Israel is kicking ass

Major Rothschild and the British Government (which had a mandate over Palestine) is not some "random" person when it comes to the existence of the state of Israel but architects of the project.
The source you cite even pointed out that such a plan could not be approved by the League of Nations
The source you cite even pointed out that such a plan could not be approved by the League of Nations
Just as Israel's illegal occupation today is not approved of by the United Nations, so what? all that proves is that international law doesn't matter except when a powerful nations wants it to matter.

The point is that an artificially inflated Jewish population was an objective thirty years before 1948, it was an inherent goal of the Zionist movement in Palestine at that time, this is called "colonialism".
Just as Israel's illegal occupation today is not approved of by the United Nations, so what? all that proves is that international law doesn't matter except when a powerful nations wants it to matter.
The United Nations approved the creation of Israel

It has no authority to destroy Israel now
Because I'm tired of seeing the Israeli bullies, armed to the hilt with help from my tax dollars, shooting up killing and maiming the women and children of Palestine. It reminds me of the slaughter at My Lai all those years ago, except that it's been going on for generations instead of just one day.
The Arab-Israeli conflict doesn't have a military solution. The sooner both sides recognize that, the better.

Since oct 7 its been all downhill for the Pals and their two premier terror groups, Hamas and Hezbollah

And ditto for Iran

This is a total defeat for the muslim crazies

Yes, looks that way. Dialogue Works channel on YT always says Israel is losing. Same with Russia beating Ukraine. You don't know who to believe anymore.

putin's message.jpg
The Arab-Israeli conflict doesn't have a military solution.
The sooner both sides recognize that, the better.


The ukrainian poster, Esay, anxiously waiting for the day the arabized descendants of Solomon, Moses, David and maybe even Jesus, will renounce to the homeland they inherited from their jewish ancestors and give it to his fellow Ukrainians of jewish faith who left their historic homeland in eastern Europe 80, 120 years ago:

Having said that, I agree with him that Palestinians should give up armed struggle and start a peaceful movement for civil rights in their homeland taking the american civil rights movement as an inspiration.
The Arab-Israeli conflict doesn't have a military solution.
The sooner both sides recognize that, the better.


The ukrainian poster, Esay, anxiously waiting for the day the arabized descendants of Solomon, Moses, David and maybe even Jesus, will renounce to the homeland they inherited from their jewish ancestors and give it to his fellow Ukrainians of jewish faith who left their historic homeland in eastern Europe 80, 120 years ago:

Why should I wait for that? They already almost all there.

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