Israel is building 15,000 more homes in the capital of Palestine

These Jewish supremacists do not want peace. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying. They live above the laws of every other nation on earth. Where else on our entire planet can you do this and not be a legitimate military target?

Israel planning 15,000 more settlement homes in Jerusalem
Palestine is not a country. Therefore it has no capital.
Answer these questions about Palestine.

I never quite understood the point of that Zionist meme. It would be like questioning bona fides of Namibia prior to becoming a state. These Zionists are delusional. They ignore the fact that the ancestors of today's Palestinians were subjects of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem for longer than Israel has been a country.

These Jewish supremacists do not want peace. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying. They live above the laws of every other nation on earth. Where else on our entire planet can you do this and not be a legitimate military target?

Israel planning 15,000 more settlement homes in Jerusalem
Palestine is not a country. Therefore it has no capital.
Answer these questions about Palestine.

I never quite understood the point of that Zionist meme. It would be like questioning bona fides of Namibia prior to becoming a state. These Zionists are delusional. They ignore the fact that the ancestors of today's Palestinians were subjects of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem for longer than Israel has been a country.


Just fact.
These Jewish supremacists do not want peace. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying. They live above the laws of every other nation on earth. Where else on our entire planet can you do this and not be a legitimate military target?

Israel planning 15,000 more settlement homes in Jerusalem
Palestine is not a country. Therefore it has no capital.
Answer these questions about Palestine.

I never quite understood the point of that Zionist meme. It would be like questioning bona fides of Namibia prior to becoming a state. These Zionists are delusional. They ignore the fact that the ancestors of today's Palestinians were subjects of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem for longer than Israel has been a country.


Just fact.
Then prove it. Maybe some historians from that period say differently.
These Jewish supremacists do not want peace. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying. They live above the laws of every other nation on earth. Where else on our entire planet can you do this and not be a legitimate military target?

Israel planning 15,000 more settlement homes in Jerusalem

Jerusalem does not belong to you anti-Semite. it's the jewish capital and has been for thousands of years.

you terrorist supporters are funny.... :cuckoo:
These Jewish supremacists do not want peace. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying. They live above the laws of every other nation on earth. Where else on our entire planet can you do this and not be a legitimate military target?

Israel planning 15,000 more settlement homes in Jerusalem
Palestine is not a country. Therefore it has no capital.
Answer these questions about Palestine.

I never quite understood the point of that Zionist meme. It would be like questioning bona fides of Namibia prior to becoming a state. These Zionists are delusional. They ignore the fact that the ancestors of today's Palestinians were subjects of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem for longer than Israel has been a country.


Just fact.
Then prove it. Maybe some historians from that period say differently.

You want me to prove that there was there was a Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and that it had Palestinians subjects? Are you nuts. Just watch the movie Kingdom of Heaven.
Palestine is not a country. Therefore it has no capital.
Answer these questions about Palestine.

I never quite understood the point of that Zionist meme. It would be like questioning bona fides of Namibia prior to becoming a state. These Zionists are delusional. They ignore the fact that the ancestors of today's Palestinians were subjects of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem for longer than Israel has been a country.


Just fact.
Then prove it. Maybe some historians from that period say differently.

You want me to prove that there was there was a Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and that it had Palestinians subjects? Are you nuts. Just watch the movie Kingdom of Heaven.

Your source is a movie? Come back when you are serious.
Israel builds homes. The HORROR!
Minimize much?

Minimize what? Building houses?

Look you little turd. They are building houses, never mind on stolen land, but that will be walled and act as military occupation citadels to rule over and oppress people that happen to practice Islam or Christianity. Any other country that exhibited that type of racism would be under international sanctions.

you got to remember you are arguing with a paid shill of Israel sent here to troll,not worth the trouble doing so.ignore him.
I never quite understood the point of that Zionist meme. It would be like questioning bona fides of Namibia prior to becoming a state. These Zionists are delusional. They ignore the fact that the ancestors of today's Palestinians were subjects of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem for longer than Israel has been a country.


