Israel is kicking ass

And there is another side of a coin. Some foreign power tells you to cede some land to people who live on another continent, and offer you a part of this land as a compromise. Not too appealing, isn't it?
But of course, nothing like this happened. Both the Ottoman Turks and the British kept excellent records of land ownership and land sales and British courts adjudicated land disputes and there are no records of any land being stolen from the Arabs but there are detailed records of wealthy Arab families selling large tracts of land to Jewish agencies to establish Jewish communities, and there are no records of any ethnic cleansing of Arabs by the Jews during the Mandatory period or later.

Here's what the Muslim lost with the arrival of the British:

"From the early years of Islamic civilization, Muslim jurists, basing on Qur’anic directives, devised an elaborate hierarchy in which monotheistic non-Muslims, such as Christians and Jews, would be “protected” at a low level and tolerated as second-class citizens. Guidelines for their treatment were embodied in the “Pact of ‘Umar.” Limitations on the status of non-Muslims included discriminatory clothing regulations and occupational restrictions. Non-Muslims were required to pay a poll tax (jizya) as well as discriminatory taxes on agricultural produce."

This was the situation that existed throughout the Muslim world when the British took over Palestine, but the Muslims refused to accept that under British law, Muslims and Jews were now equal, and that was the source of all the violence throughout the 1920's, not bogus allegations of land theft.
Look, the Israelis are great at slaughtering defenseless civilians but not too great at actually fighting even when they have billions of dollars of welfare and weapons at their disposal:

There is no such thing as “mexican native tribes”

Mexico was colonized by the Spanish who mated with the Indians

And the result was what we call mexicans today

Palestine was never a country except when the Jews ruled there in ancient times

Using your logic the arabs are not indigenous to the Holy Land either

The Pals never ruled over Judea and Sumaria

In most recent times it was ruled by Turkey and England
Yeah, that's right, there wasn't any state there at that time - neither Jewish nor Arab. And in this regard they both were in equal starting points. The Jews accepted the partition plan (it was in their favor), the Arabs rejected it (they thought that the land was just taken away from them). Both consider the land as theirs, and no one wants to backtrack.
Yeah, that's right, there wasn't any state there at that time - neither Jewish nor Arab. And in this regard they both were in equal starting points. The Jews accepted the partition plan (it was in their favor), the Arabs rejected it (they thought that the land was just taken away from them). Both consider the land as theirs, and no one wants to backtrack.
The Pals expected to wipe out the Jews after the British pulled out

And considering the disparity of military force between 7 arab armies and the Jews that was a reasonable expectation

Pal thinking was why settle for half when they can have it all?

But oops, the arabs lost the war and the Pals got nothing

And it was their own fault
And there is another side of a coin. Some foreign power tells you to cede some land to people who live on another continent, and offer you a part of this land as a compromise. Not too appealing, isn't it?
Not appealing when framed that way, but also not accurate framed that way.

No one was told to "cede some land". At the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, it was simply recognized that along with various Arab/Muslim groups (tribes, families, local and other allegiances) there was ALSO the Jewish people and that they should also have sovereignty over territory formerly belonging to the Ottoman Empire.

Toomuchtime has it right. It wasn't that the Jewish people were there in the land, or even that more were arriving. It was the recognition of non-Arab/non-Muslims having the equality of sovereignty over a portion of the territory. It is the same playing out on Temple Mount today. Sure, its fine for Jews to occasionally visit, as long as it is clear that sovereignty of the Temple Mount rests solely with Muslims. It is the challenge for rights and sovereignty that is the problem.
The Pals expected to wipe out the Jews after the British pulled out

And considering the disparity of military force between 7 arab armies and the Jews that was a reasonable expectation

Pal thinking was why settle for half when they can have it all?

But oops, the arabs lost the war and the Pals got nothing

And it was their own fault
Yeah, the Jews can boast how many Arab armies they defeated; the Arabs can boast how many Jews they killed. And they can try to kill each other for eternity.
Not appealing when framed that way, but also not accurate framed that way.

No one was told to "cede some land". At the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, it was simply recognized that along with various Arab/Muslim groups (tribes, families, local and other allegiances) there was ALSO the Jewish people and that they should also have sovereignty over territory formerly belonging to the Ottoman Empire.

Toomuchtime has it right. It wasn't that the Jewish people were there in the land, or even that more were arriving. It was the recognition of non-Arab/non-Muslims having the equality of sovereignty over a portion of the territory. It is the same playing out on Temple Mount today. Sure, its fine for Jews to occasionally visit, as long as it is clear that sovereignty of the Temple Mount rests solely with Muslims. It is the challenge for rights and sovereignty that is the problem.
But isn't this the notion that is supported by the most of the Arabs? That this land was owned/governed by Muslims for centuries, and then the Brits came along and gave it to the Jews? And you can't change their opinion.
Yeah, the Jews can boast how many Arab armies they defeated; the Arabs can boast how many Jews they killed. And they can try to kill each other for eternity.
Not eternity

But until the end of the Church Age, which we are in now
Look at the fuss made over a few dead Israelis while nothing is said about the ten times that number of civilians who die every day in Gaza.

But isn't this the notion that is supported by the most of the Arabs? That this land was owned/governed by Muslims for centuries, and then the Brits came along and gave it to the Jews? And you can't change their opinion.
You understand that this is the real colonizing mindset, yes? We, the Arabs/Muslims, govern this territory, therefore no one else can have self-determination or sovereignty in this territory, despite their pre-existence in this territory, and their equal right to self-determination, and their legitimate claim to at lease a part of it.

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