They're getting much braver about trashing the Constitution

He's saying the first amendment protects you RWNJ liars and propagandists.

And it does to a certain extent.

Not seeing what your problem is here.

The problem lies with people like you John Kerry. Every time you don't get your ay you want to change the Rules. The protection you speak of exactly what the 1st Amendment is for. Grow up.
Several on the left have signaled how the Constitution is getting in the way of the leftist agenda. I'm pretty sure that is part of the game plan if the leftist deep state is successful in seizing power in all of government.

John Kerry on the First Amendment as a problem:

And then there is this:

There's only one candidate for the presidency that has openly and explicitly called for "trashing the Constitution.", Guess who that is?
which part of the constitution do you like the most?:
'[m fond of seperation of powers, checks and balances, and all equal under the law. separation of church and state is nice

have the democrats claimed some sort of immunity from that?
Yep. Their consistent dishonesty and not utilizing due process in their weaponization of government against political opponents pretty much is a declaration of immunity from that.
He was simply saying in his own Trumpish way that the Constitution inadvertently was protecting a false and fraudulent election. And, if the election was false and fraudulent--many millions of Americans still believe it was--the Constitution indeed did do that.

That was ultimately Pence's dilemma in 2020. The right thing to do would be to suspend certification of the election until audits for fraud could be completed given the LARGE number of irregularities and complaints of fraudulent or suspicious circumstances. But once the states had certified their elections and sent the results to Congress, a Democrat controlled Congress refused to delay certification. And there is no provision in the Constitution that allows the Vice President to not accept the certification of the various states and Congress of an election. The date for the certification is very specific.

So does he do the right thing? Or obey the Constitution? He rightfully thought setting aside the Constitution in order to do the right thing was worse than doing the wrong thing. It would have set a terrible precedent.

In the passion and frustration of the circumstances, President Trump disagreed but free speech allows a person to be wrong and/or to disagree.

And ultimately in this case doing the wrong thing but upholding the Constitution resulted in a substantial majority of Americans not trusting our elections. And that is a very bad thing even though I believe Pence was correct in his actions. It wasn't his call. it was Congress's call and the Democrats refused to make it.

It may be that the results of the 2020 election would not have changed if certification had been delayed. But since any bad actors had extra time to destroy/erase most evidence if it was there, we will never know.
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No, but in fact, that is who it does apply to.
I can't disagree. And the problem is that for decades now, the Marxist left has been infiltrating as much of the media and other sources of general message as they can including all popular search engines. So not only can media be as dishonest as it chooses with impunity, the search engines mostly remove or suppress all sources that would expose that.

That's why the left went apoplectic when Elon Musk bought Twitter and made it a free speech forum where ALL ideas and concepts could be expressed. That is precisely what a Marxist minded or agreeable left does not want.

The scuttlebutt is that Elon--and he has also hinted at it--is working on building his own free speech search engine to compete with Google. If that becomes reality the left may become suicidal. :)
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Dang those Dems!

the Constitution inadvertently was protecting a false and fraudulent election.
But that is not even close to the reality of the 2020 election. There has never been any proof presented in the courts that hinted at the massive multi-state fraud that Benedict Donald claims. If you want to throw out the law and order and the courts then you are advocating for a lawless society.

And ultimately in this case doing the wrong thing but upholding the Constitution resulted in a substantial majority of Americans not trusting our elections.
Contrary to known reality

The recent findings from the AP-NORC survey show that a significant chunk of Trump’s supporters might be more inclined to believe what he says about the upcoming election results than they are to trust government certifications of election results.

About two-thirds of Republicans trust Trump’s campaign at least a moderate amount to provide accurate information about the results of the 2024 election, while only about half say the same about the official certifications of results, the survey found. By contrast, about 9 in 10 Democrats trust the government certification at least a moderate amount, and an overwhelming majority, 82%, also have at least a moderate amount of trust in Harris and her campaign.

Most Americans — around 7 in 10 — trust the government certifications of election results at least a moderate amount, according to the survey. Majorities also trust national and local TV news networks, as well as local or national newspapers, to provide accurate information about the outcome of this year’s presidential election.

The First Amendment has blown past all rational bounds, and along with NYT v Sullivan and general Leftist culture (in which lies and distortions in furtherance of a desired political end are acceptable, and indeed mandatory) have perverted the rational exchange of ideas into a falsehood and slander-laden shooting gallery.

The ideal of "free speech" cannot be beneficial in such an environment.

The text..."Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech..." was merely intended to prevent Congress from criminalizing the criticism of government or its elected officials.
At the end of the day it is not the First Amendment that is the problem but a corrupted legal system that no longer enforces libel and slander laws and an electorate that mostly doesn't seem to notice or care how much information is disallowed or suppressed.
But that is not even close to the reality of the 2020 election. There has never been any proof presented in the courts that hinted at the massive multi-state fraud that Benedict Donald claims. If you want to throw out the law and order and the courts then you are advocating for a lawless society.

Contrary to known reality

The recent findings from the AP-NORC survey show that a significant chunk of Trump’s supporters might be more inclined to believe what he says about the upcoming election results than they are to trust government certifications of election results.

About two-thirds of Republicans trust Trump’s campaign at least a moderate amount to provide accurate information about the results of the 2024 election, while only about half say the same about the official certifications of results, the survey found. By contrast, about 9 in 10 Democrats trust the government certification at least a moderate amount, and an overwhelming majority, 82%, also have at least a moderate amount of trust in Harris and her campaign.

Most Americans — around 7 in 10 — trust the government certifications of election results at least a moderate amount, according to the survey. Majorities also trust national and local TV news networks, as well as local or national newspapers, to provide accurate information about the outcome of this year’s presidential election.

Nothing in your post contradicts what I said.
Ironic that BlindBoo supports your position.
What is ironic about it? The Amendment allows the press to be a bias as they want. Our history of nasty ass campaigning goes back to the first election after George Washington stepped down. No where in the constitution does it say that the press is considered or has to be the arbiter of absolute truth and honesty. That's freedom for you. You are free to believe whatever the fuck you want to believe. Buyer beware.
Several on the left have signaled how the Constitution is getting in the way of the leftist agenda. I'm pretty sure doing away with troublesome parts of the Constitution or maybe all of it is part of the game plan if the leftist deep state is successful in seizing power in all of government.

John Kerry on the First Amendment as a problem:

And then there is this:

He said it with much contempt. You could easily see it. The haughty snarky tone.

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