Israel is kicking ass

Israel is working with the United States to help Israel pursue its goals of territorial expansion and repression of dissent, particularly against Palestinians/Arabs.
Territorial expansion is just a happy byproduct of arab refusial to live peacefully

Pals could have had a state of their own in 1948

But rolled the dice and came up snake eyes

You people just never learn and the result is always more land for Israel
Arab refusal to live peacefully :auiqs.jpg:

Since 1948 and the birth of the Israeli State, it has shown it "does not play well with others" as it quickly took the Sinai from Egypt, took Golan from Syria, killed and maimed US sailors on the Liberty, planned and organized and executed the attacks at WTC, and so much more.

The irony is rich Mac, I can't help but chuckle at how well indoctrinated you are.
Territorial expansion is just a happy byproduct of arab refusial to live peacefully

Pals could have had a state of their own in 1948

But rolled the dice and came up snake eyes

You people just never learn and the result is always more land for Israel
Israel is only able to do what it does because it has a big brother United States that ignores world opinions and almost unilaterally supports Israel's ambitions and ensure the fight is never fair.
It is doubtful they will, but why are you?
Because I'm tired of seeing the Israeli bullies, armed to the hilt with help from my tax dollars, shooting up killing and maiming the women and children of Palestine. It reminds me of the slaughter at My Lai all those years ago, except that it's been going on for generations instead of just one day.
Arab refusal to live peacefully :auiqs.jpg:

Since 1948 and the birth of the Israeli State, it has shown it "does not play well with others" as it quickly took the Sinai from Egypt, took Golan from Syria, killed and maimed US sailors on the Liberty, planned and organized and executed the attacks at WTC, and so much more.

The irony is rich Mac, I can't help but chuckle at how well indoctrinated you are.
From the beginning Israel has been threatened with defeat by larger and more powerful neighbors

The Golan Heights for instance

Prior to the 1967 war the Syrians rained artillery shells down on Jewish settlements below

But no longer since that land is occupied by Israel now
From the beginning Israel has been threatened with defeat by larger and more powerful neighbors
In 1919 Zionists were secretly colluding with the British to ethnically cleanse Palestine, that's the real "from the beginning". It's notewrothy how those who admire the state of Israel and defend its right wing regime, always want to be the ones telling us all when the problems "really" began.
The Golan Heights for instance

Prior to the 1967 war the Syrians rained artillery shells down on Jewish settlements below

But no longer since that land is occupied by Israel now
Israel is only able to do what it does because it has a big brother United States that ignores world opinions and almost unilaterally supports Israel's ambitions and ensure the fight is never fair.
Yeah, so?

The Pals get outside help too

This isnt a prize fight where only the two antagonists are allowed in the ring against each other
From the beginning Israel has been threatened with defeat by larger and more powerful neighbors

The Golan Heights for instance

Prior to the 1967 war the Syrians rained artillery shells down on Jewish settlements below

But no longer since that land is occupied by Israel now
The entire structure of the Official Israeli Narrative is an appeal to emotions, which very much includes the emotion of hatred. Starting with the venal absurdity that "God" chose the Israelis to be special and superior to other races, making "God" a murderous racist. In the last year I have finally decided I will no longer pretend that Israel is our ally, or that Israel is doing good things. Indeed, it is apparent to this old fallen away Catholic that Israel is doing the Devil's work, pretty much for its entire existence.

What's worse, Israel owns the US Government, lock stock and barrel. They pay our "elected representatives" to attack our founding document and its legal principles.
Yeah, so?

The Pals get outside help too

This isnt a prize fight where only the two antagonists are allowed in the ring against each other
No it isn't a prize fight, but Israel has the upper hand only because of the United States and its unilateral unconditional support for the right wing regime. Even a pointless craphole like Israel can achieve "victory" when it has the world's largest military industrial complex running acting as its servant.