Just fact.
Then prove it. Maybe some historians from that period say differently.

You want me to prove that there was there was a Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and that it had Palestinians subjects? Are you nuts. Just watch the movie Kingdom of Heaven.

Your source is a movie? Come back when you are serious.

You truly are unaware that there was a Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Unbelievable. Go study a bit before posting nonsense you uneducated dimwit.
Then prove it. Maybe some historians from that period say differently.

You want me to prove that there was there was a Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and that it had Palestinians subjects? Are you nuts. Just watch the movie Kingdom of Heaven.

Your source is a movie? Come back when you are serious.

You truly are unaware that there was a Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Unbelievable. Go study a bit before posting nonsense you uneducated dimwit.

When did they start claiming they were Palestinian, around the time of that ass whooping in the 60's?
Just fact.
Then prove it. Maybe some historians from that period say differently.

You want me to prove that there was there was a Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and that it had Palestinians subjects? Are you nuts. Just watch the movie Kingdom of Heaven.

Your source is a movie? Come back when you are serious.

You truly are unaware that there was a Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Unbelievable. Go study a bit before posting nonsense you uneducated dimwit.

When did they start claiming they were Palestinian, around the time of that ass whooping in the 60's?

They have identified as the people of Palestine since the Mandate was established. 1921 or so. You did not know that. Of course not, you only accept Zionist propaganda as fact. Luckily there are archives that contain some of the first correspondence between the Palestinians and the British Colonial Office. You see, Zionist propaganda is not fact.



Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty.
JUNE, 1922.

Whilst the position in Palestine is, as it stands to-day, with the British Government holding authority by an occupying force, and using that authority to impose upon the people against their wishes a great immigration of alien Jews, many of them of a Bolshevik revolutionary type, no constitution which would fall short of giving the People of Palestine full control of their own affairs could be acceptable.

If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day the People of Palestine assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration..............."
Then prove it. Maybe some historians from that period say differently.

You want me to prove that there was there was a Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and that it had Palestinians subjects? Are you nuts. Just watch the movie Kingdom of Heaven.

Your source is a movie? Come back when you are serious.

You truly are unaware that there was a Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Unbelievable. Go study a bit before posting nonsense you uneducated dimwit.

When did they start claiming they were Palestinian, around the time of that ass whooping in the 60's?

They have identified as the people of Palestine since the Mandate was established. 1921 or so. You did not know that. Of course not, you only accept Zionist propaganda as fact. Luckily there are archives that contain some of the first correspondence between the Palestinians and the British Colonial Office. You see, Zionist propaganda is not fact.



Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty.
JUNE, 1922.

Whilst the position in Palestine is, as it stands to-day, with the British Government holding authority by an occupying force, and using that authority to impose upon the people against their wishes a great immigration of alien Jews, many of them of a Bolshevik revolutionary type, no constitution which would fall short of giving the People of Palestine full control of their own affairs could be acceptable.

If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day the People of Palestine assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration..............."

UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization/British policy in Palestine: "Churchill White Paper" - UK documentation Cmd. 1700/Non-UN document (excerpts) (1 July 1922)
Islamists do not want peace, that is also fact.
Aelia Capitolina (Roman name for Jerusalem) was the first capital of the Roman province of Palaestina.
Uh, no. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina. Antioch was.

Sorry, but you don't get to rewrite history to make a country out of Palestine
Aelia Capitolina (Roman name for Jerusalem) was the first capital of the Roman province of Palaestina.
Uh, no. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina. Antioch was.

Sorry, but you don't get to rewrite history to make a country out of Palestine

Of course Aelia Capitolina was the capital of Palaestina. What do think Capitolina means, you dimwit. Antioch is in Turkey, you dummy. Caesarea Maritima was later made the capital of Palaestina. Sheesh, you people are truly an ignorant bunch.

Aelia Capitolina (Roman name for Jerusalem) was the first capital of the Roman province of Palaestina.
Uh, no. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina. Antioch was.

