and civilian deaths

Yes, Israel is deliberately targeting all the places that the cowardly terrorist scum hide rocket batteries, schools, mosques, hospitals, behind women's skirts and children's playgrounds.
The trouble is, that is true in only one instance, in that vacant UN school.

All other claims about that are bullshit.

And that doesn't change the fact that Israel started the shooting.

"Welcome to USMB!"

Hamas started the war when it started launching rockets after the kidnapping of the three teens.

Teens they kidnapped themselves.
Israel started the shooting?? You're one stupid, obsessed, fucking anti-Semite. None of this would be happening if Israel wasn't attacked by rockets. That is not an opinion, it's a fact. And yes Hamas is hiding amongst civilians. I know you want to believe big bad Israel is targeting civilians so bad it hurts, but the truth is, you rotten little fucking prick, none of that's reality, asshole.
Israel started the shooting on July 4th with a missile attack on Gaza. And they lied just to do that! Netanfuckyou accused Hamas of kidnapping the 3 teens, but has never showed any evidence to justify that claim.

Truce or no truce, Israeli missile attacks never stop. By March alone, IDF missile strikes had killed 118 Palestinian's. This is by "March" of this year! So don't tell me those rocket attacks came first, you little Israeli kiss-ass!

BTW, just because someone is a member of Hamas, doesn't mean you can target them.

And before July 4th what was?

You're one sided idiot!

Our homes were launched by rockets for WEEKS! our kids were brutally kidnapped and butchered!

but I"srael started it"!

What a joke
There's nothing to say to you because you deny fact. Yes you're that much of an anti-Semite. I hope it eats you alive every day that Israel will not only survive, but continue to prosper for generations to come, and there's nothing your obsessed, stupid, terrorist loving ass can do about it.

Fuck you, prick.
I asked you a question, are you going to answer it?

Why would I hate Jews?

You ask the same question 100 times, as if to whine why on earth do we consider that you may be anti-semitic, you did nothing to hint you hate Jews, except spit hatred, lies, and lick the ass of Hamas while saying they aren't terrorists, that the only terrorists are the Jews.

Well, let us say it once and for all. We don't know why you hate Jews, we don't CARE why you hate Jews. That is your own mental issue. We know what you say and what does that implicate, and saying you're not a Jew hater may fool the ones who are decievers like you.

So stop playing the "I'm only against Israel" crap.

No-one buys that.
There's nothing to say to you because you deny fact. Yes you're that much of an anti-Semite. I hope it eats you alive every day that Israel will not only survive, but continue to prosper for generations to come, and there's nothing your obsessed, stupid, terrorist loving ass can do about it.

Fuck you, prick.
I asked you a question, are you going to answer it?

Why would I hate Jews?

You ask the same question 100 times, as if to whine why on earth do we consider that you may be anti-semitic, you did nothing to hint you hate Jews, except spit hatred, lies, and lick the ass of Hamas while saying they aren't terrorists, that the only terrorists are the Jews.

Well, let us say it once and for all. We don't know why you hate Jews, we don't CARE why you hate Jews. That is your own mental issue. We know what you say and what does that implicate, and saying you're not a Jew hater may fool the ones who are decievers like you.

So stop playing the "I'm only against Israel" crap.

No-one buys that.

Normal people do accept that one can be against Israel and not be antisemitic. IZiofascists do not. Why would I hate reasonable and honest Jews or reasonable and honest Muslims or Christians.

Ziofascists can't get it into their heads that notwithstanding all the soft shoeing, at the core of the matter is the fact that European Jews displaced Christians and Muslims to create a majority Jewish state. This is just an undeniable fact. That Arab Army's tried to prevent this eviction of the Christians and Muslims is also true, but it doesn't change the basic fact.

Now, instead of attempting to negotiate an unfair (by definition it would be unfair because the Christians and Muslims will never get their land and homes back) but acceptable to the Christians and Muslims agreement, the Israeli Jews have never offered to allow the territory they occupy to become a normal sovereign state. They have always insisted that they maintain control of the borders, the air space and territorial sea of any state and they have insisted that they would keep troops based within the state. And, to add even more roadblocks they have built settlements which now house over 500 thousand Jews in the land which might have become a Palestinian state.

