Israel is building 15,000 more homes in the capital of Palestine

Aelia Capitolina (Roman name for Jerusalem) was the first capital of the Roman province of Palaestina.
Uh, no. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina. Antioch was.

Sorry, but you don't get to rewrite history to make a country out of Palestine

Of course Aelia Capitolina was the capital of Palaestina. What do think Capitolina means, you dimwit. Antioch is in Turkey, you dummy. Caesarea Maritima was later made the capital of Palaestina. Sheesh, you people are truly an ignorant bunch.

View attachment 124613
Dayam, are you stoopid. :ack-1:

And a bush is a shrub, does that mean we had a shrub for a president?

In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, it was named after a Roman god...

Aelia Capitolina

Following the disastrous Bar Kokhba Revolt, the emperor Hadrian began rebuilding Jerusalem, from 135 c.e., naming Itafter himself (Aelius Hadrianus) and the god Jupiter Capitolinus.

Antioch, and not Jerusalem, was the capital of Palaestina...

Provincia Syria Paelestina

The Roman province of Judea incorporated the regions of Judea, Samaria and Idumea. It extended over parts of the former regions of the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms of Israel.

It was named after Herod Archelaus‘s Tetrarchy of Judea, but the Roman province encompassed a much larger territory.

The capital of Roman Syria was established in Antioch from the very beginning of Roman rule. The administrative capital of the Judaea province, however, was shifted to Caesarea Maritima beginning in 6 AD.

Now read and learn. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina.
Fake news/history sites are where you get your information I see. Now for the source documentation.

"il patriarca di Antiochia vi abbia esercitato qualche giurisdizione al contrario fu il vescovo d AElia come il più degno che ordinò sempre quello di Cesarea Godeva nondimeno di alcuni privilegi in memoria della antica Gerusalemme I Padri del concilio di Nicea glieli conservarono riservando però sempre i diritti di metropoli alla Chiesa di Cesarea Macario Cirillo e Giovanni d Alia furono i primi cui venne in pensiero di fare erigere la sede di Gerusalemme in patriarcato Presero essi occasione dall eresia ariana che Eusebio ed Acacio di Cesarea favorivano Non vollero più dipendere da coloro dei quali detestavano la comunione Incominciarono essi dal sostenere che la loro Chiesa era apostolica la madre di tutte le Chiese della Palestina e che sebbene avesse cambiato di nome era nondimeno quella stessa Gerusalemme in cui eransi avverati i misteri della religione di Gesù Cristo ed in cui gli apostoli avevano fondato la prima Chiesa Giovenale che succedette a Prailio fece la sua domanda al concilio di Efeso non fu però che al concilio di Calcedonia che ottenne egli i diritti metropolitani sulle tre Palestine Questo vescovo è considerato come il primo patriarca di Gerusalemme e come il primo la cui giurisdizione estendevasi su tutta la Palestina la Giudea cioè la Samaria e le due Galilee S Sepolcro che è irregolare perchè fu d uopo assoggettarne la disposizione ai luoghi che si doveano comprendere questa unione perciò forma come tre chiese con tre cupole la maggiore delle quali è quella la quale cuopre il tempietto che racchiude il S Sepolcro e che illumina la gran mave del tempio Dopo l incendio del 1811 cui soggiacque la chiesa del S Sepolcro per opera dei greci residenti come gli altri nel recinto del tempio la cappella titolare della chiesa venne totalmente cambiata Essa è divisa in due parti la prima più grande dell altra di forma ovale contiene nel fondo la pietra sui cui discese il messaggiero celeste per annunziare alle sante donne che il Figlio di Dio era risorto Da questa stanza per un buco quadrato alto tre piedi parigini si passa nell altra assai più angusta piena di lumi che ardono giorno e notte dove esiste da diciotto secoli il sepolcro del Salvatore del genere umano La circonferenza della attuale Gerusalemme è di 5600 passi circa munita di mura in qualche parte forti Si divide essa in sette quartieri cioè il cristiano o cattolico l armeno il greco l ebreo il pubblico quella parte della città dove tutti concorrono perchè vi sono i mercati i bazar e le botteghe quello de Turchi che è il più grande ed il settimo del tempio così chiamato perchè contiene il solo monte Moria con qualche casa vicina e nulla più"

Bold text 1. "It was the Bishop of Aelia that ordained the Bishop of Cesarea".
Bold text 2. As first patriarch his juristiction extended over all of Palestine"

Enciclopedia dell'ecclesiastico, ovvero Dizionario della teologia dommatica e morale, del diritto canonico, delle principali nozioni bibliche, della storia della chiesa, de ss. padri, dei grandi scrittori ecclesiastici, dei papi, dei concilii generali, degli scismi, delle eresie, della liturgia ecc. opera compilata sulla Biblioteca sacra dei pp. Richard e Giraud, sul Dizionario enciclopedico della teologia di Bergier e su altre opere di scrittori chiarissimi
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Here's the translation and it doesn't say Aelia Capitolina was the capital...

