Israel: Helping To Make A Better World

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From my lessons attached in my profile signature link:

A state gives your family and friends and relatives homes in one project that resides across from another project that they reward another group of people. The projects are both the same drab plain buildings sufficient enough to live in, but no thrills.
Now you take your project and add to it’s courtyards beautiful trees then on the back of the projects you plant fruit trees and vegetable gardens. Your community gets together and makes simple social rules on which to live by so that the community remains a secure and respectable place.
Your community works together and adds a beautiful Gazebo in the midst of the garden and people volunteer material and labor to work on the hallways of the project to add fresh plush carpeting and a colorful paint job to give it a more stylish and sophisticated look.
Someone donates a couch, another donates a set of paintings and a coffee table and a lamp and end table, so suddenly you have a beautiful lobby.
Now the project no longer looks like a low income housing.

On the other projects across the way they didn’t work together or take care of their housing. They let it get run down, they also let thugs take over making it dangerous and unpleasant to live.
That project started to look at the other well run project in amazement but also with feelings of inadequacy and jealousy. They start to displace their situation on the people of the other cleaner projects and start taking their frustration and anger out on that good community by throwing rocks through their windows trying to damage property and cars, spraying graffiti, attacking the communities kids, using knives and guns to threaten and harm your children and your relatives and friends families.
Not one of the failed project’s heads or community leaders will do anything about curbing this activity.
What is the reaction to this kind of criminal activity to protect your family when the heads of the project over there do nothing about their malicious activity?
That’s right, you get the Police to move into that bad project and round up the thugs who are causing these crimes. If you don’t then you don’t love your community, kids, friends and family. And If one sides with the thugs against the victims calling the Police action wrong then they support the kind of decaying destructive spirit that exists in society and human behavior thus they support the cancerous cell in destroying the societies body as a whole.

YOU Fang Are ROOTING for the cancer to destroy the body.
You Fang, are rooting for the NY Street Gang thugs taunting the neighborhood
in Death Wish 3.
you base your view of life from Hollywood films?

Do you always coward behind selective out of context ad hominem replies?
It's called using a familiar analogy.
Instead of admiting being that punk harassing the old Jewish Family, you became defensive admitting to us you know it's wrong, but your ego won't allow you to express it's defeat.
Look back in the '60s and the civil rights movement, today it looks normal in America to have equal rights, It will be normal to have equal rights in israel too, one day soon
you base your view of life from Hollywood films?

Do you always coward behind selective out of context ad hominem replies?
It's called using a familiar analogy.
Instead of admiting being that punk harassing the old Jewish Family, you became defensive admitting to us you know it's wrong, but your ego won't allow you to express it's defeat.

The word you were trying to use is spelt "Cower" And your "familiar analogy" is only familiar to puny dorks that have actually watched the fiction film "Death Wish 3" or 2 or 1 and cite it as an example, what was that other fictional film of jews doing more than hiding under the bed, ah inglorious Bar Stewards, or something. that too is a fantasy film

All the best HaShem
Look back in the '60s and the civil rights movement, today it looks normal in America to have equal rights, It will be normal to have equal rights in israel too, one day soon
Israel provides equal rights. When are we going to see equal rights in the Islamic terrorist enclaves of Gaza'istan and Mahmoud'istan?

Look back almost 1,400 years to the invention of Islamism and it looks normal today to see muhammedans slaughtering each other, insensate Jooooo hatreds, scared women forced into their Fem Tents, etc.
Look back in the '60s and the civil rights movement, today it looks normal in America to have equal rights, It will be normal to have equal rights in israel too, one day soon
Israel provides equal rights. When are we going to see equal rights in the Islamic terrorist enclaves of Gaza'istan and Mahmoud'istan?

