Israel Gaza and civilian deaths

If the Romans hadnt exiled the Jews from their homeland this wouldn't be an issue. That's also a fact.
More of a fact is that you are a brain dead uninformed jew hater. Like there's any other kind.

Off he goes again.

Feel free to disprove it any time, Jurgen.

Oh I wouldn't dream of doing that. How wopuld you be able to handle the world if your core belief that anyone who is opposed to the military action of Israel is a secret Nazi.

I'm sure you think that all of the jews around the world who condemn the massacre of innocents in Gaza as we speak secretly march round their houses at night in swastika armbands shouting lines from the Nuernburg rally
Off he goes again.

Feel free to disprove it any time, Jurgen.

Oh I wouldn't dream of doing that. How wopuld you be able to handle the world if your core belief that anyone who is opposed to the military action of Israel is a secret Nazi.

I'm sure you think that all of the jews around the world who condemn the massacre of innocents in Gaza as we speak secretly march round their houses at night in swastika armbands shouting lines from the Nuernburg rally

See, you prove my point. You didnt care about the kidnapped Israeli teens, later murdered. You didnt care about the rockets shot into Israel. Now suddenly you care.
It is the classic mark of the hypocrite and anti semite that he suddenly becomes a human rights activist only when Israrl gets invovled.
Feel free to disprove it any time, Jurgen.

Oh I wouldn't dream of doing that. How wopuld you be able to handle the world if your core belief that anyone who is opposed to the military action of Israel is a secret Nazi.

I'm sure you think that all of the jews around the world who condemn the massacre of innocents in Gaza as we speak secretly march round their houses at night in swastika armbands shouting lines from the Nuernburg rally

See, you prove my point. You didnt care about the kidnapped Israeli teens, later murdered. You didnt care about the rockets shot into Israel. Now suddenly you care.
It is the classic mark of the hypocrite and anti semite that he suddenly becomes a human rights activist only when Israrl gets invovled.

I know the nazi's blamed everything on thsoe they wanted to exterminate.

Tell me, was the killing of those three teenagers, the excuse that Israel used to start this genocide even proven to be the work of Hamas?

It's like the US carpet bombing Havana because a soldier from Gitmo gets stabbed to death in a bar fight with a local.
Oh I wouldn't dream of doing that. How wopuld you be able to handle the world if your core belief that anyone who is opposed to the military action of Israel is a secret Nazi.

I'm sure you think that all of the jews around the world who condemn the massacre of innocents in Gaza as we speak secretly march round their houses at night in swastika armbands shouting lines from the Nuernburg rally

See, you prove my point. You didnt care about the kidnapped Israeli teens, later murdered. You didnt care about the rockets shot into Israel. Now suddenly you care.
It is the classic mark of the hypocrite and anti semite that he suddenly becomes a human rights activist only when Israrl gets invovled.

I know the nazi's blamed everything on thsoe they wanted to exterminate.

Tell me, was the killing of those three teenagers, the excuse that Israel used to start this genocide even proven to be the work of Hamas?

It's like the US carpet bombing Havana because a soldier from Gitmo gets stabbed to death in a bar fight with a local.

Actually Hamas launching hundreds of rockets into Israel was the reason Israel felt the need to defend itself, brainiac.
All this trash talking about Israel is one of the reasons people are dying in Gaza, why? simple-

People preach against Israel, from truth to general demonizing -> incite the people to violence against Israel, support terrorism, and demonize even more -> these people die, others suffer as well -> People preach against Israel, from truth to general demonizing -> incite the people to violence against Israel, support terrorism, and demonize even more -> these people die, others suffer as well -> People preach against Israel..and so on.
So I'm all cool when people speak truth against Israel, but the demonization of Israel only getting people killed and I'm talking about the poor innocent who voted Hamas and didn't do anything wrong in his life except that think twice.
"Insanity, is doing the same things over and over again, and expecting different results" Einstein.
[MENTION=47237]montelatici[/MENTION], et al,

Of course, you're entitled to your opinion; such that it is. I tend to think of it more as an ad hominem affront.