The patriarch of Antioch there has exercised some jurisdiction to the contrary was the bishop of AElia as the most worthy that ordered always to Caesarea nevertheless enjoyed some privileges in memory of ancient Jerusalem the Fathers of the Council of Nicea delivered preserved by reserving however always the rights of Metropolis to the Church of Caesarea Macario Cyril and John d Alia were the first which was thought of making erect the seat of Jerusalem in the patriarchate took they occasion by the Arian heresy which Eusebius and Acacius of Caesarea favored not wanted more depend on those of which detestavano communion began they from argue that their Church apostolic was the mother of all the Churches of Palestine and That although he had changed the name was nonetheless that Jerusalem itself wherein eransi happened the mysteries of the religion of Jesus Christ and in which the Apostles had founded the first Church Juvenal that he succeeded Prailio made its application to the Council of Ephesus was not however that the Council of Chalcedon that he obtained the metropolitan rights on three Palestine This bishop is considered as the first Patriarch of Jerusalem and as the first whose jurisdiction estendevasi throughout Palestine Judea i.e. Samaria and the two Galilee s tomb which is irregular because it was d assoggettarne purpose the arrangement to the places that you doveano understand this union therefore form as three churches with three The domes, the biggest of which is the one which cuopre the tempietto that encloses the s tomb and that illuminates the gran mave of temple after the fire of 1811 soggiacque which the church of S tomb for work of Greek residents as others in the enclosure of the temple the chapel the titular of the church was totally changed it is divided in two parts the first larger than other oval contains in the bottom of the stone on which descended the heavenly messaggiero to proclaim to the holy women that the Son of God had risen from this room for a square hole top three feet Parisians goes in other much more narrow full of lumens that burn day and Night where it exists by eighteen centuries the sepulchre of the Savior of the human race to the circumference of the current Jerusalem is 5600 steps about provided with walls somewhere in strong divides it into seven districts i.e. the christian catholic or the Armenian the Greek Jew the public that part of the city where all compete because there are the markets the bazaars and workshops that de Turks who is the greatest and the seventh of the temple, so called because it contains the only mount Moriah with some nearby house and nothing more

And is not fake news.

Here's another...

Encyclopaedia Britannica: Aelia Capitolina

Aelia Capitolina, city founded in ad 135 by the Romans on the ruins of Jerusalem, which their forces, under Titus, had destroyed in ad 70. The name was given, after the Second Jewish Revolt (132–135), in honour of the emperor Hadrian (whose nomen, or clan name, was Aelius) as well as the deities of the Capitoline Triad (Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva). A sanctuary to Jupiter was built on the Temple Mount, and statues of Roman deities were erected in the city, in intentional violation of Old Testament law. The area was walled and a large foreign population imported; Jews were generally forbidden entrance to the city. The present walls of the Old City of Jerusalem follow the layout of the Roman walls. The name was used until Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century.

Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina.

You should quit while you're behind.
Aelia Capitolina (Roman name for Jerusalem) was the first capital of the Roman province of Palaestina.
Uh, no. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina. Antioch was.

Sorry, but you don't get to rewrite history to make a country out of Palestine

Of course Aelia Capitolina was the capital of Palaestina. What do think Capitolina means, you dimwit. Antioch is in Turkey, you dummy. Caesarea Maritima was later made the capital of Palaestina. Sheesh, you people are truly an ignorant bunch.

View attachment 124613
Dayam, are you stoopid. :ack-1:

And a bush is a shrub, does that mean we had a shrub for a president?

In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, it was named after a Roman god...

Aelia Capitolina

Following the disastrous Bar Kokhba Revolt, the emperor Hadrian began rebuilding Jerusalem, from 135 c.e., naming Itafter himself (Aelius Hadrianus) and the god Jupiter Capitolinus.

Antioch, and not Jerusalem, was the capital of Palaestina...

Provincia Syria Paelestina

The Roman province of Judea incorporated the regions of Judea, Samaria and Idumea. It extended over parts of the former regions of the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms of Israel.

It was named after Herod Archelaus‘s Tetrarchy of Judea, but the Roman province encompassed a much larger territory.

The capital of Roman Syria was established in Antioch from the very beginning of Roman rule. The administrative capital of the Judaea province, however, was shifted to Caesarea Maritima beginning in 6 AD.

Now read and learn. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina.
Fake news/history sites are where you get your information I see. Now for the source documentation.

"il patriarca di Antiochia vi abbia esercitato qualche giurisdizione al contrario fu il vescovo d AElia come il più degno che ordinò sempre quello di Cesarea Godeva nondimeno di alcuni privilegi in memoria della antica Gerusalemme I Padri del concilio di Nicea glieli conservarono riservando però sempre i diritti di metropoli alla Chiesa di Cesarea Macario Cirillo e Giovanni d Alia furono i primi cui venne in pensiero di fare erigere la sede di Gerusalemme in patriarcato Presero essi occasione dall eresia ariana che Eusebio ed Acacio di Cesarea favorivano Non vollero più dipendere da coloro dei quali detestavano la comunione Incominciarono essi dal sostenere che la loro Chiesa era apostolica la madre di tutte le Chiese della Palestina e che sebbene avesse cambiato di nome era nondimeno quella stessa Gerusalemme in cui eransi avverati i misteri della religione di Gesù Cristo ed in cui gli apostoli avevano fondato la prima Chiesa Giovenale che succedette a Prailio fece la sua domanda al concilio di Efeso non fu però che al concilio di Calcedonia che ottenne egli i diritti metropolitani sulle tre Palestine Questo vescovo è considerato come il primo patriarca di Gerusalemme e come il primo la cui giurisdizione estendevasi su tutta la Palestina la Giudea cioè la Samaria e le due Galilee S Sepolcro che è irregolare perchè fu d uopo assoggettarne la disposizione ai luoghi che si doveano comprendere questa unione perciò forma come tre chiese con tre cupole la maggiore delle quali è quella la quale cuopre il tempietto che racchiude il S Sepolcro e che illumina la gran mave del tempio Dopo l incendio del 1811 cui soggiacque la chiesa del S Sepolcro per opera dei greci residenti come gli altri nel recinto del tempio la cappella titolare della chiesa venne totalmente cambiata Essa è divisa in due parti la prima più grande dell altra di forma ovale contiene nel fondo la pietra sui cui discese il messaggiero celeste per annunziare alle sante donne che il Figlio di Dio era risorto Da questa stanza per un buco quadrato alto tre piedi parigini si passa nell altra assai più angusta piena di lumi che ardono giorno e notte dove esiste da diciotto secoli il sepolcro del Salvatore del genere umano La circonferenza della attuale Gerusalemme è di 5600 passi circa munita di mura in qualche parte forti Si divide essa in sette quartieri cioè il cristiano o cattolico l armeno il greco l ebreo il pubblico quella parte della città dove tutti concorrono perchè vi sono i mercati i bazar e le botteghe quello de Turchi che è il più grande ed il settimo del tempio così chiamato perchè contiene il solo monte Moria con qualche casa vicina e nulla più"

