Israel is kicking ass

Since oct 7 its been all downhill for the Pals and their two premier terror groups, Hamas and Hezbollah

And ditto for Iran

This is a total defeat for the muslim crazies

Who do you think you're kidding?

It's been: "all downhill for the Pals" ever since the invasion of Nazi armed and trained European Zionist terrorist gangs.


Photo of a medal struck by the Nazis (Goebbels) to commemorate Zionist "friendship". Nazism and Zionism were two sides of the same Illuminati coin. (1)

Haganah, which later became the IDF, was among the Zionist terrorist gangs who were armed and trained by the Nazi SS but unlike the SS, refuses to abide by the Geneva convention or International Law.

“Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED


The same foreign Zionist terrorist gangs not only destroyed over 500 Palestinian towns and villages committed atrocities against the Palestinians as vicious as anything done during Europe's wars and showing how long "it's been downhill for the Pals."

“Deir Yasin Massacre, 09.04.1948”

EXCERPT " One of the worst Zionist massacres committed against Palestinians is the Deir Yasin massacre. Defenceless Palestinian civilians were tortured before being massacres and their bodies mutilated. Women and children were raped, babies were butchered and pregnant women were bayoneted." CONTINUED


It was certainly "...downhill for the Pals." after the Israelis initiated the " '67 War", and upon being victorious, herded about 2 million Palestinians into a walled open air prison / Weapons testing ground where "...the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes":

"The Israel Massacre Forces"

EXCERPT "The shooting on the Gaza border shows once again that the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes"CONTINUED

Now, after the most widely publicized "surprise" attack in modern history on 7 October 2023, IDF and Israel's land thieves (aka "foreign "Settlers") had their excuse to exterminate as many men, women and children as possible, steal their land, farms, ancient olive groves, livestock and then destroy the villages and even Palestinian graveyards (3) to complete their genocidal agenda.

Much has been made of the lowly individuals who actually celebrated the tragic events of 7 October 2023 but pro Israel MSM has conspicuously omitted the militant, foreign "Settlers" who were among those who have the most reason to celebrate from the "surprise" attack.

While it's consistently "...been downhill for the Pals." as the Nakba continues, there were only two factions who stood to gain from 7 October's "surprise" attack:
  • Netanyahu, his genocidal henchmen and the expansionist, "Greater Israel" right wing Zionists.
  • The militant, foreign, "Settler" / Land Thieves (4) who celebrated 7 October 2023 as another opportunity to litter Gaza with fortified "Settlements" and erase all evidence of Palestine's native residents.

Yes, "...things have been all downhill for the Pals" for the last 80 years as genocidal Zionists murder, steal and destroy with the extensive support of the Nazi Party, post War Germany and the Western Colonial Powers who too frequently bend to the edicts of influential Zionist lobbies.


(1). "Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army"​

EXCERPT "European Jews were betrayed by their Zionist leaders. Zionists collaborated in the holocaust in order to buttress the case for a Jewish homeland. All other Jewish leadership had been suppressed by the Nazis." CONTINUED

(2). “The Lab”: Israel Tests Weapons, Tactics On Captive Palestinian Population"

EXCERPT "“The Lab,” which won a recent award at DocAviv, Israel’s documentary Oscars, is due to premiere in the U.S. in August. Directed by Yotam Feldman, the film presents the first close-up view of Israel’s arms industry and the dealers who have enriched themselves.

The title relates to the film’s central argument: that Israel has rapidly come to rely on the continuing captivity of Palestinians in what are effectively the world’s largest open-air prisons.

The reason is that there are massive profits to be made from testing Israeli military innovations on the more than four million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank."CONTINUED

(3). “Israel-Hamas war: Even Gaza's graveyards have suffered destruction”

EXCERPT “Nearly half the burial sites in the Palestinian enclave have suffered damage by armored vehicles, air strikes and artillery fire from the Israeli army.

The situation at the Jabaliya cemetery was not isolated. Scores of videos and photos, shot and taken by Gazan residents and journalists, have documented the destruction of at least eight major cemeteries in the Palestinian territory since the start of the Israeli army's ground operations. They show destroyed tombstones and human remains dispersed from their graves and scattered over the upturned earth.” CONTINUED

(4). "Turning Zeitoun into Shivat Zion: Israeli summit envisions Gaza resettlement"

"Undeterred by the ICJ, ministers and settler leaders promoted plans to expel Palestinians and ‘return’ Israelis to Gaza at a major conference in Jerusalem."

EXCERPT "Yet for the conference’s participants — among them 11 cabinet ministers and 15 members of the coalition, who gleefully joined in the dancing — there is indeed something to celebrate. For them, October 7 and the subsequent war have presented an unprecedented opportunity to reconquer Gaza, and, if possible, to engineer the situation such that there will be no Palestinians left when the new settlers arrive." CONTINUED
Who do you think you're kidding?

