Israel: Helping To Make A Better World

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“On a larger scale, our discovery stresses the importance of multispectral imaging to the documentation of ostraca,” said Faigenbaum-Golovin. “It’s daunting to think how many inscriptions, invisible to the naked eye, have been disposed of during excavations.”

Multispectral Imaging Reveals Ancient Hebrew Inscription Undetected for Over 50 YearsThe Jewish Press | Hana Levi Julian | 21 Sivan 5777 – June 15, 2017 |

Here, a photo of it:

Revolutionary technology reveals dazzling ‘hidden’ text on biblical-era shard

Many of these inscriptions are addressed to Elyash'v(y=h sound), the *quartermaster* of the fortress.
*(senior soldier who supervises stores and distributes supplies and
#provisions# .)
#The provisions in this text was Wine and threshed wheat.
QUARTERMASTER would be denoted in The Hebrew Scriptures as "PRINCE" or " CAPTAIN"..... AS you have always said over and over everything has a PROCESS and we would not understand this PROCESS till we develop the technology or MEANS to REVEAL it....Think of all the older things that have been thrown out because our naked eyes couldnt decipher them////What a shame...
“On a larger scale, our discovery stresses the importance of multispectral imaging to the documentation of ostraca,” said Faigenbaum-Golovin. “It’s daunting to think how many inscriptions, invisible to the naked eye, have been disposed of during excavations.”

Multispectral Imaging Reveals Ancient Hebrew Inscription Undetected for Over 50 YearsThe Jewish Press | Hana Levi Julian | 21 Sivan 5777 – June 15, 2017 |

Here, a photo of it:

Revolutionary technology reveals dazzling ‘hidden’ text on biblical-era shard

Many of these inscriptions are addressed to Elyash'v(y=h sound), the *quartermaster* of the fortress.
*(senior soldier who supervises stores and distributes supplies and
#provisions# .)
#The provisions in this text was Wine and threshed wheat.
QUARTERMASTER would be denoted in The Hebrew Scriptures as "PRINCE" or " CAPTAIN"..... AS you have always said over and over everything has a PROCESS and we would not understand this PROCESS till we develop the technology or MEANS to REVEAL it....Think of all the older things that have been thrown out because our naked eyes couldnt decipher them////What a shame...

Interesting. Israel has been creating desert out of Palestinian farmland for decades.

Who are you to question the will of Allah?

Thank you miss deflection.

Let us not deflect.
It was never "Palestinian" farmland. Arabs were allowed to farm under the Ottoman System. There were owners to the land. None of them called themselves Palestinians and lived in other areas outside "Palestine".

The Ottomans deforested the land on purpose.

Jews bought land during the 19th and 20th century and turned swamps, etc into Tel-Aviv and other cities.

That is something that Arabs have never done, call them one any one wishes to call them.

Add to the thread instead of coming here, there and everywhere to whine about "stolen land", which only happened on the side of the Arabs, taking Jewish homes and land, from 1920 on.

1920 Gaza
1925 TransJordan
1929 Hebron
1948 Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem
Fact Number 19

In the 1880s, we begin to see major fulfillment of Bible prophecy, concerning the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.

The modern State of Israel is directly connected to biblical Israel, as attested to by its history and the manner in which its modern rebirth has so closely coincided with Bible prophecy. Just as God arranged for Joshua to bring the Children of Israel into the Promised Land 3,500 years ago, in our day God arranged for the Jewish people to come back to their ancestral homeland.

The Turkish Ottoman Empire ruled the entire Middle East region from 1516 - 1917.

During these 400 years of harsh Turkish rule, the land of Palestine (Israel) was sparsely populated, mostly by nomadic peoples. By the end of the 18th century, much of the land was owned by absentee landlords and leased to impoverished tenant farmers. It was poorly cultivated and a widely-neglected expanse of eroded hills, sandy deserts, and malarial marshes encroached on what was left of agricultural land. Its ancient irrigation systems, terraces, towns and villages had crumbled. Taxation was crippling, with its forests being taxed. When the people could not pay the tax, the trees were cut down to fuel the steam engines carrying goods between Istanbul, Beirut, Damascus and Cairo. The great forests of the Galilee and the Carmel mountain range were denuded of trees; swamp and desert encroached on agricultural land. "Palestine" was truly a poor, neglected, no-man's land with no important cities.