[MENTION=47237]montelatici[/MENTION], et al,


Rocco is a disgusting racist and is probably the "most educated" of the Israel Firsters, that's not saying much.

I'm quite satisfied that I'm not a "racist." I don't recall suggesting that a particular race is superior to another. In fact, I don't recall speaking of race as a discriminating factor at all.


When you giggle at the death of the father of a Palestinian in a smart ass way, you are demonstrating your racism. You would not do that in response to a Jewish death, as the Israel Firster you are. Racism does not limit itself to discrimination based on race, as stated:

"Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to the United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms racial discrimination and ethnic discrimination, and superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and that there is no justification for racial discrimination, in theory or in practice, anywhere.[10]"

Racism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If there was disrespect intended, it was along the lines that I despise a people that parade around their dead for media event value. Like I said, it was somewhat convenient to have a death around such a touching story. Almost made to order. The only thing missing was a picture of the kids huddled around the deceased with a burnt bag of treats.

Most Respectfully,
Thread has been cleaned of 16 posts that are nothing but flames. Let's see if we can get back to discussing the topic - not the individual peculiarities of each other.

Many thanks

C :)
[MENTION=47237]montelatici[/MENTION], et al,

Of course, you're entitled to your opinion; such that it is. I tend to think of it more as an ad hominem affront.

[MENTION=47237]montelatici[/MENTION], et al,



I'm quite satisfied that I'm not a "racist." I don't recall suggesting that a particular race is superior to another. In fact, I don't recall speaking of race as a discriminating factor at all.


When you giggle at the death of the father of a Palestinian in a smart ass way, you are demonstrating your racism. You would not do that in response to a Jewish death, as the Israel Firster you are. Racism does not limit itself to discrimination based on race, as stated:

"Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to the United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms racial discrimination and ethnic discrimination, and superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and that there is no justification for racial discrimination, in theory or in practice, anywhere.[10]"

Racism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If there was disrespect intended, it was along the lines that I despise a people that parade around their dead for media event value. Like I said, it was somewhat convenient to have a death around such a touching story. Almost made to order. The only thing missing was a picture of the kids huddled around the deceased with a burnt bag of treats.

Most Respectfully,

Of course you intended disrespect, who the heck do you think you are kidding.

"The children of Israeli soldier Kshaun mourn during their father's funeral in the southern town of Netivot"

Does that make you "tear up" in the same way as you did flippantly at the death of the Palestinian father?

The children of Israeli soldier Kshaun mourn during their father's funeral in the southern town of Netivot
Chronological order....

Hamas was founded as an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hamas was officially chartered to establish an Islamic state in the area of Israel. Not just Gaza and the West Bank, but Israel. Meaning their openly overt intention is the destruction and removal of Israel as a nation.

Hamas deposes Fatah from Gaza.

Hamas takes power from the Palestinian Authority.

Egypt declares Hamas an enemy after ousting the Muslim Brotherhood, and closes tunnels.

Rocket attacks from Gaza increase throughout May.

As the rockets increase, Israel clamps down on Gaza. Hamas forms a unity government with Fatah on June 2nd.

Fatah still has no real control over Gaza, but proclaims recognizing Israel, and a rejection of violence. Israel agrees but requires that Fatah reject Hamas violence.

June 15th, three Israeli, un-armed, non-soldiers are kidnapped and murdered, while Gaza people celebrate, have a festival in the streets, and post pictures of three blood red fingers on social media.

Fatah is at odds with Hamas. The Palestinian Authority fights against Hamas, and helps IDF to locate and destroy Hamas tunnels.

As a result, Hamas uses the tunnels to lunch 100s of rockets into Israel, in the largest wide area attack in years.

Israel starts their ground war offensive into Gaza, backed by PA and Egypt. Fatah, though not directly endorsing the action, is very much against Hamas and Gaza.

The unity government of Hamas and Fatah, was doomed at the start. Fatah was, and is, open to finding a peaceful solution, of a mixed Arab Israeli government in the land of Israel.

