Israel Gaza and civilian deaths

Billo_Really, et al,

Gaza is a terrorist supporting population.

They were trying to settle their differences peacefully with the unity government, that's why Israel took them out. Israel doesn't want Hamas to be a political movement, they want them to be a terror cell.

Even when the Pals try to do thing peacefully, they get bombs and missile strikes from Israel.

Hamas is not the problem, the occupation and blockade is the problem.

Those have to end, for the problem to be solved.

Do you see a difference between the West Bank and Gaza?

Most Respectfully,
Have you heard one criticize Hamas for once and you accepted it?

We're all just human. Hamas's stance against Israel wrong but when a country has killed your civilians, blocked your ports, stopped your fishermen, destroyed your agriculture and stolen you lands for so long you can understand why people would hold such views even if you don't in any way agree with them.

What the end product of this latest "grass cutting" will be is the rest of the world will finally broker a peace between both sides and in a few years time when a couple of poor people who have been broken by the unimaginable horror they have witnessed and have filled their lives with hatred because of it then commit some terrorist attacks in Israel then the Israel will throw up it's arms in horror, again claiming to be the victim instead of the farmer who is reaping what he has sown.
So when are you giving your land back to the Indians?
Have you heard one criticize Hamas for once and you accepted it?

We're all just human. Hamas's stance against Israel wrong but when a country has killed your civilians, blocked your ports, stopped your fishermen, destroyed your agriculture and stolen you lands for so long you can understand why people would hold such views even if you don't in any way agree with them.

What the end product of this latest "grass cutting" will be is the rest of the world will finally broker a peace between both sides and in a few years time when a couple of poor people who have been broken by the unimaginable horror they have witnessed and have filled their lives with hatred because of it then commit some terrorist attacks in Israel then the Israel will throw up it's arms in horror, again claiming to be the victim instead of the farmer who is reaping what he has sown.
So when are you giving your land back to the Indians?

I don't own any land that was previously owned by Indians at any point in history.
There has been a lot of talk about Israel Hamas and civilian deaths and it got me wondering how I could better justify the deaths of thousands of civilians to myself and then externalize that arguement on a website

Ammended with a major dose of reality.

I believe that is called ducking the issue.

I believe what you did was called justifying genocide. Feel free to cast as many stones in my direction as you wish, you are the one who supports the slaughter of civilians.

My conscience is clean without artifical constructs I have to invent to deny my obvious similarity to a card carrying member of the third reich.
I think it's fair to say that some people refuse to understand that there might be a poisition that you can take where you don't support the holocaust but also don't support a bully of a country firing state of the art ordinance at one of the most densely populated areas of the planet, an area that they themselves have built a wall around and control entirely, the sort of military equivolent of fish in a barrel and salughtering thousands of innocents.

The black or white argument is the one that is used in order to justify not only to everybody else but also to themselves this huge scale and senseless loss, a sort of self delusion to maintain sanity that sadly for some many collapses in to deep depression when they realize they have become what they hate the most.
Please tell us what solution you have then. This ought to be good.

Just obsessed aren't you!

I'd cut off the external funding to Israel and let it wither a die as bully of a nation it is today. As the arms start to dry up they'll see their impending doom and have to do something about it. the war criminals of now would be tried and convincted, a healing process might be long and difficult but the end product would be an integrated Middle East.

OK so your solution is to eliminate Israel. If a bunch of Jews get killed in the process, that just saves you time.
I think you've revealed yourself as a shit-eating anti-semite and joo hater, which means you'll fit in with the other motherfuckers on this board. It also means your comments on the topic are irrelevant.
Ammended with a major dose of reality.

I believe that is called ducking the issue.

I believe what you did was called justifying genocide. Feel free to cast as many stones in my direction as you wish, you are the one who supports the slaughter of civilians.

My conscience is clean without artifical constructs I have to invent to deny my obvious similarity to a card carrying member of the third reich.

You are a card carrying member of the Third Reich, Heinrich. Somehow you justify Hamas using its own civilans as targets but Israel defending its own civilians you label as genocide. Did one of your two brain cells die of lonliness?
I believe that is called ducking the issue.