Mark Twain, who visited “Palestine” in 1867, described it as a "...desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse ... We never saw a human being on the whole route ... There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."

The report of the Palestine Royal Commission [British] quotes an account of the condition of the Coastal Plain along the Mediterranean Sea in 1913: "The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts... no orange groves, orchards or vineyards were to be seen until one reached Yavne village... houses were all of mud. Schools did not exist... The western part, towards the sea was almost a desert... The villages in this area were few and thinly populated... many villages were deserted by their inhabitants."

The French author, Voltaire, described “Palestine” as "a hopeless, dreary place." In short, under the Turks, the land suffered both from neglect and a low population.

40 Verified Historical Facts About Israel

[And now, let us continue to enjoy how the Jewish People returned their land to its former glory, and more]
Fact Number 19

In the 1880s, we begin to see major fulfillment of Bible prophecy, concerning the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.

The modern State of Israel is directly connected to biblical Israel, as attested to by its history and the manner in which its modern rebirth has so closely coincided with Bible prophecy. Just as God arranged for Joshua to bring the Children of Israel into the Promised Land 3,500 years ago, in our day God arranged for the Jewish people to come back to their ancestral homeland.

The Turkish Ottoman Empire ruled the entire Middle East region from 1516 - 1917.

During these 400 years of harsh Turkish rule, the land of Palestine (Israel) was sparsely populated, mostly by nomadic peoples. By the end of the 18th century, much of the land was owned by absentee landlords and leased to impoverished tenant farmers. It was poorly cultivated and a widely-neglected expanse of eroded hills, sandy deserts, and malarial marshes encroached on what was left of agricultural land. Its ancient irrigation systems, terraces, towns and villages had crumbled. Taxation was crippling, with its forests being taxed. When the people could not pay the tax, the trees were cut down to fuel the steam engines carrying goods between Istanbul, Beirut, Damascus and Cairo. The great forests of the Galilee and the Carmel mountain range were denuded of trees; swamp and desert encroached on agricultural land. "Palestine" was truly a poor, neglected, no-man's land with no important cities.

Mark Twain, who visited “Palestine” in 1867, described it as a "...desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse ... We never saw a human being on the whole route ... There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."

The report of the Palestine Royal Commission [British] quotes an account of the condition of the Coastal Plain along the Mediterranean Sea in 1913: "The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts... no orange groves, orchards or vineyards were to be seen until one reached Yavne village... houses were all of mud. Schools did not exist... The western part, towards the sea was almost a desert... The villages in this area were few and thinly populated... many villages were deserted by their inhabitants."

The French author, Voltaire, described “Palestine” as "a hopeless, dreary place." In short, under the Turks, the land suffered both from neglect and a low population.

40 Verified Historical Facts About Israel

[And now, let us continue to enjoy how the Jewish People returned their land to its former glory, and more]
In spite of all that Israeli bullshit, Palestine was an exporter of food.
Fact Number 19

In the 1880s, we begin to see major fulfillment of Bible prophecy, concerning the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.

The modern State of Israel is directly connected to biblical Israel, as attested to by its history and the manner in which its modern rebirth has so closely coincided with Bible prophecy. Just as God arranged for Joshua to bring the Children of Israel into the Promised Land 3,500 years ago, in our day God arranged for the Jewish people to come back to their ancestral homeland.

The Turkish Ottoman Empire ruled the entire Middle East region from 1516 - 1917.