Sorry, but you don't get to rewrite history to make a country out of Palestine

Of course Aelia Capitolina was the capital of Palaestina. What do think Capitolina means, you dimwit. Antioch is in Turkey, you dummy. Caesarea Maritima was later made the capital of Palaestina. Sheesh, you people are truly an ignorant bunch.

View attachment 124613
Dayam, are you stoopid. :ack-1:

And a bush is a shrub, does that mean we had a shrub for a president?

In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, it was named after a Roman god...

Aelia Capitolina

Following the disastrous Bar Kokhba Revolt, the emperor Hadrian began rebuilding Jerusalem, from 135 c.e., naming Itafter himself (Aelius Hadrianus) and the god Jupiter Capitolinus.

Antioch, and not Jerusalem, was the capital of Palaestina...

Provincia Syria Paelestina

The Roman province of Judea incorporated the regions of Judea, Samaria and Idumea. It extended over parts of the former regions of the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms of Israel.

It was named after Herod Archelaus‘s Tetrarchy of Judea, but the Roman province encompassed a much larger territory.

The capital of Roman Syria was established in Antioch from the very beginning of Roman rule. The administrative capital of the Judaea province, however, was shifted to Caesarea Maritima beginning in 6 AD.

Now read and learn. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina.
Last edited:
Aelia Capitolina (Roman name for Jerusalem) was the first capital of the Roman province of Palaestina.
Uh, no. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina. Antioch was.

Sorry, but you don't get to rewrite history to make a country out of Palestine

Of course Aelia Capitolina was the capital of Palaestina. What do think Capitolina means, you dimwit. Antioch is in Turkey, you dummy. Caesarea Maritima was later made the capital of Palaestina. Sheesh, you people are truly an ignorant bunch.

View attachment 124613
Dayam, are you stoopid. :ack-1:

And a bush is a shrub, does that mean we had a shrub for a president?

In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, it was named after a Roman god...

Aelia Capitolina

Following the disastrous Bar Kokhba Revolt, the emperor Hadrian began rebuilding Jerusalem, from 135 c.e., naming Itafter himself (Aelius Hadrianus) and the god Jupiter Capitolinus.

Antioch, and not Jerusalem, was the capital of Palaestina...

Provincia Syria Paelestina

The Roman province of Judea incorporated the regions of Judea, Samaria and Idumea. It extended over parts of the former regions of the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms of Israel.

It was named after Herod Archelaus‘s Tetrarchy of Judea, but the Roman province encompassed a much larger territory.

The capital of Roman Syria was established in Antioch from the very beginning of Roman rule. The administrative capital of the Judaea province, however, was shifted to Caesarea Maritima beginning in 6 AD.

Now read and learn. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina.
Fake news/history sites are where you get your information I see. Now for the source documentation.