Bold text 1. "It was the Bishop of Aelia that ordained the Bishop of Cesarea".
Bold text 2. As first patriarch his juristiction extended over all of Palestine"

Enciclopedia dell'ecclesiastico, ovvero Dizionario della teologia dommatica e morale, del diritto canonico, delle principali nozioni bibliche, della storia della chiesa, de ss. padri, dei grandi scrittori ecclesiastici, dei papi, dei concilii generali, degli scismi, delle eresie, della liturgia ecc. opera compilata sulla Biblioteca sacra dei pp. Richard e Giraud, sul Dizionario enciclopedico della teologia di Bergier e su altre opere di scrittori chiarissimi
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Here's the translation and it doesn't say Aelia Capitolina was the capital...

The patriarch of Antioch there has exercised some jurisdiction to the contrary was the bishop of AElia as the most worthy that ordered always to Caesarea nevertheless enjoyed some privileges in memory of ancient Jerusalem the Fathers of the Council of Nicea delivered preserved by reserving however always the rights of Metropolis to the Church of Caesarea Macario Cyril and John d Alia were the first which was thought of making erect the seat of Jerusalem in the patriarchate took they occasion by the Arian heresy which Eusebius and Acacius of Caesarea favored not wanted more depend on those of which detestavano communion began they from argue that their Church apostolic was the mother of all the Churches of Palestine and That although he had changed the name was nonetheless that Jerusalem itself wherein eransi happened the mysteries of the religion of Jesus Christ and in which the Apostles had founded the first Church Juvenal that he succeeded Prailio made its application to the Council of Ephesus was not however that the Council of Chalcedon that he obtained the metropolitan rights on three Palestine This bishop is considered as the first Patriarch of Jerusalem and as the first whose jurisdiction estendevasi throughout Palestine Judea i.e. Samaria and the two Galilee s tomb which is irregular because it was d assoggettarne purpose the arrangement to the places that you doveano understand this union therefore form as three churches with three The domes, the biggest of which is the one which cuopre the tempietto that encloses the s tomb and that illuminates the gran mave of temple after the fire of 1811 soggiacque which the church of S tomb for work of Greek residents as others in the enclosure of the temple the chapel the titular of the church was totally changed it is divided in two parts the first larger than other oval contains in the bottom of the stone on which descended the heavenly messaggiero to proclaim to the holy women that the Son of God had risen from this room for a square hole top three feet Parisians goes in other much more narrow full of lumens that burn day and Night where it exists by eighteen centuries the sepulchre of the Savior of the human race to the circumference of the current Jerusalem is 5600 steps about provided with walls somewhere in strong divides it into seven districts i.e. the christian catholic or the Armenian the Greek Jew the public that part of the city where all compete because there are the markets the bazaars and workshops that de Turks who is the greatest and the seventh of the temple, so called because it contains the only mount Moriah with some nearby house and nothing more

And is not fake news.

Here's another...

Encyclopaedia Britannica: Aelia Capitolina

Aelia Capitolina, city founded in ad 135 by the Romans on the ruins of Jerusalem, which their forces, under Titus, had destroyed in ad 70. The name was given, after the Second Jewish Revolt (132–135), in honour of the emperor Hadrian (whose nomen, or clan name, was Aelius) as well as the deities of the Capitoline Triad (Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva). A sanctuary to Jupiter was built on the Temple Mount, and statues of Roman deities were erected in the city, in intentional violation of Old Testament law. The area was walled and a large foreign population imported; Jews were generally forbidden entrance to the city. The present walls of the Old City of Jerusalem follow the layout of the Roman walls. The name was used until Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century.

Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina.

You should quit while you're behind.

LOL. Even a Google translation gives me the win.

"and as the first whose jurisdiction estendevasi throughout Palestine"

You lose. Give it up.
Uh, no. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina. Antioch was.

Sorry, but you don't get to rewrite history to make a country out of Palestine

Of course Aelia Capitolina was the capital of Palaestina. What do think Capitolina means, you dimwit. Antioch is in Turkey, you dummy. Caesarea Maritima was later made the capital of Palaestina. Sheesh, you people are truly an ignorant bunch.

View attachment 124613
Dayam, are you stoopid. :ack-1:

And a bush is a shrub, does that mean we had a shrub for a president?

In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, it was named after a Roman god...

Aelia Capitolina

Following the disastrous Bar Kokhba Revolt, the emperor Hadrian began rebuilding Jerusalem, from 135 c.e., naming Itafter himself (Aelius Hadrianus) and the god Jupiter Capitolinus.