As far as Gaza and terrorism. If any other group of nearly 2 million people were surrounded and held in a Gulag under an oppressive siege by a much powerful military shot rockets at the besiegers they would be hailed as courageous.

So, who is unreasonable here.
Israel started the shooting?? You're one stupid, obsessed, fucking anti-Semite. None of this would be happening if Israel wasn't attacked by rockets. That is not an opinion, it's a fact. And yes Hamas is hiding amongst civilians. I know you want to believe big bad Israel is targeting civilians so bad it hurts, but the truth is, you rotten little fucking prick, none of that's reality, asshole.
Israel started the shooting on July 4th with a missile attack on Gaza. And they lied just to do that! Netanfuckyou accused Hamas of kidnapping the 3 teens, but has never showed any evidence to justify that claim.

Truce or no truce, Israeli missile attacks never stop. By March alone, IDF missile strikes had killed 118 Palestinian's. This is by "March" of this year! So don't tell me those rocket attacks came first, you little Israeli kiss-ass!

BTW, just because someone is a member of Hamas, doesn't mean you can target them.

And before July 4th what was?

You're one sided idiot!

Our homes were launched by rockets for WEEKS! our kids were brutally kidnapped and butchered!

but I"srael started it"!

What a joke

well------sorta------Islamic sense of humor
There has been a lot of talk about Israel Hamas and civilian deaths and it got me wondering where did this idea that you can fight a war without civilian deaths come from? I can not recall a time that innocent civilians did not die in war so what makes this one different? How do you avoid killing innocent civilians when the enemy your fighting hides their weapons amongst innocent civilians? There has been a great deal of press coverage the deaths in Gaza but very little over the missile attacks on Israel the reason in part for this is because Iron Dome takes out most of the Hamas missiles but that does not change the fact the intent of the strikes is to target and kill innocent civilians in Israel doesn't that deserve at least as much attention as what is happening inside Gaza?

Until Protected Edge I'd never even heard about calling and detonating smaller charges on targets to give people time to evacuate.

US debated warning Hiroshima and Nagasaki about the atom bombs coming but rejected the idea thinking tens of thousands of dead civilians would make a grander gesture. Did we charge anyone involved with those decisions with crimes against humanity? Nope. But even with extraordinary attempts to spare innocent lives everyone's against Israel. Go figure.

"Is this a Jew thing?" :)
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Chronological order....

Hamas was founded as an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hamas was officially chartered to establish an Islamic state in the area of Israel. Not just Gaza and the West Bank, but Israel. Meaning their openly overt intention is the destruction and removal of Israel as a nation.

Hamas deposes Fatah from Gaza.

Hamas takes power from the Palestinian Authority.

Egypt declares Hamas an enemy after ousting the Muslim Brotherhood, and closes tunnels.

Rocket attacks from Gaza increase throughout May.

As the rockets increase, Israel clamps down on Gaza. Hamas forms a unity government with Fatah on June 2nd.

Fatah still has no real control over Gaza, but proclaims recognizing Israel, and a rejection of violence. Israel agrees but requires that Fatah reject Hamas violence.

June 15th, three Israeli, un-armed, non-soldiers are kidnapped and murdered, while Gaza people celebrate, have a festival in the streets, and post pictures of three blood red fingers on social media.

Fatah is at odds with Hamas. The Palestinian Authority fights against Hamas, and helps IDF to locate and destroy Hamas tunnels.

As a result, Hamas uses the tunnels to lunch 100s of rockets into Israel, in the largest wide area attack in years.

Israel starts their ground war offensive into Gaza, backed by PA and Egypt. Fatah, though not directly endorsing the action, is very much against Hamas and Gaza.

The unity government of Hamas and Fatah, was doomed at the start. Fatah was, and is, open to finding a peaceful solution, of a mixed Arab Israeli government in the land of Israel.

Hamas was never willing to accept that, and is chartered, and hell bent, on the absolute elimination of Israel as a country.

There is no possible way for those two goals to unify.

Anyone who thinks otherwise, is on the far side of insanity.
My, you have quite a selective memory there, Andy!