It's been: "all downhill for the Pals" ever since the invasion of Nazi armed and trained European Zionist terrorist gangs.


Photo of a medal struck by the Nazis (Goebbels) to commemorate Zionist "friendship". Nazism and Zionism were two sides of the same Illuminati coin. (1)

Haganah, which later became the IDF, was among the Zionist terrorist gangs who were armed and trained by the Nazi SS but unlike the SS, refuses to abide by the Geneva convention or International Law.

“Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED


The same foreign Zionist terrorist gangs not only destroyed over 500 Palestinian towns and villages committed atrocities against the Palestinians as vicious as anything done during Europe's wars and showing how long "it's been downhill for the Pals."

“Deir Yasin Massacre, 09.04.1948”

EXCERPT " One of the worst Zionist massacres committed against Palestinians is the Deir Yasin massacre. Defenceless Palestinian civilians were tortured before being massacres and their bodies mutilated. Women and children were raped, babies were butchered and pregnant women were bayoneted." CONTINUED


It was certainly "...downhill for the Pals." after the Israelis initiated the " '67 War", and upon being victorious, herded about 2 million Palestinians into a walled open air prison / Weapons testing ground where "...the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes":

"The Israel Massacre Forces"

EXCERPT "The shooting on the Gaza border shows once again that the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes"CONTINUED

Now, after the most widely publicized "surprise" attack in modern history on 7 October 2023, IDF and Israel's land thieves (aka "foreign "Settlers") had their excuse to exterminate as many men, women and children as possible, steal their land, farms, ancient olive groves, livestock and then destroy the villages and even Palestinian graveyards (3) to complete their genocidal agenda.

Much has been made of the lowly individuals who actually celebrated the tragic events of 7 October 2023 but pro Israel MSM has conspicuously omitted the militant, foreign "Settlers" who were among those who have the most reason to celebrate from the "surprise" attack.

While it's consistently "...been downhill for the Pals." as the Nakba continues, there were only two factions who stood to gain from 7 October's "surprise" attack:
  • Netanyahu, his genocidal henchmen and the expansionist, "Greater Israel" right wing Zionists.
  • The militant, foreign, "Settler" / Land Thieves (4) who celebrated 7 October 2023 as another opportunity to litter Gaza with fortified "Settlements" and erase all evidence of Palestine's native residents.

Yes, "...things have been all downhill for the Pals" for the last 80 years as genocidal Zionists murder, steal and destroy with the extensive support of the Nazi Party, post War Germany and the Western Colonial Powers who too frequently bend to the edicts of influential Zionist lobbies.


(1). "Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army"​

EXCERPT "European Jews were betrayed by their Zionist leaders. Zionists collaborated in the holocaust in order to buttress the case for a Jewish homeland. All other Jewish leadership had been suppressed by the Nazis." CONTINUED

(2). “The Lab”: Israel Tests Weapons, Tactics On Captive Palestinian Population"

EXCERPT "“The Lab,” which won a recent award at DocAviv, Israel’s documentary Oscars, is due to premiere in the U.S. in August. Directed by Yotam Feldman, the film presents the first close-up view of Israel’s arms industry and the dealers who have enriched themselves.

The title relates to the film’s central argument: that Israel has rapidly come to rely on the continuing captivity of Palestinians in what are effectively the world’s largest open-air prisons.

The reason is that there are massive profits to be made from testing Israeli military innovations on the more than four million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank."CONTINUED

(3). “Israel-Hamas war: Even Gaza's graveyards have suffered destruction”

EXCERPT “Nearly half the burial sites in the Palestinian enclave have suffered damage by armored vehicles, air strikes and artillery fire from the Israeli army.

The situation at the Jabaliya cemetery was not isolated. Scores of videos and photos, shot and taken by Gazan residents and journalists, have documented the destruction of at least eight major cemeteries in the Palestinian territory since the start of the Israeli army's ground operations. They show destroyed tombstones and human remains dispersed from their graves and scattered over the upturned earth.” CONTINUED

(4). "Turning Zeitoun into Shivat Zion: Israeli summit envisions Gaza resettlement"

"Undeterred by the ICJ, ministers and settler leaders promoted plans to expel Palestinians and ‘return’ Israelis to Gaza at a major conference in Jerusalem."

EXCERPT "Yet for the conference’s participants — among them 11 cabinet ministers and 15 members of the coalition, who gleefully joined in the dancing — there is indeed something to celebrate. For them, October 7 and the subsequent war have presented an unprecedented opportunity to reconquer Gaza, and, if possible, to engineer the situation such that there will be no Palestinians left when the new settlers arrive." CONTINUED

You’ve devoted a huge amount of time and energy to that “dissertation”.
Who do you think you're kidding?

