Israel is kicking ass

And, of course, there are Jewish archaeological sites in Gaza from well before Big Mo cobbled together his manifesto for world domination.

Its a magic time machine! Somehow Jews managed to plant evidence of history going back thousands of years into a place that they had no connection with!

Spare me your bullshit mantra, you are not the victims!
I don't know who you intended to direct this to, but ... the Jewish people are not victims? Of ethnic cleansing, loss of a homeland, invasions, persecutions, pogroms, denial of our history, colonization, extermination. Stop and think for a moment.
I don't know who you intended to direct this to, but ... the Jewish people are not victims? Of ethnic cleansing, loss of a homeland, invasions, persecutions, pogroms, denial of our history, colonization, extermination. Stop and think for a moment.
The US will lose it's prized veto, that's the only thing protecting Israel in its genocide, no US veto could lead to sanctions and even military action against Israel, so that would be a step in the right direction I suppose.

The US never did like democracy, that's why it whines like a baby when it can't get its own way, nothing would accelerate the US loss of influence faster than exiting the UN, China would likely take up the slack.
Who cares. The UN should cease to exist.
Netanyahu gave out a pearl yesterday that could not leave me indifferent.
He stated that “We are civilized people and we are at war with barbarians”.
As Umberto Eco once wrote, “Nazi propaganda is always inadequate.”
...Israel is not just archaic and savage, it is carefully maintained archaic and savage

While all normal countries have long ago implemented the New Testament, the Israelis continue to cling to the Old Testament obscurantism, with its propaganda of nazism and genocide.
Get it? Islam is the religion of the Book, they recognize Isa on a par with Mohammed (the Shiites are very interesting there). And only the Jews chant “One God, one Fuhrer, one nation!”
This is backwardness and savagery. It's hard to imagine a more archaic and savage people than modern Israelis (except the Khokhls).
Netanyahu gave out a pearl yesterday that could not leave me indifferent.
He stated that “We are civilized people and we are at war with barbarians”.
As Umberto Eco once wrote, “Nazi propaganda is always inadequate.”
...Israel is not just archaic and savage, it is carefully maintained archaic and savage

While all normal countries have long ago implemented the New Testament, the Israelis continue to cling to the Old Testament obscurantism, with its propaganda of nazism and genocide.
Get it? Islam is the religion of the Book, they recognize Isa on a par with Mohammed (the Shiites are very interesting there). And only the Jews chant “One God, one Fuhrer, one nation!”
This is backwardness and savagery. It's hard to imagine a more archaic and savage people than modern Israelis (except the Khokhls).
Wear a feather in your green headband so I can pick you out while you are fighting for HAMAS
You're so fucking full of shit! Violence didn't exist in the area until Zionists showed up!

As far as the deaths before Oct 7th...

"Violence didn't exist in the area until Zionists showed up!"


Ya gotta be kidding!

Do you anything about the history of that area?
You're so fucking full of shit! Violence didn't exist in the area until Zionists showed up!

As far as the deaths before Oct 7th...

OMFG that article is full of shit!

The very first line: "Gaza was created by Israel in 1948". is pure bullshit. Gaza was created by the British in 1918.

The British tried to get Egypt to control it, but they declined. The British remained in control.

Israel did not create Gaza as "a refugee camp to contain Palestinians".

Palestinians voluntarily left Israel in anticipation of the Arab League attack in 1947.

Try to support your arguments with something at least close to the truth!
OMFG that article is full of shit!

The very first line: "Gaza was created by Israel in 1948". is pure bullshit. Gaza was created by the British in 1918.
Try again, even the Mandate for Palestine doesn't contain the word "Gaza" I have a copy printed out here on my desk. Gaza has existed for thousands of years.
The British tried to get Egypt to control it, but they declined. The British remained in control.

Israel did not create Gaza as "a refugee camp to contain Palestinians".

Palestinians voluntarily left Israel in anticipation of the Arab League attack in 1947.

Try to support your arguments with something at least close to the truth!

Listen to a Jew tell you all about Gaza's history

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