Here's what you left out...

Hamas did not depose Fatah from Gaza. Hamas won a fair and democratic election.

Netanfuckyou blamed Hamas for the kidnapping of the 3 teens, of which no evidence has ever come to surface proving this claim.

Over 500 Palestinian's were rounded up in the West Bank and jailed without charges in a fake manhunt for the 3 teens.

Israel launched missile strikes into Gaza on July 4.​

The rocket attacks came after that.

5 candidates, four from party A and one from party B. Votes are 18%, 19%, 20%, 21% and 22%. Party A 78% and party B gets 22% of the vote but party B wins. That is basically how Hamas won.
I asked you a question, are you going to answer it?

Why would I hate Jews?

You ask the same question 100 times, as if to whine why on earth do we consider that you may be anti-semitic, you did nothing to hint you hate Jews, except spit hatred, lies, and lick the ass of Hamas while saying they aren't terrorists, that the only terrorists are the Jews.

Well, let us say it once and for all. We don't know why you hate Jews, we don't CARE why you hate Jews. That is your own mental issue. We know what you say and what does that implicate, and saying you're not a Jew hater may fool the ones who are decievers like you.

So stop playing the "I'm only against Israel" crap.

No-one buys that.

Normal people do accept that one can be against Israel and not be antisemitic. IZiofascists do not. Why would I hate reasonable and honest Jews or reasonable and honest Muslims or Christians.

Ziofascists can't get it into their heads that notwithstanding all the soft shoeing, at the core of the matter is the fact that European Jews displaced Christians and Muslims to create a majority Jewish state. This is just an undeniable fact. That Arab Army's tried to prevent this eviction of the Christians and Muslims is also true, but it doesn't change the basic fact.

Now, instead of attempting to negotiate an unfair (by definition it would be unfair because the Christians and Muslims will never get their land and homes back) but acceptable to the Christians and Muslims agreement, the Israeli Jews have never offered to allow the territory they occupy to become a normal sovereign state. They have always insisted that they maintain control of the borders, the air space and territorial sea of any state and they have insisted that they would keep troops based within the state. And, to add even more roadblocks they have built settlements which now house over 500 thousand Jews in the land which might have become a Palestinian state.

As far as Gaza and terrorism. If any other group of nearly 2 million people were surrounded and held in a Gulag under an oppressive siege by a much powerful military shot rockets at the besiegers they would be hailed as courageous.

So, who is unreasonable here.

No you fail. Total fail. Jews WERE held in in a gulag, and they never resorted to the terrorism, and cold-blooded murder of unarmed teenagers, or citizens who made a wrong turn on the highway.

Gaza is filled with animals.
You ask the same question 100 times,
And for a 100 times, no one has been able to answer the question.

as if to whine why on earth do we consider that you may be anti-semitic,
It's not a whine, that's the question.

Why on earth can't you answer it?

you did nothing to hint you hate Jews,

except spit hatred,
Hating Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's, has nothing to do with Judaism.

Why do you keep pushing that bullshit?

I don't lie.

and lick the ass of Hamas
I don't lick anyone's ass, bitch!

while saying they aren't terrorists,
Resisting an occupation, is not terrorism.

that the only terrorists are the Jews.
Again, I haven't said anything about Jews.

Deliberately bombing civilian infrastructure, is terrorism.

In Israel's case, it's "state sponsored" terrorism.

Well, let us say it once and for all. We don't know why you hate Jews,
Then stop accusing me of it!

we don't CARE why you hate Jews.
So you don't know why, you don't care?

Do you realize how retarded that sounds?

That is your own mental issue.
Stop projecting your problems onto me.

We know what you say and what does that implicate,
Then why do you keep trying to spin it into something it isn't?

and saying you're not a Jew hater may fool the ones who are decievers like you.
I'm not deceiving anyone.

You accuse me of something you're unable to explain and yet, you expect people to believe you know what you're talking about?

If you knew what you were talking about, you'd be able to explain your reasons for saying it in the first place. But you can't. Why can't you? Because what you're saying is nothing more than a baseless accusation designed to take attention away from the atrocities your country is committing on a daily basis, for which you don't have the balls (or moral integrity) to stop.