Antioch, and not Jerusalem, was the capital of Palaestina...

Provincia Syria Paelestina

The Roman province of Judea incorporated the regions of Judea, Samaria and Idumea. It extended over parts of the former regions of the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms of Israel.

It was named after Herod Archelaus‘s Tetrarchy of Judea, but the Roman province encompassed a much larger territory.

The capital of Roman Syria was established in Antioch from the very beginning of Roman rule. The administrative capital of the Judaea province, however, was shifted to Caesarea Maritima beginning in 6 AD.

Now read and learn. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina.
Fake news/history sites are where you get your information I see. Now for the source documentation.

"il patriarca di Antiochia vi abbia esercitato qualche giurisdizione al contrario fu il vescovo d AElia come il più degno che ordinò sempre quello di Cesarea Godeva nondimeno di alcuni privilegi in memoria della antica Gerusalemme I Padri del concilio di Nicea glieli conservarono riservando però sempre i diritti di metropoli alla Chiesa di Cesarea Macario Cirillo e Giovanni d Alia furono i primi cui venne in pensiero di fare erigere la sede di Gerusalemme in patriarcato Presero essi occasione dall eresia ariana che Eusebio ed Acacio di Cesarea favorivano Non vollero più dipendere da coloro dei quali detestavano la comunione Incominciarono essi dal sostenere che la loro Chiesa era apostolica la madre di tutte le Chiese della Palestina e che sebbene avesse cambiato di nome era nondimeno quella stessa Gerusalemme in cui eransi avverati i misteri della religione di Gesù Cristo ed in cui gli apostoli avevano fondato la prima Chiesa Giovenale che succedette a Prailio fece la sua domanda al concilio di Efeso non fu però che al concilio di Calcedonia che ottenne egli i diritti metropolitani sulle tre Palestine Questo vescovo è considerato come il primo patriarca di Gerusalemme e come il primo la cui giurisdizione estendevasi su tutta la Palestina la Giudea cioè la Samaria e le due Galilee S Sepolcro che è irregolare perchè fu d uopo assoggettarne la disposizione ai luoghi che si doveano comprendere questa unione perciò forma come tre chiese con tre cupole la maggiore delle quali è quella la quale cuopre il tempietto che racchiude il S Sepolcro e che illumina la gran mave del tempio Dopo l incendio del 1811 cui soggiacque la chiesa del S Sepolcro per opera dei greci residenti come gli altri nel recinto del tempio la cappella titolare della chiesa venne totalmente cambiata Essa è divisa in due parti la prima più grande dell altra di forma ovale contiene nel fondo la pietra sui cui discese il messaggiero celeste per annunziare alle sante donne che il Figlio di Dio era risorto Da questa stanza per un buco quadrato alto tre piedi parigini si passa nell altra assai più angusta piena di lumi che ardono giorno e notte dove esiste da diciotto secoli il sepolcro del Salvatore del genere umano La circonferenza della attuale Gerusalemme è di 5600 passi circa munita di mura in qualche parte forti Si divide essa in sette quartieri cioè il cristiano o cattolico l armeno il greco l ebreo il pubblico quella parte della città dove tutti concorrono perchè vi sono i mercati i bazar e le botteghe quello de Turchi che è il più grande ed il settimo del tempio così chiamato perchè contiene il solo monte Moria con qualche casa vicina e nulla più"

Bold text 1. "It was the Bishop of Aelia that ordained the Bishop of Cesarea".
Bold text 2. As first patriarch his juristiction extended over all of Palestine"

Enciclopedia dell'ecclesiastico, ovvero Dizionario della teologia dommatica e morale, del diritto canonico, delle principali nozioni bibliche, della storia della chiesa, de ss. padri, dei grandi scrittori ecclesiastici, dei papi, dei concilii generali, degli scismi, delle eresie, della liturgia ecc. opera compilata sulla Biblioteca sacra dei pp. Richard e Giraud, sul Dizionario enciclopedico della teologia di Bergier e su altre opere di scrittori chiarissimi
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Here's the translation and it doesn't say Aelia Capitolina was the capital...

The patriarch of Antioch there has exercised some jurisdiction to the contrary was the bishop of AElia as the most worthy that ordered always to Caesarea nevertheless enjoyed some privileges in memory of ancient Jerusalem the Fathers of the Council of Nicea delivered preserved by reserving however always the rights of Metropolis to the Church of Caesarea Macario Cyril and John d Alia were the first which was thought of making erect the seat of Jerusalem in the patriarchate took they occasion by the Arian heresy which Eusebius and Acacius of Caesarea favored not wanted more depend on those of which detestavano communion began they from argue that their Church apostolic was the mother of all the Churches of Palestine and That although he had changed the name was nonetheless that Jerusalem itself wherein eransi happened the mysteries of the religion of Jesus Christ and in which the Apostles had founded the first Church Juvenal that he succeeded Prailio made its application to the Council of Ephesus was not however that the Council of Chalcedon that he obtained the metropolitan rights on three Palestine This bishop is considered as the first Patriarch of Jerusalem and as the first whose jurisdiction estendevasi throughout Palestine Judea i.e. Samaria and the two Galilee s tomb which is irregular because it was d assoggettarne purpose the arrangement to the places that you doveano understand this union therefore form as three churches with three The domes, the biggest of which is the one which cuopre the tempietto that encloses the s tomb and that illuminates the gran mave of temple after the fire of 1811 soggiacque which the church of S tomb for work of Greek residents as others in the enclosure of the temple the chapel the titular of the church was totally changed it is divided in two parts the first larger than other oval contains in the bottom of the stone on which descended the heavenly messaggiero to proclaim to the holy women that the Son of God had risen from this room for a square hole top three feet Parisians goes in other much more narrow full of lumens that burn day and Night where it exists by eighteen centuries the sepulchre of the Savior of the human race to the circumference of the current Jerusalem is 5600 steps about provided with walls somewhere in strong divides it into seven districts i.e. the christian catholic or the Armenian the Greek Jew the public that part of the city where all compete because there are the markets the bazaars and workshops that de Turks who is the greatest and the seventh of the temple, so called because it contains the only mount Moriah with some nearby house and nothing more

And is not fake news.

