Im convinced the left rejects intelligent, common sense black people

Look at the people they support, all scumbags and tools, who often take advantage of their seats to commit crime and or become very wealthy, such as Obama, who is worth 100million in the name of "equity". Shit, look whats going on in NY.

They have no use for ben carson, candace owens, good rational people. Instead they want Whoopi who pleases their talking points, all lies, with no point at all. Has candace owens ever lost an argument to a leftist? Fuck no. Why? Because she's a good intelligent person, and nobody on the left is.

In reality Obama earned his millions the old fashion presidency book deals.

If I'm a liberal, I have to like Whoopi?

Its kinda hard to claim left misogyny when two of the last 3 Democratic presidential nominess have been women.
Fair enough, but the first one got us this orange bag O' shit problem. Hillary had a lot of image/campaign issues that lost her key democrat votes. She wasn't all that likable.

If I never heard from either one every again, it would be too soon. :dunno:
If it was wrong then they would parade Thomas sowell around on their shoulders because he is a very smart man, educated, has a lot common sense, everything he says is realistic and is very honest with open eyes.

But, their problem with him is they don't like that. When he is saying stuff like this

He had reversed his stance on trump a few times and praised him while at the same time still recognizing his faults because he is honest and impartial.

Or this

They don't like that because it's goes against their narrative that blacks are irresponsible, poor, dumb, stupid, disadvantaged, victims of a racist society and so on and that the government needs to do everything for them. If they made them be better people then they would have no platform to stand on to get votes.

Thomas Sowell is an idiot. But he says what the racists want to hear so we see this. Notice the video on the bottom. Black culture is the problem according to Sowell. Notice that white racists believe this, yet they are the first to tell us how we should not be segregating ourselves from being Americans. If we call ourselves African-Americans, we get lectured about how we should be Americans. That we should not call segregate sourselves by caling ourselves the black community becuse we should call ourselves American. is fine to segregate cultures when we discuss the problem of white American racism. White Americn racism is a cultural problem.

Sowel is not liked becuse his opinion denies documented facts. There is no narrative that blacks are irresponsible, poor, dumb, stupid, disadvantaged, victims of a racist society and so on and that the government needs to do everything for them. This is a white racist opinion.

But there is EVIDENCE of a systemic pattern of racim that is imbedded in our institutions that have created the inequity faced by ALL non white populations.

So its like this: Thomas Sowel is 94 years old. He has had at least 70 years to create solutions to the problems he claims are due to black culture but he has done nothing. Therefore his black ass is part of whatever cultural problem in the black community he talks about. Yet we see whites like the idiot who posted this crap, praising Sowell.
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As long as you believe I am not black, you can't be taken seriously. What I'm telling you is that your racist ass ony defends Owens becuse shes black and says what you want to say. Therefore you can parade her uneducated silly ass out in arguments to deny the truth of your racism. We who are black with good sense don't listen to sellouts whose entire incomes are from white right wing foundation grant money.
Boo hoo, u don't know cuz u ain't black, and and she not black enough cuz she white wing
Fair enough, but the first one got us this orange bag O' shit problem. Hillary had a lot of image/campaign issues that lost her key democrat votes. She wasn't all that likable.

If I never heard from either one every again, it would be too soon. :dunno:
Hillary got the most votes. And Hillary was the result of 30 years worth of smears. How do you know she wasn't likeable? I don't know her personally. And I am sure that she would have been a far better president than Trump. Hillary is not responsibe for Trump getting elected, people who fell for the Hillary is just as bad as trump lie are.
Hillary got the most votes.
Just not the most electoral votes. Those are the ones that matter. :dunno:
And Hillary was the result of 30 years worth of smears
No argument there. The GOP went whole hog on everything Clinton, and still do. Just ask Obama about smears.
How do you know she wasn't likeable?
I fortunately have eyes to see, and ears to hear.
I don't know her personally.
Neither do I. :dunno:
Hillary is not responsibe for Trump getting elected
She's not? Then who is? :dunno:
Thoms Sowell is an idiot. But he says what the racists want to hear so we see this. Notice the video on the bottom. Black culture is the problem according to Sowell. Notice that white racists believe this, yet they are the first to tell us how we should not be segregating ourselves from being Americans. If we call ourselves African-Americans, we get lectured about how we should be Americans. That we should not call segregate sourselves by caling ourselves the black community becuse we should call ourselves American. is fine to segregate cultures when we discuss the problem of white American racism. White Americn racism is a cultural problem.

