How much Socialism should be given to Florida?

Another fine example of MAGAs twisting reality to match their preconceived beliefs. The use of taxpayer funds to target a specific problem is widely derided as socialism, except when that specific problem happens to be one they care about.
Why in the world would you call that socialism???
Some of you in this thread are under the impression FEMA makes an individual that was affected whole again and that is not true. While they do provide immediate assistance for lodging (if your house is uninhabitable) food and other necessities to get you by for a few weeks or months.

Talk about Floridians not paying taxes, well I paid over $30,000 in fed taxes last year and would expect some help if I had been affected.

Any sensible person living in Florida would carry flood insurance which is NFIP part of FEMA. Homeowner's is a different story as I know a few individuals who have paid off their house and because of the cost of homeowner's insurance just dropped it as I understand many have gone without it, which isn't very smart.

A couple were interviewed on the news Friday from Keaton Beach and Cedar Key, Fl. In Keaton Beach alone is was estimated 75% of the residents had no insurance.

While homeowner's insurance is outrageous here flood insurance is not that bad and I would hope most would have it covered.

If a homeowner is completely uninsured FEMA is not going to pay for them to rebuild. There may be low interest SBA loans as in the past but otherwise they are on their own.
The people of Florida pay taxes. Taxes pay for FEMA.

So they paid into the insurance policy of FEMA.



We ALL pay for FEMA....every state, every tax paying citizen, EVEN IF the state has never gotten FEMA assistance for a National disaster in their state.

We ALL pay for FEMA....every state, every tax paying citizen, EVEN IF the state has never gotten FEMA assistance for a National disaster in their state.
On Friday Gaetz was on our local news and FEMA has run out of funds this year, but he said he spoke with Biden and money is coming from somewhere until congress gets off their ass and passes a funding bill.
If the government bails Florida and some other assorted shit holes down south out again, they never learn to take care of themselves.
Stop paying any social welfare benefits in Prog cities and see the results. Not just federal. State, local, regional and city governments have their programs also. And the hurricanes you have a point if the areas affected or can be affected do not change their building codes and they do not build infrastructure with hurricanes in mind. Florida is on a few decades plane to put all electrical lines underground. It is a few per cent a year of the total electric that is improving. Rebuilding dwellings that can be knocked down again from lower building standards is not smart. As we become poorer, the checks to areas affected may be affected. In D.C. though both parties vote in resources that FEMA uses. They do so because disasters do happen in all states.
BS. Everyone pays according to income.

Just the Red State Rant card you are playing
Yes. Federal tax payment schedules are well known, but you are failing to consider the money that the federal government returns to the states. You won't find that on any IRS schedule.
Yes. Federal tax payment schedules are well known, but you are failing to consider the money that the federal government returns to the states. You won't find that on any IRS schedule.
Of course it returns it to the states, that’s the entire point of the federal govt, to serve the states
If the people in Florida need your help (and they do) then donate directly. What we need is for charity to be put back in the hands of the people. When people receive charity from another person, they feel thankful and the charitable person feels a satisfaction of helping someone else. However, when the government does “charity” the person receiving becomes entitled and the person being taxed feels cheated.
…..To paraphrase someone more observant than myself.
Pretty much everything can be done using charity.There is no need for tax payers to interfere.

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