Look back almost 1,400 years to the invention of Islamism and it looks normal today to see muhammedans slaughtering each other, insensate Jooooo hatreds, scared women forced into their Fem Tents, etc.
Israel has Equal rights for jews only
Look back in the '60s and the civil rights movement, today it looks normal in America to have equal rights, It will be normal to have equal rights in israel too, one day soon

There's a difference between a country built as a melting pot refuge and one built as a suvival refuge. Even US didn't readilly let European Jews in for refuge, so a place for refuge and similar values was a necessity to survival. Throughout the middle east are Arab Nations that are primary Muslim rights countries where there truly is not equal rights and then you lie about Israel which does give more then adequate equal rights with common sense restrictions due to necessity to survive as a Jewish nation.
You actually prove this point because you seek no rights for Jews, yet promote Muslim only or Christian dominated countries.
If you had your way you'd even make your own country out of Oregon where you can be prominant neo nazis and Penelope and Nelson can join you, but I got to warn you, a country without Jews is miserable (no comedy shows), and your country will get nothing done as you neo nazis are always on welfare, nobody working the country will be broke and at a stand still, and one strong wind storm or Tsunami can wipe out your trailer homes.
If you hate rights for Jews you lose your silly argument and if you seek a country without Jews you can pick one of many from our attempted travel ban list.
Look back in the '60s and the civil rights movement, today it looks normal in America to have equal rights, It will be normal to have equal rights in israel too, one day soon

There's a difference between a country built as a melting pot refuge and one built as a suvival refuge. Even US didn't readilly let European Jews in for refuge, so a place for refuge and similar values was a necessity to survival. Throughout the middle east are Arab Nations that are primary Muslim rights countries where there truly is not equal rights and then you lie about Israel which does give more then adequate equal rights with common sense restrictions due to necessity to survive as a Jewish nation.
You actually prove this point because you seek no rights for Jews, yet promote Muslim only or Christian dominated countries.
If you had your way you'd even make your own country out of Oregon where you can be prominant neo nazis and Penelope and Nelson can join you, but I got to warn you, a country without Jews is miserable (no comedy shows), and your country will get nothing done as you neo nazis are always on welfare, nobody working the country will be broke and at a stand still, and one strong wind storm or Tsunami can wipe out your trailer homes.
If you hate rights for Jews you lose your silly argument and if you seek a country without Jews you can pick one of many from our attempted travel ban list.

Jews, Christians and muslims ALL had Equal rights in Palestine but the jews wanted to take over all the power
"Israel which does give more then adequate equal rights with common sense restrictions due to necessity to survive as a Jewish nation" what does "more then adequate equal rights", there is either equal rights for all, or there is not.
Where do you get, "You actually prove this point because you seek no rights for Jews, yet promote Muslim only or Christian dominated countries."
I think Jews should have Equal rights too, along with all the other people that live there, you seem to want exclusive rights for jews only

As for calling Other posters who have a different view than yours Neo Nazis, what are you, a school boy name calling?
I dont live in a trailer or a mobile home, but I believe many of the Jewish illegal immigrants currently occupying Areas in the West bank do... Maybe you should warn THEM about a strong wind storm
Look back in the '60s and the civil rights movement, today it looks normal in America to have equal rights, It will be normal to have equal rights in israel too, one day soon

There's a difference between a country built as a melting pot refuge and one built as a suvival refuge. Even US didn't readilly let European Jews in for refuge, so a place for refuge and similar values was a necessity to survival. Throughout the middle east are Arab Nations that are primary Muslim rights countries where there truly is not equal rights and then you lie about Israel which does give more then adequate equal rights with common sense restrictions due to necessity to survive as a Jewish nation.
You actually prove this point because you seek no rights for Jews, yet promote Muslim only or Christian dominated countries.
If you had your way you'd even make your own country out of Oregon where you can be prominant neo nazis and Penelope and Nelson can join you, but I got to warn you, a country without Jews is miserable (no comedy shows), and your country will get nothing done as you neo nazis are always on welfare, nobody working the country will be broke and at a stand still, and one strong wind storm or Tsunami can wipe out your trailer homes.
If you hate rights for Jews you lose your silly argument and if you seek a country without Jews you can pick one of many from our attempted travel ban list.