Hamas was never willing to accept that, and is chartered, and hell bent, on the absolute elimination of Israel as a country.

There is no possible way for those two goals to unify.

Anyone who thinks otherwise, is on the far side of insanity.
My, you have quite a selective memory there, Andy!

Here's what you left out...

Hamas did not depose Fatah from Gaza. Hamas won a fair and democratic election.

Netanfuckyou blamed Hamas for the kidnapping of the 3 teens, of which no evidence has ever come to surface proving this claim.

Over 500 Palestinian's were rounded up in the West Bank and jailed without charges in a fake manhunt for the 3 teens.

Israel launched missile strikes into Gaza on July 4.​

The rocket attacks came after that.
The Geneva Conventions would argue that point, as Hamas terrorists are unlawful combatants who may, according to the conventions be summarily executed...
The GC doesn't say that.

Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

Conflicts not of an international character

In the case of armed conflict not of an international character occurring in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, each Party to the conflict shall be bound to apply, as a minimum, the following provisions:

(1) Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed ' hors de combat ' by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria.

To this end, the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons:

(a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;

(b) taking of hostages;

(c) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment;

(d) the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.

(2) The wounded and sick shall be collected and cared for.​
I believe 'a' and 'd' are the ones that refute your, "I can kill Hamas anytime I want", argument.

Because if a member of Hamas is not taking part in hostilities, according to the GC, he's off limits.

Blatant, idiotic lie.
I know why it's not a lie, but why don't you explain why you think it is?
Ill rephrase.
Have you ever heard someone saying something against Hamas actions and you agreed?
Of coarse! I even said them myself. I've never condoned the rocket attacks. I've always stated they are war crimes. Just because I understand why they fire them, doesn't mean I support their firing. Nor do I deny their terrorist roots.

I have no dog in this hunt. I could care less about either side. None of this affects my daily life in any way. I have no reason to hate Jews. I have no reason to hate Muslims.

What I don't like, are hypocrites and people trying to tell me the emperor has new clothes. That is what has drawn me into this issue. I think the majority of Israeli's are prima donna's, who walk around thinking their shit don't stink, treating the Palestinian's like garbage. But when I come across Israeli's who don't do that, I'm willing to acknowledge it.

In contrast, when Israeli's are shown Palestinian's are not terrorists, are they willing to acknowledge that?
Last edited:
[MENTION=47237]montelatici[/MENTION], et al,

Of course, you're entitled to your opinion; such that it is. I tend to think of it more as an ad hominem affront.

When you giggle at the death of the father of a Palestinian in a smart ass way, you are demonstrating your racism. You would not do that in response to a Jewish death, as the Israel Firster you are. Racism does not limit itself to discrimination based on race, as stated:

"Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to the United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms racial discrimination and ethnic discrimination, and superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and that there is no justification for racial discrimination, in theory or in practice, anywhere.[10]"

Racism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If there was disrespect intended, it was along the lines that I despise a people that parade around their dead for media event value. Like I said, it was somewhat convenient to have a death around such a touching story. Almost made to order. The only thing missing was a picture of the kids huddled around the deceased with a burnt bag of treats.

Most Respectfully,

Of course you intended disrespect, who the heck do you think you are kidding.

"The children of Israeli soldier Kshaun mourn during their father's funeral in the southern town of Netivot"

Does that make you "tear up" in the same way as you did flippantly at the death of the Palestinian father?

The children of Israeli soldier Kshaun mourn during their father's funeral in the southern town of Netivot

WTF are you blabbing about??? You called Rocco a racist because he allegedly showed compassion for Israeli deaths but not Palestinian deaths??????

Guess what, you just described yourself (and all the other loonie lefties here). You assholes always say it's justified when an Israeli killed but whine when a Palestinian is killed.
Ill rephrase.
Have you ever heard someone saying something against Hamas actions and you agreed?
Of coarse! I even said them myself. I've never condoned the rocket attacks. I've always stated they are war crimes. Just because I understand why they fire them, doesn't mean I support their firing. Nor do I deny their terrorist roots.

