They're getting much braver about trashing the Constitution

And the beat goes on. They want to ban or suppress your speech (or punish you) if you don't speak the officially assigned agenda. No way in hell will Bill Gates even be criticized by the left for this:

But I would bet a good steak dinner that no leftist here as USMB (or much of anywhere else) has any problem with this. They would go berserk though if it was US (Patriots, Republicans, right of center people) dictating what is and is not disinformation.

And that was the Founders whole concept of free speech. The government, no political party, no agenda driven entity would be able to dictate what is and is not truth or what is and is not disinformation. Once any entity is able to do that for the general public, we are all screwed because 'truth' will then become whatever those in power say that it is.

Any one of us might think different than the others on any given topic such as:

1/a COVID vaccinations are far more beneficial than not.
1/b COVID vaccinations are too dangerous to risk.

2/a God exists
2/b God is a fantasy

3/a Intelligent design should be allowed as one possible origin of the Universe and evolution.
3/b Intelligent design should not be allowed in school curriculum.

4/a Abortion on demand should be unrestricted throughout society
4/b The moral choice is to protect the lives of the unborn

5/a Truth is what the Democrats provide
5/b Truth is what the Republicans provide

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The vernacualar is "you" or "they", meaning your party, their party, etc.

And Kerry is the one saying it gets in the way of censoring the internet. You have no ground to win here.
That is not what Kerry said
He was saying why you can’t censure all the misinformation that Conservatives put out.
That is not what Kerry said
He was saying why you can’t censure all the misinformation that Conservatives put out.
He said, and I quote, (clears throat vigorously):

“But, look, if people go to only one source, and the source they go to is sick and has an agenda, and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer it out of existence.”

We both know what he meant by that. He meant trying to hammer so-called "climate deniers" out of the public square by censoring their views on climate change.

You're not getting away with that one.
The lies are massive with the left. The Progressive Socialist Communists rule the roost. The communists want to get rid of the constitution. It's in the way. They have already subverted a good portion of it. They have set up the means to round people up with the Insurrection agenda. Convincing their voters it was right. Every time a new low is pushed, they take away from what freedom is.
Several on the left have signaled how the Constitution is getting in the way of the leftist agenda. I'm pretty sure doing away with troublesome parts of the Constitution or maybe all of it is part of the game plan if the leftist deep state is successful in seizing power in all of government.

John Kerry on the First Amendment as a problem:

And then there is this:

Meanwhile back in reality....

And you’re voting for him. Hypocrite much?

Yeah...don’t’ve got usual.

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