Zionist Game Plan

You are crazy if you think you can attack Lebanon and Syria for years and there will be no response, oh and you fuck off, get back to me when Tel Aviv looks like Gaza.
How stupid are you?

1. It has been Lebanon, or more accurately, the overthrowers of the Lebanese government, that has been attacking for years, and the attacks have all been into Israel. The ONLY attacks on Lebanon have been legitimate responses to being attacked.

2. For 70 years, the Arab world has been trying to turn Tel Aviv into Gaza. Get back to Me when your terrorists buddies grow any semblance of competence.
Now there are good terrorists?
Well it looks like it the US have been supporting head hacking terrorists in Syria for years like they did in Libya, that ended with your man in Benghazi being raped and killed the US also supported them in Bosnia and the Caucuses, some Islamist jihadis are US proxies.
Well it looks like it the US have been supporting head hacking terrorists in Syria for years like they did in Libya, that ended with your man in Benghazi being raped and killed the US also supported them in Bosnia and the Caucuses, some Islamist jihadis are US proxies.
OMG, I hope China and Russia aren't on the other side of that list.
How stupid are you?

1. It has been Lebanon, or more accurately, the overthrowers of the Lebanese government, that has been attacking for years, and the attacks have all been into Israel. The ONLY attacks on Lebanon have been legitimate responses to being attacked.

2. For 70 years, the Arab world has been trying to turn Tel Aviv into Gaza. Get back to Me when your terrorists buddies grow any semblance of competence.
Sure they have Hezbollah were not there until your invasion in 1982, that resulted in thousands of women children and old people being massacred in the Palestinian refugee Camp Shabra and Chatilla by your Lebanese collaborationist Phallange, the Butcher of Beruit Sharon the IDF killer observing the whole crime even providing flares to light up the camp while the savages went about torturing mutilating and killing, so cry me a river you arsehole.
Who the fuck cares what a terror supporter like you thinks? They'd just as soon as kill you than not.

Your like the idiot "Gays for Palestine" people and you have the nerve to call others idiots.

The entire ranks of Hezbollah and Hamas need to be destroyed just to clense the stench of their ideology out of the air we all breathe.
Proves he’s an idiot with every post.

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