I have no dog in this hunt. I could care less about either side. None of this affects my daily life in any way. I have no reason to hate Jews. I have no reason to hate Muslims.

What I don't like, are hypocrites and people trying to tell me the emperor has new clothes. That is what has drawn me into this issue. I think the majority of Israeli's are prima donna's, who walk around thinking their shit don't stink, treating the Palestinian's like garbage. But when I come across Israeli's who don't do that, I'm willing to acknowledge it.

In contrast, when Israeli's are shown Palestinian's are not terrorists, are they willing to acknowledge that?
So where are you living now that you've given your land back to the Indians? Or are you still a massive hypocrite noob?
Ill rephrase.
Have you ever heard someone saying something against Hamas actions and you agreed?
Of coarse! I even said them myself. I've never condoned the rocket attacks. I've always stated they are war crimes. Just because I understand why they fire them, doesn't mean I support their firing. Nor do I deny their terrorist roots.

I have no dog in this hunt. I could care less about either side. None of this affects my daily life in any way. I have no reason to hate Jews. I have no reason to hate Muslims.

What I don't like, are hypocrites and people trying to tell me the emperor has new clothes. That is what has drawn me into this issue. I think the majority of Israeli's are prima donna's, who walk around thinking their shit don't stink, treating the Palestinian's like garbage. But when I come across Israeli's who don't do that, I'm willing to acknowledge it.

In contrast, when Israeli's are shown Palestinian's are not terrorists, are they willing to acknowledge that?
For someone with no dog in the fight you sure chime in to condemn Israel and spread misinformation enough.
Why did Fatah abandon Gaza after the election and flee to the West Bank? Because Hamas operatives machine gunned Fatah workers in the street. Either you didnt know that and are ignorant or you lied. Which is it?
For someone with no dog in the fight you sure chime in to condemn Israel and spread misinformation enough.
Why did Fatah abandon Gaza after the election and flee to the West Bank? Because Hamas operatives machine gunned Fatah workers in the street. Either you didnt know that and are ignorant or you lied. Which is it?
I never said Hamas was an angel.

It's just that Israel is 10 times the greater satan.
For someone with no dog in the fight you sure chime in to condemn Israel and spread misinformation enough.
Why did Fatah abandon Gaza after the election and flee to the West Bank? Because Hamas operatives machine gunned Fatah workers in the street. Either you didnt know that and are ignorant or you lied. Which is it?
I never said Hamas was an angel.

It's just that Israel is 10 times the greater satan.

It's because you're stupid. Your deflection is noted.
You can't, but the disproportionate amount of death on the Philistines is a major detriment to Israel as it presents itself on the world stage.

They brag endlessly about how they "warn people" but then they send in flechette rounds, and other artillery indiscriminately.

They're losing the PR war, and badly.

Correct you can't but innocent civilians have been killed from WW2 on up Germany and Japan did it when they had the advantage we did it when we did it happened in Korea and Nam why should Israel be condemned for having a military advantage and using it? I can recall no time in history when one nation fighting a war said we superior weapons but using them would be unfair and were going to level the playing field with our enemy.

Sweet Jesus, spoken like a true rightwing war-bot. Dubya and Cheney learned ya' well, didn't they, son?

Look up the word "benevolent" and then fuck off.

What does any of your babbling have to do with the subject, anyway:cuckoo:
Yes, Israel is deliberately targeting all the places that the cowardly terrorist scum hide rocket batteries, schools, mosques, hospitals, behind women's skirts and children's playgrounds.
The trouble is, that is true in only one instance, in that vacant UN school.

All other claims about that are bullshit.

And that doesn't change the fact that Israel started the shooting.

"Welcome to USMB!"

UNRWA themselves admitted their school have been holding rocket missiles, and more than 3 times the organization caught them red handed.

Once you storage rockets in a school, the school is no longer a school, but a base with children hostages.

But trying to reason with you is like talking to a wall. except that the wall doesn't use the F word 3 times in one sentence, in return.

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