Israel is building 15,000 more homes in the capital of Palestine

Israel builds homes. The HORROR!
Minimize much?

Minimize what? Building houses?
trying to be coy is not your forte

True. My forte is building reasoned, reasonable arguments based on the best facts I can access. Which tend to be far superior to most people's abilities on this forum.

So, back to the question... Why is the building of homes so horrible?
WTF is wrong with you, you joke. "Reasonable arguments" my ass! Why is the building of homes so horrible? Huh? On other peoples land, let alone on Arab holy land who are the same people you have imprisoned for decades!
Israel builds homes. The HORROR!
Minimize much?

Minimize what? Building houses?
trying to be coy is not your forte

True. My forte is building reasoned, reasonable arguments based on the best facts I can access. Which tend to be far superior to most people's abilities on this forum.

So, back to the question... Why is the building of homes so horrible?
WTF is wrong with you, you joke. "Reasonable arguments" my ass! Why is the building of homes so horrible? Huh? On other peoples land, let alone on Arab holy land who are the same people you have imprisoned for decades!

On other peoples land, let alone on Arab holy land

Arab holy land? Are they building in Mecca?
Arab holy land?! Please define what constitutes "holy land".
Minimize much?

Minimize what? Building houses?
trying to be coy is not your forte

True. My forte is building reasoned, reasonable arguments based on the best facts I can access. Which tend to be far superior to most people's abilities on this forum.

So, back to the question... Why is the building of homes so horrible?
WTF is wrong with you, you joke. "Reasonable arguments" my ass! Why is the building of homes so horrible? Huh? On other peoples land, let alone on Arab holy land who are the same people you have imprisoned for decades!

On other peoples land, let alone on Arab holy land

Arab holy land? Are they building in Mecca?
Yeah! It's so holy, the Palestinians point their asses to the Dome of Crock five times a day to face Mecca during prayers.

"Arab Holy Land". Ha ha ha!

Israel builds homes. The HORROR!
Minimize much?

Minimize what? Building houses?
trying to be coy is not your forte

True. My forte is building reasoned, reasonable arguments based on the best facts I can access. Which tend to be far superior to most people's abilities on this forum.

So, back to the question... Why is the building of homes so horrible?
Accorfing to who? :eusa_eh: YOU?!!! :rofl: because your prior response to my comment was not worth the 2 secs it took to read :thup:
oh no! The evil Joooooos are building houses. Some Arabs might have to live next to evil Joooooooos.

Dot Com ,

If you want to discuss the building of homes in Area C and in Jerusalem, let's discuss. Put forth your argument as to why building homes is bad.
Shusha would be one of the Germans asking what was wrong with building homes for Germans in Czechoslovakia, Poland etc. for Germans under Generalplan Ost. LOL
oh no! The evil Joooooos are building houses. Some Arabs might have to live next to evil Joooooooos.

Dot Com ,

If you want to discuss the building of homes in Area C and in Jerusalem, let's discuss. Put forth your argument as to why building homes is bad.

Playing the devil's advocate here, the Palestinians might argue that the building is eating away from their future state.
Shusha would be one of the Germans asking what was wrong with building homes for Germans in Czechoslovakia, Poland etc. for Germans under Generalplan Ost. LOL

Czechoslovakia and Poland are neither Germany's capital.
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and Jewish homes have been standing there for thousands of years.
Shusha would be one of the Germans asking what was wrong with building homes for Germans in Czechoslovakia, Poland etc. for Germans under Generalplan Ost. LOL

Czechoslovakia and Poland are neither Germany's capital.
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and Jewish homes have been standing there for thousands of years.

Those are Roman homes. Jerusalem was a Christian city before the Muslim conquests. The Jews had long before converted to Christianity.
Playing the devil's advocate here, the Palestinians might argue that the building is eating away from their future state.

I know, right?! THAT is what we should be talking about. That is legitimate criticism with a focus on solving the problem.

But this is what the OP gives us:

These Jewish supremacists do not want peace. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying. They live above the laws of every other nation on earth. Where else on our entire planet can you do this and not be a legitimate military target?

How are we supposed to discuss real solutions in a meaningful way in the face of THIS kind of blind hatred? We are not debating against people who want a future state for Palestinians. We are debating against people who see Jews as evil and without rights. We can't fight that very real fight while pretending that its just a fight about who gets Ramat Shlomo and who gets Beit Hanina and who gets Anata.

How are we supposed to discuss real solutions in a meaningful way in the face of the idea that the mere presence of Jews is cause to kill them (legitmately, of course, as legal targets, because....Jews, duh.)?

How are we supposed to discuss real solutions in a meaningful way when pre-conditions to sovereignty is an ethnically cleansed and completely homogenized culture?

How are we supposed to discuss real solutions in a meaningful way when even ethnically cleansing our own people from Gaza, from the Temple Mount, from East Jerusalem is not enough?

And the truly ridiculous thing is that while the Palestinians protest and whine and commit low-level, ineffectual terrorist attacks against innocents -- Israel has taken Jerusalem. Dividing Jerusalem is no longer an option. Israel will never let that happen.
The invading colonists could be Martians, the native people will resist the occupation and invasion. It's not because they are of a particular religion, it's because they are invaders.
Shusha would be one of the Germans asking what was wrong with building homes for Germans in Czechoslovakia, Poland etc. for Germans under Generalplan Ost. LOL

Czechoslovakia and Poland are neither Germany's capital.
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and Jewish homes have been standing there for thousands of years.

Those are Roman homes. Jerusalem was a Christian city before the Muslim conquests. The Jews had long before converted to Christianity.
Because we're so into the Eternal Lake of Fire.
The invading colonists could be Martians, the native people will resist the occupation and invasion. It's not because they are of a particular religion, it's because they are invaders.

It's just hilarious reading the babbling nonsense from The Monty who contradicts himself in the span of two posts.

"Jerusalem was a Christian city before the Muslim conquests. The Jews had long before converted to Christianity"

'...the native people will resist the occupation"

The Monty never does tell us the timeline for when, or how, the invading colonist Islamists or the invading colonist xtians magically transform into the "native population".

I guess that's the magic of his invented "country of Pal'istan"

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