Jews, Christians and muslims ALL had Equal rights in Palestine but the jews wanted to take over all the power
"Israel which does give more then adequate equal rights with common sense restrictions due to necessity to survive as a Jewish nation" what does "more then adequate equal rights", there is either equal rights for all, or there is not.
Where do you get, "You actually prove this point because you seek no rights for Jews, yet promote Muslim only or Christian dominated countries."
I think Jews should have Equal rights too, along with all the other people that live there, you seem to want exclusive rights for jews only

As for calling Other posters who have a different view than yours Neo Nazis, what are you, a school boy name calling?
I dont live in a trailer or a mobile home, but I believe many of the Jewish illegal immigrants currently occupying Areas in the West bank do... Maybe you should warn THEM about a strong wind storm

Where do you get such poor missinformation?
Do you even know history or the facts of what existed and who existed in the region and how & why the eventual population got to the region. My profile signature tells the story that even the Arab league admits in it's archive letters. It was from their web site archives not Israeli not Jews, not Christians, they admit the "Palestinians" are not indigenous and are inflow of Arabs to match the Jewish imigrations.
You can't win the argument or push your nazis propaganda without denying facts of history recorded by Arabs themselves.

This is where Fang chimes in and declares
this is copying Va-poo-rize invention from the Jack Black's character in "Envy".
Wait but then he'd be using an argument based on a movie-oh the corner he boxed himself in complaining too much. :)
you are the one using arguments based on fiction movie's,

"Israelis who don’t want to share Palestine as equal citizens with the indigenous Palestinian population – the ones who don’t want to relinquish that which they demanded Palestinians relinquish 64 years ago - can take their second passports and go back home. Those remaining had better find a positive attitude – Palestinians have shown themselves to be a forgiving lot. The amount of carnage they have experienced at the hands of their oppressors – without proportional response – shows remarkable restraint and faith.

This is less the death of a Jewish state than it is the demise of the last remnants of modern-day colonialism. It is a rite of passage – we will get through it just fine. At this particular precipice in the 21st century, we are all, universally, Palestinian – undoing this wrong is a test of our collective humanity, and nobody has the right to sit this one out.

Israel has no right to exist."
Excuse Me, But Israel Has No Right To Exist
Look back in the '60s and the civil rights movement, today it looks normal in America to have equal rights, It will be normal to have equal rights in israel too, one day soon

There's a difference between a country built as a melting pot refuge and one built as a suvival refuge. Even US didn't readilly let European Jews in for refuge, so a place for refuge and similar values was a necessity to survival. Throughout the middle east are Arab Nations that are primary Muslim rights countries where there truly is not equal rights and then you lie about Israel which does give more then adequate equal rights with common sense restrictions due to necessity to survive as a Jewish nation.
You actually prove this point because you seek no rights for Jews, yet promote Muslim only or Christian dominated countries.
If you had your way you'd even make your own country out of Oregon where you can be prominant neo nazis and Penelope and Nelson can join you, but I got to warn you, a country without Jews is miserable (no comedy shows), and your country will get nothing done as you neo nazis are always on welfare, nobody working the country will be broke and at a stand still, and one strong wind storm or Tsunami can wipe out your trailer homes.
If you hate rights for Jews you lose your silly argument and if you seek a country without Jews you can pick one of many from our attempted travel ban list.

Jews, Christians and muslims ALL had Equal rights in Palestine but the jews wanted to take over all the power
"Israel which does give more then adequate equal rights with common sense restrictions due to necessity to survive as a Jewish nation" what does "more then adequate equal rights", there is either equal rights for all, or there is not.
Where do you get, "You actually prove this point because you seek no rights for Jews, yet promote Muslim only or Christian dominated countries."
I think Jews should have Equal rights too, along with all the other people that live there, you seem to want exclusive rights for jews only

As for calling Other posters who have a different view than yours Neo Nazis, what are you, a school boy name calling?
I dont live in a trailer or a mobile home, but I believe many of the Jewish illegal immigrants currently occupying Areas in the West bank do... Maybe you should warn THEM about a strong wind storm

Where do you get such poor missinformation?
Do you even know history or the facts of what existed and who existed in the region and how & why the eventual population got to the region. My profile signature tells the story that even the Arab league admits in it's archive letters. It was from their web site archives not Israeli not Jews, not Christians, they admit the "Palestinians" are not indigenous and are inflow of Arabs to match the Jewish imigrations.
You can't win the argument or push your nazis propaganda without denying facts of history recorded by Arabs themselves.
Aliyah Bet (Hebrew: 'עלייה ב‎, "Aliyah 'B'" – bet being the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet) was the code name given to illegal immigration by Jews to Mandatory Palestine in violation of British White Paper of 1939 restrictions, in the years 1934 to 1948. In modern-day Israel it has also been called by the Hebrew term Ha'pala (Hebrew: הַעְפָּלָה‎; ascension). The Aliyah Bet is distinguished from the Aliyah Aleph ("Aliyah 'A'", Aleph being the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet): the limited Jewish immigration permitted by British authorities in the same period.
Aliyah Bet - Wikipedia