I believe what you did was called justifying genocide. Feel free to cast as many stones in my direction as you wish, you are the one who supports the slaughter of civilians.

My conscience is clean without artifical constructs I have to invent to deny my obvious similarity to a card carrying member of the third reich.

You are a card carrying member of the Third Reich, Heinrich. Somehow you justify Hamas using its own civilans as targets but Israel defending its own civilians you label as genocide. Did one of your two brain cells die of lonliness?

Ah here comes Mr "The whole world is a nazi apart from those who don't beleive Isreal has to follow international law" to start screaming anti semite from the rooftops.

It's time Israel's aid lifeline was cut off and the state as we know it is allowed to die. Yes some Israelis would probably die but it would be in the cause of peace. Clearly you think Jewish lives are worth more than Arab ones and that my friend makes you a racist.
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I believe what you did was called justifying genocide. Feel free to cast as many stones in my direction as you wish, you are the one who supports the slaughter of civilians.

My conscience is clean without artifical constructs I have to invent to deny my obvious similarity to a card carrying member of the third reich.

You are a card carrying member of the Third Reich, Heinrich. Somehow you justify Hamas using its own civilans as targets but Israel defending its own civilians you label as genocide. Did one of your two brain cells die of lonliness?

Ah here comes Mr "The whole world is a nazi apart from those who don't beleive Isreal has to follow international law" to start screaming anti semite from the rooftops.

It's time Israel's aid lifeline was cut off and the state as we know it is allowed to die.

Wow. You prove you are an anti semite while denying it.
That's because you're stupid. Like most joo-haters.
You are a card carrying member of the Third Reich, Heinrich. Somehow you justify Hamas using its own civilans as targets but Israel defending its own civilians you label as genocide. Did one of your two brain cells die of lonliness?

Ah here comes Mr "The whole world is a nazi apart from those who don't beleive Isreal has to follow international law" to start screaming anti semite from the rooftops.

It's time Israel's aid lifeline was cut off and the state as we know it is allowed to die.

Wow. You prove you are an anti semite while denying it.
That's because you're stupid. Like most joo-haters.

Like a stuck record.
Billo_Really, et al,


You can't target indiscriminant weapons.

Then they should not be using them. That is a depraved indifference to the civilian community under their threat.


First, any day is a good day to neutralize a terrorist (Jihadist or Fedayeen).

Israel, likes a number of other countries, is resolved to undertake the following measures aimed at addressing the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism, including but not limited to manifestations, lack of the rule of law and violations of human rights, ethnic, national and religious discrimination, political exclusion, socio-economic marginalization and lack of good governance, while recognizing that none of these conditions can excuse or justify acts of terrorism. With the absence of a government in Gaza that can ensure the apprehension and prosecution or extradition of perpetrators of terrorist acts (members of the ‘Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade’, ‘Al-Aqsa e.V.’., ‘Hamas’, including ‘Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem’, Palestinian Islamic Jihad’, etc) in accordance with the relevant provisions of national and international law, alternative means are adopted.

End the occupation and blockade and Israel won't get rockets.

There is no reasonable expectation that HAMAS or the terrorist supporting general population of Gaza will not use there freedom to further continue and advance the HAMAS agenda. That is an unacceptable risk.

Given the past practices in criminal and terrorist behaviors on the part of the Arab Palestinian, they must first demonstrate they can accept and adopt acceptable behaviors before they are entrusted to run free. You saw what they did in 2005. What assurances do we have that they won't replicate those behaviors again?

Most Respectfully,
They were trying to settle their differences peacefully with the unity government, that's why Israel took them out. Israel doesn't want Hamas to be a political movement, they want them to be a terror cell.

Even when the Pals try to do thing peacefully, they get bombs and missile strikes from Israel.

Hamas is not the problem, the occupation and blockade is the problem.

Those have to end, for the problem to be solved.

Chronological order....

Hamas was founded as an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hamas was officially chartered to establish an Islamic state in the area of Israel. Not just Gaza and the West Bank, but Israel. Meaning their openly overt intention is the destruction and removal of Israel as a nation.