"il patriarca di Antiochia vi abbia esercitato qualche giurisdizione al contrario fu il vescovo d AElia come il più degno che ordinò sempre quello di Cesarea Godeva nondimeno di alcuni privilegi in memoria della antica Gerusalemme I Padri del concilio di Nicea glieli conservarono riservando però sempre i diritti di metropoli alla Chiesa di Cesarea Macario Cirillo e Giovanni d Alia furono i primi cui venne in pensiero di fare erigere la sede di Gerusalemme in patriarcato Presero essi occasione dall eresia ariana che Eusebio ed Acacio di Cesarea favorivano Non vollero più dipendere da coloro dei quali detestavano la comunione Incominciarono essi dal sostenere che la loro Chiesa era apostolica la madre di tutte le Chiese della Palestina e che sebbene avesse cambiato di nome era nondimeno quella stessa Gerusalemme in cui eransi avverati i misteri della religione di Gesù Cristo ed in cui gli apostoli avevano fondato la prima Chiesa Giovenale che succedette a Prailio fece la sua domanda al concilio di Efeso non fu però che al concilio di Calcedonia che ottenne egli i diritti metropolitani sulle tre Palestine Questo vescovo è considerato come il primo patriarca di Gerusalemme e come il primo la cui giurisdizione estendevasi su tutta la Palestina la Giudea cioè la Samaria e le due Galilee S Sepolcro che è irregolare perchè fu d uopo assoggettarne la disposizione ai luoghi che si doveano comprendere questa unione perciò forma come tre chiese con tre cupole la maggiore delle quali è quella la quale cuopre il tempietto che racchiude il S Sepolcro e che illumina la gran mave del tempio Dopo l incendio del 1811 cui soggiacque la chiesa del S Sepolcro per opera dei greci residenti come gli altri nel recinto del tempio la cappella titolare della chiesa venne totalmente cambiata Essa è divisa in due parti la prima più grande dell altra di forma ovale contiene nel fondo la pietra sui cui discese il messaggiero celeste per annunziare alle sante donne che il Figlio di Dio era risorto Da questa stanza per un buco quadrato alto tre piedi parigini si passa nell altra assai più angusta piena di lumi che ardono giorno e notte dove esiste da diciotto secoli il sepolcro del Salvatore del genere umano La circonferenza della attuale Gerusalemme è di 5600 passi circa munita di mura in qualche parte forti Si divide essa in sette quartieri cioè il cristiano o cattolico l armeno il greco l ebreo il pubblico quella parte della città dove tutti concorrono perchè vi sono i mercati i bazar e le botteghe quello de Turchi che è il più grande ed il settimo del tempio così chiamato perchè contiene il solo monte Moria con qualche casa vicina e nulla più"

Bold text 1. "It was the Bishop of Aelia that ordained the Bishop of Cesarea".
Bold text 2. As first patriarch his juristiction extended over all of Palestine"

Enciclopedia dell'ecclesiastico, ovvero Dizionario della teologia dommatica e morale, del diritto canonico, delle principali nozioni bibliche, della storia della chiesa, de ss. padri, dei grandi scrittori ecclesiastici, dei papi, dei concilii generali, degli scismi, delle eresie, della liturgia ecc. opera compilata sulla Biblioteca sacra dei pp. Richard e Giraud, sul Dizionario enciclopedico della teologia di Bergier e su altre opere di scrittori chiarissimi
Aelia Capitolina (Roman name for Jerusalem) was the first capital of the Roman province of Palaestina.
Uh, no. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina. Antioch was.

Sorry, but you don't get to rewrite history to make a country out of Palestine

Of course Aelia Capitolina was the capital of Palaestina. What do think Capitolina means, you dimwit. Antioch is in Turkey, you dummy. Caesarea Maritima was later made the capital of Palaestina. Sheesh, you people are truly an ignorant bunch.

View attachment 124613
Dayam, are you stoopid. :ack-1:

And a bush is a shrub, does that mean we had a shrub for a president?

In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, it was named after a Roman god...

Aelia Capitolina

Following the disastrous Bar Kokhba Revolt, the emperor Hadrian began rebuilding Jerusalem, from 135 c.e., naming Itafter himself (Aelius Hadrianus) and the god Jupiter Capitolinus.

Antioch, and not Jerusalem, was the capital of Palaestina...

Provincia Syria Paelestina

The Roman province of Judea incorporated the regions of Judea, Samaria and Idumea. It extended over parts of the former regions of the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms of Israel.

It was named after Herod Archelaus‘s Tetrarchy of Judea, but the Roman province encompassed a much larger territory.

The capital of Roman Syria was established in Antioch from the very beginning of Roman rule. The administrative capital of the Judaea province, however, was shifted to Caesarea Maritima beginning in 6 AD.

Now read and learn. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina.
Fake news/history sites are where you get your information I see. Now for the source documentation.