Sowel is not liked becuse his opinion denies documented facts. There is no narrative that blacks are irresponsible, poor, dumb, stupid, disadvantaged, victims of a racist society and so on and that the government needs to do everything for them. This is a white racist opinion.

But there is EVIDENCE of a systemic pattern of racim that is imbedded in our institutions that have created the inequity faced by ALL non white populations.

So its like this: Thomas Sowel is 94 years old. He has had at least 70 years to create solutions to the problems he claims are due to black culture but he has done nothing. Therefore his black ass is part of whatever cultural problem in the black community he talks about. Yet we see whites like the idiot who posted this crap, praising Sowell.
Anyone who edges right is RACIST
Keep looking at my picture to your left and tell me how I am not black.
Neat, makes perfect sense. So if I post a picture of kamala it means I sucked dick so well they inserted me into a general election free of the democracy my kind claim trump is a threat 2.
Just not the most electoral votes. Those are the ones that matter. :dunno:

No argument there. The GOP went whole hog on everything Clinton, and still do. Just ask Obama about smears.

I fortunately have eyes to see, and ears to hear.

Neither do I. :dunno:
She's not? Then who is? :dunno:
IN 51 out of 56 elections the winner of the popular vote won the election.

I don't know Hillary, and I voted for her based on her qualifications. The people who chose not to vote because they beieved Hillary was just as bad as trump in rust belt sttes could have turned the electoral votes to Cinton.
Anyone who edges right is RACIST

Neat, makes perfect sense. So if I post a picture of kamala it means I sucked dick so well they inserted me into a general election free of the democracy my kind claim trump is a threat 2.
There ain't no edging right in America at this time. The extremists are controlling the Republican party. Tell me dumb ass, why didn't trump participate in the Republican primary debates?
IN 51 out of 56 elections the winner of the popular vote won the election.

I don't know Hillary, and I voted for her based on her qualifications. The people who chose not to vote because they beieved Hillary was just as bad as trump in rust belt sttes could have turned the electoral votes to Cinton.
Some voters liked Sanders better. :dunno: They felt alienated by the party late in the game with Hillary getting the nom under some sketchy circumstances, and boom. Orange bag O' shit.
Some voters liked Sanders better. :dunno: They felt alienated by the party late in the game with Hillary getting the nom under some sketchy circumstances, and boom. Orange bag O' shit.
Sanders was allowed into a democratic primary when he was not and still is not a democrat. Hillary beat him. There wasn't anything sketchy about it.
Look at the people they support, all scumbags and tools, who often take advantage of their seats to commit crime and or become very wealthy, such as Obama, who is worth 100million in the name of "equity". Shit, look whats going on in NY.

They have no use for ben carson, candace owens, good rational people. Instead they want Whoopi who pleases their talking points, all lies, with no point at all. Has candace owens ever lost an argument to a leftist? Fuck no. Why? Because she's a good intelligent person, and nobody on the left is.

The looney left are only interested in those who tow the line without question, black, white or otherwise.
The disingenuous manner in which people like the OP argues is just pthetic. For exanple, here we see a reference to Obama. So if we use the same logic, and use Trump to condemn all whites, we get told that not all whites should be broadbrushed in this way. If we look at what has gone on in NYC, we see a reduction in crime. Trump has been convicted. He is an actual criminal, but excuses are made and people are actualy considering voting him into an office whereby he can end any prosecution against him.

Now let's get to the subject here. What kind of common sense does Owens and Carson speak to black people? What is rational about their argument from the perspectve of being black? Owens can't tell blacks to focus on education, because the bitch is a college dropout. So what does she say to blacks that's worth hearing. Nothing. But the only people defending her, teling blacks we should listen to her and do as she says are white racists because what Owens stands for allows the to continue their racism.

Ben Carson should have stuck with brain surgery. Becuse he doesn't make any sense whatsoever. There are blacks out there who do make sense and they are not the backs that are suggested to us by whites.

Last, you don't see a lot of black foks seeking advice from Whoopi Goldberg. She is an honored actress and has also been a great philanthropist, but when it comes to policy, you don't see Whoopi Goldberg at the table. But the right put idiots like Owens at the tabe and that is going to be stopped.

So if you are right wing white person, STFU. Because you probably don't know anybody black and if you do know 1 or 2, those blacks aren't going to discuss race with you because they already know you're ignorant and any discussion is futile. Of course your arrogance will allow you to believe that such blcak peole ignore racism or that they agree with what you believe.
There are a good percentage of African Americans who do not even know of many of the Progressive Socialist agendas. They vote for the "D" next to the name. And if it is the same color, it is for the most part, elected no matter what. They do not understand the communism that is coming. And the nastiness it will incur to them.

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