About those Haitians in Springfield.

and? The issue in the news isn’t their being here, it’s the allegations of their behavior.
A. Vance MADE “their being here “ an issue and he lied about them being illegal.
B. The allegations of their behavior were also bogus
  • Fact
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As the Haitians take jobs away from the citizens. Let's just ignore it all. BTW, crime has gone up. They work for less money. Remember when scabs worked while unions were on strike for less money? hahahahahaahaha fking demofks have no honor.
Haitins have not taken jobs from anyoone. They worked jobs where there was no one working. There were no scabs to work.
Paris? Huh?
Well go on then. Display your cultural insensitivity and tell us how all cultures view women, sexual relations and consent them same way. If you think women are treated better in Haiti, then take a vacation there and prove it to us.

Well go on then. Display your cultural insensitivity and tell us how all cultures view women, sexual relations and consent them same way. If you think women are treated better in Haiti, then take a vacation there and prove it to us.

WTF are you talking about?

You seem a bit “lost”

NO gaslighting at all...

I know as a straight, white, Male, I have privilege in how employers, the police, banks, etc. will treat me.

If you are a white person who failed so bad in life that a Haitian with no resources and a limited grasp on the language is beating you out for a job, that's on you.
I know as a straight, white, Male….
In fairness, only one of those things is certain. I mean for all you know, tomorrow you could wake up and identify as a white lesbian female. That’s how delusional the ideology of the political left is these days.
In fairness, only one of those things is certain. I mean for all you know, tomorrow you could wake up and identify as a white lesbian female. That’s how delusional the ideology of the political left is these days.

Again, it amuses me that this is what keeps you up at night.

The rich screw you on a regular basis, and you are worried about the immigrants and the trannies.

Doesn’t matter. Haiti needs their strength more than the US does. Liberals don’t care about Haiti.

Oh, please stop trying to dress up your bigotry as anything other than bigotry.

If you are such a white trash loser that a Haitian with no resources and a limited grasp on the language is a threat to your job, that's on you for being a failure despite your white privilege.
Again, it amuses me that this is what keeps you up at night.

The rich screw you on a regular basis, and you are worried about the immigrants and the trannies.

It doesn’t keep me up at night. You are the freaks who believe that nonsense. It’s your problem, not mine.

The “rich” aren’t a screwing anyone. Thats just garbage fed to you by delusional losers like “the Bern”. If you fascist were able to confiscate 100% the of billionaire’s in the US wealth, you would only be able to fund the government for about 8 months. It’s not how much money the “rich” have, it’s how much money the government spends. And you fascist fruitcakes support every penny they spend. With the money you sent to Ukraine, we could have fixed the water issues in Flint 200 times over. If you want to help the “people” start by getting your head out of your ass.
Oh, please stop trying to dress up your bigotry as anything other than bigotry.

If you are such a white trash loser that a Haitian with no resources and a limited grasp on the language is a threat to your job, that's on you for being a failure despite your white privilege.

We have hard working black Americans who can’t get ahead. Why not relocate them to the jobs rather than foreigners? Oh, that’s right because you liberals don’t give a shit about helping Americans and all of your policies show it.
It doesn’t keep me up at night. You are the freaks who believe that nonsense. It’s your problem, not mine.

The “rich” aren’t a screwing anyone. Thats just garbage fed to you by delusional losers like “the Bern”. If you fascist were able to confiscate 100% the of billionaire’s in the US wealth, you would only be able to fund the government for about 8 months. It’s not how much money the “rich” have, it’s how much money the government spends. And you fascist fruitcakes support every penny they spend. With the money you sent to Ukraine, we could have fixed the water issues in Flint 200 times over. If you want to help the “people” start by getting your head out of your ass.

Guy, that's horseshit.

The top 1% control 41% of the wealth in this country, about 26 TRILLION dollars.

And quit sucking Putin's dick because Zelensky wouldn't help Trump cheat in the 2020 election. It's unmanly.

We have hard working black Americans who can’t get ahead. Why not relocate them to the jobs rather than foreigners? Oh, that’s right because you liberals don’t give a shit about helping Americans and all of your policies show it.

Bullshit. Most of the hard working blacks couldn't wait to get away from places like Springfield, that's the thing.

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