I'm Proud to be an Extremist

I refute everything you say because you're not a democrat. You can't speak to how they think, or how they vote. Therefore, you should probably shut the fuck up, because you don't know what you're talking about.
Oh, dear. I hurt your feelings, you delicate rosebud.

How did your saliva-slinging tirade refute anything I wrote? You didn’t address a single item in my post.
Oh, dear. I hurt your feelings, you delicate rosebud.

How did your saliva-slinging tirade refute anything I wrote? You didn’t address a single item in my post.
Hurt my feelings? :dunno: You're not a democrat, so why would I address points you make about them? :dunno:

You're not exactly qualified, are you?

I already know magaturds' so-called 'values'. They vomit them on this forum as we speak.
Yes, that's what you've been programmed to believe. It's garbage, of course.

You're just angry we don't worship your little tin god government.

Those on the left, or at the very least not on the right, don't worship anyone in government. That's the difference between you and them.
Hurt my feelings? :dunno: You're not a democrat, so why would I address points you make about them? :dunno:

You're not exactly qualified, are you?

I already know magaturds' so-called 'values'. They vomit them on this forum as we speak.
What a load of pointless spam. Another cowardly retreat.
What a load of pointless spam. Another cowardly retreat.
Retreat? :auiqs.jpg: Hey. Woman. How do you explain giving your vote to a party that treats your gender as reproductive chattel?

Are you good with your gender being seen as property to men as far as your uterus? Yet again? :dunno:

Or maybe you just don't worry your pretty little head about it. :itsok:
Retreat? :auiqs.jpg: Hey. Woman. How do you explain giving your vote to a party that treats your gender as reproductive chattel?

Are you good with your gender being seen as property to men as far as your uterus? Yet again? :dunno:

Or maybe you just don't worry your pretty little head about it. :itsok:
More of your pointless spam.
Retreat? :auiqs.jpg: Hey. Woman. How do you explain giving your vote to a party that treats your gender as reproductive chattel?

Are you good with your gender being seen as property to men as far as your uterus? Yet again? :dunno:

Or maybe you just don't worry your pretty little head about it. :itsok:
Whoa whoa…I thought you statists wanted the abortion issue in the states hands?
You think abortion is a Father Government / Fed issue?
I refute everything you say because you're not a democrat. You can't speak to how they think, or how they vote. Therefore, you should probably shut the fuck up, because you don't know what you're talking about.
Sorry you’re a goofy teenager. Run along now and do your homework. Scoot, scoot.
Retreat? :auiqs.jpg: Hey. Woman. How do you explain giving your vote to a party that treats your gender as reproductive chattel?

Are you good with your gender being seen as property to men as far as your uterus? Yet again? :dunno:

Or maybe you just don't worry your pretty little head about it. :itsok:
How do you explain the abortion issue being a state issue, as it should be. Do you self-identify as a female and believe you may eventually get pregnant?
I'm offended to be called an extremist and I am offended to be referred to as deplorable. When are you phony republicans going to take a stand instead of laying down for left wing insults?

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