"il patriarca di Antiochia vi abbia esercitato qualche giurisdizione al contrario fu il vescovo d AElia come il più degno che ordinò sempre quello di Cesarea Godeva nondimeno di alcuni privilegi in memoria della antica Gerusalemme I Padri del concilio di Nicea glieli conservarono riservando però sempre i diritti di metropoli alla Chiesa di Cesarea Macario Cirillo e Giovanni d Alia furono i primi cui venne in pensiero di fare erigere la sede di Gerusalemme in patriarcato Presero essi occasione dall eresia ariana che Eusebio ed Acacio di Cesarea favorivano Non vollero più dipendere da coloro dei quali detestavano la comunione Incominciarono essi dal sostenere che la loro Chiesa era apostolica la madre di tutte le Chiese della Palestina e che sebbene avesse cambiato di nome era nondimeno quella stessa Gerusalemme in cui eransi avverati i misteri della religione di Gesù Cristo ed in cui gli apostoli avevano fondato la prima Chiesa Giovenale che succedette a Prailio fece la sua domanda al concilio di Efeso non fu però che al concilio di Calcedonia che ottenne egli i diritti metropolitani sulle tre Palestine Questo vescovo è considerato come il primo patriarca di Gerusalemme e come il primo la cui giurisdizione estendevasi su tutta la Palestina la Giudea cioè la Samaria e le due Galilee S Sepolcro che è irregolare perchè fu d uopo assoggettarne la disposizione ai luoghi che si doveano comprendere questa unione perciò forma come tre chiese con tre cupole la maggiore delle quali è quella la quale cuopre il tempietto che racchiude il S Sepolcro e che illumina la gran mave del tempio Dopo l incendio del 1811 cui soggiacque la chiesa del S Sepolcro per opera dei greci residenti come gli altri nel recinto del tempio la cappella titolare della chiesa venne totalmente cambiata Essa è divisa in due parti la prima più grande dell altra di forma ovale contiene nel fondo la pietra sui cui discese il messaggiero celeste per annunziare alle sante donne che il Figlio di Dio era risorto Da questa stanza per un buco quadrato alto tre piedi parigini si passa nell altra assai più angusta piena di lumi che ardono giorno e notte dove esiste da diciotto secoli il sepolcro del Salvatore del genere umano La circonferenza della attuale Gerusalemme è di 5600 passi circa munita di mura in qualche parte forti Si divide essa in sette quartieri cioè il cristiano o cattolico l armeno il greco l ebreo il pubblico quella parte della città dove tutti concorrono perchè vi sono i mercati i bazar e le botteghe quello de Turchi che è il più grande ed il settimo del tempio così chiamato perchè contiene il solo monte Moria con qualche casa vicina e nulla più"

Bold text 1. "It was the Bishop of Aelia that ordained the Bishop of Cesarea".
Bold text 2. As first patriarch his juristiction extended over all of Palestine"

Enciclopedia dell'ecclesiastico, ovvero Dizionario della teologia dommatica e morale, del diritto canonico, delle principali nozioni bibliche, della storia della chiesa, de ss. padri, dei grandi scrittori ecclesiastici, dei papi, dei concilii generali, degli scismi, delle eresie, della liturgia ecc. opera compilata sulla Biblioteca sacra dei pp. Richard e Giraud, sul Dizionario enciclopedico della teologia di Bergier e su altre opere di scrittori chiarissimi

What the fuck is that? C'mon translate it, if you can.
Aelia Capitolina (Roman name for Jerusalem) was the first capital of the Roman province of Palaestina.
Uh, no. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina. Antioch was.

Sorry, but you don't get to rewrite history to make a country out of Palestine

Of course Aelia Capitolina was the capital of Palaestina. What do think Capitolina means, you dimwit. Antioch is in Turkey, you dummy. Caesarea Maritima was later made the capital of Palaestina. Sheesh, you people are truly an ignorant bunch.

View attachment 124613
Dayam, are you stoopid. :ack-1:

And a bush is a shrub, does that mean we had a shrub for a president?

In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, it was named after a Roman god...

Aelia Capitolina

Following the disastrous Bar Kokhba Revolt, the emperor Hadrian began rebuilding Jerusalem, from 135 c.e., naming Itafter himself (Aelius Hadrianus) and the god Jupiter Capitolinus.

Antioch, and not Jerusalem, was the capital of Palaestina...

Provincia Syria Paelestina

The Roman province of Judea incorporated the regions of Judea, Samaria and Idumea. It extended over parts of the former regions of the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms of Israel.