So stop playing the "I'm only against Israel" crap.
How convenient? Leave Israel alone!

That's like saying, "Don't interrupt Charles Manson!"

No-one buys that.
You got that ass-backwards. Nobody is buying your bullshit!

Do you see that? Those are my crowds babe, not yours!
Billo, I don't believe you hate Jews, but you are definitely a one sided biased piece of shit.

BTW, you say that Hamas recent rocket barrage was a result of an Israeli missile strike , right?
How do you know that? Did Hamas say so or are you their spokesperson?
Billo, I don't believe you hate Jews, but you are definitely a one sided biased piece of shit.
I am not one sided and biased!

Although the last part is probably true.

BTW, you say that Hamas recent rocket barrage was a result of an Israeli missile strike , right?
Two Israeli missile strikes and the arrest of over 500 Palestinian's in the West Bank during a fake hunt for the 3 teenagers.

How do you know that?
By collecting data from several websites reporting on this issue.

I can't find any record of those rockets being shot before July 4th.

Did Hamas say so or are you their spokesperson?
No, I am not. Nor do I care to be.

I have no dog in this hunt.
There has been a lot of talk about Israel Hamas and civilian deaths and it got me wondering where did this idea that you can fight a war without civilian deaths come from? I can not recall a time that innocent civilians did not die in war so what makes this one different? How do you avoid killing innocent civilians when the enemy your fighting hides their weapons amongst innocent civilians? There has been a great deal of press coverage the deaths in Gaza but very little over the missile attacks on Israel the reason in part for this is because Iron Dome takes out most of the Hamas missiles but that does not change the fact the intent of the strikes is to target and kill innocent civilians in Israel doesn't that deserve at least as much attention as what is happening inside Gaza?
In first place who occupied Palestine and who create Gaza, Hamas, Jordan, Lebanon, Hesbullah. Who push them in camps from their home. Who killing innocent last 75 years sound like Israel is crazy psycho paranoid trying to establish it self in holy land and carry satanic characters.
There has been a lot of talk about Israel Hamas and civilian deaths and it got me wondering where did this idea that you can fight a war without civilian deaths come from? I can not recall a time that innocent civilians did not die in war so what makes this one different? How do you avoid killing innocent civilians when the enemy your fighting hides their weapons amongst innocent civilians? There has been a great deal of press coverage the deaths in Gaza but very little over the missile attacks on Israel the reason in part for this is because Iron Dome takes out most of the Hamas missiles but that does not change the fact the intent of the strikes is to target and kill innocent civilians in Israel doesn't that deserve at least as much attention as what is happening inside Gaza?
In first place who occupied Palestine and who create Gaza, Hamas, Jordan, Lebanon, Hesbullah. Who push them in camps from their home. Who killing innocent last 75 years sound like Israel is crazy psycho paranoid trying to establish it self in holy land and carry satanic characters.

Well, you have the right to be wrong. And... you are wrong. The only santanic people here, are the Pals.
There has been a lot of talk about Israel Hamas and civilian deaths and it got me wondering where did this idea that you can fight a war without civilian deaths come from? I can not recall a time that innocent civilians did not die in war so what makes this one different? How do you avoid killing innocent civilians when the enemy your fighting hides their weapons amongst innocent civilians? There has been a great deal of press coverage the deaths in Gaza but very little over the missile attacks on Israel the reason in part for this is because Iron Dome takes out most of the Hamas missiles but that does not change the fact the intent of the strikes is to target and kill innocent civilians in Israel doesn't that deserve at least as much attention as what is happening inside Gaza?

In first place who occupied Palestine and who create Gaza, Hamas, Jordan, Lebanon, Hesbullah. Who push them in camps from their home. Who killing innocent last 75 years sound like Israel is crazy psycho paranoid trying to establish it self in holy land and carry satanic characters.

Who created Jordan and Lebanon?
You're implying that Israel created two Arab nations?
Are you a fucking idiot?

And by the way, Lebanon is occupied by Syria.
Yes, fucking evil Syria.
You ARE a fucking idiot.

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