Israel has maintained a strictly apartheid system in varying forms

The details are available at the Berman Jewish Policy Archive site. The authors of the survey were:

The committee comprised six Americans and six British. The Americans were Judge ‘Texas Joe’ Hutcheson who was the American Chairman. He was joined by Frank Aydelotte, William Phillips, Frank Buxton, James G. McDonald, and Bartley Crum. The British contingent was composed of Lord Morrison, Sir Frederick Leggett, Wilfrid Crick, Reginald Manningham-Buller, and Richard Crossman, and headed by Sir John Singleton.

So they report was written by 12 people who all had different political points of view. Now why don't you narrow it down to what each individual wrote so we can see the actual source documents for each individual.

As I said not a source document as at least 12 different people have altered the content before anyone else had a chance to view it.

Keep trying Abdul you might get it right one day

You are just making a fool of yourself. You asked who authored the Survey and I provided the names. Now you change the goal line and claim that if more than one person participates in the compilation of a Survey it becomes something other than what it is, source documentation. Do you not realize what a fool you sound like. A survey is the compilation of the facts on the ground, not opinions, you clown.
The details are available at the Berman Jewish Policy Archive site. The authors of the survey were:

The committee comprised six Americans and six British. The Americans were Judge ‘Texas Joe’ Hutcheson who was the American Chairman. He was joined by Frank Aydelotte, William Phillips, Frank Buxton, James G. McDonald, and Bartley Crum. The British contingent was composed of Lord Morrison, Sir Frederick Leggett, Wilfrid Crick, Reginald Manningham-Buller, and Richard Crossman, and headed by Sir John Singleton.

So they report was written by 12 people who all had different political points of view. Now why don't you narrow it down to what each individual wrote so we can see the actual source documents for each individual.

As I said not a source document as at least 12 different people have altered the content before anyone else had a chance to view it.

Keep trying Abdul you might get it right one day

You are just making a fool of yourself. You asked who authored the Survey and I provided the names. Now you change the goal line and claim that if more than one person participates in the compilation of a Survey it becomes something other than what it is, source documentation. Do you not realize what a fool you sound like. A survey is the compilation of the facts on the ground, not opinions, you clown.


Look back and see that I have constantly stated that any committee that writes a publication makes the publication unsound as a source document. Person A could write that the majority of the land was owned by Carpenters because he is a carpenter himself, person B rewrites it to show that carpenters leased the most property and that Bankers owned the most land because he is a Banker. Has the penny dropped yet Abdul, which event is the correct one.

And just to muddy the waters the majority land owners happen to be invited settlers who are neither carpenter nor bankers but FARMERS
You are a knucklehead who appears to not understand how a survey is prepared. No one rewrites anything. Records are analyzed and the data derived form those records is compiled and checked by peer and corrected if there are errors. Land surveys are performed by surveyors and the data is compiled and checked for accuracy. The Survey of Palestine is the most comprehensive source document available on Palestine.
You are a knucklehead who appears to not understand how a survey is prepared. No one rewrites anything. Records are analyzed and the data derived form those records is compiled and checked by peer and corrected if there are errors. Land surveys are performed by surveyors and the data is compiled and checked for accuracy. The Survey of Palestine is the most comprehensive source document available on Palestine.

It would be if only one person compiled the information and arranged for its publication. But once the information is shuffled about by a committee then the document becomes a work of pure fiction. Like the Bible, Torah and Koran. I have many source documents from very skilled professors that are being proven wrong by amateur's in the field every day, and those professors are not as pig headed as you are in clinging to their beliefs. Ypur alleged source documents are not valid as they were compiled from other peoples data by a committee that never even saw the outside of the room.
Oh be quiet. You are making a fool of yourself. According to the Jewish Virtual Library (is it also an antisemitic source to you?), the committee not only traveled to Palestine to perform its investigation, but also to European countries to record the condition of Jews in those countries. So, as usual, you are full of crap.

"This committee differed from its predecessors in two important respects. First, it represented both Britain and the United States. Of its 12 members, six were British (J.E. Singleton, W.F. Crick, R.H.S. Crossman, F. Leggett, R.E. Manningham-Bullet, and Lord Morrison) and six were Americans (J.C. Hutcheson, F. Aydelotte, F.W. Buxton, B.C. Crum, J.G. *MacDonald, and W. Phillips), with Singleton and Hutcheson as joint chairmen. Secondly, it connected, for the first time, the problem of world Jewry with that of the Jews in Palestine, thereby tacitly admitting that the Jewish problem and the problem of the Jewish National Home must be seen as one. The committee therefore visited Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Italy, and Greece even before it carried out its investigations in Palestine."

Palestine Inquiry Commissions

And, of course the Survey of Palestine is source documentation. You have never provided a link to a source document, you don't know what a source document is and have no clue as to how to do research in formal archives.
Oh be quiet. You are making a fool of yourself. According to the Jewish Virtual Library (is it also an antisemitic source to you?), the committee not only traveled to Palestine to perform its investigation, but also to European countries to record the condition of Jews in those countries. So, as usual, you are full of crap.

"This committee differed from its predecessors in two important respects. First, it represented both Britain and the United States. Of its 12 members, six were British (J.E. Singleton, W.F. Crick, R.H.S. Crossman, F. Leggett, R.E. Manningham-Bullet, and Lord Morrison) and six were Americans (J.C. Hutcheson, F. Aydelotte, F.W. Buxton, B.C. Crum, J.G. *MacDonald, and W. Phillips), with Singleton and Hutcheson as joint chairmen. Secondly, it connected, for the first time, the problem of world Jewry with that of the Jews in Palestine, thereby tacitly admitting that the Jewish problem and the problem of the Jewish National Home must be seen as one. The committee therefore visited Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Italy, and Greece even before it carried out its investigations in Palestine."

