Republicans are starting to raise alarms about Trump’s ground game

... and if he wins, you retards will go back to attempting to asssassinate him.
Nah. We leave that to you, Nazis. Our game is to beat him like a drum. We love to hear him whine when he loses.

Why would we give up on that?
Some battleground state Republicans say they’re worried they see little evidence of Donald Trump’s ground game — and fear it could cost him the election in an exceedingly close race.

In interviews, more than a dozen Republican strategists and operatives in presidential battlegrounds voiced serious concerns about what they described as a paltry get-out-the-vote effort by the Trump campaign, an untested strategy of leaning on outside groups to help do field work and a top-of-the-ticket strategy that’s disjointed from the one Republicans down the ballot are running.

If Trump loses, he will have the usual excuse - IT WAS RIGGED. The Election Was Stolen! But in fact the only campaign strategy Trump had was to rely on Biden faltering. When Biden was replaced by Kamala, the whole strategy fell apart.

Of course, instead of taking the blame, the Trump campaign is setting the groundwork to the usual stolen election nonsense.

And yes, Trump has already started laying the groundwork for just such a claim:

Well, Trump is getting old, he is stressed and getting a little tired. Plus, his crew may not like him and just going through the motions.

going through the motions.gif
Well, Trump is getting old, he is stressed and getting a little tired. Plus, his crew may not like him and just going through the motions.

View attachment 1019862

The only reason he running to avoid prison. Republicans had chance to drop him at the convention and failed to. He is the albatross they hung around their collective necks.
Trump new strategy is to see how low can you go and desperado is his theme song.

Attack Harris then to soften that attack a lot of AI generated pictures are surfacing showing he is down with the hood.

He can not beat her in a debate or even her intelligence level

Yet he has to attack Harris who is a woman and a black person

IF Vance would dress as a woman then it would even the playing field

then Trump can use AI to generate a lot of pictures


trump supporter did an AI

lately a lot of AI pictures have been making the rounds


I still waiting for Trump and Harris holding hands picture

Hey don't blame me these picture have surfaced of Vance


supposedly Vance associates are not denying that it real

now we just need Harris dressed as a man and the dream will be destroyed.


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CNN reviewed more than 500 federally prosecuted threats. Here's what we found:​

  • At least 41% of all the cases across the decade were politically motivated.
  • Nearly 95% of people prosecuted for making threats to public officials are male; the median age is 37.
  • Politically motivated threats to public officials increased 178% during Trump’s presidency.
  • Threats related to hot political topics like abortion or police brutality also skyrocketed during the Trump years, increasing by more than 300% from Obama’s second term.
  • As the party in power, 16 Democrats received threats during Obama’s second term. This increased 169% with 43 GOP lawmakers threatened under Trump.
depends on who you think o9f as "the west."

trump can not assure the "survival of the west" through appeasement.

It's not appeasement after 2+ years of war and with China preparing to invade Taiwan. It's clear to me that the MSS haven't been operating in the U.S, buying large swaths of land, some near U.S military installments, expanding their navy to counter the U.S specifically, sending Chinese citizens over your border and spy balloons for shytes and giggles. The more the West continues its hubris in the face of an ancient and intelligent nation of Chinese citizens, the more we risk.

That risk continuum is anywhere from losing global economic power and influence to the worst outcomes for the human species that the imagination can conjur.

One can envision that this war continues for another 2-4 years and Iran and N Korea keep rattling cages, Russia continues their war and China realizes that with America overextended, as China planned; it is time to secure global dominance by taking Taiwan.

China is not concerned with anything but the CCP remaining in power, the economic loses their citizens experience are a cost they believe is worth it, not unlike Mao when he was trying to build their military. if China takes Taiwan, the CCP will be viewed as G-ds who masterfully kept their promises at the expense of the dumb barbarians in the West.

It's also clear to me that the same people who have been wrong about everything for 30 years will continue to believe that risking insolvency and the continued loss of the U.S currency as the global reserve is worth it to keep funding weapon sales while Russia slowly expands their inroads into Ukraine. A myriad of agendas and complex objectives drive this I'm sure.

China is pulling the strings to ensure that they do to America what Reagan successfully did to Russia: bankrupt their enemy through overextension in wars. First when Russia invaded Afghanistan, than their costs to keep up with nuclear arms productions and the security costs to maintain the Eastern Bloc.

I don't believe Russia should just be given all their land and I definitely let Putin know that we will continue to arm Ukraine until there is a reasonable deal. However, for the West to continually call Israel and demand they make peace while not picking up the phone to call Putin, after $250B+ has been given to Ukraine, makes no sense to me.

