North Carolina devastated by Helene

Thanks man, yeah we’re doing ok so far, lots of clean up, power is out, and a tree laying across my deck overhang roof. No damage to the house though, we’re lucky.

Neighborhood looks like a war zone, trees down across roads, on power lines, some roads washed out..Getting around is a challenge…Stores are doing the best they can, gas lines take typically 2 hrs to get gas…

Daughter and grand babies had some minor flooding, and no power. We’re doing what we can for them. My son and his wife in Greer already have power back, which is good because his wife has some health issues…

So we’re working on it…But, thank you for thinking of us…

We are in the “Upstate” of SC, about 45 miles ESE of Asheville NC. They got SLAMMED…All roads considered closed…
Thanks for the update. Glad to see that you're getting by. This too shall pass.
Socialism is rescue workers saving you in a flood.

Capitalism is the insurance company denying your claim.
A combination of social programs and capitalism seems to work. It is the percentage of each which can be argued over. One negative is that we exist off of foreign made products made cheaply as services here are expensive in comparison to what the products would really cost if made here. That would decrease the social programs though as the employees would be making far more in money and benefits than their Asian counterparts and government would have to be smaller as for the products to be a little cheaper to purchase.
I have a friend that lives in Canton NC just west of Asheville. The Pigeon River runs through the town. I haven't been able to reach him by phone for 4 days. "Your call cannot be completed..." I think his house sits on high ground but they had a lot of wind too. I'm sure there are a lot of trees, cell towers and power lines down.
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I have a friend that lives in Canton NC just west of Asheville. The Pigeon River runs through the town. I haven't been able to reach him by phone for 4 days. "Your call cannot be completed..." I think his house sits on high ground but they had a lot of wind too. I'm sure there are a lot of trees, cell towers and power lines down.
Coming home Friday from the east side of NC, I saw cell towers with antenna arrays missing, and at least one knocked over…..
I have a friend that lives in Canton NC just west of Asheville. The Pigeon River runs through the town. I haven't been able to reach him by phone for 4 days. "Your call cannot be completed..." I think his house sits on high ground but they had a lot of wind too. I'm sure there are a lot of trees, cell towers and power lines down.
Its frustrating but phone systems being down is not uncommon. Cell too. Towers need power, and even when working, get overwhelmed easily in crisis situations.
What puzzles me, it's the same in the UK, countries put trees beside roads, rail track, and power lines.
The trees were often there first. Usually you can bury power lines, but its significantly more expensive.

You also get damage at the local booster stations themselves.
Update, latest advisory is power could be as far out as Friday before we get it back. Some have power now, but it’s spotty…

Power companies are workin around the clock…God bless them…

is the water retaining in level areas, or once the actual rainfall was over are those areas draining out now?
Republicans promoting welfare. Gotta love it.
You're just mad because the victims are all Trump


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