During these 400 years of harsh Turkish rule, the land of Palestine (Israel) was sparsely populated, mostly by nomadic peoples. By the end of the 18th century, much of the land was owned by absentee landlords and leased to impoverished tenant farmers. It was poorly cultivated and a widely-neglected expanse of eroded hills, sandy deserts, and malarial marshes encroached on what was left of agricultural land. Its ancient irrigation systems, terraces, towns and villages had crumbled. Taxation was crippling, with its forests being taxed. When the people could not pay the tax, the trees were cut down to fuel the steam engines carrying goods between Istanbul, Beirut, Damascus and Cairo. The great forests of the Galilee and the Carmel mountain range were denuded of trees; swamp and desert encroached on agricultural land. "Palestine" was truly a poor, neglected, no-man's land with no important cities.

Mark Twain, who visited “Palestine” in 1867, described it as a "...desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse ... We never saw a human being on the whole route ... There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."

The report of the Palestine Royal Commission [British] quotes an account of the condition of the Coastal Plain along the Mediterranean Sea in 1913: "The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts... no orange groves, orchards or vineyards were to be seen until one reached Yavne village... houses were all of mud. Schools did not exist... The western part, towards the sea was almost a desert... The villages in this area were few and thinly populated... many villages were deserted by their inhabitants."

The French author, Voltaire, described “Palestine” as "a hopeless, dreary place." In short, under the Turks, the land suffered both from neglect and a low population.

40 Verified Historical Facts About Israel

[And now, let us continue to enjoy how the Jewish People returned their land to its former glory, and more]
In spite of all that Israeli bullshit, Palestine was an exporter of food.

We want to know more about it.

Tell us more.
Fact Number 19

In the 1880s, we begin to see major fulfillment of Bible prophecy, concerning the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.

The modern State of Israel is directly connected to biblical Israel, as attested to by its history and the manner in which its modern rebirth has so closely coincided with Bible prophecy. Just as God arranged for Joshua to bring the Children of Israel into the Promised Land 3,500 years ago, in our day God arranged for the Jewish people to come back to their ancestral homeland.

The Turkish Ottoman Empire ruled the entire Middle East region from 1516 - 1917.

During these 400 years of harsh Turkish rule, the land of Palestine (Israel) was sparsely populated, mostly by nomadic peoples. By the end of the 18th century, much of the land was owned by absentee landlords and leased to impoverished tenant farmers. It was poorly cultivated and a widely-neglected expanse of eroded hills, sandy deserts, and malarial marshes encroached on what was left of agricultural land. Its ancient irrigation systems, terraces, towns and villages had crumbled. Taxation was crippling, with its forests being taxed. When the people could not pay the tax, the trees were cut down to fuel the steam engines carrying goods between Istanbul, Beirut, Damascus and Cairo. The great forests of the Galilee and the Carmel mountain range were denuded of trees; swamp and desert encroached on agricultural land. "Palestine" was truly a poor, neglected, no-man's land with no important cities.

Mark Twain, who visited “Palestine” in 1867, described it as a "...desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse ... We never saw a human being on the whole route ... There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."

The report of the Palestine Royal Commission [British] quotes an account of the condition of the Coastal Plain along the Mediterranean Sea in 1913: "The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts... no orange groves, orchards or vineyards were to be seen until one reached Yavne village... houses were all of mud. Schools did not exist... The western part, towards the sea was almost a desert... The villages in this area were few and thinly populated... many villages were deserted by their inhabitants."

The French author, Voltaire, described “Palestine” as "a hopeless, dreary place." In short, under the Turks, the land suffered both from neglect and a low population.

40 Verified Historical Facts About Israel

[And now, let us continue to enjoy how the Jewish People returned their land to its former glory, and more]
In spite of all that Israeli bullshit, Palestine was an exporter of food.

We want to know more about it.

Tell us more.