Here's another...

Encyclopaedia Britannica: Aelia Capitolina

Aelia Capitolina, city founded in ad 135 by the Romans on the ruins of Jerusalem, which their forces, under Titus, had destroyed in ad 70. The name was given, after the Second Jewish Revolt (132–135), in honour of the emperor Hadrian (whose nomen, or clan name, was Aelius) as well as the deities of the Capitoline Triad (Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva). A sanctuary to Jupiter was built on the Temple Mount, and statues of Roman deities were erected in the city, in intentional violation of Old Testament law. The area was walled and a large foreign population imported; Jews were generally forbidden entrance to the city. The present walls of the Old City of Jerusalem follow the layout of the Roman walls. The name was used until Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century.

Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina.

You should quit while you're behind.

LOL. Even a Google translation gives me the win.

"and as the first whose jurisdiction estendevasi throughout Palestine"

You lose. Give it up.
Sadly, your derangement worsens. It said a bishop had jurisdiction throughout Palestine. It didn't say the city was the capital. And I highlight the fact that you've presented zero evidence the city was their capital. Even worse, you made the idiotic claim that the city was the capital because the name had "Capitolina" in it, when it was actually named after a Roman god.

Aelia Capitolina (Roman name for Jerusalem) was the first capital of the Roman province of Palaestina.
Uh, no. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina. Antioch was.

Sorry, but you don't get to rewrite history to make a country out of Palestine

Of course Aelia Capitolina was the capital of Palaestina. What do think Capitolina means, you dimwit. Antioch is in Turkey, you dummy. Caesarea Maritima was later made the capital of Palaestina. Sheesh, you people are truly an ignorant bunch.

View attachment 124613
Dayam, are you stoopid. :ack-1:

And a bush is a shrub, does that mean we had a shrub for a president?

In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, it was named after a Roman god...

Aelia Capitolina

Following the disastrous Bar Kokhba Revolt, the emperor Hadrian began rebuilding Jerusalem, from 135 c.e., naming Itafter himself (Aelius Hadrianus) and the god Jupiter Capitolinus.

Antioch, and not Jerusalem, was the capital of Palaestina...

Provincia Syria Paelestina

The Roman province of Judea incorporated the regions of Judea, Samaria and Idumea. It extended over parts of the former regions of the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms of Israel.

It was named after Herod Archelaus‘s Tetrarchy of Judea, but the Roman province encompassed a much larger territory.

The capital of Roman Syria was established in Antioch from the very beginning of Roman rule. The administrative capital of the Judaea province, however, was shifted to Caesarea Maritima beginning in 6 AD.

Now read and learn. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina.
Fake news/history sites are where you get your information I see. Now for the source documentation.

"il patriarca di Antiochia vi abbia esercitato qualche giurisdizione al contrario fu il vescovo d AElia come il più degno che ordinò sempre quello di Cesarea Godeva nondimeno di alcuni privilegi in memoria della antica Gerusalemme I Padri del concilio di Nicea glieli conservarono riservando però sempre i diritti di metropoli alla Chiesa di Cesarea Macario Cirillo e Giovanni d Alia furono i primi cui venne in pensiero di fare erigere la sede di Gerusalemme in patriarcato Presero essi occasione dall eresia ariana che Eusebio ed Acacio di Cesarea favorivano Non vollero più dipendere da coloro dei quali detestavano la comunione Incominciarono essi dal sostenere che la loro Chiesa era apostolica la madre di tutte le Chiese della Palestina e che sebbene avesse cambiato di nome era nondimeno quella stessa Gerusalemme in cui eransi avverati i misteri della religione di Gesù Cristo ed in cui gli apostoli avevano fondato la prima Chiesa Giovenale che succedette a Prailio fece la sua domanda al concilio di Efeso non fu però che al concilio di Calcedonia che ottenne egli i diritti metropolitani sulle tre Palestine Questo vescovo è considerato come il primo patriarca di Gerusalemme e come il primo la cui giurisdizione estendevasi su tutta la Palestina la Giudea cioè la Samaria e le due Galilee S Sepolcro che è irregolare perchè fu d uopo assoggettarne la disposizione ai luoghi che si doveano comprendere questa unione perciò forma come tre chiese con tre cupole la maggiore delle quali è quella la quale cuopre il tempietto che racchiude il S Sepolcro e che illumina la gran mave del tempio Dopo l incendio del 1811 cui soggiacque la chiesa del S Sepolcro per opera dei greci residenti come gli altri nel recinto del tempio la cappella titolare della chiesa venne totalmente cambiata Essa è divisa in due parti la prima più grande dell altra di forma ovale contiene nel fondo la pietra sui cui discese il messaggiero celeste per annunziare alle sante donne che il Figlio di Dio era risorto Da questa stanza per un buco quadrato alto tre piedi parigini si passa nell altra assai più angusta piena di lumi che ardono giorno e notte dove esiste da diciotto secoli il sepolcro del Salvatore del genere umano La circonferenza della attuale Gerusalemme è di 5600 passi circa munita di mura in qualche parte forti Si divide essa in sette quartieri cioè il cristiano o cattolico l armeno il greco l ebreo il pubblico quella parte della città dove tutti concorrono perchè vi sono i mercati i bazar e le botteghe quello de Turchi che è il più grande ed il settimo del tempio così chiamato perchè contiene il solo monte Moria con qualche casa vicina e nulla più"