It was named after Herod Archelaus‘s Tetrarchy of Judea, but the Roman province encompassed a much larger territory.

The capital of Roman Syria was established in Antioch from the very beginning of Roman rule. The administrative capital of the Judaea province, however, was shifted to Caesarea Maritima beginning in 6 AD.

Now read and learn. Jerusalem was never the capital of Palaestina.
Fake news/history sites are where you get your information I see. Now for the source documentation.

"il patriarca di Antiochia vi abbia esercitato qualche giurisdizione al contrario fu il vescovo d AElia come il più degno che ordinò sempre quello di Cesarea Godeva nondimeno di alcuni privilegi in memoria della antica Gerusalemme I Padri del concilio di Nicea glieli conservarono riservando però sempre i diritti di metropoli alla Chiesa di Cesarea Macario Cirillo e Giovanni d Alia furono i primi cui venne in pensiero di fare erigere la sede di Gerusalemme in patriarcato Presero essi occasione dall eresia ariana che Eusebio ed Acacio di Cesarea favorivano Non vollero più dipendere da coloro dei quali detestavano la comunione Incominciarono essi dal sostenere che la loro Chiesa era apostolica la madre di tutte le Chiese della Palestina e che sebbene avesse cambiato di nome era nondimeno quella stessa Gerusalemme in cui eransi avverati i misteri della religione di Gesù Cristo ed in cui gli apostoli avevano fondato la prima Chiesa Giovenale che succedette a Prailio fece la sua domanda al concilio di Efeso non fu però che al concilio di Calcedonia che ottenne egli i diritti metropolitani sulle tre Palestine Questo vescovo è considerato come il primo patriarca di Gerusalemme e come il primo la cui giurisdizione estendevasi su tutta la Palestina la Giudea cioè la Samaria e le due Galilee S Sepolcro che è irregolare perchè fu d uopo assoggettarne la disposizione ai luoghi che si doveano comprendere questa unione perciò forma come tre chiese con tre cupole la maggiore delle quali è quella la quale cuopre il tempietto che racchiude il S Sepolcro e che illumina la gran mave del tempio Dopo l incendio del 1811 cui soggiacque la chiesa del S Sepolcro per opera dei greci residenti come gli altri nel recinto del tempio la cappella titolare della chiesa venne totalmente cambiata Essa è divisa in due parti la prima più grande dell altra di forma ovale contiene nel fondo la pietra sui cui discese il messaggiero celeste per annunziare alle sante donne che il Figlio di Dio era risorto Da questa stanza per un buco quadrato alto tre piedi parigini si passa nell altra assai più angusta piena di lumi che ardono giorno e notte dove esiste da diciotto secoli il sepolcro del Salvatore del genere umano La circonferenza della attuale Gerusalemme è di 5600 passi circa munita di mura in qualche parte forti Si divide essa in sette quartieri cioè il cristiano o cattolico l armeno il greco l ebreo il pubblico quella parte della città dove tutti concorrono perchè vi sono i mercati i bazar e le botteghe quello de Turchi che è il più grande ed il settimo del tempio così chiamato perchè contiene il solo monte Moria con qualche casa vicina e nulla più"

Bold text 1. "It was the Bishop of Aelia that ordained the Bishop of Cesarea".
Bold text 2. As first patriarch his juristiction extended over all of Palestine"

Enciclopedia dell'ecclesiastico, ovvero Dizionario della teologia dommatica e morale, del diritto canonico, delle principali nozioni bibliche, della storia della chiesa, de ss. padri, dei grandi scrittori ecclesiastici, dei papi, dei concilii generali, degli scismi, delle eresie, della liturgia ecc. opera compilata sulla Biblioteca sacra dei pp. Richard e Giraud, sul Dizionario enciclopedico della teologia di Bergier e su altre opere di scrittori chiarissimi

What the fuck is that? C'mon translate it, if you can.

I translated the relevant passages in bold. And yes, I am fluent in a few languages, including Italian.

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