Maybe the Palestinians exported food to Israel? :badgrin:
Between the vast potential of Israel’s natural gas, and the growing number of renewable energy options, Israel is well on its way to becoming a major global energy player. The time is now to invest in Israel’s energy sector, and the world would be smart to take notice. That’s why the city of Houston, TX is jumping at the chance to develop possibilities with this future energy powerhouse. By working together, Houston will be able to leverage its experience and connections to help Israel dominate the energy industry in the Middle East. This will cause a groundbreaking transformation in the world’s reliance on foreign oil, creating a new and exciting environmental and geopolitical paradigm.

(full article online)

Israel, the next frontier in energy
Fact Number 19

In the 1880s, we begin to see major fulfillment of Bible prophecy, concerning the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.

The modern State of Israel is directly connected to biblical Israel, as attested to by its history and the manner in which its modern rebirth has so closely coincided with Bible prophecy. Just as God arranged for Joshua to bring the Children of Israel into the Promised Land 3,500 years ago, in our day God arranged for the Jewish people to come back to their ancestral homeland.

The Turkish Ottoman Empire ruled the entire Middle East region from 1516 - 1917.

During these 400 years of harsh Turkish rule, the land of Palestine (Israel) was sparsely populated, mostly by nomadic peoples. By the end of the 18th century, much of the land was owned by absentee landlords and leased to impoverished tenant farmers. It was poorly cultivated and a widely-neglected expanse of eroded hills, sandy deserts, and malarial marshes encroached on what was left of agricultural land. Its ancient irrigation systems, terraces, towns and villages had crumbled. Taxation was crippling, with its forests being taxed. When the people could not pay the tax, the trees were cut down to fuel the steam engines carrying goods between Istanbul, Beirut, Damascus and Cairo. The great forests of the Galilee and the Carmel mountain range were denuded of trees; swamp and desert encroached on agricultural land. "Palestine" was truly a poor, neglected, no-man's land with no important cities.

Mark Twain, who visited “Palestine” in 1867, described it as a "...desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse ... We never saw a human being on the whole route ... There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."

The report of the Palestine Royal Commission [British] quotes an account of the condition of the Coastal Plain along the Mediterranean Sea in 1913: "The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts... no orange groves, orchards or vineyards were to be seen until one reached Yavne village... houses were all of mud. Schools did not exist... The western part, towards the sea was almost a desert... The villages in this area were few and thinly populated... many villages were deserted by their inhabitants."

The French author, Voltaire, described “Palestine” as "a hopeless, dreary place." In short, under the Turks, the land suffered both from neglect and a low population.

40 Verified Historical Facts About Israel

[And now, let us continue to enjoy how the Jewish People returned their land to its former glory, and more]
In spite of all that Israeli bullshit, Palestine was an exporter of food.

We want to know more about it.

Tell us more.
Studies in the Economic and Social History of Palestine in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Fact Number 19

In the 1880s, we begin to see major fulfillment of Bible prophecy, concerning the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.

The modern State of Israel is directly connected to biblical Israel, as attested to by its history and the manner in which its modern rebirth has so closely coincided with Bible prophecy. Just as God arranged for Joshua to bring the Children of Israel into the Promised Land 3,500 years ago, in our day God arranged for the Jewish people to come back to their ancestral homeland.

The Turkish Ottoman Empire ruled the entire Middle East region from 1516 - 1917.

During these 400 years of harsh Turkish rule, the land of Palestine (Israel) was sparsely populated, mostly by nomadic peoples. By the end of the 18th century, much of the land was owned by absentee landlords and leased to impoverished tenant farmers. It was poorly cultivated and a widely-neglected expanse of eroded hills, sandy deserts, and malarial marshes encroached on what was left of agricultural land. Its ancient irrigation systems, terraces, towns and villages had crumbled. Taxation was crippling, with its forests being taxed. When the people could not pay the tax, the trees were cut down to fuel the steam engines carrying goods between Istanbul, Beirut, Damascus and Cairo. The great forests of the Galilee and the Carmel mountain range were denuded of trees; swamp and desert encroached on agricultural land. "Palestine" was truly a poor, neglected, no-man's land with no important cities.