It's been: "all downhill for the Pals" ever since the invasion of Nazi armed and trained European Zionist terrorist gangs.


Photo of a medal struck by the Nazis (Goebbels) to commemorate Zionist "friendship". Nazism and Zionism were two sides of the same Illuminati coin. (1)

Haganah, which later became the IDF, was among the Zionist terrorist gangs who were armed and trained by the Nazi SS but unlike the SS, refuses to abide by the Geneva convention or International Law.

“Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED


The same foreign Zionist terrorist gangs not only destroyed over 500 Palestinian towns and villages committed atrocities against the Palestinians as vicious as anything done during Europe's wars and showing how long "it's been downhill for the Pals."

“Deir Yasin Massacre, 09.04.1948”

EXCERPT " One of the worst Zionist massacres committed against Palestinians is the Deir Yasin massacre. Defenceless Palestinian civilians were tortured before being massacres and their bodies mutilated. Women and children were raped, babies were butchered and pregnant women were bayoneted." CONTINUED


It was certainly "...downhill for the Pals." after the Israelis initiated the " '67 War", and upon being victorious, herded about 2 million Palestinians into a walled open air prison / Weapons testing ground where "...the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes":

"The Israel Massacre Forces"

EXCERPT "The shooting on the Gaza border shows once again that the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes"CONTINUED

Now, after the most widely publicized "surprise" attack in modern history on 7 October 2023, IDF and Israel's land thieves (aka "foreign "Settlers") had their excuse to exterminate as many men, women and children as possible, steal their land, farms, ancient olive groves, livestock and then destroy the villages and even Palestinian graveyards (3) to complete their genocidal agenda.

Much has been made of the lowly individuals who actually celebrated the tragic events of 7 October 2023 but pro Israel MSM has conspicuously omitted the militant, foreign "Settlers" who were among those who have the most reason to celebrate from the "surprise" attack.

While it's consistently "...been downhill for the Pals." as the Nakba continues, there were only two factions who stood to gain from 7 October's "surprise" attack:
  • Netanyahu, his genocidal henchmen and the expansionist, "Greater Israel" right wing Zionists.
  • The militant, foreign, "Settler" / Land Thieves (4) who celebrated 7 October 2023 as another opportunity to litter Gaza with fortified "Settlements" and erase all evidence of Palestine's native residents.

Yes, "...things have been all downhill for the Pals" for the last 80 years as genocidal Zionists murder, steal and destroy with the extensive support of the Nazi Party, post War Germany and the Western Colonial Powers who too frequently bend to the edicts of influential Zionist lobbies.


(1). "Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army"​

EXCERPT "European Jews were betrayed by their Zionist leaders. Zionists collaborated in the holocaust in order to buttress the case for a Jewish homeland. All other Jewish leadership had been suppressed by the Nazis." CONTINUED

(2). “The Lab”: Israel Tests Weapons, Tactics On Captive Palestinian Population"

EXCERPT "“The Lab,” which won a recent award at DocAviv, Israel’s documentary Oscars, is due to premiere in the U.S. in August. Directed by Yotam Feldman, the film presents the first close-up view of Israel’s arms industry and the dealers who have enriched themselves.

The title relates to the film’s central argument: that Israel has rapidly come to rely on the continuing captivity of Palestinians in what are effectively the world’s largest open-air prisons.

The reason is that there are massive profits to be made from testing Israeli military innovations on the more than four million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank."CONTINUED

(3). “Israel-Hamas war: Even Gaza's graveyards have suffered destruction”

EXCERPT “Nearly half the burial sites in the Palestinian enclave have suffered damage by armored vehicles, air strikes and artillery fire from the Israeli army.

The situation at the Jabaliya cemetery was not isolated. Scores of videos and photos, shot and taken by Gazan residents and journalists, have documented the destruction of at least eight major cemeteries in the Palestinian territory since the start of the Israeli army's ground operations. They show destroyed tombstones and human remains dispersed from their graves and scattered over the upturned earth.” CONTINUED

(4). "Turning Zeitoun into Shivat Zion: Israeli summit envisions Gaza resettlement"

"Undeterred by the ICJ, ministers and settler leaders promoted plans to expel Palestinians and ‘return’ Israelis to Gaza at a major conference in Jerusalem."