Bold text 1. "It was the Bishop of Aelia that ordained the Bishop of Cesarea".
Bold text 2. As first patriarch his juristiction extended over all of Palestine"

Enciclopedia dell'ecclesiastico, ovvero Dizionario della teologia dommatica e morale, del diritto canonico, delle principali nozioni bibliche, della storia della chiesa, de ss. padri, dei grandi scrittori ecclesiastici, dei papi, dei concilii generali, degli scismi, delle eresie, della liturgia ecc. opera compilata sulla Biblioteca sacra dei pp. Richard e Giraud, sul Dizionario enciclopedico della teologia di Bergier e su altre opere di scrittori chiarissimi

What the fuck is that? C'mon translate it, if you can.
Uh, no. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina. Antioch was.

Sorry, but you don't get to rewrite history to make a country out of Palestine

Of course Aelia Capitolina was the capital of Palaestina. What do think Capitolina means, you dimwit. Antioch is in Turkey, you dummy. Caesarea Maritima was later made the capital of Palaestina. Sheesh, you people are truly an ignorant bunch.

View attachment 124613
Dayam, are you stoopid. :ack-1:

And a bush is a shrub, does that mean we had a shrub for a president?

In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, it was named after a Roman god...

Aelia Capitolina

Following the disastrous Bar Kokhba Revolt, the emperor Hadrian began rebuilding Jerusalem, from 135 c.e., naming Itafter himself (Aelius Hadrianus) and the god Jupiter Capitolinus.

Antioch, and not Jerusalem, was the capital of Palaestina...

Provincia Syria Paelestina

The Roman province of Judea incorporated the regions of Judea, Samaria and Idumea. It extended over parts of the former regions of the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms of Israel.

It was named after Herod Archelaus‘s Tetrarchy of Judea, but the Roman province encompassed a much larger territory.

The capital of Roman Syria was established in Antioch from the very beginning of Roman rule. The administrative capital of the Judaea province, however, was shifted to Caesarea Maritima beginning in 6 AD.

Now read and learn. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina.
Fake news/history sites are where you get your information I see. Now for the source documentation.

"il patriarca di Antiochia vi abbia esercitato qualche giurisdizione al contrario fu il vescovo d AElia come il più degno che ordinò sempre quello di Cesarea Godeva nondimeno di alcuni privilegi in memoria della antica Gerusalemme I Padri del concilio di Nicea glieli conservarono riservando però sempre i diritti di metropoli alla Chiesa di Cesarea Macario Cirillo e Giovanni d Alia furono i primi cui venne in pensiero di fare erigere la sede di Gerusalemme in patriarcato Presero essi occasione dall eresia ariana che Eusebio ed Acacio di Cesarea favorivano Non vollero più dipendere da coloro dei quali detestavano la comunione Incominciarono essi dal sostenere che la loro Chiesa era apostolica la madre di tutte le Chiese della Palestina e che sebbene avesse cambiato di nome era nondimeno quella stessa Gerusalemme in cui eransi avverati i misteri della religione di Gesù Cristo ed in cui gli apostoli avevano fondato la prima Chiesa Giovenale che succedette a Prailio fece la sua domanda al concilio di Efeso non fu però che al concilio di Calcedonia che ottenne egli i diritti metropolitani sulle tre Palestine Questo vescovo è considerato come il primo patriarca di Gerusalemme e come il primo la cui giurisdizione estendevasi su tutta la Palestina la Giudea cioè la Samaria e le due Galilee S Sepolcro che è irregolare perchè fu d uopo assoggettarne la disposizione ai luoghi che si doveano comprendere questa unione perciò forma come tre chiese con tre cupole la maggiore delle quali è quella la quale cuopre il tempietto che racchiude il S Sepolcro e che illumina la gran mave del tempio Dopo l incendio del 1811 cui soggiacque la chiesa del S Sepolcro per opera dei greci residenti come gli altri nel recinto del tempio la cappella titolare della chiesa venne totalmente cambiata Essa è divisa in due parti la prima più grande dell altra di forma ovale contiene nel fondo la pietra sui cui discese il messaggiero celeste per annunziare alle sante donne che il Figlio di Dio era risorto Da questa stanza per un buco quadrato alto tre piedi parigini si passa nell altra assai più angusta piena di lumi che ardono giorno e notte dove esiste da diciotto secoli il sepolcro del Salvatore del genere umano La circonferenza della attuale Gerusalemme è di 5600 passi circa munita di mura in qualche parte forti Si divide essa in sette quartieri cioè il cristiano o cattolico l armeno il greco l ebreo il pubblico quella parte della città dove tutti concorrono perchè vi sono i mercati i bazar e le botteghe quello de Turchi che è il più grande ed il settimo del tempio così chiamato perchè contiene il solo monte Moria con qualche casa vicina e nulla più"

Bold text 1. "It was the Bishop of Aelia that ordained the Bishop of Cesarea".
Bold text 2. As first patriarch his juristiction extended over all of Palestine"

Enciclopedia dell'ecclesiastico, ovvero Dizionario della teologia dommatica e morale, del diritto canonico, delle principali nozioni bibliche, della storia della chiesa, de ss. padri, dei grandi scrittori ecclesiastici, dei papi, dei concilii generali, degli scismi, delle eresie, della liturgia ecc. opera compilata sulla Biblioteca sacra dei pp. Richard e Giraud, sul Dizionario enciclopedico della teologia di Bergier e su altre opere di scrittori chiarissimi

What the fuck is that? C'mon translate it, if you can.