Palestine Inquiry Commissions

And, of course the Survey of Palestine is source documentation. You have never provided a link to a source document, you don't know what a source document is and have no clue as to how to do research in formal archives.

And inside the front cover we find this

" I n response to the demand that the memoranda

prepared by the Government of Palestine in

December and January last for the information

of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry

should be made available to the public a limited

number of this Survey has been reprinted for

sale. The opportunity has been taken to amend

or delete a number of statements or figures

which, as given in the original memoranda, were

either incorrect or liable to misinterpretation.

The Committee has been informed of the corrections

made and has been supplied with the

amended text as presented in these volumes

Thus rendering it unsound and altered from the original. So no longer a source document.

It also has a copyright held by the Publishers and not the Author making it unsound again.
Ever heard of "errata corrige". ?

Give it up, of course it is a source document, that is why it is held in source document archives of various universities, including Yale, NYU, Wagner etc. The publisher of the U.S. Government copies (held in the Yale archives) is the Government of the United States, in the form of the Department of State. It is also printed by the Government Printing office. It is U.S. Department of State Publication number 2536. Can't get more "source than that".

Notice how I provide links to everything I state, and you just blather lies with nothing backing you up.

Committee of inquiry

Report to the
United States Government
and His Majesty's Government
in the United Kingdom
Lausanne, Switzerland, April 20, 1946

Title Page

Report to the
United States Government
and His Majesty's Government

in the United Kingdom

Lausanne, Switzerland April 20, 1946

"Avalon Project - Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry - Cover Page
Ever heard of "errata corrige". ?

Give it up, of course it is a source document, that is why it is held in source document archives of various universities, including Yale, NYU, Wagner etc. The publisher of the U.S. Government copies (held in the Yale archives) is the Government of the United States, in the form of the Department of State. It is also printed by the Government Printing office. It is U.S. Department of State Publication number 2536. Can't get more "source than that".

Notice how I provide links to everything I state, and you just blather lies with nothing backing you up.


Committee of inquiry

Report to the
United States Government
and His Majesty's Government
in the United Kingdom

Lausanne, Switzerland, April 20, 1946

Title Page

Report to the
United States Government
and His Majesty's Government

in the United Kingdom

Lausanne, Switzerland April 20, 1946

"Avalon Project - Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry - Cover Page

Your own link is calling you a LIAR, and still you fight it, read the link again and see were it says this has been altered.
The reason you don't supply links is because you make things up. The facts are the facts. I provide the links to the source documents, and you just blather things you make up. It is codified as U.S. Department of State publication 2536. It relates facts.
The reason you don't supply links is because you make things up. The facts are the facts. I provide the links to the source documents, and you just blather things you make up. It is codified as U.S. Department of State publication 2536. It relates facts.

And I use your own links to show that you are an idiot that cant read and just posts what his imam tells him to post
You just make things up Phoney. I post links to U.S. Government published information that confirms my assertions.
You just make things up Phoney. I post links to U.S. Government published information that confirms my assertions.

NOPE I get my information from your links, now if you don't have them in full then it is time to stop using them
No, you make up things and claim that they come from links I provide to source documentation, as I clearly demonstrated on the other thread. I posted the page you claimed said something you made up, and I posted the page showing you were making things up. You enjoy being made a fool of.
No, you make up things and claim that they come from links I provide to source documentation, as I clearly demonstrated on the other thread. I posted the page you claimed said something you made up, and I posted the page showing you were making things up. You enjoy being made a fool of.

Here is your link

Read from page 189 and see where the majority of Jewish immigrants to Palestine originated from

Then read from page 208 under the heading illegal immigration


55. Arab illegal immigration is mainly of the types described in

the first paragraph of this memorandum as casual, temporary and

seasonal. It is illegal in the sense that the entry and the mode

of entry do not conform with the provisions of the Immigration

Ordinance and it is therefore not susceptible of statistical record.

On the other hand it is not illegal in the sense that the immigrants

settle permanently in Palestine. The main causes of these

movements are found in

(a) differences in the crop prospects between Palestine and the

neighbouring territories; and

(b) the attraction of higher wages in Palestine when 'boom'

conditions exist.

For example, a crop failure in the Hauran may lead to a movement

into Palestine, almost entirely masculine in character, so that the

migrants may acquire funds with which to recoup their losses

and, on return to their own villages, invest in their normal agricultural

pursuits. Conversely, if grazing conditions in Sinai are

more favourable than in Palestine there will be an outward movement

of the Beersheba Beduins. Similarly the 'boom' conditions

in Palestine in the years 1934-1936 led to an inward movement

into Palestine particularly from Syria. The depression due to the

state of public disorder during 1936-1939 led to the return of these

people and also to a substantial outward movement of Palestinian

Arabs who thought it prudent to live for a time in the Lebanon

and in Syria.

60. There has, however, been considerable illegal immigration

of a temporary nature by Arabs from neighbouring territories in

search of employment during the war years. With the détérioration

of the Allied position in North Africa in 1942, Palestine

became an arsenal for both offence and defence. Airfields, defences

and roads had to be rapidly constructed and there arose a demand

for labour exceeding the local supply.
"There has, however, been considerable illegal immigration
of a temporary nature"

But the conclusion was that:

montelatici, et al,


Zoroastrians, Christians and Jews have reserved seats in the Iranian Parliament.

In what context, universe, or data set does this even remotely make any sense?

Most Respectfully,
It makes sense bozo, when a poster claims that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that has non-majority religion representatives in its parliament. Get with the program.

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