Let's be honest, Ukraine is only standing due to the Russias poor military leadership, lack of motivation and the Ukrainian fight for their homeland with heavy assistance by Western military intelligence, training and weapons. If Russia had successfully taken Kiev in two weeks as the CIA predicted, we would all be having a very different conversation today and guys like Vindman who looked like a deer in headlights right after Russia attacked; would be viewed as just another self serving fool whose failures for trying to usurp Trump cost the world greatly.

With hundreds of thousands dead right now, there are MANY people with blood on their hands regardless. Putin being the foremost soul who will have to answer for his deeds when the next life comes calling.

So, talking about ceasefires and potential negotiations is fine as long as Zelensky and Trumps team advise him with the full breadth of information. It will definitely be the case if Trump wins. If ultimately Putin wants far more than just promises and a slice of land, than you have a different situation and peace may be fleeting.

Somehow I believe Putin wants an offramp. China does NOT want this peace, that is for certain, this war is quite beneficial to the Party in my estimation, at least as long as it is curtailed to not include nukes. You can be certain that there are many in the U.S who are being played by the MSS when they think they are taking some sort of patriotic stance.

Spycraft is enduring and rampant in todays global economic environment. I wish I could be alive in 100 years when somehow, somewhere, the vast number of operations the MSS were involved in to dominate the West was revealed in some format. I first experienced this instinctively while in my MBA and I read about Chinas growing dominance at Americas expense. I take no solace in knowing these compulsions were accurate.

I certainly do not want to be accurate again in this instance. I'm as confident now as I was then of my hypothesis.
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Too funny. A nazi (you) is trying to intimidate a Patriot.
Which party is banning books? Which party could care less that kids are being shot in school?

Which party is nominating a candidate that breaks bread with Nazis?

I am going to help you since you are a retard... the answer to all of the above is...wait for it... the MAGA party.

Let me know if you are still confused.
Trump new strategy is to see how low can you go and desperado is his theme song.

Attack Harris then to soften that attack a lot of AI generated pictures are surfacing showing he is down with the hood.
Fake Iran or N. Korea crap.
He can not beat her in a debate or even her intelligence level
Then why does she refuse to debate him without those earphones in h4r ear on a nondemocratic, biased news station?
Why does Trump often do unscripted Questions and Answer sessions while Harris won't do it without gaming the system by pre-approval of the questions, or not at all? All of her events are scripted, repetitive events that require the use of a teleprompter. Yes, Trump uses them too, but not at all events or with the question and answer sessions.
Yet he has to attack Harris who is a woman and a black person
She's his opponent, neither race nor sex matters.
IF Vance would dress as a woman then it would even the playing field

then Trump can use AI to generate a lot of pictures
Huh? That's a liberal thing.

View attachment 1019885

trump supporter did an AI
And you blame Trump for what a supporter did?
lately a lot of AI pictures have been making the rounds

View attachment 1019887

I still waiting for Trump and Harris holding hands picture

Hey don't blame me these picture have surfaced of Vance

View attachment 1019895

supposedly Vance associates are not denying that it real
Why bother.
There is a lot of fake shit on the Internet, why waste time denying each and every single one.
now we just need Harris dressed as a man and the dream will be destroyed.
Does this count?


Some battleground state Republicans say they’re worried they see little evidence of Donald Trump’s ground game — and fear it could cost him the election in an exceedingly close race.

In interviews, more than a dozen Republican strategists and operatives in presidential battlegrounds voiced serious concerns about what they described as a paltry get-out-the-vote effort by the Trump campaign, an untested strategy of leaning on outside groups to help do field work and a top-of-the-ticket strategy that’s disjointed from the one Republicans down the ballot are running.

If Trump loses, he will have the usual excuse - IT WAS RIGGED. The Election Was Stolen! But in fact the only campaign strategy Trump had was to rely on Biden faltering. When Biden was replaced by Kamala, the whole strategy fell apart.

Of course, instead of taking the blame, the Trump campaign is setting the groundwork to the usual stolen election nonsense.

And yes, Trump has already started laying the groundwork for just such a claim:
Since he turned so many of his campaign stre ghtmhs into weaknesses by being a total moron, he only really has one message remaining.

And he can't even stick to that.
Which party is banning books? Which party could care less that kids are being shot in school?
Which party wants gay porn in school libraries?
Which party is nominating a candidate that breaks bread with Nazis?
Which party is nominating a candidate that used bj's to get into the Senate?
I am going to help you since you are a retard... the answer to all of the above is...wait for it... the MAGA party.

Let me know if you are still confused.
I am going to help you since you are a retard... the answer to all the above is... wait for it... the Democratic Party.

Also, which party has a President who is a pedophile?


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