Mark Twain, who visited “Palestine” in 1867, described it as a "...desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse ... We never saw a human being on the whole route ... There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."

The report of the Palestine Royal Commission [British] quotes an account of the condition of the Coastal Plain along the Mediterranean Sea in 1913: "The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts... no orange groves, orchards or vineyards were to be seen until one reached Yavne village... houses were all of mud. Schools did not exist... The western part, towards the sea was almost a desert... The villages in this area were few and thinly populated... many villages were deserted by their inhabitants."

The French author, Voltaire, described “Palestine” as "a hopeless, dreary place." In short, under the Turks, the land suffered both from neglect and a low population.

40 Verified Historical Facts About Israel

[And now, let us continue to enjoy how the Jewish People returned their land to its former glory, and more]
In spite of all that Israeli bullshit, Palestine was an exporter of food.

Too bad about that Ayrab invasion in 1948.
Fact Number 19

In the 1880s, we begin to see major fulfillment of Bible prophecy, concerning the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.

The modern State of Israel is directly connected to biblical Israel, as attested to by its history and the manner in which its modern rebirth has so closely coincided with Bible prophecy. Just as God arranged for Joshua to bring the Children of Israel into the Promised Land 3,500 years ago, in our day God arranged for the Jewish people to come back to their ancestral homeland.

The Turkish Ottoman Empire ruled the entire Middle East region from 1516 - 1917.

During these 400 years of harsh Turkish rule, the land of Palestine (Israel) was sparsely populated, mostly by nomadic peoples. By the end of the 18th century, much of the land was owned by absentee landlords and leased to impoverished tenant farmers. It was poorly cultivated and a widely-neglected expanse of eroded hills, sandy deserts, and malarial marshes encroached on what was left of agricultural land. Its ancient irrigation systems, terraces, towns and villages had crumbled. Taxation was crippling, with its forests being taxed. When the people could not pay the tax, the trees were cut down to fuel the steam engines carrying goods between Istanbul, Beirut, Damascus and Cairo. The great forests of the Galilee and the Carmel mountain range were denuded of trees; swamp and desert encroached on agricultural land. "Palestine" was truly a poor, neglected, no-man's land with no important cities.

Mark Twain, who visited “Palestine” in 1867, described it as a "...desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse ... We never saw a human being on the whole route ... There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."

The report of the Palestine Royal Commission [British] quotes an account of the condition of the Coastal Plain along the Mediterranean Sea in 1913: "The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts... no orange groves, orchards or vineyards were to be seen until one reached Yavne village... houses were all of mud. Schools did not exist... The western part, towards the sea was almost a desert... The villages in this area were few and thinly populated... many villages were deserted by their inhabitants."

The French author, Voltaire, described “Palestine” as "a hopeless, dreary place." In short, under the Turks, the land suffered both from neglect and a low population.

40 Verified Historical Facts About Israel

[And now, let us continue to enjoy how the Jewish People returned their land to its former glory, and more]
In spite of all that Israeli bullshit, Palestine was an exporter of food.

We want to know more about it.

Tell us more.
Studies in the Economic and Social History of Palestine in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Shades of Monty, a multi hundred page document!
Fact Number 19

In the 1880s, we begin to see major fulfillment of Bible prophecy, concerning the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.

The modern State of Israel is directly connected to biblical Israel, as attested to by its history and the manner in which its modern rebirth has so closely coincided with Bible prophecy. Just as God arranged for Joshua to bring the Children of Israel into the Promised Land 3,500 years ago, in our day God arranged for the Jewish people to come back to their ancestral homeland.

The Turkish Ottoman Empire ruled the entire Middle East region from 1516 - 1917.

