Student Loan Forgiveness

Who gives a rip, you are forcing the loans to be payed off by taxpayers, who did nothing to incur that debt, sit and spin on it.
You do the same thing but on a much larger scale. Billionaires who own corporations benefit more from our government and courts that we do. They should be paying a higher percentage of taxes but some how you guys think it's best they don't pay any taxes. And slowly you've been moving us that way. So in essence, you are allowing them to shift the tax burden on to you. And either your taxes go up or the national debt goes up. You'd freak out if your taxes went up but eventually that bill is coming. Don't freak out. You kept defending the Trump Bush and Reagan tax breaks.

Remember, these companies use our roads all the time. They tear up our roads. So when Amazon and UPS trucks tear up your roads, guess who's gotta pay for new roads dummy?
Your car loan is not guaranteed by the government

That means risk

Risk that they don’t have with education loans.
Ah, so you lied when you claimed that only the banks would be impacted by your expectation of "forgiveness". Your loan is guaranteed by your signature of acceptance, as is my csr loan. No one forced you to accept the debt. Why do you expect everyone else to accept the consequences of your bad decisions and failures?

Post your credit card information so I can enjoy "forgiveness" of my debt.
Your loan is guaranteed by you signature of acceptance, as is my csr loan. No one forced you to accept the debt. Why do you expect everyone else to accept the consequences of your bad decisions and failures?

Post your credit card information so I can enjoy "forgiveness" of my debt. K
So if you stop making payments on it can they garnish your wages? Your tax returns? No?

If you declare bankruptcy do you have to keep paying for that car?


Ah, so you lied when you claimed that only the banks would be impacted by your expectation of "forgiveness". Your loan is guaranteed by your signature of acceptance, as is my csr loan. No one forced you to accept the debt. Why do you expect everyone else to accept the consequences of your bad decisions and failures?

Post your credit card information so I can enjoy "forgiveness" of my debt.
Irresponsibility . They are indoctrinated that it’s the way to go. Broke ass and thumbing nose while giving finger
Wouldn't this be an accurate description in many or most cases? How come? Personally, I think the left's actions are never right pardon pun. They reward laziness, poor decisions, and send negative messages to invite more of it, training for less from the public, and their support.

Other than the Democrats rewarded with most of the support as result, why would the left reward bad behavior? To create an environment for a dumbing down to weaken the public economically and socially, so the top has more control over YOU.

My daughter will finish at a good University for free. Previous University free as well. She has an AAA personality though, plays it right. Full academic scholarship, to finish her last year and a half. Prior scholarship, and grants. She's already nailed a paid internship, with the city's largest (BIG) accounting firm, starting Jan. In the meantime, she's paid $38 an hour to assist on a hospital floor, filling in shifts when she can. I only help with parking, and some rent coming up. She's my mom x 1.2, skips a generation, sorta, figure she's earned it?

Compare and contrast to attending 100K for woke, antisemite, anti-science, and deny history Universities, for degrees in liberal trash. Awesome plan, 400K gets a govt. job herding welfare, homeless, drug addicts, and convicts. Jobs you can nail without a high school diploma, ask me how I know........FUCK, Karen's everywhere. The Democrats receive most of the support for their effort.

giveaways for votes is all it is.
You do the same thing but on a much larger scale. Billionaires who own corporations benefit more from our government and courts that we do. They should be paying a higher percentage of taxes but some how you guys think it's best they don't pay any taxes. And slowly you've been moving us that way. So in essence, you are allowing them to shift the tax burden on to you. And either your taxes go up or the national debt goes up. You'd freak out if your taxes went up but eventually that bill is coming. Don't freak out. You kept defending the Trump Bush and Reagan tax breaks.

Remember, these companies use our roads all the time. They tear up our roads. So when Amazon and UPS trucks tear up your roads, guess who's gotta pay for new roads dummy?
Here is the actual tax cuts that affected every working american.


and for corporations

What price gouging,?

What about Harris and Soviet style price controls? What about Harris and tax on unrealized gains?

You don't understand that student loan forgiveness is nothing of the kind? It's illegal transfer of debt to the public and adds to the national debt.
What Soviet price controls? Are you brain damaged from birth or dropped on your head.
Here is the actual tax cuts that affected every working american.

View attachment 1019855

and for corporations

It didn't work, drove up the debt and caused inflation.

Let me put $1000 in everyones hands right now and see if that don't cause inflation.
You do the same thing but on a much larger scale. Billionaires who own corporations benefit more from our government and courts that we do. They should be paying a higher percentage of taxes but some how you guys think it's best they don't pay any taxes. And slowly you've been moving us that way. So in essence, you are allowing them to shift the tax burden on to you. And either your taxes go up or the national debt goes up. You'd freak out if your taxes went up but eventually that bill is coming. Don't freak out. You kept defending the Trump Bush and Reagan tax breaks.

Remember, these companies use our roads all the time. They tear up our roads. So when Amazon and UPS trucks tear up your roads, guess who's gotta pay for new roads dummy?
Why should the be paying higher again? Biden had four years to do what he said by taxing those billionaires and did nothing, why? They tear up no more or less than any other American. A rich person should pay no more percentage than i do, by the way they would still be paying more. A rich person gave me a job, a self made millionaire, who started in his basement, which is more than any politician ever did. All politicians do is take more, and more, while getting rich off of lobbyists, and insider trading! Why do you hate successful people, and are they doing anything other than politicians are doing, while writing the tax codes with built in loopholes for themselves and rich donors?
Why should the be paying higher again? Biden had four years to do what he said by taxing those billionaires and did nothing, why? They tear up no more or less than any other American. A rich person should pay no more percentage than i do, by the way they would still be paying more. A rich person gave me a job, a self made millionaire, who started in his basement, which is more than any politician ever did. All politicians do is take more, and more, while getting rich off of lobbyists, and insider trading! Why do you hate successful people, and are they doing anything other than politicians are doing, while writing the tax codes with built in loopholes for themselves and rich donors?
Libs dislike people who earn money especially lots of it so they feel entitled to take it

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