The Arab resistance is not fighting Israel but the United States.
Fighting smart instead of fighting stupid can make all the difference and using tactics that keep your enemy off balance is usually the best…. There is precedence for what Israel is doing in Lebanon.. The United States did the same thing in Afghanistan using mostly AirPower and finding an ally there to remove the Taliban from power when they defeated them… If Israel can find a natural ally in Lebanon who want to remove Hezbullah control from them and Iran’s as well then this can be accomplished.. That being said the Americans left Afghanistan in a poorly thought out way 20 years later that allowed the Taliban to come back in control if Israel really wants to solve their northern border issue without this same situation then they must figure out a better way and learn from the mistakes the US made in Afghanistan and Israel itself made after they left Lebanon some twenty odd years ago…Lebanon and its people deserve a better fate then the one they have now of a failed state.. It was once not that long ago the jewel of the Middle East and it can be that again as many Lebanese have fled the country and might return to bring it to its former glory if the shackles of a Iran , the mullahs and Hezbullah can be removed or at least loosened… Sometimes the door must be kicked in to bring that weak structure down if Israel is the catalyst to do so then so be it maybe that is all the Lebanese people need to help them to do so… It would be a great thing if Lebanon finally frees itself andd becomes willing to go to the table with Israel to sign a peace treaty and make their part of the world fabulous once again… One can only show them the way it is up to them to make the journey…
The entire structure of the Official Israeli Narrative is an appeal to emotions, which very much includes the emotion of hatred. Starting with the venal absurdity that "God" chose the Israelis to be special and superior to other races, making "God" a murderous racist. In the last year I have finally decided I will no longer pretend that Israel is our ally, or that Israel is doing good things. Indeed, it is apparent to this old fallen away Catholic that Israel is doing the Devil's work, pretty much for its entire existence.

What's worse, Israel owns the US Government, lock stock and barrel. They pay our "elected representatives" to attack our founding document and its legal principles.
You failed to refute the need of Israel to protect its people living in the shadow of the Golan Heights
No it isn't a prize fight, but Israel has the upper hand only because of the United States and its unilateral unconditional support for the right wing regime. Even a pointless craphole like Israel can achieve "victory" when it has the world's largest military industrial complex running acting as its servant.

The Arab resistance is not fighting Israel but the United States.
When you consider the disparity in size between Israel and the enemies of Israel its no disgrace to get help from America

Your bitterness knows no end

You wont do it, but the smart thing is to give up dreams of from the river to the sea
Yeah, so?

The Pals get outside help too

This isnt a prize fight where only the two antagonists are allowed in the ring against each other

In 1919 Zionists were secretly colluding with the British to ethnically cleanse Palestine, that's the real "from the beginning".
It was no secret that Jews wanted to return to their homeland

But ethnic cleansing of the Pals was not on the agenda

Note the minutes from the 1919 meeting:

Major Rothschild also suggested that it would be well if His Majesty's Government would also later consider whether some comprehensive emigration scheme to the South (Egypt) as well as to the north (Damascus) could not be arranged for the Arab Palestinian peasantry in conjunction with schemes for the immigration of the Jews.

These source documents show:

1. The term "Palestinian" was in use at least as early as 1919 by the British and by Zionists.
2. Plans were discussed to artificially alter the demographics of Palestine
3. Plans were discussed to bring Jews in and move Arabs out (to Egypt, Syria)
4. This was all taking place twenty years before the Holocaust and before the Nazi party existed.

Yet you say "ethnic cleansing of the Pals was not on the agenda" and so you stand corrected on a subject you purport to be knowledgeable about, here's a photograph from British archives, I suggest you familiarize yourself with these so that you might avoid making a fool of yourself again.


Note the minutes from the 1919 meeting:

These source documents show:

1. The term "Palestinian" was in use at least as early as 1919.
2. Plans were discussed to artificially alter the demographics of Palestine

3. Plans were discussed to bring Jews in and move Arabs out (to Egypt, Syria)
4. This was all taking place twenty years before the Holocaust and before the Nazi party existed.

Yet you say "ethnic cleansing of the Pals was not on the agenda" and so you stand corrected on a subject you purport to be knowledgeable about.

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If some random person thought relocation was a good idea others didnt
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If some random person thought thought relocation was a good idea others didnt
Major Rothschild and the British Government (which had a mandate over Palestine) is not some "random" person when it comes to the existence of the state of Israel but architects of the project.

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