During these 400 years of harsh Turkish rule, the land of Palestine (Israel) was sparsely populated, mostly by nomadic peoples. By the end of the 18th century, much of the land was owned by absentee landlords and leased to impoverished tenant farmers. It was poorly cultivated and a widely-neglected expanse of eroded hills, sandy deserts, and malarial marshes encroached on what was left of agricultural land. Its ancient irrigation systems, terraces, towns and villages had crumbled. Taxation was crippling, with its forests being taxed. When the people could not pay the tax, the trees were cut down to fuel the steam engines carrying goods between Istanbul, Beirut, Damascus and Cairo. The great forests of the Galilee and the Carmel mountain range were denuded of trees; swamp and desert encroached on agricultural land. "Palestine" was truly a poor, neglected, no-man's land with no important cities.

Mark Twain, who visited “Palestine” in 1867, described it as a "...desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse ... We never saw a human being on the whole route ... There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."

The report of the Palestine Royal Commission [British] quotes an account of the condition of the Coastal Plain along the Mediterranean Sea in 1913: "The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts... no orange groves, orchards or vineyards were to be seen until one reached Yavne village... houses were all of mud. Schools did not exist... The western part, towards the sea was almost a desert... The villages in this area were few and thinly populated... many villages were deserted by their inhabitants."

The French author, Voltaire, described “Palestine” as "a hopeless, dreary place." In short, under the Turks, the land suffered both from neglect and a low population.

40 Verified Historical Facts About Israel

[And now, let us continue to enjoy how the Jewish People returned their land to its former glory, and more]
In spite of all that Israeli bullshit, Palestine was an exporter of food.

We want to know more about it.

Tell us more.
Studies in the Economic and Social History of Palestine in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Shades of Monty, a multi hundred page document!
What you expect from The Tinmore Vortex.

Cutting and pasting that has no connection to the thread topic.
Fact Number 19

In the 1880s, we begin to see major fulfillment of Bible prophecy, concerning the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.

The modern State of Israel is directly connected to biblical Israel, as attested to by its history and the manner in which its modern rebirth has so closely coincided with Bible prophecy. Just as God arranged for Joshua to bring the Children of Israel into the Promised Land 3,500 years ago, in our day God arranged for the Jewish people to come back to their ancestral homeland.

The Turkish Ottoman Empire ruled the entire Middle East region from 1516 - 1917.

During these 400 years of harsh Turkish rule, the land of Palestine (Israel) was sparsely populated, mostly by nomadic peoples. By the end of the 18th century, much of the land was owned by absentee landlords and leased to impoverished tenant farmers. It was poorly cultivated and a widely-neglected expanse of eroded hills, sandy deserts, and malarial marshes encroached on what was left of agricultural land. Its ancient irrigation systems, terraces, towns and villages had crumbled. Taxation was crippling, with its forests being taxed. When the people could not pay the tax, the trees were cut down to fuel the steam engines carrying goods between Istanbul, Beirut, Damascus and Cairo. The great forests of the Galilee and the Carmel mountain range were denuded of trees; swamp and desert encroached on agricultural land. "Palestine" was truly a poor, neglected, no-man's land with no important cities.

Mark Twain, who visited “Palestine” in 1867, described it as a "...desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse ... We never saw a human being on the whole route ... There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."

The report of the Palestine Royal Commission [British] quotes an account of the condition of the Coastal Plain along the Mediterranean Sea in 1913: "The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts... no orange groves, orchards or vineyards were to be seen until one reached Yavne village... houses were all of mud. Schools did not exist... The western part, towards the sea was almost a desert... The villages in this area were few and thinly populated... many villages were deserted by their inhabitants."

The French author, Voltaire, described “Palestine” as "a hopeless, dreary place." In short, under the Turks, the land suffered both from neglect and a low population.

40 Verified Historical Facts About Israel

[And now, let us continue to enjoy how the Jewish People returned their land to its former glory, and more]
In spite of all that Israeli bullshit, Palestine was an exporter of food.

We want to know more about it.

Tell us more.
Studies in the Economic and Social History of Palestine in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Shades of Monty, a multi hundred page document!
What you expect from The Tinmore Vortex.

Cutting and pasting that has no connection to the thread topic.
"The Tinmore Vortex"!
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