I translated the relevant passages in bold. And yes, I am fluent in a few languages, including Italian.

Is bullshit one of them?
These Jewish supremacists do not want peace. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying. They live above the laws of every other nation on earth. Where else on our entire planet can you do this and not be a legitimate military target?

Israel planning 15,000 more settlement homes in Jerusalem

>>In 2015, Israel approved 2,200 new Arab units to be built in the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood in Jerusalem, and retroactively approved the illegal building for 300 other units. Arab leaders complained about it!

In 2016, Israel approved 600 new Arab home units in Beit Safafa.

If Israel is approving far more Arab homes than it is destroying, then "ethnic cleansing" doesn't quite seem accurate.<<

Under court's pressure, Israel okays 600 housing units for Arabs in ... › Israel News
Jul 03, 2016 11:46 PM ... Israel has approved plans for the construction of 600 new housing units for Arabs in Givat Hamatos in East Jerusalem, over a month after a court rejected the state's claims that the construction plancould not go ...
In 'major victory to Arab residents,' 2,200 homes approved in east ...
Mar 31, 2015 - Plan also retroactively legalizes 300 homes built without permits; Right-wing ... approved preliminary plans for the construction of 2,200 Arab housing units in ... “The housing shortage in east Jerusalem is enormous, and this is the first .... www . npr . org/2016/07/06/484987245/jewish-reporters-harassed-by- ...
The Real Illegal Settlements - Gatestone Institute
The Real Illegal Settlements
Dec 5, 2016 - While construction in Jewish settlements of the West Bank and neighborhoods of Jerusalem ... The Real Illegal Settlements. byBassam Tawil

Gosh, the Zionist regime had to be forced, kicking and screaming, to allow 600 houses to be built by Palestinians, yet 15,000 Israeli houses are passed on a nod. I think Louie888 has hit the nail on the head with this. Oh, as for the 2200 figure above, from the article, “The housing shortage in east Jerusalem is enormous, and this is the first time that a plan of this extent has been approved for a Palestinian neighborhood.” not bad in 70 years. :rolleyes:
These Jewish supremacists do not want peace. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying. They live above the laws of every other nation on earth. Where else on our entire planet can you do this and not be a legitimate military target?

Israel planning 15,000 more settlement homes in Jerusalem

>>In 2015, Israel approved 2,200 new Arab units to be built in the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood in Jerusalem, and retroactively approved the illegal building for 300 other units. Arab leaders complained about it!

In 2016, Israel approved 600 new Arab home units in Beit Safafa.

If Israel is approving far more Arab homes than it is destroying, then "ethnic cleansing" doesn't quite seem accurate.<<

Under court's pressure, Israel okays 600 housing units for Arabs in ... › Israel News
Jul 03, 2016 11:46 PM ... Israel has approved plans for the construction of 600 new housing units for Arabs in Givat Hamatos in East Jerusalem, over a month after a court rejected the state's claims that the construction plancould not go ...
In 'major victory to Arab residents,' 2,200 homes approved in east ...
Mar 31, 2015 - Plan also retroactively legalizes 300 homes built without permits; Right-wing ... approved preliminary plans for the construction of 2,200 Arab housing units in ... “The housing shortage in east Jerusalem is enormous, and this is the first .... www . npr . org/2016/07/06/484987245/jewish-reporters-harassed-by- ...
The Real Illegal Settlements - Gatestone Institute
The Real Illegal Settlements
Dec 5, 2016 - While construction in Jewish settlements of the West Bank and neighborhoods of Jerusalem ... The Real Illegal Settlements. byBassam Tawil

Gosh, the Zionist regime had to be forced, kicking and screaming, to allow 600 houses to be built by Palestinians, yet 15,000 Israeli houses are passed on a nod. I think Louie888 has hit the nail on the head with this. Oh, as for the 2200 figure above, from the article, “The housing shortage in east Jerusalem is enormous, and this is the first time that a plan of this extent has been approved for a Palestinian neighborhood.” not bad in 70 years. :rolleyes:

Well golly. How difficult it must have been for the competing Islamist terrorist regimes to forego padding their personal bank accounts with UNRWA welfare fraud money and allow some of those welfare fraud dollars to be used for housing.

Let's hope that the rulers of the competing mini-caliphate'ists see the error of their ways and use their welfare fraud money for what it was intended for: making Islamic terrorist kingpins absurdly wealthy.
Shusha would be one of the Germans asking what was wrong with building homes for Germans in Czechoslovakia, Poland etc. for Germans under Generalplan Ost. LOL

Czechoslovakia and Poland are neither Germany's capital.
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and Jewish homes have been standing there for thousands of years.

Those are Roman homes. Jerusalem was a Christian city before the Muslim conquests. The Jews had long before converted to Christianity.

Indeed but then who were all those Jews Heraclius expelled from Jerusalem?

Jerusalem has been our capital for 3000 years.