Approximately 80,000 illegal immigrants reached Palestine during 1945-48.
Aliyah Bet (1939-1948)

The illegal immigration of Jews to Palestine after the Second World War
was a critical asset in the effort to create an independent Jewish state. It
provided a conduit through which to claim Holocaust survivors who
would immediately increase the Jewish population in Palestine and thus
justify the Zionist claim to statehood; it delivered manpower for a buildup of armed forces that would defend the claim; and it increased Jewish
resistance to the continuation of British authority in Palestine.
The scope of the immigration was striking. In 1945 the Jewish
population of Palestine was approximately 550,000. Between the end of
the Second World War in 1945 and the creation of Israel in 1948 more
than 60,000 illegal immigrants attempted to run the British blockade
into Palestine. Even with the deportation of illegals to camps on Cyprus,
this influx effectively increased the population of Jewish Palestine by 11
per cent in less than three years. Placed in a contemporary perspective,
the increase was the equivalent of adding 26 million to the population of
the United States in the same time frame. And the entire operation was
conducted in a clandestine framework against the immigration
restrictions, and the means to enforce them, of the British government
of Palestine

Illegal immigrants took over a country that offered refuge, But with controlled numbers, I bet they wish they had never offered any refuge at all
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Look back in the '60s and the civil rights movement, today it looks normal in America to have equal rights, It will be normal to have equal rights in israel too, one day soon

There's a difference between a country built as a melting pot refuge and one built as a suvival refuge. Even US didn't readilly let European Jews in for refuge, so a place for refuge and similar values was a necessity to survival. Throughout the middle east are Arab Nations that are primary Muslim rights countries where there truly is not equal rights and then you lie about Israel which does give more then adequate equal rights with common sense restrictions due to necessity to survive as a Jewish nation.
You actually prove this point because you seek no rights for Jews, yet promote Muslim only or Christian dominated countries.
If you had your way you'd even make your own country out of Oregon where you can be prominant neo nazis and Penelope and Nelson can join you, but I got to warn you, a country without Jews is miserable (no comedy shows), and your country will get nothing done as you neo nazis are always on welfare, nobody working the country will be broke and at a stand still, and one strong wind storm or Tsunami can wipe out your trailer homes.
If you hate rights for Jews you lose your silly argument and if you seek a country without Jews you can pick one of many from our attempted travel ban list.

Jews, Christians and muslims ALL had Equal rights in Palestine but the jews wanted to take over all the power
"Israel which does give more then adequate equal rights with common sense restrictions due to necessity to survive as a Jewish nation" what does "more then adequate equal rights", there is either equal rights for all, or there is not.
Where do you get, "You actually prove this point because you seek no rights for Jews, yet promote Muslim only or Christian dominated countries."
I think Jews should have Equal rights too, along with all the other people that live there, you seem to want exclusive rights for jews only

As for calling Other posters who have a different view than yours Neo Nazis, what are you, a school boy name calling?
I dont live in a trailer or a mobile home, but I believe many of the Jewish illegal immigrants currently occupying Areas in the West bank do... Maybe you should warn THEM about a strong wind storm

Where do you get such poor missinformation?
Do you even know history or the facts of what existed and who existed in the region and how & why the eventual population got to the region. My profile signature tells the story that even the Arab league admits in it's archive letters. It was from their web site archives not Israeli not Jews, not Christians, they admit the "Palestinians" are not indigenous and are inflow of Arabs to match the Jewish imigrations.
You can't win the argument or push your nazis propaganda without denying facts of history recorded by Arabs themselves.

This is getting way off topic, is it not?
He is a BDSr. There is no arguing with him about history of the region.
Let us see him add to how Israel makes a better world.

Let him add to how the Arabs have contributed to better the world.

It is always something to sit and watch :)
Well Jews have got themselves expelled from Host Nations after being given refuge about 190 times, do you ever ask why?
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