Appalachia's Katrina: Does Anyone Care?

But anyway look on the bright side. Those tough, hardy, small government, independent people won't be looking for any big government handouts.
Huge amounts of money will be spent on repairs, and that will be fine for a while, until everything is destroyed again a few years later in the next disaster. People living there today are getting some practice in living off grid. They will be doing more of that later along with everyone living anywhere that is difficult to repair, frequently hit, and poor. Appalachians can start thinking about how they can live without modern infrastructure, like they did decades and centuries ago. They can use cars less and boats more, especially now in floods. In communications, a hand crank can make enough electricity for brief emergency communication by CB, ham radio, etc. There are lots of gadgets in the not-a-phone category, but they will eventually need lower tech: semaphores, mirrors, trumpets, drums, etc.
Lol, you loons crapped your pants when Bush just flew over after Katrina.
Because it was 8 days after the hurricane hit, numbnuts. And it was his first response

After he had been on vacation for 30 days.

His reputation never recovered, and he apologized.
Because it was 8 days after the hurricane hit, numbnuts. And it was his first response

After he had been on vacation for 30 days.

His reputation never recovered, and he apologized.
2 days. You dudes can't get anything

Landfall was 29 August. Bush flew over New Orleans in 31 August.
These people were trapped and a helicopter from Virginia had to come get them. Where the fuck was the Army, Marines, Coast Guard?

Joe and the Ho knew this storm was coming. Why weren't those assets staged and ready to go?
National guard been out there for a couple days. Look it up. State governor's active the guard.

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