Heraclius expelled Jews that had massacred, with the Persians (Sasanians), most of the Christian inhabitants of Jerusalem. The Jews had been part of the Persian army that had conquered Palestine several years earlier. Heraclius had reconquered what had been a Christian city for centuries.

This wouldn't be the only time Jews collaborated against Christians, they also did such during the Muslim invasions of Spain, not to mention they are supporting Muslim refugees for Christian America today.
Last edited:
Shusha would be one of the Germans asking what was wrong with building homes for Germans in Czechoslovakia, Poland etc. for Germans under Generalplan Ost. LOL

Czechoslovakia and Poland are neither Germany's capital.
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and Jewish homes have been standing there for thousands of years.

Those are Roman homes. Jerusalem was a Christian city before the Muslim conquests. The Jews had long before converted to Christianity.

Indeed but then who were all those Jews Heraclius expelled from Jerusalem?

Jerusalem has been our capital for 3000 years.

Heraclius expelled Jews that had massacred, with the Persians (Sasanians), most of the Christian inhabitants of Jerusalem. The Jews had been part of the Persian army that had conquered Palestine several years earlier. Heraclius had reconquered what had been a Christian city for centuries.

This wouldn't be the only time Jews collaborated against Christians, they also did such during the Muslim invasions of Spain, not to mention they are supporting Muslim refugees for Christian America today.

Got some proof of that statement? Sounds like a lie.
Czechoslovakia and Poland are neither Germany's capital.
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and Jewish homes have been standing there for thousands of years.

Those are Roman homes. Jerusalem was a Christian city before the Muslim conquests. The Jews had long before converted to Christianity.

Indeed but then who were all those Jews Heraclius expelled from Jerusalem?

Jerusalem has been our capital for 3000 years.

Heraclius expelled Jews that had massacred, with the Persians (Sasanians), most of the Christian inhabitants of Jerusalem. The Jews had been part of the Persian army that had conquered Palestine several years earlier. Heraclius had reconquered what had been a Christian city for centuries.

This wouldn't be the only time Jews collaborated against Christians, they also did such during the Muslim invasions of Spain, not to mention they are supporting Muslim refugees for Christian America today.

Got some proof of that statement? Sounds like a lie.

1,500 Jewish Rabbis have signed a letter urging Trump to accept Islamic refugees.

Just about all Jewish organizations were against Trump for his harsh views on Muslims.
Those are Roman homes. Jerusalem was a Christian city before the Muslim conquests. The Jews had long before converted to Christianity.

Indeed but then who were all those Jews Heraclius expelled from Jerusalem?

Jerusalem has been our capital for 3000 years.

Heraclius expelled Jews that had massacred, with the Persians (Sasanians), most of the Christian inhabitants of Jerusalem. The Jews had been part of the Persian army that had conquered Palestine several years earlier. Heraclius had reconquered what had been a Christian city for centuries.

This wouldn't be the only time Jews collaborated against Christians, they also did such during the Muslim invasions of Spain, not to mention they are supporting Muslim refugees for Christian America today.

Got some proof of that statement? Sounds like a lie.

1,500 Jewish Rabbis have signed a letter urging Trump to accept Islamic refugees.

Just about all Jewish organizations were against Trump for his harsh views on Muslims.

How about a source besides you.
What it's capability and mission was, was secret, but the unmanned ship has been well photographed from outside
Those are Roman homes. Jerusalem was a Christian city before the Muslim conquests. The Jews had long before converted to Christianity.

Indeed but then who were all those Jews Heraclius expelled from Jerusalem?

Jerusalem has been our capital for 3000 years.

Heraclius expelled Jews that had massacred, with the Persians (Sasanians), most of the Christian inhabitants of Jerusalem. The Jews had been part of the Persian army that had conquered Palestine several years earlier. Heraclius had reconquered what had been a Christian city for centuries.

This wouldn't be the only time Jews collaborated against Christians, they also did such during the Muslim invasions of Spain, not to mention they are supporting Muslim refugees for Christian America today.

Got some proof of that statement? Sounds like a lie.

1,500 Jewish Rabbis have signed a letter urging Trump to accept Islamic refugees.

Just about all Jewish organizations were against Trump for his harsh views on Muslims.

Misguided leftist Jews. My parents were also refugees once-upon-a-time, after WW2. That's why many Jews feel empathy towards Muslim refugees--otherwise they'd be called hypocritical and monstrous. They don't understand that Jewish refugees were like bunnies, compared to the current Muslim refugee snakes.
Indeed but then who were all those Jews Heraclius expelled from Jerusalem?

Jerusalem has been our capital for 3000 years.

Heraclius expelled Jews that had massacred, with the Persians (Sasanians), most of the Christian inhabitants of Jerusalem. The Jews had been part of the Persian army that had conquered Palestine several years earlier. Heraclius had reconquered what had been a Christian city for centuries.

This wouldn't be the only time Jews collaborated against Christians, they also did such during the Muslim invasions of Spain, not to mention they are supporting Muslim refugees for Christian America today.

Got some proof of that statement? Sounds like a lie.

1,500 Jewish Rabbis have signed a letter urging Trump to accept Islamic refugees.

Just about all Jewish organizations were against Trump for his harsh views on Muslims.

Misguided leftist Jews. My parents were also refugees once-upon-a-time, after WW2. That's why many Jews feel empathy towards Muslim refugees--otherwise they'd be called hypocritical and monstrous. They don't understand that Jewish refugees were like bunnies, compared to the current Muslim refugee snakes.

As much as these terrorist ass kissers keep lying, Palestine never ever had a capital, ruler, or currency.

True story. :cool:

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