Hamas deposes Fatah from Gaza.

Hamas takes power from the Palestinian Authority.

Egypt declares Hamas an enemy after ousting the Muslim Brotherhood, and closes tunnels.

Rocket attacks from Gaza increase throughout May.

As the rockets increase, Israel clamps down on Gaza. Hamas forms a unity government with Fatah on June 2nd.

Fatah still has no real control over Gaza, but proclaims recognizing Israel, and a rejection of violence. Israel agrees but requires that Fatah reject Hamas violence.

June 15th, three Israeli, un-armed, non-soldiers are kidnapped and murdered, while Gaza people celebrate, have a festival in the streets, and post pictures of three blood red fingers on social media.

Fatah is at odds with Hamas. The Palestinian Authority fights against Hamas, and helps IDF to locate and destroy Hamas tunnels.

As a result, Hamas uses the tunnels to lunch 100s of rockets into Israel, in the largest wide area attack in years.

Israel starts their ground war offensive into Gaza, backed by PA and Egypt. Fatah, though not directly endorsing the action, is very much against Hamas and Gaza.

The unity government of Hamas and Fatah, was doomed at the start. Fatah was, and is, open to finding a peaceful solution, of a mixed Arab Israeli government in the land of Israel.

Hamas was never willing to accept that, and is chartered, and hell bent, on the absolute elimination of Israel as a country.

There is no possible way for those two goals to unify.

Anyone who thinks otherwise, is on the far side of insanity.
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Billo_Really, et al,


You can't target indiscriminant weapons.

Then they should not be using them. That is a depraved indifference to the civilian community under their threat.

And again, those weapons are fired in RESPONSE to an Israeli air strike or extra-judicial killing.

First, any day is a good day to neutralize a terrorist (Jihadist or Fedayeen).

Israel, likes a number of other countries, is resolved to undertake the following measures aimed at addressing the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism, including but not limited to manifestations, lack of the rule of law and violations of human rights, ethnic, national and religious discrimination, political exclusion, socio-economic marginalization and lack of good governance, while recognizing that none of these conditions can excuse or justify acts of terrorism. With the absence of a government in Gaza that can ensure the apprehension and prosecution or extradition of perpetrators of terrorist acts (members of the ‘Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade’, ‘Al-Aqsa e.V.’., ‘Hamas’, including ‘Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem’, Palestinian Islamic Jihad’, etc) in accordance with the relevant provisions of national and international law, alternative means are adopted.

End the occupation and blockade and Israel won't get rockets.

There is no reasonable expectation that HAMAS or the terrorist supporting general population of Gaza will not use there freedom to further continue and advance the HAMAS agenda. That is an unacceptable risk.

Given the past practices in criminal and terrorist behaviors on the part of the Arab Palestinian, they must first demonstrate they can accept and adopt acceptable behaviors before they are entrusted to run free. You saw what they did in 2005. What assurances do we have that they won't replicate those behaviors again?

Most Respectfully,

First learn the difference between "there" and "their" you uneducated twit. Past practices of the Palestinians are no different than any other occupied/colonized people. The ANC the Mau Mau in Kenya, ZANLA, the FLN in Algeria and other liberation movements were equalyl or more violent than the Palestinians.

Without a credible threat to the occupier/colonist, there is no incentive for the occupier/colonist to negotiate a change to a favorable situation, i.e. a submissive population, and the ability to exploit land and resources for the benefit of the ruling race/religion.

Your attempt to discriminate against the Palestinian freedom movement vis-a-vis other freedom movements is laughable. The only difference is that, because of Israel's unique position in terms of its power over U.S. policy, they are permitted to murder thousands in their quest for complete domination of the people they have robbed of land and homes. Any other colonial/occupying power that behaved like Israel would have been sanctioned as Apartheid South Africa or Rhodesia was and would have been subject to continuous criticism, as France was vis-a-vis their brutality in Algeria.
Chronological order....

Hamas was founded as an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hamas was officially chartered to establish an Islamic state in the area of Israel. Not just Gaza and the West Bank, but Israel. Meaning their openly overt intention is the destruction and removal of Israel as a nation.