EXCERPT "Yet for the conference’s participants — among them 11 cabinet ministers and 15 members of the coalition, who gleefully joined in the dancing — there is indeed something to celebrate. For them, October 7 and the subsequent war have presented an unprecedented opportunity to reconquer Gaza, and, if possible, to engineer the situation such that there will be no Palestinians left when the new settlers arrive." CONTINUED
You sure put a lot of energy into your dislike of Israel

It has been downhill for the Pals since they rejected statehood if it meant compromise and recognizing a free Jewish state

now the Pals have no country to call their own and its their own fault
You’ve devoted a huge amount of time and energy to that “dissertation”.

Thanks for noticing.

After writing a lengthy letter, I think that either Mark Twain or Benjamin Franklin commented that it would have been shorter if they'd had more time.

I try to be thorough when discussing such a volatile topic as the Middle East and sometimes get carried away with research since I'm here to learn as well as pontificate.

I welcome any thoughts and comments you may have even if they're critical.

Thanks again and enjoy your weekend.
You sure put a lot of energy into your dislike of Israel

It has been downhill for the Pals since they rejected statehood if it meant compromise and recognizing a free Jewish state

now the Pals have no country to call their own and its their own fault

Please don't confuse my criticism if Israel's right wing, expansionist element / "Settlers" etc for a dislike of Israel and its many ethical, generous, bright and courageous people.

If the tables were turned, I would be just as critical of people who might brutally occupy Israel and torment the Israeli people / Jews.

Thanks and enjoy your weekend.
You sure put a lot of energy into your dislike of Israel

It has been downhill for the Pals since they rejected statehood if it meant compromise and recognizing a free Jewish state

now the Pals have no country to call their own and its their own fault
And there is another side of a coin. Some foreign power tells you to cede some land to people who live on another continent, and offer you a part of this land as a compromise. Not too appealing, isn't it?
Like Hamas and Hezbollah don’t get a shit ton of stuff from foreign sources?
Lol. Yet they have no Air Force or navy. No ability to defend against incoming missiles. They are a gurilla force with automatic weapons and some missiles, but you support the Zionis apartheid regime that has a massive military committing genocide.
Please don't confuse my criticism if Israel's right wing, expansionist element / "Settlers" etc for a dislike of Israel and its many ethical, generous, bright and courageous people.

If the tables were turned, I would be just as critical of people who might brutally occupy Israel and torment the Israeli people / Jews.

Thanks and enjoy your weekend.
You’re wasting your time. He only sees black or white. His mind is that of an infant.
And there is another side of a coin. Some foreign power tells you to cede some land to people who live on another continent, and offer you a part of this land as a compromise. Not too appealing, isn't it?
He can’t think that far.
Oh great. A big ol' helping of replacement theology with a side of thoroughly debunked false claims of mass conversion.

Hey, question. Are the Palestinians who live in America (waves in Hadid) still Palestinians, or do they lose their Palestinian-ness by living elsewhere in the world?
You’re missing a big piece of the puzzle on purpose. The Pals in the US actually came from Palestine directly, or in a generation or two. The Jews in Europe who came to Palestine had been in Europe for centuries if not millennia.
Bloodthirsty Iraqi terrorists launched ~500 rockets at Israel and killed 3 to 8 people according to various estimates.
Israel's good and fluffy anti-terrorism fighters have killed ~42k people in the Gaza Strip.

Is that correct?
And there is another side of a coin. Some foreign power tells you to cede some land to people who live on another continent, and offer you a part of this land as a compromise. Not too appealing, isn't it?
Currently the American people are being compelled to accept 10-20 million settlers from around the world

And we are accused by libs of racism if we dont agree

Using lib logic isnt it just as racist for the Pals to oppose statehood for Israel?
Currently the American people are being compelled to accept 10-20 million settlers from around the world

And we are accused by libs of racism if we dont agree

Using lib logic isnt it just as racist for the Pals to oppose statehood for Israel?
Not exactly the same. No one claims that those 'settlers from around the world' should have a separate statehood from the US.

If you want a more direct parallel it would be something like: the UN decides to give a Mexican Native tribes Arizona, New Mexico and Texas because their ancestors lived in those lands some centuries ago. As a compromise the UN offers to the Americans to keep the remaining part as their state. Isn't that a great decision?
Not exactly the same. No one claims that those 'settlers from around the world' should have a separate statehood from the US.

If you want a more direct parallel it would be something like: the UN decides to give a Mexican Native tribes Arizona, New Mexico and Texas because their ancestors lived in those lands some centuries ago. As a compromise the UN offers to the Americans to keep the remaining part as their state. Isn't that a great decision?
There is no such thing as “mexican native tribes”

Mexico was colonized by the Spanish who mated with the Indians

And the result was what we call mexicans today

Palestine was never a country except when the Jews ruled there in ancient times

Using your logic the arabs are not indigenous to the Holy Land either

The Pals never ruled over Judea and Sumaria

In most recent times it was ruled by Turkey and England

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