Republicans are starting to raise alarms about Trump’s ground game

Some battleground state Republicans say they’re worried they see little evidence of Donald Trump’s ground game — and fear it could cost him the election in an exceedingly close race.

In interviews, more than a dozen Republican strategists and operatives in presidential battlegrounds voiced serious concerns about what they described as a paltry get-out-the-vote effort by the Trump campaign, an untested strategy of leaning on outside groups to help do field work and a top-of-the-ticket strategy that’s disjointed from the one Republicans down the ballot are running.

If Trump loses, he will have the usual excuse - IT WAS RIGGED. The Election Was Stolen! But in fact the only campaign strategy Trump had was to rely on Biden faltering. When Biden was replaced by Kamala, the whole strategy fell apart.

Of course, instead of taking the blame, the Trump campaign is setting the groundwork to the usual stolen election nonsense.

And yes, Trump has already started laying the groundwork for just such a claim:
/—-/ Thanks for sharing your concern. We know how much you want Trump to run the best campaign possible.
Too funny. A nazi (you) is trying to intimidate a Patriot.
Who exactly phone banked the Orange Shit Gibbon in 2016 and in 2020.

Who exactly is banning books.

Who exactly turns a blind to the fact the leading cause of death of school age children and refuses act on it?

Who exactly wants to monitor a Woman's Menstrual Cycle?

Who exactly wants to arrest a Woman for having a Miscarriage?

Who exactly stands outside of libraries with semi-automatic weapons because they do NOT want Drag Queens reading children?

Some battleground state Republicans say they’re worried they see little evidence of Donald Trump’s ground game — and fear it could cost him the election in an exceedingly close race.

In interviews, more than a dozen Republican strategists and operatives in presidential battlegrounds voiced serious concerns about what they described as a paltry get-out-the-vote effort by the Trump campaign, an untested strategy of leaning on outside groups to help do field work and a top-of-the-ticket strategy that’s disjointed from the one Republicans down the ballot are running.

If Trump loses, he will have the usual excuse - IT WAS RIGGED. The Election Was Stolen! But in fact the only campaign strategy Trump had was to rely on Biden faltering. When Biden was replaced by Kamala, the whole strategy fell apart.

Of course, instead of taking the blame, the Trump campaign is setting the groundwork to the usual stolen election nonsense.

And yes, Trump has already started laying the groundwork for just such a claim:
Nice of you to worry. 🥱
the only campaign strategy Trump had was to rely on Biden faltering. When Biden was replaced by Kamala, the whole strategy fell apart.

The ‘strategy’ now seems to hope for a replay of 2016, counting on enough Trump Cult members to cobble together enough razor thin majorities in enough swing states to win in the EC and lose the popular vote for a third time.

When Harris ran for president the first time, she campaigned on the most radical positions of any candidate ever. There are too many to list, but a few need to be mentioned, such as defunding the police, abolishing ICE, banning fracking (Pennsylvanians, are you listening?), mandating electric cars, taxpayer-funded healthcare and sex-change surgeries for illegals, and abortion on demand.

But anonymous campaign sources say she doesn’t hold those positions anymore (wink). So, with the help of the mainstream media, she’s going to happy-vibe her way to the Oval Office and save the country from Donald Trump and his extreme MAGA supporters. I’m curious: Why won’t Harris come out and plainly tell us that she’s changed? Because she hasn’t. She won’t change because she is as radical as they come. Even socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders had a Freudian slip recently when he admitted that Harris was saying whatever she needs to in order to win the election. I may be old-fashioned, but we called that lying!

If you had an employee who refused to do her job for almost four years but promised she would start to if you promoted her and gave her a huge raise, would you do it? I didn’t think so.

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