Hamas deposes Fatah from Gaza.

Hamas takes power from the Palestinian Authority.

Egypt declares Hamas an enemy after ousting the Muslim Brotherhood, and closes tunnels.

Rocket attacks from Gaza increase throughout May.

As the rockets increase, Israel clamps down on Gaza. Hamas forms a unity government with Fatah on June 2nd.

Fatah still has no real control over Gaza, but proclaims recognizing Israel, and a rejection of violence. Israel agrees but requires that Fatah reject Hamas violence.

June 15th, three Israeli, un-armed, non-soldiers are kidnapped and murdered, while Gaza people celebrate, have a festival in the streets, and post pictures of three blood red fingers on social media.

Fatah is at odds with Hamas. The Palestinian Authority fights against Hamas, and helps IDF to locate and destroy Hamas tunnels.

As a result, Hamas uses the tunnels to lunch 100s of rockets into Israel, in the largest wide area attack in years.

Israel starts their ground war offensive into Gaza, backed by PA and Egypt. Fatah, though not directly endorsing the action, is very much against Hamas and Gaza.

The unity government of Hamas and Fatah, was doomed at the start. Fatah was, and is, open to finding a peaceful solution, of a mixed Arab Israeli government in the land of Israel.

Hamas was never willing to accept that, and is chartered, and hell bent, on the absolute elimination of Israel as a country.

There is no possible way for those two goals to unify.

Anyone who thinks otherwise, is on the far side of insanity.

See, let me explain something. The brain-dead zombies who have posted here dont see the elimination of Israel as a problem so much as a goal. They want to stick it to the Jews because they feel inferior to them and naturally resent people who can achieve something. So they mouthe the Hamas propaganda and make all kinds of claims they can't back up, while excusing Hamas' terrorism and justifying Hamas killing even its own civilians, much less Israel's.
Billo_Really, et al,


You can't target indiscriminant weapons.

Then they should not be using them. That is a depraved indifference to the civilian community under their threat.


First, any day is a good day to neutralize a terrorist (Jihadist or Fedayeen).

Israel, likes a number of other countries, is resolved to undertake the following measures aimed at addressing the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism, including but not limited to manifestations, lack of the rule of law and violations of human rights, ethnic, national and religious discrimination, political exclusion, socio-economic marginalization and lack of good governance, while recognizing that none of these conditions can excuse or justify acts of terrorism. With the absence of a government in Gaza that can ensure the apprehension and prosecution or extradition of perpetrators of terrorist acts (members of the ‘Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade’, ‘Al-Aqsa e.V.’., ‘Hamas’, including ‘Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem’, Palestinian Islamic Jihad’, etc) in accordance with the relevant provisions of national and international law, alternative means are adopted.

End the occupation and blockade and Israel won't get rockets.

There is no reasonable expectation that HAMAS or the terrorist supporting general population of Gaza will not use there freedom to further continue and advance the HAMAS agenda. That is an unacceptable risk.

Given the past practices in criminal and terrorist behaviors on the part of the Arab Palestinian, they must first demonstrate they can accept and adopt acceptable behaviors before they are entrusted to run free. You saw what they did in 2005. What assurances do we have that they won't replicate those behaviors again?

Most Respectfully,

First learn the difference between "there" and "their" you uneducated twit. Past practices of the Palestinians are no different than any other occupied/colonized people. The ANC the Mau Mau in Kenya, ZANLA, the FLN in Algeria and other liberation movements were equalyl or more violent than the Palestinians.

Without a credible threat to the occupier/colonist, there is no incentive for the occupier/colonist to negotiate a change to a favorable situation, i.e. a submissive population, and the ability to exploit land and resources for the benefit of the ruling race/religion.

Your attempt to discriminate against the Palestinian freedom movement vis-a-vis other freedom movements is laughable. The only difference is that, because of Israel's unique position in terms of its power over U.S. policy, they are permitted to murder thousands in their quest for complete domination of the people they have robbed of land and homes. Any other colonial/occupying power that behaved like Israel would have been sanctioned as Apartheid South Africa or Rhodesia was and would have been subject to continuous criticism, as France was vis-a-vis their brutality in Algeria.

