Zionist Game Plan

Crazy how? the history and facts speak for themselves.
There is no history of Isarel wanting to take over the middle east. there IS a history of them wanting to be left alone.

As for Lebenon and Gaza. They are not looking to occupy land. Just clean it out from the hate filled waste of human skin that infests it.
I like dead Muslim terrorists.....The deader the better.
But not all Muslim terrorists like the ones you support in Syria hacking heads off, and since when has a movement like Hezbollah resisting invasion and aggression been terrorist? they are not like your ISIS friends waging Global terror.
If you want to argue that Hezbollah is totally domestic and represents the Lebanese people then they deserve all the pain and destruction they suffer after firing rockets into Israel

But Hezbollah are displaced Pals and not Lebanese
Don't be more stupid than you have already shown, Hezbollah are domestic the murdered leader was born in Beirut most Palestinians are Sunny, Hezbollah are Shia, stop lying to back up your already bankrupt argument.
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There is no history of Isarel wanting to take over the middle east. there IS a history of them wanting to be left alone.

As for Lebenon and Gaza. They are not looking to occupy land. Just clean it out from the hate filled waste of human skin that infests it.
You love the language of the NAZIS talking about infesting, Israel has attacked it's neighbours since it was established they occupied the Sinai for years they still occupy part of the Syrian Golan, i have heard some Israelis just in the past few days talking about settling again in Gaza they are supported by the extreme elements in the Regime.
You love the language of the NAZIS talking about infesting, Israel has attacked it's neighbours since it was established they occupied the Sinai for years they still occupy part of the Syrian Golan, i have heard some Israelis just in the past few days talking about settling again in Gaza they are supported by the extreme elements in the Regime.
I love the language of truth.

Terrorists are hate-filled baby murdering scum that, when eliminated, improves humanity.

That is what Hizbollah, Hamas, and Iran are. hate-filled baby-murdering scum.
I love the language of truth.

Terrorists are hate-filled baby murdering scum that, when eliminated, improves humanity.

That is what Hizbollah, Hamas, and Iran are. hate-filled baby-murdering scum.
Wrong as usual you Zionist gangsters and Colonialists are murdering baby killers i have been watching the evidence every night on the TV just embrace and own it.
Chapter 1 Book of Joshua...

Greater Israel includes half of IRAQ...

Joshua Installed as Leader​

1 After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, the LORD said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide:
2 “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites.
3 I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.
4 Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates—all the Hittite country—to the Mediterranean Sea in the west.
And we're funding the genocide of people who never did anything to us because some Jewish colonizers from Russia have duped dumb Christians into believing the bloodthirsty, wilderness slaughter-god, Jehovah, is their "god" too so genocide is god's plan.
But not all Muslim terrorists like the ones you support in Syria hacking heads off, and since when has a movement like Hezbollah resisting invasion and aggression been terrorist? they are not like your ISIS friends waging Global terror.
Now there are good terrorists?
Don't be more stupid than you have already shown, Hezbollah are domestic the murdered leader was born in Beirut most Palestinians are Sunny, Hezbollah are Shia, stop lying to back up your already bankrupt argument.
Have it your way

What you are arguing is that the Lebanese freely chose to attack Israel

and therefore deserve all the punishment that the IDF is inflicting on them

And its a lot of death and destruction coming their way beyond what has already been done
Wrong as usual you Zionist gangsters and Colonialists are murdering baby killers i have been watching the evidence every night on the TV just embrace and own it.
I'm not wrong... But you are crazy if you think that the Arabs in Gaza and Lebenon have a legitimate claim for firing literally thousands of rockets into civilian locations without a thought to who it kills.

Oh wait. If it kills Jews, no loss, right?

fuck off.
I'm not wrong... But you are crazy if you think that the Arabs in Gaza and Lebenon have a legitimate claim for firing literally thousands of rockets into civilian locations without a thought to who it kills.

Oh wait. If it kills Jews, no loss, right?

fuck off.
What an idiot!
What an idiot!
Who the fuck cares what a terror supporter like you thinks? They'd just as soon as kill you than not.

Your like the idiot "Gays for Palestine" people and you have the nerve to call others idiots.

The entire ranks of Hezbollah and Hamas need to be destroyed just to clense the stench of their ideology out of the air we all breathe.
I'm not wrong... But you are crazy if you think that the Arabs in Gaza and Lebenon have a legitimate claim for firing literally thousands of rockets into civilian locations without a thought to who it kills.

Oh wait. If it kills Jews, no loss, right?

fuck off.
You are crazy if you think you can attack Lebanon and Syria for years and there will be no response, oh and you fuck off, get back to me when Tel Aviv looks like Gaza.

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