Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

I was born in the early 60's. It doesn't get much earlier than 1961. I have seen how racism has morphed into what you practice today. Ending overt racism didn't end racism and the skinheads were not the only white supremacist group. No, I haven't been lied to and some white right wing extremist damn sure can't tell me how there is no racism now. Real racism exists right now. That's why Trump is still able to run for president despite doing things that would have ended political careers.
Actually it does. I was born in 1960, lol. But if you are saying I practice racism, you are wrong. I find that an insult if you are directing that to me.

I am sorry if I was trying to say that racism no longer exists. Of course it does. Look at the whole video of the MAGA hat wearing Catholic school kid at D.C. a few years ago. You know, the one the media heavily edited to prove their false narrative? There were folks practicing what you mention in your signature, loud and proud. And speaking of your signature, on what planet is that all supposed to make sense? So black racism is OK because whites did it first? You just want to end racism, one way? Wow.

As I said in a previous post, and I don't know why I need to do this, but; I have lived around folks of color all my life. I've had plenty of friends, and skin color has never ever for me been anything more than the color of ones eyes. Sure skin color is more obvious, but hey. So maybe since I have never seen racism as a valid way of thought and therefore perhaps have gravitated away from racist people. I still have run into them. And to also repeat, my first place to live as an adult was Lake Elsinore, CA a very mixed race town. Didn't bother me. And I probably had as many encounters with the police there for no real reason as George Floyd did in his life. Pulled over for a license plate light out. Get pulled from the car and searched. Then the car is searched. Then they might finally find a little joint or baggie with a little pot. Off to jail I'd go. Or maybe I just didn't pay a fine. Off to jail I would go. One time it was a failure to pay and I got hauled off to the county jail sixty miles away just to be booked and released. Had to hitchhike home late at night. Got lucky that time. From arrest to back home, eight hours.

I sure as hell didn't think I had 'white privilege'.
Forgive me if I gave that impression. We just have to look a lot harder for it now. So, that's what the media does, because it sells.
It seems what sells is grievance. We’re being asked to ignore how things have gotten better since the pandemic, because Trump wants to fan discontent.


There is no core distinction separating the cross burning white Christian Democrat authoritarians in the defeated South during the latter half of the nineteenth century and the Capitol storming white Christian Republican authoritarians under the influence of Don Trump and MAGA. The common thread is white Christian nationalism seeking an authoritarian solution to the problems a multitude of factors impacting the lost joy of being white to some who do not like the dwindling away of white Christian power in a nation given to white people by God.
Boy have you been fed a bunch of lies. Christians are not racist. And by what stretch of the mind can you say that the Republicans, who created their party for one of the sole reasons to end slavery are now racist? Democrats, the party of racism and slavery, who after their election interference attempt in 1860 by having Abraham Lincoln removed from ten states' ballots decided on the ultimate insurrection when he still won the election. They succeeded and start the civil war.

The Democrats went on for pass Jim Crow laws. They fought integration. They hanged black people and white people who supported their cause. And finally a hundred years after the civil war, when LBJ passed the civil rights act, did he say, "It's about time we did this." No, he said, "We'll have them Negros voting Democrat for a hundred years".

No. Racism will always be with us as long as there's small minded people who believe that somehow skin color makes the person. There are still white supremacists. Now there's black ones too. But to paint all whites and/or Christians as racist is absolutely wrong and an insult.
Proving my point! :cool-45:

Election interference is a criminal offense. We actually have evidence for that.

None for the bullshit you are peddling, so yeah.

Actually it does. I was born in 1960, lol. But if you are saying I practice racism, you are wrong. I find that an insult if you are directing that to me.

I am sorry if I was trying to say that racism no longer exists. Of course it does. Look at the whole video of the MAGA hat wearing Catholic school kid at D.C. a few years ago. You know, the one the media heavily edited to prove their false narrative? There were folks practicing what you mention in your signature, loud and proud. And speaking of your signature, on what planet is that all supposed to make sense? So black racism is OK because whites did it first? You just want to end racism, one way? Wow.

As I said in a previous post, and I don't know why I need to do this, but; I have lived around folks of color all my life. I've had plenty of friends, and skin color has never ever for me been anything more than the color of ones eyes. Sure skin color is more obvious, but hey. So maybe since I have never seen racism as a valid way of thought and therefore perhaps have gravitated away from racist people. I still have run into them. And to also repeat, my first place to live as an adult was Lake Elsinore, CA a very mixed race town. Didn't bother me. And I probably had as many encounters with the police there for no real reason as George Floyd did in his life. Pulled over for a license plate light out. Get pulled from the car and searched. Then the car is searched. Then they might finally find a little joint or baggie with a little pot. Off to jail I'd go. Or maybe I just didn't pay a fine. Off to jail I would go. One time it was a failure to pay and I got hauled off to the county jail sixty miles away just to be booked and released. Had to hitchhike home late at night. Got lucky that time. From arrest to back home, eight hours.

I sure as hell didn't think I had 'white privilege'.
You can be insulted all you want but if whites don't practice racism, then there is no reaction to that racism. So then when whites such as yourself can take responsibiity for the things 248 years of continuing white racism has caused instead of trying to tell somebody black how they haven't seen real racsm just because you believe white racism disappeared by the stroke of a pen, this country will move forward to become the great nation those like you have pretended it has been.
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Boy have you been fed a bunch of lies. Christians are not racist. And by what stretch of the mind can you say that the Republicans, who created their party for one of the sole reasons to end slavery are now racist? Democrats, the party of racism and slavery, who after their election interference attempt in 1860 by having Abraham Lincoln removed from ten states' ballots decided on the ultimate insurrection when he still won the election. They succeeded and start the civil war.

The Democrats went on for pass Jim Crow laws. They fought integration. They hanged black people and white people who supported their cause. And finally a hundred years after the civil war, when LBJ passed the civil rights act, did he say, "It's about time we did this." No, he said, "We'll have them Negros voting Democrat for a hundred years".

No. Racism will always be with us as long as there's small minded people who believe that somehow skin color makes the person. There are still white supremacists. Now there's black ones too. But to paint all whites and/or Christians as racist is absolutely wrong and an insult.
There are no black supremacists running around doing what white supremacist groups have done. It's time this false equivalence stopped. We have been told that we are dumb feral animals that are useless. In response there have been backs who have said no, not only are we equal to whites but we were here first and we created things before whites. That we had knowedge that whites learned from us You and others use simplistic measures trying to make claims like you have just done by stating how there are black supremacists. f Iyou are unable to include the treatment of blacks and other non whites withn understanding of how such treatment affects them, you should not be making such comments.
There are no black supremacists running around doing what white supremacist groups have done. It's time this false equivalence stopped. We have been told that we are dumb feral animals that are useless. In response there have been backs who have said no, not only are we equal to whites but we were here first and we created things before whites. That we had knowedge that whites learned from us You and others use simplistic measures trying to make claims like you have just done by stating how there are black supremacists. f Iyou are unable to include the treatment of blacks and other non whites withn understanding of how such treatment affects them, you should not be making such comments.
There is a severe shortage of Black men. That is your problem.
There is a severe shortage of Black men. That is your problem.
The probem is the racism coming from those like you who are white and think they can tell somebody black what the issues are in a community they never have spent any amount of reasonable time in.
The probem is the racism coming from those like you who are white and think they can tell somebody black what the issues are in a community they never have spent any amount of reasonable time in.
Those are the people you listen to. Read your own posts. You are a very stupid individual.

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