Or like the Indians under British rule.
Looks like you've tried to justify murder and terrorism. That makes you an asshole.
I believe what you did was called justifying genocide. Feel free to cast as many stones in my direction as you wish, you are the one who supports the slaughter of civilians.

My conscience is clean without artifical constructs I have to invent to deny my obvious similarity to a card carrying member of the third reich.

You are a card carrying member of the Third Reich, Heinrich. Somehow you justify Hamas using its own civilans as targets but Israel defending its own civilians you label as genocide. Did one of your two brain cells die of lonliness?

Ah here comes Mr "The whole world is a nazi apart from those who don't beleive Isreal has to follow international law" to start screaming anti semite from the rooftops.

It's time Israel's aid lifeline was cut off and the state as we know it is allowed to die. Yes some Israelis would probably die but it would be in the cause of peace. Clearly you think Jewish lives are worth more than Arab ones and that my friend makes you a racist.

What you think about us, doesn't really matter to any of us.

"Well, you are a racist!"

Whatever floats your tiny little boat. When I give a crap what you think, I'll be sure to send you a private message, to let you know that your tiny little opinion matters to me.

Until then, you can freely assume it does not.

Here's the truth. Whether you like it or not, Israel is NEVER going away. Nothing you do, nothing you say, no policy you push, is going to destroy Israel. It's not happening. If you want to waste your life hating Israel, that's fine with me. Just remember, you are the one wasting your life. Not us.
If the hobnailed boot fits, wear it, Adolph.

It's "hobnailed"

Nazis wore jackboots not hobnailed boots. Hobnailed boots were English and from the first world war.

If you're going to just say the same shit over and over because you're too stupid to actually rationally argue at least get it right.

It's "to argue rationally", my dear boy.
There is no rational argument with a dull witted mouthbreather who thinks Israel is the problem. Now go off and goose step elsewhere where you're welcome, like Stormfront.

Israel is the problem. If the European Zionists hadn't gone to Palestine starting in the late 1800s eventually establishing the Jewish state of Israel, the Christians and Muslims would not have been ethnically cleansed and there would be no Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

That's just a fact.
Ammended with a major dose of reality.

I believe that is called ducking the issue.

I believe what you did was called justifying genocide. Feel free to cast as many stones in my direction as you wish, you are the one who supports the slaughter of civilians.
My conscience is clean without artifical constructs I have to invent to deny my obvious similarity to a card carrying member of the third reich.

Point out where I justified genocide I asked questions about the situation if you equate that to supporting genocide then you clearly have no clue as to what genocide is or what your talking about. As for casting stones in your direction no need your post say all that needs to be said. Have a nice day.
It's "hobnailed"

Nazis wore jackboots not hobnailed boots. Hobnailed boots were English and from the first world war.

If you're going to just say the same shit over and over because you're too stupid to actually rationally argue at least get it right.

It's "to argue rationally", my dear boy.
There is no rational argument with a dull witted mouthbreather who thinks Israel is the problem. Now go off and goose step elsewhere where you're welcome, like Stormfront.

Israel is the problem. If the European Zionists hadn't gone to Palestine starting in the late 1800s eventually establishing the Jewish state of Israel, the Christians and Muslims would not have been ethnically cleansed and there would be no Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

That's just a fact.

If the Romans hadnt exiled the Jews from their homeland this wouldn't be an issue. That's also a fact.
More of a fact is that you are a brain dead uninformed jew hater. Like there's any other kind.
Israel is the problem. If the European Zionists hadn't gone to Palestine starting in the late 1800s eventually establishing the Jewish state of Israel, the Christians and Muslims would not have been ethnically cleansed and there would be no Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

That's just a fact.

If the Romans hadnt exiled the Jews from their homeland this wouldn't be an issue. That's also a fact.
More of a fact is that you are a brain dead uninformed jew hater. Like there's any other kind.

Off he goes again.

Feel free to disprove it any time, Jurgen.

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